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 new fauna I thought of

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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new fauna I thought of Empty
PostSubject: new fauna I thought of   new fauna I thought of Icon_minitimeSat May 10, 2008 10:41 am

Just some weird creatures I thought of

1. Name: Jengal
size:12-20 ft
life span: 20-30 years
threat:low when alone high in groups
description: A Jengal appears to be much like a tiger except larger and its stripes are reverse in pattern. The Jangals have very interesting feeding tendancys, alone they are gentle herbivors who can in fact be tamed and are very friendly with all creatures they snese to be good hearted. however these cats do have a dark side, when in a group jengals release a pheramone that triggers a feeding frenzy among them. When in a frenzy Jengals become reckless and will attack anything regardless of the threat to themselves, there have even been reports of Jengls taking down juvenile nagas however these still need confirmation. Jengals are also unique among mammals because they lay eggs. Females after mating will find either a cave or they will digg a burrow in which to lay their eggs. After hatching Young jengals climb the nearest tree for protection, all of the Jengals live togethor until the age of five when they part ways.

size:40-50 ft
life span: 200-300 years
threat:suprisingly very low
description: Magmuses are legendary creatures that only live in either volcanoes or the hottest places in all felary. They only feed of of magma and rocks making them no threat to living creatures. Curiousley enough magmuses dont bbreed but reproduce by literaly erupting, at the end of their life or if they sense death is near they violently explode releasing eggs that will hatch upon impact with the ground thus creating the next generation of magmuses. however few magmus larvea survive because if they do not find an extremely hot place to live within 12 hours their internal temurtue will drop below what they can stand and they will die. another interesting sub species of the magmus is the ice magmus which lives in the Felaryian tundras and unlike its firey relative is a huge threat to living things as it is a veracious carnovire and is very territorial. The ice magmuses will breed and giving birth does not mean death for them.

size:4-5 ft
life span: unknown
threat: None at all...
description: These rarely seen huminoid creatures have the unique ability to open dimensional rifts to other places and thus are hardly ever eaten by predators. Very little is actually known abo the siphon except that it can sing beatifully and will often form trios or quartets. Groups of siphons that learn not to fear humans are usually an instant musical hit, and it is rumored that the earth boy band O-zone is actually a group of siphons in disguise.
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