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 Eternity Demons

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PostSubject: Eternity Demons   Eternity Demons Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 11:26 am

Right, this information is about a new type of creature/demon that I um... think "may" fit into Felarya. ^^;

Getting any feedback, helpful advice, comments and critiques will be most welcomed and appreciated. Also, this will be edited over time if anyone take interest or gives any helpful ideas and such.

Eternity Demons
Size: varies from categories and specimens used.
Threat: Moderate to Very High
Location: Unknown

The Eternity Demons are slaves to the will of the Brotherhood of Eternity and are vary from all sorts of creatures (I.e. Humans to Nagas to Titans). Little is known about them for no one has attempted to actually capture and study them for any amount of time, though a small group tried once and were not heard from again once examination and studying began.

Eternity Demons are listed in four categories. Little is known about these categories except for those that scientists, with the help of holy monks, shamans, priests, and other methods using holy artifacts, have managed to study at least category one and category two Eternity Demons before the bodies turned to a golden ash after eight hours.The last two categories were either captured on film or through pictures in most cases only two films have captured images of the third demon type and a couple pictures of a fourth class. Though an explorer, traveling to a city on some planet with a dimensional gate, came a cross a small temple finding documents.

The only weak spot on them is the Eternity symbol on their head. Two of the categories are zombie like, meaning moaning and swaying. Their eyes are constantly changing colors and even eating them can kill the most dangerous pred, for that reason is because their soul is a tortured soul and will attache to another soul and change the body of the preds into either a class two or a class three monster.

First category consists of humanoids to any type of creature. They are quite dangerous and have spikes on them that contain a poison that no known cure is available. They are not slow or fast but are still dangerous. Their only weak spot is the Eternity symbol on their head and are zombie like.

Second category consists of the same from class one but they have short golden tentacles and spikes. They are even more deadly than class one. They are extremely fast and can only be killed by destroying the Eternity symbol on their head. They are also zombie like, same goes for class one.

Third category. This class is considered to be the . The reason is that the Demons in this class do not have a range of creature except for four categories. Four legged, two legged, multi-legged, marine/aquatic, and flying. They use any part of any creature as a body part/weapon. If one of their tentacles hit its victum square in the chest the person or creature's body will turn into a golden ash but their soul (most being/creatures have souls in a sense except for the undead and dead) will be trapped within the category three Demon's body until the it is killed and thus the souls are released and sent to either Heaven or Hell (just to say where a soul goes if it if good or evil). If encountering one, you chance of survival or escaping are one to noting. Only a few beings have been known to survive against theses abominations.

The person who created these demons is speculated. But one thing is clear, it is to be believed that a cult of religious fanatics/overlords created them to try and rule all of reality and/or so to gather more worshiper/followers or test subjects for their dark and mysterious experiments.

Last edited by Goldclaw on Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:56 am; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Changing it.)
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PostSubject: Re: Eternity Demons   Eternity Demons Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 4:55 pm

A very interesting demon. Like how you left them as mysterious beings but I don't really see them being controled by anything other than other demons.
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