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 Fairy Banshees

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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 11:28 am

Fairy Banshees are a small subspisies of banshees that are around 3 inches in hight. Like Banshees they see threw echolocation. They normaly travel in swarms ranging from 10 to several thousands.
For the most part they can be found in the Forest of whispers although they have been seen other places. From a distance Fairy Banshees are often mistaken for actual Fairies so thats how they got thier name.
For the most part Fairy Banshees eat insects and fruit. Even though they are perfectly capable of swarming and eating other predators with thier unusually powerful jaws they just don't seem to do it, Although they will do this with larger insects such as tonorions which seem to be one of thier favorite prey, Large groups are often seen swarming the large predators and devouring them until there is nothing left.
Fairy Banshees seem to be a favorite prey for nekos much like Neera's, It is not uncommon to see a large group of Neko's out at night hunting them, although even though Fairy Banshees won't attack them it can still be very risky for the neko hunting party as real Fairies often hide in the swarms waiting for such a hunting party to come along.
Fairy Banshees get along well with Fairies and they often help each other out, Fairy banshees take care on insects and Fairies try to protect them from everything else.


It is believed that deep in the Fairy kingdom there is a Queen Fairy Banshee that roughly stands at 3 feet and commands a gigantic swarm ranging in the tens of thousands, It is belived that this queen is a loyal servant of the Fairy Queen Nemyra.

Last edited by Tankmasterxyz on Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 11:34 am

What does that means about Humans?
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 11:37 am

vegeta002 wrote:
What does that means about Humans?

If you mean do Humans hunt them to then yea I don't see why not, Although Nekos would probably be more common sence they often swallow Neera's.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 11:39 am

They sound more like fairies than a sub-type of harpies actually.
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 11:40 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
They sound more like fairies than a sub-type of harpies actually.

Killer Whales are really a type of Dolphin, but are called Whales. The same can happen for harpies.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 11:44 am

I probably should have gone into thier discription a little more Basically other then their size they look just like a normal Banshee. They don't really have any kind of special magic that they use basically they just rely on numbers.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 4:18 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
They sound more like fairies than a sub-type of harpies actually.

See, to me, the description reads more like tiny Banshees... there just aren't any Fae traits mentioned. The only thing they even seem to have in common are an equivalent size (not counting the Fairy size changing) and being on friendly terms.
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 8:37 pm

hmmmm I really like the idea of a natural anti bug companion for the fairies.... but this really inst in the right category at all so its getting moved^^;
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 8:45 pm

Cypress wrote:
hmmmm I really like the idea of a natural anti bug companion for the fairies.... but this really inst in the right category at all so its getting moved^^;

My bad I thought that sence Banshees where a subspecies of Harpie this is where it was supoosed to go. ^^;
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 8:54 pm

oh! i see what you mean now.... so its a sub sub species? hmmm well I think what makes a harpie banshee, a harpie banshee is its bat like features... from what your describing there more like fairies than anything else... unless i got the descrip wrong they arn't half person half bird/bat which is what a harpie is.

its fair to say they are both banshee like and fairy like, but they don't seem to be ether, so i think its probably better in the general new ideas category.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 9:34 pm

Yea I sort of rushed my discription because I had to get ready for work.^^;

Basically they are just really small Banshees, looking almost exactly like them.

Really thier size is the only thing they have in common with fairies, (even though fairies have no set size) sence Fairies seem to stay in smaller sizes for the most part or at least what I've noticed in stories.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSat Aug 02, 2008 10:02 pm

Tankmasterxyz wrote:
Really thier size is the only thing they have in common with fairies, (even though fairies have no set size) sence Fairies seem to stay in smaller sizes for the most part or at least what I've noticed in stories.

This is true, and Karbo explained the reason for it:

Karbo wrote:
...any fairy who can change size wil not have a "real" size between the two.. Her current one is her real. Simply, most prefer to go around small to have more room to fly ^^

The smaller the fairy is, the bigger their playground gets. Smile
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 5:34 am

TheQuantumMechanic wrote:

The smaller the fairy is, the bigger their playground gets. Smile

I like so much this quote I have added it in the wiki XD
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 7:07 am

Karbo wrote:
TheQuantumMechanic wrote:

The smaller the fairy is, the bigger their playground gets. Smile

I like so much this quote I have added it in the wiki XD

Very Happy Glad you like it. It just popped into my head, but seemed appropriate. ^^ I've had fairies on the brain lately. Laughing
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 10:38 am

Not sure if I made it clear before, but I like this idea; it definitely needs further development (since there isn't a whole lot to it right now other than the basic concept), but it is a good idea.

My suggestions would be to go into greater depth on their physical appearance, and make it clearer that they actually are a subspecies of Harpy, and not related to Fairies.

Also, you've mentioned that they eat insects, and live near Fairies, so you don't really need to elaborate too much more on their diet or habitat... but some more detail on their behavior and outlook would be nice. How do they think, how do they react towards races other than Fairies, etc. How is their behavior similar to that of other Harpenoid species, and how does it differ? These are the kind of questions it would be good to consider, and come up with answers for; just writing out the answers might give you ideas and go a long way towards fleshing out these ladies. Very Happy

I know you haven't gotten a whole lot of feedback on some of your other ideas (it just happens, sometimes), so I'm hoping these suggestions are helpful. Smile
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 11:27 am

Yea I have a habit of just going into the base consept of my ideas. Embarassed

I have some things I have to do in a little while so I will probably have a better discription for these guys later today.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 11:29 am

It's just me, but I think that idea was to give nekos a harpy prey. I may be wrong, but this is what I feel from it. If it was the case, I think a Canari Harpy, or something like that, would have been an appropriate substitute. But, that's only me; that's what their small sizes make me think of.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 11:39 am

Well there original concept was to be anti insect companions for faries, The idea of Nekos hunting them is just because of thier size, I could see Neko's hunting alot of prey that small simply because they are part cat.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2008 11:53 pm

I'm takeing QM's advice and going into better detail with these guys.

Fairy Banshee's normally stand at 3 inches in hight, like normal banshee's they have webbed wings where arm's should be and large bat ears on top of thier head. They seem to have slightly better eyesight then a normal banshee but they still use echolocation to find thier way around. Thier hair seem's to be darker in color such as black grey or brown.

Fairy Banshee's seem to be very playful like normal faries but like harpies they tend to use insult's in thier language. Like it has been said Fairy banshee's travel in large swarms, Each swarm has a chain of comande there is always a leader that has a small number of trusted 2nd in comande followers incase something where to happen to the original leader it also helps guiding the swarm easier. In some rare cases a real Fairy will be the leader of the swarms. While fairy banshee's get along best with real fairies they also seem to be liked by other predators as they often land on them and clean them of any parasites they may have on thier skin. Individual fairy banshee's all have thier own way of thinking and often want to do what ever they want but in the end they always will listen to the leader who is always the oldest and most experianst in the swarm.

Fairy Banshee's never really give a reason why they only eat insect's because they are perfectly capable of swarming and eating what ever they want as they seem to do this all the time with large insect creatures such as tonorions.

One eye witness told this story

" I was a member of a small groupe of explorers when it happened. we were walking threw the forest of whispers when our scout John came sprenting as hard as he could twords us, we were all very nervouse as John had a look of terror on his face thats when we saw it a Tonorion was chaseing John. We all watched in horrer as the eight eyed monster swallowed our companion then turned tword us. We all turned and ran as hard as we could as we heard the enormouse monster closing in on us, as we ran we eventually entered a clearing as soon as we entered the clearing I heard thousands of clicking sounds, I hapened to look up and see that the entire sky was filled with tiny bat like creatures that moved as a single unite. with out warning the massive swarm began to twist and plumit and came at us. We all instinctivly dove for the ground as the small creatures flew overtop of us. to my surprise they completly ignored us and instead headed twords the tonorion. The tonorion began to panic and tried to run as the swarm hit it in one massive wave, It began to thrash and cry out in pain as the small bat like creatures completly crawled all over it. within minutes there was nothing left of the tonorion at all. Me and the rest of our groupe feared the worst as we were sure we would be next, to our surprise the swarm dispersed and began to fill the sky once more."

I think I covered most of the points if there is something I missed fell free to point it out.
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy Banshees   Fairy Banshees Icon_minitime

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