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 Demon Locust's

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Demon Locust's   Demon Locust's Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2008 10:31 pm

I'm a little reluctant to talk about these guy's, I have been thinking about them for awhile now and have been putting off posting them because I was afraide of how people wold react to them. but I figured it would be better to see how people thought of them here instead of putting them in a story and people not liking the story because they were in it. So here is my first Fauna Idea.

Demon Locust's
Hight: 3 feet
found in: Jungle of Perils, and Deeper Felarya
Threat: Critical
Seen how often: rare

Demon Locust's stand at about 3 feet in hight, They resemble a monkey without a tail only they have a hard exoskeleton, Their mouth looks alot like the mouth of a tonorion full of sharpe teeth, They have two large black eye's that seem to take up the bigest part of thier face. On thier backs is a small set of bug wings that lets them fly for very short distances. depending on where they live they could come in different colors ones in the Jungle of perils are always red while ones in deeper Felarya are sort of a pale yellow. Demon locust's have no gender

Why they are soo dangerouse:
Demon Locust's will eat almost anything infact it's easier to say what they won't eat which is metal, glass, and earth. Much like blood claw ape's demon locust's travel in giant swarms, even though a single Demon Locust is weaker then a single Blood claw Ape a single demon Locust is considered to be far more dangerouse Because all that it takes to cause an outbreak of demon locust's is one of them. You see Demon locust's don't have a gender so they don't reproduce like other creatures instead they go threw something similar to cell division where they just make copies of themselves and they do this at a very fast rate. They multiply as they eat, If one 3 foot tall Demon Locust ate one average size human of about 6 feet it would multiply into 5, now take one and imagine if it attacked a giant Naga then the tree's and other life around it it wouldn't take long untile an entire area was over run. However there is a bright side they only seem to stay in a certain territory area from where the outbreak started ranging only a few miles which means if you manage to get out of this territory they will not chase after you even if they are on the edge, it is unknown why they only stay in this small territory some belive it is because they share a single mind and just cant venture far but this has yet to be proven.

After the outbreak:
Demon Locust's will never leave the territory they were in so once every last thing has been eaten they do something very odd the swarm turns on it's self attacking each and everyone untile only a few are left they don't mutiply when they do this. Once there are only a few of them left this small groupe split's up and each individual find a place and baries itself underground and goes into hibernation untile thier territory is replenished and in Felarya it's doesn't take long for nature to take back things. even after the territory is completly replenished and looks like nothing happened ther before it still could be several years before they emerge again.

Well..... here they are i figured it would be best to see what people thought here instead of in a story. i figured they would be a good thing to go along with my mothfolk Idea like if there was a setelment and out of no where there was a mothfolk on every rooftop indicating that somthing big was about to go down and that everyone need's to get the hell out of the settlement.
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Evil admin
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Demon Locust's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demon Locust's   Demon Locust's Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 3:59 pm

I think the multiply idea is nice but they are maybe a bit similar to bloodclaw apes ^^;
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Newbie adventurer
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Demon Locust's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Demon Locust's   Demon Locust's Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2008 7:24 pm

Other than maybe working on their apperance to be more locust like; I think their a great Idea!

Like the idea of using the moths with them! Pure brillance!
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PostSubject: Re: Demon Locust's   Demon Locust's Icon_minitime

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