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Chihiro Fujisaki
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PostSubject: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeFri Aug 22, 2014 11:55 pm

I am sure we have all read Felarya stories, where humanoids or tinies get eaten, and spend their time slowly digesting in a stomach. As far as I know this has not been brought up or corrected, but this is scientifically false. There is no oxygen in the stomach of nearly any mammal in the animal Kingdom, which includes humans, whales, lions, and reptiles such as snakes have no oxygen in their stomachs either. Prey would suffocate in a matter of minutes, not digest slowly over hours. Now, the reason I bring this up is because to my knowledge there is nothing in Felarya that exists to justify the prey not suffocating. Some authors note this fact in their stories, such as Katrika who swallows air in order to keep her prey alive longer, but eventually lets them suffocate, so I assume it is a fact that has been looked over or forgotten by most.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 12:53 am

Well, most artists draw like... Air balloons made of flesh instead of real and proper stomachs. People who read or write a story expect to spend some time with the stomach scene so that's that. You could see it as artistic freedom.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 12:35 pm

You're right that it is a fallacy that some writers make the mistake of using, but the issue has been discussed before, and rather at lenth.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 1:03 pm

Usually, when I read a vore scene, once the prey has been swallowed, they get a small paragraph of them kicking and then the predator giggling, and that's it, like the prey had been completely broken down already. Though if you want to talk vore in general and not Felarya, yeah I tend to see people justify safe vore with the ability to control one's enzyme somehow, but they almost never address the fact that there's no air in there, and even if there was, it probably would smell like dead animals.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 1:38 pm

Shady Knight wrote:
Usually, when I read a vore scene, once the prey has been swallowed, they get a small paragraph of them kicking and then the predator giggling, and that's it, like the prey had been completely broken down already.  Though if you want to talk vore in general and not Felarya, yeah I tend to see people justify safe vore with the ability to control one's enzyme somehow, but they almost never address the fact that there's no air in there, and even if there was, it probably would smell like dead animals.

People with gas mask fetishes would find soft vore to be a compatible fetish - it justifies the gask mask! <3
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 3:19 pm

We've talked about it a lot actually, back when we all used to hang around the Felarya vent channel. There's a ton of topics that have been discussed, but never went anywhere for a myriad of reasons. Most of these reasons are kind of ridiculous though. That's a whole other story, however >_>

I tend to agree, there's maybe enough to keep someone conscious for probably 10 minutes? Then its lights out. Still any length of time spent in a stomach, conscious, is bound to be the most horrifying experience ever, regardless of time spent there.

Mages I'm sure could use various spells to try and survive longer, but if we're going to talk about enzyme control, there's a particular plant that prevents food from being digested.

Dat Wiki wrote:

At first glance, this plant looks a lot like poison ivy, but with a light blueish tint to it. It's mostly found in the forest of whispers and it has a very interesting property: when it is eaten and it's leaves come in to contact with stomach acids (or any acidic substance), it temporarily stops the digestive process and releases oxygen, keeping any prey trapped in the digestive tract along with it alive for a while longer. It's useful for an adventurer who has been eaten, staving off digestion until they can (potentially) be rescued. It cannot disable the digestive process for more than a few hours though, no matter how many leaves are used. Salvalophytha is loved by some kinky predators as well, who will eat a few leaves before swallowing their prey in order to keep them alive and kicking in their stomach for a while, allowing them longer to enjoy their struggles before digestion.
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 8:38 pm

...not to mention that basically as soon as you put something in it, the stomach will start violently churning and mashing its contents, so air bubble or no air bubble the victim would drown pretty quickly.

Perhaps the "stomach" depicted should be considered a crop that merely stores and softens up food before sending it to the main stomach? It would make sense, then, for it to have reinforced walls so that feisty prey with knives can be killed off before entering the more fleshy and vulnerable "real" stomach.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 8:50 pm

I don't understand why more predators don't strip their prey nude before swallowing them. At least the sapient ones. Practically speaking, not only would they have less to work with while within the mouth and stomach, but they'd also be tastier. I don't think clothers are very tasty, personally.
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2014 8:53 pm

Nyaha wrote:
I don't understand why more predators don't strip their prey nude before swallowing them. At least the sapient ones. Practically speaking, not only would they have less to work with while within the mouth and stomach, but they'd also be tastier. I don't think clothers are very tasty, personally.

I don't think most enzymes would actually digest cloth, too...
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 5:48 am

parameciumkid wrote:
...not to mention that basically as soon as you put something in it, the stomach will start violently churning and mashing its contents, so air bubble or no air bubble the victim would drown pretty quickly.

Perhaps the "stomach" depicted should be considered a crop that merely stores and softens up food before sending it to the main stomach? It would make sense, then, for it to have reinforced walls so that feisty prey with knives can be killed off before entering the more fleshy and vulnerable "real" stomach.
Um, where did you get that idea that giants have a crop and then a stomach? Also, you're confusing a stomach with a gizzard. A stomach does churn, but it doesn't mash its content, it shakes as to make it easier for enzymes to break down food, like how stirring a glass of water after you sprinkled a pinch of salt in it makes it easier for the salt to dissolve.
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 10:25 am

Well yes, I do suppose a gizzard's behavior is more deserving of the term "mash", but you got the general point.

And who knows? Maybe Felaryan giants do have two stomachs. Or not. It was a half-baked idea anyway xP
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 10:44 am

Wish it shook hard enough to bounce you around.
Would be amusing to see vore scenes have to compare it to things like bouncy castles =P

Or Earthquakes but those are less nice! </3
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeThu Oct 02, 2014 8:57 pm

Isn't it kind of wrong to assume all stomachs of species on felarya work like stomachs in real life?

I mean for all I know fairies might actually fart rainbows....... >.>
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeSat Oct 04, 2014 9:16 am

last time I checked fairies werent Toast-like Poptards. So leave the rainbows to the Nyancats.

but seriously, I wont mind if bellies were less painful and more soft vore friendly in felarya. Nature should adapt to that, with all the "felarya makes people want to eat people whole and alive".
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 12:43 am

Grave wrote:
Isn't it kind of wrong to assume all stomachs of species on felarya work like stomachs in real life?

If you are among the group who thinks this way, then I believe felarya is not for you. You should move on to a softer, kinder site, like MGE where the entire world is based on your fetishistic preferences. Felarya is actually making some progress on basing it's rules on logic, and at least fictional science, and this concept overrides all that. This is a bastardization of the base concept for those who charge through this crotch first.

Amaroq wrote:
but seriously, I wont mind if bellies were less painful and more soft vore friendly in felarya. Nature should adapt to that, with all the "felarya makes people want to eat people whole and alive".

I disagree with this wholeheartedly. Nature has had a trend in the past of not adapting for the comfort of the prey, and I feel that there was a good reason for this. It is a waste of energy from the predator's perspective. In a world so vicious as felarya, this is a major concern and efficiency at everything done from catching prey, to sucking it down, to dissolving it alive is the name of the game if you want to avoid becoming that same sloppy chyme.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 4:37 am

EvilGenius wrote:

If you are among the group who thinks this way, then I believe felarya is not for you. You should move on to a softer, kinder site, like MGE where the entire world is based on your fetishistic preferences. Felarya is actually making some progress on basing it's rules on logic, and at least fictional science, and this concept overrides all that. This is a bastardization of the base concept for those who charge through this crotch first.

EvilGenius, we've never discriminated against people who come here for the fetish, and we certainly dont tolerate one side lording over the other saying they're better. I do agree that stomachs are harsh, brutal environments, but if someone doesnt want to see it that way for the sake of their fetish, I don't think we should stop them unless they start harming others with their desires or beliefs.

EvilGenius wrote:

I disagree with this wholeheartedly. Nature has had a trend in the past of not adapting for the comfort of the prey, and I feel that there was a good reason for this. It is a waste of energy from the predator's perspective. In a world so vicious as felarya, this is a major concern and efficiency at everything done from catching prey, to sucking it down, to dissolving it alive is the name of the game if you want to avoid becoming that same sloppy chyme.

I think Amaroq meant how predators seem keen to swallow smaller creatures whole and alive. In nature that generally doesn't happen anyway. Granted its easier with the huge size difference, but nature evolved in a specific way for our planet. Felarya's nature is a lot different.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 9:35 am

I disagree with your opinio evilgenius. Felarya is unrealistic in almost everything already, and while its clearly written to appeal to predators and spectators, why not have some more appeal to prey stuff as well. Considering how small the community has gotten and people complaining about that, there could easily be some fixes done. And no, not the softy plushy stuff, but just some more things that might be fun without touching the deadly nature of felarya and vore.
Do what the community likes, not just pleasing some hardliners.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 11:33 am

Amaroq wrote:
I disagree with your opinio evilgenius. Felarya is unrealistic in almost everything already, and while its clearly written to appeal to predators and spectators, why not have some more appeal to prey stuff as well. Considering how small the community has gotten and people complaining about that, there could easily be some fixes done. And no, not the softy plushy stuff, but just some more things that might be fun without touching the deadly nature of felarya and vore.
Do what the community likes, not just pleasing some hardliners.

Indeed it is, but it doesn't have to be that way. There have been several people working hard to justify the way felarya works with science, real or fictional. While some things simply have to be sidestepped for the time being, read the square-cube law, other things have no such requirement. Why should we change felarya when there are other sites that cater to what you are looking for. I have nothing against pleasing the community most of the time, but when it means dilution of the sites until they are all uniform under the skin, I take a stand. The deadly nature of Felarya is one of the defining characteristics of felarya, with emphasis on how the prey is given no quarter. My opinion concludes with the statement that if the community is complaining about that, then they are probably on the wrong site.

Archmage_Bael wrote:
EvilGenius, we've never discriminated against people who come here for the fetish, and we certainly dont tolerate one side lording over the other saying they're better. I do agree that stomachs are harsh, brutal environments, but if someone doesnt want to see it that way for the sake of their fetish, I don't think we should stop them unless they start harming others with their desires or beliefs.

I am not going to dig into the discrimination I have seen on the forums, as it is besides the point. I never stated one side was better than another, I said one side did not belong. Let them have their fun with their fetishes 'till their heart bursts from the strain of it, but don't change the concept of felarya on a fundamental level because they don't like the harshness of it. If they are looking for that, they can find it elsewhere.

Archmage_Bael wrote:
I think Amaroq meant how predators seem keen to swallow smaller creatures whole and alive. In nature that generally doesn't happen anyway. Granted its easier with the huge size difference, but nature evolved in a specific way for our planet. Felarya's nature is a lot different

Maybe he did, but this statement is so astoundingly wrong I am having a very hard time replying to it this civilly. I am going to do my best by simply listing organisms that do so. Most amphibians, most birds, most fish, a great amount of reptiles, various invertebrates, and several mammals. This is by no means the end of the list.
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Chihiro Fujisaki
Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 2:45 pm

EG. I recommend being more civil. I have not responded simply because this was meant to start a discussion among others, since most already know my stance on it. But one thing I will not tolerate is disrespect to another human being for simply having a differing opinion. You show intolerance, and ignorance of polite discussion and conversation all at once.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 2:57 pm

Shadow, I think you should internalize your own advice before dealing it out to others. That said, it is not simply a difference of opinion that provoked me to respond at all, but the content. This is a subject I feel rather strongly about to the point where if changes are implemented, I would in all likelihood sever any remaining ties to Felarya. Intolerance, perhaps, but I feel it was warranted, not ignorance though. I have been civil.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 3:00 pm

Amaroq wrote:
I disagree with your opinion evilgenius. Felarya is unrealistic in almost everything already, and while its clearly written to appeal to predators and spectators, why not have some more appeal to prey stuff as well. Considering how small the community has gotten and people complaining about that, there could easily be some fixes done. And no, not the softy plushy stuff, but just some more things that might be fun without touching the deadly nature of felarya and vore.
Do what the community likes, not just pleasing some hardliners.

IMHO, Felarya is open-ended enough that RPers and story writers can use the softer version of the fetish freely without going against canon or anything like that (try RPing with NekoJoey on DA), so there's really no need for anything to be changed about the setting as a whole. On this point, I kind of agree with EG; I think it'd upset more people to have such a longstanding characteristic of the setting changed, even if it was to benefit their desires. Also, as he said, there are other settings that cater better to that for those who like it, so there's no reason to argue one way or the other. ^_^

shadow17 wrote:
EG. I recommend being more civil. I have not responded simply because this was meant to start a discussion among others, since most already know my stance on it. But one thing I will not tolerate is disrespect to another human being for simply having a differing opinion. You show intolerance, and ignorance of polite discussion and conversation all at once.

Okay, I think we should all slow our rolls here. EG certainly isn't always the most civil in presenting his opinions, true, and this hasn't been an exception, but I don't think responding in kind will solve the problem anytime soon. When someone gets you riled up like that, you gotta' take a step back, take a few breaths, and really think about what effect what you want to say to him will have on the big picture. At least, that's what I'm trying to teach myself to do. I'm honestly still rather impulsive, so I admit, there's a good chance I probably would have said the same thing you did, Shadow. So, let's learn to quell our rages together. ^_^ And EG, same goes for you; take a step back and think about the effect what you have to say will have on people. There was really no need to go into detail on how civil you were being and how difficult it was, all that's going to do and all it did do was rile someone up. Getting into an argument isn't going to help anyone's emotional well-being here.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 5:07 pm

I dont think anyone has even properly read what I said, because you guys disagree with me and then state your opinion in a way that I already mentioned.

I do NOT intend to change the deadly nature of felarya because I like it as a super hostile world. I just want to make it more appealing to prey oriented vorarephiles in the way that prey type people arent permanently talking down to or are not being bothered about at all while the entire setting just caters to super cute and sexy preds giggling and having fun while prey just suffers.

I exspeccially stated that I do NOT intend to turn Felarya into some fluffy Endo-world or anything, but if you want to keep the fans coming, then have something appealing for them. And I also kinda dislike how prey preferring people are sometimes even subtly discriminated in the way that their preferences or ideas are usually not being listened to at all while there are always new additions for preds.

THATS what I was saying.
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Chihiro Fujisaki
Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 6:13 pm

I was not angry at all, Nyaha. Please do not assume that I was. I was simply calling out hostile behavior as anyone partaking in a discussion should, especially if you were the one who made the topic and should be moderating the discussion.

As for me, I am sometimes in the mood for what Felarya has to offer, most of the time I am not. I openly stated on another thread I no longer care about Felarya, at all, and do not care what happens to it. I have found other fandoms I enjoy and I remain attached to Felarya for RPing purposes and because I like the people who are attached to it as well.

I dislike the fatal nature, the bland predators (in canon at least), and fetishized death in general. I do vastly prefer endo as I am more a giantess fan than a vore fan, vore is just one of the many aspects of giantess that I enjoy.

Back on track of the digestion, it is a bit off topic. I was simply stating that prey should pass out in about 5 minutes or less inside the stomach of a predator, they should not be able to survive to feel even the tiniest bit of pain from the digestive enzymes. Now the struggling of prey is consistent to my point at least, being that prey seems to only struggle for a short period, then stop. Accurate. 5 minutes is about the maximum I would give, and "swallowing air" is not really a thing.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 7:00 pm

EvilGenius wrote:
I am not going to dig into the discrimination I have seen on the forums, as it is besides the point. I never stated one side was better than another, I said one side did not belong. Let them have their fun with their fetishes 'till their heart bursts from the strain of it, but don't change the concept of felarya on a fundamental level because they don't like the harshness of it. If they are looking for that, they can find it elsewhere.

You're saying people who want to see and use felarya as a world where they can satisfy their soft vore fetish do not belong. That is discrimination. This is not allowed and has been firmly stated by Karbo himself many times.
As for creatures in nature who swallow prey alive, there are a few, yes, but most creatures, especially ones with sharp teeth use it for tearing large chunks, they don't chew. However, they certainly don't swallow whole. Even a snake has trouble - only able to swallow something safely thats about 1/4 their size. For example, a fully grown boa constrictor swallowing a small dog would have a tough time, and depending on how *small* the dog is, might not be able to safely eat it.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Digestion   Digestion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2014 7:52 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
You're saying people who want to see and use felarya as a world where they can satisfy their soft vore fetish do not belong. That is discrimination. This is not allowed and has been firmly stated by Karbo himself many times.

No, I am not, in fact I specifically stated that they should be able to “have their fun with their fetishes 'till their heart bursts from the strain of it”. I am rejecting the concept of changing felarya as a whole to better suit the fetishistic wants of these people when there are plenty of alternatives.

Archmage_Bael wrote:
As for creatures in nature who swallow prey alive, there are a few, yes, but most creatures, especially ones with sharp teeth use it for tearing large chunks, they don't chew. However, they certainly don't swallow whole. Even a snake has trouble - only able to swallow something safely thats about 1/4 their size. For example, a fully grown boa constrictor swallowing a small dog would have a tough time, and depending on how *small* the dog is, might not be able to safely eat it.

Not a few, a lot. It takes a very specific set of sharp teeth to tear flesh as most would simply snap off from the strain. Funny you should bring up snakes as they are a very good example of this. Tiny, needle teeth meant to serve to get a better grip on the prey to drag it down their throat easier. They do not kill with their teeth unless it is indirectly through venom. They are somewhat of a special case since they do consume such large prey proportionately. Most simply capture and consume much smaller prey. When it is eaten it is usually whole, and often still alive as well.

Last edited by EvilGenius on Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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