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 Digestion nullification

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PostSubject: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeThu Apr 17, 2008 6:51 pm

Being a new Vore-fan, I guess I haven't taken in the possible joys of Digestion, and am still thinking from the skeptical view
nonetheless, I think that (on the occasion that the predator is only eting for sensation, not for hunger), that there could be some possible way to nullify digestion acids?
place your ideas here, please ^^'''
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeThu Apr 17, 2008 7:15 pm

there is a plant that can keep you alive longer in ones asid.
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeThu Apr 17, 2008 7:25 pm

that works for short-term but I mean that you just don't et digested...
I guees since Felarya's in-between dimsensions,. then someone from the Full-Metal Alchemist dimensoin's bound to have gone there before...and thus, tranmutation of the acids can occur XD
..eventhen, if someone were able to change what the acid digested, then it could be safe...
Also, when I first started reading up about Felarya (amazing job on the depth of it, BTW *big thumbs-up and ow to Karbo-sama* ), I thought of the possibility of only 'eating' someone/something to get something small from it, and then... getting rid of the? I dont' know if by defacation, or regurgitation.. just somehow, when the predator's done with their Prey ('milking the cow,' so to speak ^^'''), they leave the predator's body. personally, I thought that a predator with the need for salt instead of the person themself would be plausible (sweat 'n such; the predator could make its prey work up a sweat, enjoy playing with them in their mouth, then swallow them and digest the salts, and remove the prey from their body...)
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeThu Apr 17, 2008 8:20 pm

Bases and acids naturally neutralize one another, hypothetically if you had enough you could at least temporarily weaken stomach acid, perhaps enough to live for a few hours. Getting out of said stomach is another matter altogether. There are drugs that could induce vomiting, but you would need a large amount to affect a giant predator, and even if she did spit you out she could just swallow you a second time.
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2008 12:13 pm

that is true.... hmm; I guess I'm just a sucker for a happy ending for both ends of this thing ^^'''
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2009 8:40 pm

(Sorry for the Necro bump...)
I actually wonder if the victims really ARE reduced to liquid...
I'm new, so I haven't seen much, but it appears that the image of people getting dissolved in acid isn't acceptable.
The only reference I can find of the inside of the stomach after digestion has started is Naga feeding habits, and that looks more like Anne's clothes are being eaten way more then anything...
You have to wonder, with all the Trans-verse weirdness that is Felarya, if being swallowed whole doesn't digest you in the "Biological" way, but instead strips you of your Gear/Weapons/Armor/Rank/Levels and dumps you somewhere with a little amnesia due to the traumatic event.
Leaving you stranded, wondering how you got there and why you are wet and naked.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2009 9:19 pm

That somewhere is called (Felarya's) Heaven / Hell, and it the start a never ending chain. Wink
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 11:16 pm

Mmm, I'm pretty sure there is real digestion. Just not often presented for certain viewers. Sometimes it is. As for Naga feeding habits, it may be that some predators stomach acids just dissolve clothes and whatnot first. Probably a good thing to have if you're eating prey that might have weapons or stuff. That could be an explaination for that particular incident. Or it could just be that Karbo would rather draw boobs than melting flesh. Very Happy

But the predators do need those nutrients... but of course, digestion in heaven or hell is a different matter....
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 8:51 am

Whiteagle wrote:
(Sorry for the Necro bump...)
I actually wonder if the victims really ARE reduced to liquid...
I'm new, so I haven't seen much, but it appears that the image of people getting dissolved in acid isn't acceptable.
The only reference I can find of the inside of the stomach after digestion has started is Naga feeding habits, and that looks more like Anne's clothes are being eaten way more then anything...
You have to wonder, with all the Trans-verse weirdness that is Felarya, if being swallowed whole doesn't digest you in the "Biological" way, but instead strips you of your Gear/Weapons/Armor/Rank/Levels and dumps you somewhere with a little amnesia due to the traumatic event.
Leaving you stranded, wondering how you got there and why you are wet and naked.

No, you die. You die slowly and painfully, that is just how Felarya is. It is a harsh, savage world where the price of failure is death. In NFH, Anna's clothes disolved first because they were in contact with the acid first. Acid eats through clothes easily. Hell, Ive had a bunch of holes put in my pants legs from little droplets of acid that dripped in chemistry lab.

We dont draw, for the most part (some, like Expiredpopsicle have drawn it over on Eka's portal), or describe digestion because it isnt a pretty sight. No one wants to see someone's flesh disolving away in layers...their blood and entrails spilling out as they watch, etc. It just isnt a pretty sight. Your only saving grace would be that you'd probably die of suffocation long before the acids reached your upper body (unless the pred keeps swallowing air to keep you alive longer or someting). We dont depict or describe it because A: its not a pretty sight, and B: its generally understood to take place. Anyone with a C in high-school biology knows what happens next.

....look, you just need to accept that people die in Felarya. That is the way it is. You get eaten and you die. Then you either go to heaven and live happily, or go to hell and get eaten again and again for all eternity. THe fact is, part of Felarya's charm is that it is extremely LETHAL and DANGEROUS. It isnt a nice place. It isnt a happyfuntimeland. It isnt someplace most people would really want to go. It is a harsh, savage, untamed world where only the smart, resourceful and lucky survive for any length of time. If Anna hadnt have had her little dimensional shift, she'd be dead. End of story. That doesnt happen often either, it even says in her bio that she's the third luckiest person in the history of the universe.

If you take away the lethality, Felarya loses its charm and its uniqueness. People die there...so deal with it. Felarya is a high-level zone, it isnt a place for carebears who dont want to take any risks.
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 9:59 am

Or at least it isn't a pretty sight unless you're one of those weird people who are into guro.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 10:41 am

I can confirm that digestion indeed mean death.
As rcs619 said, the opposition between the great dangers of this world versus some of it's beauty is one of it's main flavor in my opnion ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 11:06 am

Quote :
Or at least it isn't a pretty sight unless you're one of those weird people who are into guro.

Like moi.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 11:56 am

GREGOLE wrote:
Quote :
Or at least it isn't a pretty sight unless you're one of those weird people who are into guro.

Like moi.

Yes, yes...we ALL know how much you like a good disemboweling =P
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 12:00 pm

I didn't. Not that guro bothers me.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 1:03 pm

Yet while people here seem to love the idea of a horribly slow, painful, death of MELTING, a giant naga who chews his/her meal is painted as something that's the spawn of SATAN.
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 1:24 pm

Quote :
Yet while people here seem to love the idea of a horribly slow, painful, death of MELTING, a giant naga who chews his/her meal is painted as something that's the spawn of SATAN.

Technically, since you're the only one who writes Raison, that's your fault.

Though to be fair, here's a list of characters who've been known to maul their prey, and how the community sees them....

Siva - A decent enough lass, but the hard vore aspect was dropped due to community pressure.

Eshka - Villain, plain and simple.

The Redbacks - Most of them are reasonable men, though Felaryans still tend to look upon them with shock and horror when they butcher their meals.

Raison - Has been known to go out of his way to torture victims for no given reason, knowing full well the pain he's causing(it's debatable whether other predators who don't even see their food as people are actually aware of the pain they cause). He's prettymuch an ass, one way or another.

Ryla - Portrayed as being so totally whacked, it's hard to say whether her eating habits are looked at positively or nagatively.

Terror - Almost exclusively portrayed as a firm, but likable woman. Also almost exclusively NOT portrayed as hard voring, yet.

Eh.... All in all, you are right. Conscious hard vore really isn't any more merciless than conscious soft vore, but it's almost ALWAYS used to convey a sadistic or evil being. Though to be fair, oxygen deprivation is something NO ONE ever addresses.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 2:06 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
Quote :
Yet while people here seem to love the idea of a horribly slow, painful, death of MELTING, a giant naga who chews his/her meal is painted as something that's the spawn of SATAN.

Technically, since you're the only one who writes Raison, that's your fault.

Though to be fair, here's a list of characters who've been known to maul their prey, and how the community sees them....

Siva - A decent enough lass, but the hard vore aspect was dropped due to community pressure.

Eshka - Villain, plain and simple.

The Redbacks - Most of them are reasonable men, though Felaryans still tend to look upon them with shock and horror when they butcher their meals.

Raison - Has been known to go out of his way to torture victims for no given reason, knowing full well the pain he's causing(it's debatable whether other predators who don't even see their food as people are actually aware of the pain they cause). He's prettymuch an ass, one way or another.

Ryla - Portrayed as being so totally whacked, it's hard to say whether her eating habits are looked at positively or nagatively.

Terror - Almost exclusively portrayed as a firm, but likable woman. Also almost exclusively NOT portrayed as hard voring, yet.

Eh.... All in all, you are right. Conscious hard vore really isn't any more merciless than conscious soft vore, but it's almost ALWAYS used to convey a sadistic or evil being. Though to be fair, oxygen deprivation is something NO ONE ever addresses.

Yah, I know that I write Raison as an ass, and he is. He's supposed to be a sort of foil I guess to the other predators who mostly all seem to be 'YAY' and 'LET'S HAVE HOT LESBIAN SEX' and 'Hee hee! I'm going to molest you with my tongue and then swallow you!'.

Personally, I think some of the other nagas are scarier then Raison. Why? Because instead of being flat out scary, they hide behind a wall of cuteness, and toy with their prey in their mouth, and I bet a good portion of them do know where they're sending their prey. They are often described as enjoying the feeling of their prey kicking against their stomach lining. Yes, they see them as food, and often not people, but what we eat is often dead, they eat something that's alive and aware, and fully do take pleasure in their frantic attempts at escape.

But this is just my opinion on things.

Yes, Raison is a (incomplete) monster, but he's aware his status as such, others insist that they are people and refuse to recognize themselves as anything but such. And why should they?

Oh well, my ideas are odd.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion nullification   Digestion nullification Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 3:51 pm

L'Ryn wrote:
Yah, I know that I write Raison as an ass, and he is. He's supposed to be a sort of foil I guess to the other predators who mostly all seem to be 'YAY' and 'LET'S HAVE HOT LESBIAN SEX' and 'Hee hee! I'm going to molest you with my tongue and then swallow you!'.

Personally, I think some of the other nagas are scarier then Raison. Why? Because instead of being flat out scary, they hide behind a wall of cuteness, and toy with their prey in their mouth, and I bet a good portion of them do know where they're sending their prey. They are often described as enjoying the feeling of their prey kicking against their stomach lining. Yes, they see them as food, and often not people, but what we eat is often dead, they eat something that's alive and aware, and fully do take pleasure in their frantic attempts at escape.
And this is probably the part that bother me...
They eat things that are very much able to tell them they don't like being eaten... and see nothing wrong with making friends with some of these very same creatures...
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