Posts : 111 Join date : 2015-04-30 Age : 32 Location : best snow on earth is your hint.
Subject: Best universal game of the future? Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:08 pm
Now i can't call this an Mmo because of what it's doing so far, far exceeds that of any to date. It's more like EVE and a old game i did some research on, Wing Commander, mashed up together to create a pretty great sci-fi space flight/exploration Sim I have ever seen. Right now the 2.0 module came out and it's for anyone to try, You will being playing missions around the planet Crusader from dogfight, to a little cargo and even a board and breach situation on a space station and a ship. Promise me when i say that this game far exceeds any sci-fi fans expectations. I already invested in one type of ship and can't wait to use it when they do a 3.0 alpha. But everyone, this game is definitely something worth looking into. I'll post a video from one of my favorite viewers so you can get a glimpse of the experience.
Get into the frontier Citizen!
hhhat09 Veteran knight
Posts : 317 Join date : 2012-02-26 Age : 31 Location : Somewhere that isn't the Shore, New Jersey.
Subject: Re: Best universal game of the future? Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:29 pm
Eliter: Dangerous has a lot of similarities with this, except a lot mroe refined. The boarding/FPS aspects aren't there I don't think, but other things are and are in a more polished state, if you watn a taste of it in general. Game also looks bloody beautiful and has great model work, especially for stations. The Horizons (heh, Bluehorizon) expansion that came out just released planetary exploration and a few other events.
Ffoulkes Naga food
Posts : 45 Join date : 2015-08-09
Subject: Re: Best universal game of the future? Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:19 pm
Bluehorizon wrote:
Now i can't call this an Mmo because of what it's doing so far, far exceeds that of any to date. It's more like EVE and a old game i did some research on, Wing Commander, mashed up together to create a pretty great sci-fi space flight/exploration Sim I have ever seen.
That's because it's made by the same person. Chris is the original mind behind Wing Commander. Other titles by him that often get mentioned reverently are Conquest:FW, Starlancer, and Freelancer. Having played EvE for many years on and off and being a RA level backer from the original Kickstarter to Star Citizen, the only thing EvE shares with SC is that they're both in scifi. SC is based on physics, like IWar.
Still waiting to see if flight control systems will be Arcade-Mode-with-Autocorrection ( specifically, we know the ships in SC all have thrusters and thus will behave accurately by look for ship motion, but may not allow for deliberate control of vectoring and thus behave more like a flight simulator ie. just about every "space sim" made since IWar ) or if we can go full Newtonian ( the only real 3d space simulation, and something that has not been satisfactorily accomplished since IWar; games like FreeSpace, Elite, X, Vanguard Prophecy, Starpoint Gemini, Rebel Galaxy, etc. do not utilise Newtonian physics flight models; as low budget as a game like Star Ruler is it is still immensely satisfying to watch the ships flip end for end to slow down at the very least... ). Star Citizen was / is his first real forray back into creating games / movie content since Origin Studios / Digital Anvil went defunct and that awful, horrible, no good, shitty, awful, bad, repugnant, etc. movie was made.
I doubt I'll play SC though. Just walking around on the flight decks in the original Alphas made me motion sick. Could be the cameras, obviously everything is still piecing together. The original alphas just let you walk around your ship, and I can even remember multiple details about the ship's internals changing over the various test phases. The pace of the releases has really picked up, but I only check in every few months or so ( basically to see what has been added and to dump my queue of corporation invites because I'm a RA level backer ). Maybe better camera control will aide future play for me. Hopefully Chris can pull off his vision for SC; he's been stewing over the fallout of Origin for a long time and the huge response to his return to the industry is either indicative of the giant hole that is real space simulation gaming or a last parting gift to a prior gaming great. Time will tell.
Elite is crap to me. Just like X:R, the only thing it can offer of value is short term prettiness. The "Horizons" expansion isn't an expansion at all, it's prerelease Alpha / Beta quality DLC. Even the Steam reviewers have largely turned on the company now. Elite reminds me a lot of Novalogic's TtF ( which, believe it or not, is somehow still available for download (link) despite having been released a looooonnnggg ass time ago ). I loved the silliness of TtF and the graphics for the day ( and Bruce Campbell was the voice of the hero... which led into a lot of said aforementioned silliness ), but TtF is not a great game. It's a game with amusing parts that leaves behind a general overall dissatisfaction as a whole. Elite doesn't even have that much. Honestly, if it's just pretty space pr0n you want in the graphics department you'd be far better off playing X ( or even just Universal Sandbox, if you only want the space pr0n and not the space ships ). X would be cheaper to boot. X:R pretty much also sucks ( yeah I know since 3.0 the game has gotten much better but it honestly still isn't an X game ), recommend old X with script mods if you need that kind of fix ( basically Skyrim for space ).
Also, on target, the best universal game of the future will be the VR MMOs ( ie. .hack, Log Horizon, etc. ) that we all wind up getting stuck in physically, losing our ghosts to the decadent promises of a 3rd rate brainbox in a backalley ( GITS ).
Gamma Seasoned adventurer
Posts : 149 Join date : 2015-08-22
Subject: Re: Best universal game of the future? Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:51 pm
I've heard quite a lot about this game, but given that it's still in alpha, I'm not going to jump on the hype train yet. Maybe if the beta continues to show promise. It's definitely ambitious, but I've seen quite a lot of ambitious games fall far short.
Lockheed X-17 valiant swordman
Posts : 244 Join date : 2015-03-02 Age : 22 Location : Inside your walls.
Subject: Re: Best universal game of the future? Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:20 pm
I'd ship Space Engine once it becomes an MMO game.
Subject: Re: Best universal game of the future? Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:13 am
Didn't this game fall prey to the devs wanting to expand the game because of the amount of money they got? And then they went overbudget and needed more?