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 Koumoris (bat people)

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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 11:54 am

If someone has already thought of this then my bad

The Koumori are a nocturnal half human half bat people. Like Harpies Koumoris have wings where arms would normaly be and clawed feet some also have fur on some places on thier body. Koumoris have unusually large ears that they use sort of like radar dishes sence almost all Koumoris are blind. Koumoris vary in size some are only 3 inches tall while others can get as big as 70 feet.

Koumoris are Dangerouse predators both too small prey and large predators alike. Koumoris will often swallow small prey whole like most predators in Felarya, however for larger prey it is a different story you see some Koumoris will drink the blood of larger prey, althought this act is rarly fatal it will almost always leaves the victim weak and confused for several days. This has given Koumoris a very bad reputation almost as bad as Dridders (although not that bad). Koumoris speasialise in a type of shadow manipulation magic that they use to make a sertain area darker, for example lets say a groupe of explorers are seated around a camp fire a Koumori will then make the entire area around their camp as dark as being deep inside of a cave with the only light in the area being the camp fire the Koumori will then use a large gust of wind that will blow out the fire and pick off the explorers one by one. This methode dosen't always work with larger prey though, even if the prey can't see they can still hear and smell the attacking Koumori. In this situation the Koumori will go to sort of an extreme methode that is very dangerouse for both the Koumori and its prey. They will use their powerful vocal cords and make a high piched scream that works alot like a type of sound cannon to stun their prey makeing them dizzy and confussed, If it is done too close it can kill their prey and if a Koumori fails too close their ears it can injure themselves or worse. Koumori will only drink the blood from prey that is awake and alive if it is asleep or dead they will not bother drinking it.

Koumoris in general seem to be a proud and seriouse people. It isn't impossible for them to befreind another race although it is a little difficult sence most races are afraide of having their blood sucked out. On a surpriseing note some people who have had their blood sucked from a Koumori will go out of their way to have their blood sucked again. when asked why they would do this they often reply that they simply enjoy it as it gives a pleasurable tingly feeling all over their body. While other people discribe it as a horrifying experiance and will do anything to avoide it again. Koumoris show a surpiseingly large amount of sympathy to prey that they have drank blood from often healing their wounds and placeing them in a safe place. when asked why they do this probably the most common answer they give is "why let good food go to waste when you can have more later".

Koumoris mostly live in deep dark caves where they spend most of the day. For the most part Koumoris are female, for some unknown reason roughly 1 out of 10 Koumoris are born male.
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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 1:00 pm

There is already the banshee but very interesting idea Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 5:43 pm

We do already have bat-people in the form of banshees, but then, all species have subspecies. These guys would probably add some more spice.
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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 6:19 pm

Indeed there was good new ideas here ^_^
I loved the shadow manipulation one Razz
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 10:54 pm

Interesting concept. Smile Like Karbo, I think the shadow manipulation is a neat idea; makes sense, if they can 'see' via echolocation, like actual bats. Very Happy

The one thing I'm not too wild about are the "Koumoris vary in size some are only 3 inches tall while others can get as big as 70 feet" and "Koumoris are Dangerouse predators both too small prey and large predators alike" bits, but it's just personal peeves. I think it makes them too much like "Dridders with wings"; in a world that's already populated with a bunch of giant predator species, it'd be nice to see some smaller creatures that still pose a serious threat to both human-sized and giant-sized creatures.

But maybe it's just the idea of a naga fleeing from a flock of human-sized vampiric batfolk that appeals to me. Laughing
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 10:57 pm

That would be hilarious. Or maybe something smaller than a human that could pose a threat to large creatures, but that would probably be too random, since they might not even have a chance to see it, and it almost intrudes into the anti-disease nature of Felarya.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 11:54 pm

It's kind of funny the one race I didn't look at in the harpie section on wiki were the bat people. Laughing
I figured if they were on wiki they would be a minor race oh well thats what I get for not studying enough.They probably would make a better subspecies anyway.

As for the 3 inches too 70 feet in size thing I didn't know there where already a race of bat people so I tried to leave room for different subspecies. I had already thought of two subspecies for this race but didn't get to put them in my discription because I had to get ready for work so I ran out of time.

The first were Fairy Koumori which were around 3 inches and traveled in small swarms. I got the idea for thier name because I figuered they could easily be mistaken for fairies from a distance.

The other that I thought of were Queen Koumori which were around 70 feet. These probably fit the discription I gave more though.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2008 6:16 pm

I decided to redesign these guy's because I really liked them and this discription conflicts with the already established Banshee's which i didn't know about at the time of makeing these guy's. So here is the new design.

Koumori are a species of Banshee, In apperance they look almost exactly like banshee's with thier bat ears, wings, and feet. however Koumorie tend to be a little smaller their maximum hieght only being about 60 feet where a banshee's maximum height is normally 75 feet. A koumori's skin is also different from a banshee's, where a banshee's skin is normaly tan or dark brown a Koumori's skin tend to be lighter in color often being white or grey. Koumori tend to have a more senister reputation then Banshee's because of thier habit of drinking blood from other predators. unfortunatly a Koumori's reputation often rubs off on a banshee sence they both look alike. however it can be quickly be decided which is which threw the way that they talk, where banshee's tend to talk with less insutls and threats, the way a Koumori talks can be found to be insulting even though they don't use insults, you see a Koumori tends to talk very proudly and often refers to how much better they are then other people. (they don't actually think they are better it's just the way they talk.). like banshee's koumori see threw the clicking sounds that they make.

Unlike banshee's who are common in the evernight forest Koumori are rarely found there sence thier speciale ability to use shadow manipulation is vertually useless there. Instead they are found in other variouse places in Felarya. But like banshee's koumori still prefer to live in groups in either a cave or in tree.

Unlike Banshee's who can use a powerful sonic wave to stun prey Koumori tend to rely on thier shadow manipulation magic that lets them make a area darker almost to the point of being in a cave. koumori tend to lack the ability to use the sonic wave like banshee's can. Koumori are known for drinking the blood of other predators they mostly do this to predators who are alseep sence it is much easier and safer then when one is alive. although they tend to like it more when they are awake sence it seem's to give pleasure to both the predator and the prey. a predator who has had thier blood drank by a koumori rarly dies although they may feel weak for a few days after.

Koumori have a ability to manipulate shadows to make an area darker such as being in a cave. this rarly works on other predators but it is very affective on humans and other prey races. another ability that a Koumori has which is surprisingly helpful is that thier saliva works very well for healing opened wounds this would explain why a koumori often licks the bite wound of thier prey until it is clean.

Well here is the new discription I don't know if I left anything out or not.
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PostSubject: Re: Koumoris (bat people)   Koumoris (bat people) Icon_minitime

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