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 Rainbow Elemental

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Rainbow Elemental Empty
PostSubject: Rainbow Elemental   Rainbow Elemental Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2008 5:24 pm

A collab I made with Quantum.


Rainbow Elementals are the result of an Elemental Spirit being warpped by dimensional unstability, (I blame Notys) while they were bonding with an Element.


Rainbow Elementals have no definite appearance. They can appear as a humanoid, an animal, and object, whatever. The Element making their body also isn't definite. Their size varies between 10' and 25' tall.


Rainbow Elementals owes their name by the fact they can change between different Elements with the same body. Due to the dimensional warp, they can element-shift at their leisure. The way they change Element is by warping the dimension around themselves, becoming the Element they are in another dimension. In addition to element-shifting, they can shape-shift to change their appearance, in the same fashion as element-shifting. They can't change their size though. It's not without its drawback. The more they shift dimension, the weaker they grow, and the harder it becomes to shift dimension. In order to regain their energy, they need to keep feeding on anything that's alive. In "Passive Mode" their body is reminiscent of slime, regardless of whatever Element they use. In "Active Mode" their Element becomes the real deal. They can only eat orally, but their mouth, throat, and stomach are very stretchy to accomodate for large preys. In addition, they need to undergo a transition to shift between Elements. They have a "No Element" form which is the medium to transition. In appearance, it's only rainbow-colored slime, taking whatever shape they are right now. However, when shifting between compatible Elements, such as Water and Ice, they can transition directly between those two. However, compatible Elements are few and far between. A rainbow elemental can shift between at least seven Elements, which always includes the original Element they were bonding too before the warp, plus the "No Element." Whatever Element they can shift is completely random. The weirdest thing about Rainbow Elementals, and probably the biggest sign of their bad warp, is that the very Element they are using is their biggest weakness. This baffles even the most knowledgeable Elementalists.


The dimensional warp not only warpped their appearance, but their mind as well. Rainbow Elementals are mentally unstable and twisted. They see themselves as deities, and see every other races as inferior, especially other Elementals. Rainbow Elementals are irrational and violent, often maniacal. If that wasn't bad enough, their mind just keep degenerating. After a certain point, they are now incapable of think rationally and logically, becoming mindless beasts hell bent on attacking everything that moves and don't move.


Rainbow Elementals aren't natural creatures, and usually appears under unnatural conditions. (Usually related to Notys coming) As such, they can't reproduce as Rainbow Elementals. In fact, they can only reproduce assexually, and that rarely happens.


Rainbow Elementals are more likely to be found in unstable locations, such as Deeper Felarya, and Miragia Forest. They can be found elsewhere, but it's rare, and those that travels around are few and far between.

Last edited by Sean Okotami on Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Rainbow Elemental Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Elemental   Rainbow Elemental Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 6:58 am

I said it before, but I'll say it here, too. I like this concept a lot; as far as multiple-element Elementals go, it's a more sensible and well-balanced idea instead of just a mash-up of different elemental types. Smile

I do think that this:

Sean Okotami wrote:
In fact, they can only reproduce assexually, and that rarely happens.

Could use further explanation, as to the how and why of it.

In addition, I would suggest changing this line slightly:

Sean Okotami wrote:
They can be found elsewhere, but it's rare, and those that travels around are few and far between.

"They can be found elsewhere, but it's rare, and those that travels around are few and far between... and usually do so for reasons known only to them."

See? It adds a bit of ambiguity to it; they could be roaming all over the place because they have some plan... or it could be just because they're flipping insane. Very Happy

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I wonder what kind of effect Dimensional Magic would have on them? Hmmm.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Rainbow Elemental Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Elemental   Rainbow Elemental Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:03 am

It's through Dimensional magic they reproduce, or multiply in that case. Which means banishing their spirit will only create more of the same spirit. The only sure way to get rid of a Rainbow Elemental, is through Soul/Spirit eaters, like Angels and Succubi.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Rainbow Elemental Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Elemental   Rainbow Elemental Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:14 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
It's through Dimensional magic they reproduce, or multiply in that case. Which means banishing their spirit will only create more of the same spirit. The only sure way to get rid of a Rainbow Elemental, is through Soul/Spirit eaters, like Angels and Succubi.

*nod* Definitely interesting; that isn't what a person might expect to happen. I could see an unexperienced Dimensional Mage thinking that his dimensional magic is going to give him an advantage over such a creature, only to inadvertantly make several more. Laughing
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Rainbow Elemental Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Elemental   Rainbow Elemental Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 3:33 pm

Weird, why did no one else reply yet?
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Elemental   Rainbow Elemental Icon_minitimeWed Aug 13, 2008 9:07 pm

Not sure; it's gotten plenty of views. Maybe people just don't really have anything to say about it? Suspect
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PostSubject: Re: Rainbow Elemental   Rainbow Elemental Icon_minitime

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