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 ...by a Moonlight Shadow...

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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 10:30 am

Mantis enjoyed the presence of the similarly-sized fairies at first, grinning right along with them, until Carmen mentioned something about a half-breed. Mantis' smile dropped in an instant- painful memories of when he was in the Kingdom came to him, when he had first struck out on his own. He had tried to join a fairy pack, only to be ostracized when they discovered he was practically useless on hunts. Then he had been made fun of for his lack of magic as well, he thought, as Maple pointed out that he must beat his wings rapidly to stay airborne. Around Silla and Nordian, these facts were normal enough- but when these full-blooded fairies pointed his faults out like that, his shame resurfaced and he found himself unable to respond, reminded of why he'd been traveling alone in the first place.

Mantis stopped sulking when Carmen made the accusation that Silla had a boyfriend, at which he imagined how awkward Nordian must have felt then, a smile crawling across Mantis' face. Then she mentioned two boyfriends, at which he frowned deeply. It seemed there was enough awkwardness to go around.

He wondered if they recognized Silla as a female because that's what she used to be or if they'd just not seen a male with long hair before. Either way, she'd been recognized by the two- he was certain any other neko would have been eaten on the spot. Tinies too. He reminded himself how important his fairy half was to his own survival as well- and couldn't stay angry at the fairies for their nature as they'd at least recognized him as a fairy at all.

Then, as the fairies departed, they mentioned this "Lola", Silla's mother. Maybe they'd not only get some answers concerning the armor while they were here, but some real answers about Silla. Silla's recent transformation still had Mantis ill at ease, and Carmen and Maple's comments hadn't helped.

Whatever Silla was didn't really matter to Mantis when he appeared to have been injured as well. Mantis hovered near the arm and gave a concerned look. "Clipped wing?" he asked. "Everybody knows I can't use magic at all, so no healing spells from me." he shrugged. Mantis then attempted to land to give his wings a rest and tend to his own wound only to discover that putting pressure on his leg caused a bolt of pain to shoot through. Wincing, he took wing once again and tried to take his mind off it. "What about you, Nordian? Any bugs get in that armor of yours?" he asked.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 11:19 am

"No, I'll be fine. I just popped the arm from the socket." Silla said, before looking at Mantis. "Mantis, I can use healing magic. Give me a moment and I'll help you." Silla grasped his upper left arm and began moving it, the strange sounds of muscles and bones being jiggled around enough to make an ordinary person faint. The markings on his back glowed faintly, showing Silla's use of magic. Finally, there was a popping and a sucking noise as Silla put his arm back into it's place. "Much better." He said, moving it, and wincing. "Still going to be painful to move around too much."

The fairies were coming back, this time with a fairy with short brown hair and mournful looking eyes. This fairy, unlike her companions, wore clothes, which was pretty much a shirt without a back, and a skirt, all black, surprisingly modest for a fairy. Her wings echoed those of a swallowtailed butterfly. The mournful looking fairy looked at Nordian, sensing the magic and enchantments hold him together, she then looked towards Mantis. Flitting ahead of her friends, she floated in front of him, before reaching down to his ankle and putting her hand on it, the healing magic going into the flesh and bone and healing it. "Much better, yes?" She said in a soft and demure tone, like a mother.

"Mother?" Silla asked, looking at her. "Don't you recognize me?"

"Recognize you? Of course I would know my child! I gave birth to you!" The fairy said, latching herself onto Silla's arm. "My baby's all grown up, and you've grown a foot! You're almost as tall as... as... as..." Tears began to well in her eyes.

"Oh boy." Carmen said, before tapping Lola's shoulder. "Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! Remember? Silla's here!" She said quickly.

"Oh yes! You two!" She said to Nordian and Mantis. "Come! Come! We should go into the Dojo! I'm sure you're hungry!" Lola had her head turned to Mantis, smiling. "And I'm sure you would like to be away from the water!" She said with her head turned to Nordian. She let go of Silla and began zipping off to the Dojo.

Silla sighed, before following his mother to the rather out of place looking Dojo. It appeared to be atleast five rooms, but inside an enchantment had been casted, giving it fifty rooms! There were steps that led up to the sliding door, and occasionally a fairy or two might come out from the window, sometimes holding onto some poor human or neko. The walls were whitewashed and laying forgotten in the tall grass were toys like a wagon and a few dolls.
Beside the Dojo was a large mound of dirt, covered in flowers of the pink, white, and yellow variety. Standing amongest the flowers was a sword very similiar in shape and size to Silla's, it's hilt facing towards the sky. The blade itself was cracked and rusted, there were some old blood specks on it too. A tale of war was told by looking at the weapon, and it also spoke of a violent death. Silla approached the mound, and bowed deeply to it. "Asu." He mumbled, before turning around with a smile at his friends. "My dad built this..." He said, pointing to the Dojo. "With the help of my uncle. By the way, if you see my Uncle... don't say 'rabbit'." He warned.
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 11:46 am

“Thank you, Mantis, but I’m fine, though one of those insects managed to scratch up my helmet a little,” Nordian answered Mantis, before looking up to Lola as she approached. Nordian wasn’t certain, but there was something in her look that made Nordian think that she guessed at the truth to his nature. He was also somewhat dismayed when she mentioned food, dodging meals without rousing suspicion was always difficult for him. But at least this time he had an excuse.

“Your offer is generous, madam, thank you,” Nordian said, following Lola to the dojo, “But I’m afraid to enter as is. I still bear the grime and filth from combat. Is there somewhere where I could wash off my armor and weapon. It’s a task I wish to attend to in person, if you’ll pardon my protectiveness. What you see here is all of the possessions that I have since I came to this world.”
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 2:19 pm

Mantis watched the third fairy approach- by her demeanor and expression, she seemed to be less enthusiastic than the other two. She wore clothing, which was actually strange for fairies- he knew his own training gi made himself look further out of place here. As the fairy floated closer to him, he saw she had butterfly-like wings. Mantis was then surprised as the new fairy flew directly over to him, inspecting his injured leg before holding a hand to the wound; the pain receded immediately, but the wound itself took several seconds longer than the fairy seemed to expect. When the mending was done, his leg felt good as new; only a dark red stain on his gi betrayed the fact there was any wound there to begin with. "Much better, thank you ma'am." Mantis answered respectfully, giving a slight nod.

He witnessed the emotional reunion between Silla and who he now understood, was Lola. Then, when the Dojo was mentioned, Mantis couldn't help but feel a smile creep across his face. He had a feeling that he'd like this place. At the mention of food, Mantis nodded anxiously and his stomach rumbled agreeably- and then he remembered what fairies ate. He'd probably have to explain to Lola that he wasn't able to eat humans or nekos. Mantis considered trying to slip away for a few minutes to snatch up some starkala bugs. However, explanations were inevitable- he obliged, curious to see the inside of the Dojo.

As they approached the Dojo, Mantis noticed the weapon sticking up out of a mound near the structure. It seemed like it meant something very important to Silla. When Silla mentioned his father, Mantis realized that the mound was a memorial. But what was this about Silla's uncle and rabbits? Mantis wondered if her uncle was a neko as well...
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 9:18 pm

"Don't hide. No one can trust people who hide their true natures." Lola said to Nordian, looking at him with her melancholy eyes. "Because those who hide themselves... only fool themselves." A smile spread upon her lips. "Anyway, I don't think you'll scare anyone. I've seen a lot worse... trust me. A lot worse." She sniffled, before fluttering to the doors of the Dojo.

The sliding doors parted for her, revealing a sparsely furnitured room. There were a few pads where one would sit placed against west walls, while the east walls had ten training dummies propped up on wooden legs. Three of them looked to be on their last leg, with their entire body appearing to be made up of stitches! Silla walked inside, beckoning for the others to follow.

The floor was soft, so Silla took off his sandals and set them beside the door. He walked into the hallway then, which was well lit for the first twenty feet, then it got steadily darker.

Silla walked down the hallway, before pushing open another door. "This is where we eat." He said, pointing inside. A single table with various fruits and a few slabs of meat placed upon it sat in the middle of the room, with a small hearth nearby for a fire. There was another door that led to the outside porch. The hearth itself had a metal pot, handmade (mediocre, to say the least), placed above it. The pot was gently steaming. On the wall were shelves which held various fairy sized items, like oven mittens and cups, but what also stood on one of the shelves was a picture, seemingly out of place, of a very frightening looking neko and Lola... and a baby Silla! The neko wore an odd mask which covered the bottom half of it's face which had a tube coming out from it, the tube extended to the waist and went around to it's back, and it was hard to tell where the neko was staring, since it had no pupils or irises.

"Now then, Silla, tell me, who is that young man with wings?" Lola asked, standing on top of a plum shaped fruit.

"This," Silla said, pointing to Mantis. "Is Mantis. He's my leader. He's very strong."
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 9:52 pm

Nordian froze, speechless. She knew! But how? Was it because she was a magical being as well, or simply more experienced and better traveled. But more importantly, what was he to do now? He considered leaving then and there, but something stayed him. She knew…

But she still accepted him. Nordian had not seen someone do that in his time on Felarya, brief though it was. Did he happen to find one of the more tolerant denizens of this strange realm? Or were people simply used to the strange magic here? Perhaps he simply left the situations before he could find out. What did that say of him? Was he simply being cowardly? After several long moments of indesicion, Nordian followed Lola into the dojo.

He didn’t go straight to the dining room, but found another room that was a washroom of sorts. It was several moments later when Nordian arrived at the dining room. His armor had been cleaned of the gore from the battle with the insects. His shield and flail he left at the door, but he didn’t remove his armor or helmet. Appearing decidedly uncomfortable, Nordian hesitated, then joined Silla and Mantis.
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2008 11:06 pm

On the way to the dining room, Mantis noted the training dummies- he'd be sure to have some fun with those when he had the chance. Briefly, he wondered how much the resident fairies had trained and if he'd have the chance to spar while he was here.

When Silla showed the dining room, Mantis saw that the food laid out for them was surprisingly normal, including fruit; he gave a sigh of relief. Then again, Silla had told him before that he didn't eat tinies; he should have expected something different. Mantis quickly eyed some of the delicious-looking fruit, calculating how much of it he could consume. That amounted to quite a lot for his size, and he hadn't eaten since gorging himself on starkala bugs. Back home in the Garden he'd gorge himself with exotic fruits everyday. This safe haven gave him the same friendly atmosphere. At least, when he wasn't being made fun of, that is.

Mantis looked around at some of the other things in the room besides the food- a picture in particular catching his eye. He became distracted by it for several seconds before the fairy's voice snapped him out of it. He turned his attention back to his hosts.

As Silla introduced Mantis to Lola, Mantis gave a slight bow and smiled. "Thank you for inviting me into your dojo." he began, "You know, I met Silla only recently- and I didn't think we could become allies at first- well, due to both our ancestries. But I realized I had no quarrel with her- yeah, Silla was a girl then- and we decided to travel as a party." Mantis finished, gesturing towards Nordian, who he noticed, had not yet taken his helmet off. Mantis was quite curious from when he'd first met Nordian as to what he actually looked like- but he'd need to take the helmet off to eat anyway, so he'd get to see it eventually.And maybe Lola would help him understand just what was up with Silla's recent transformation, he thought.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 9:33 am

If there was anything Silla inherited from his mother, it was her voraciousness. He dived towards the table, grabbing up a fruit and quickly scarfed it down like a starving cat. His hand then went to some of the slabs of meat, which he greedily began feasting on, seeming to not care that he was going to possibly eat all the food before Mantis or Nordian would get to it. "Food! And it's not poison ivy!" He said, relief in his tone as he moved on to a rather large fruit with tough skin.

Lola casted her son a very worried and concerned look for a moment, before turning back to Mantis. "Really, that's interesting! All adventurers I've ever seen were elves, humans, and the occasional neko. I traveled a lot in my early pregnacy," she giggled, patting her stomach. "Silla loved humans! I remember every time I ate a paticular amount, he'd kick a bit! It was as though he were saying 'Thank you, Mama!'."

Silla turned his head around, as though embarrased about his mother's choice of topic.

"But a party like this is very odd, in fact, I think your group will be assaulted a lot by other adventurers." Lola admitted in a soft voice. "Humans don't take very well to half breeds, the native Nekos of Felarya don't trust the Kensui Neko, which is what Silla most resembles, and Mantis I'm sure we have caused you some grief... and then there are mages after anything that is covered in magic." Her eyes briefly flickered to Nordian. She then took flight once more, hovering close to the ceiling. "But we're all here now, why worry? We should be eating and having a good time! Silla, stop eating everything!"

Silla dropped one of the plates of fruit, but looked shiftily around and returned to the meat. His teeth were more suited for the rendering of flesh then the mushing of fruit anyway.

"Silla, why didn't you come here as a woman?" Lola asked, sitting down between Silla's ears which perked up slightly.

"Because, we got into a fight and it's less trouble to fight without big breasts." Silla answered honestly.

"But I wanted to show all the girls how big you are in the chest!"

"I'm a hermaphrodite, Mother, a hermaphrodite who can switch dominant genders, not a homosexual cat."

"Buuut... if you're a girl and you hook up with a guy-"

Silla shook his head to dislodge his mother, covering his ears in embarrasement. "No! I am not arguing logic Mommy! Don't go on!"
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 9:54 am

“Thank you madam, but I…I am not hungry at the moment,” Nordian said, reluctantly. Despite Lola’s insights to his nature, Nordian wasn’t ready to give up his secret just yet. Still, for the first time since he adopted his disguise, he felt guilty about deceiving those around him. Particularly Silla and Mantis, by whose side he fought in battle, and who invited him into their home.

But this was a different world. Where he had come from, his type was a universal symbol of fear and terror. Nordian had assumed that it would be the same here, but had he ever tested that assumption? True, he had been here only a short time, but he hadn’t ever seen any users of the arts of necromancy. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt hungry,” Nordian admitted in a softer voice.
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:17 am

When Silla began eating, Mantis took it as a cue to dig in. He landed on one of the larger fruits available, its circumference surpassing his height. That would keep him full for awhile. He struck the tough skin of the fruit with precision, piercing it without too much difficulty. From then on he tore the gash he'd created open, peeling back what he could until he reached the juicy pulp within. If anyone was watching, they would have seen him literally dive into the fruit, only to see it deflate within seconds, the satisfied demi-fairy crawling out and loudly burping in content.

He heard Lola talking about eating humans before Silla was born- well, his mother Cynthia had done the same thing. Again, he couldn't blame fairies for being fairies, but he wasn't sure how Nordian felt about all this- he probably felt most out of place of all, Mantis thought, as the armored man seemed to have lost his appetite at the topic.

Mantis nodded as Lola expressed her concerns of the strange group- at the mention of half-breeds Mantis initially thought she was referring to him; but she went on to say something about nekos not trusting other nekos; he hadn't heard of that before. When she mentioned him specifically, her comment about causing him grief struck him- he hadn't directly stated that he was actually half mausu to her, but she seemed to have deducted this already. This helped him a bit after being bugged earlier by the others. But when she mentioned something about "covered in magic" he raised an eyebrow. He didn't think she was referring to Silla and certainly not him, so...? Hmm...

His wandering thoughts were forgotten when Silla and her mother started arguing- and this time it seemed to be about Silla's strange nature.
Mantis didn't think he'd be asking any questions about that- ever.

Now disabled from flight from all the fruit he'd eaten, he relaxed a bit, leaning back on the tabletop. He looked over to the armored Nordian with a screwed-up smile. "Well, it looks like we're the normal ones, eh?"
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 11:59 am

Lola laughed, smiling at the nice company. She gave her son a hug, briefly switching to a more human sized height, before returning to her smaller size and fluttering out to the porch, and then fluttering away to hunt.

Silla watched Mantis and Nordian for a moment, considering Nordian's awkwardness in this food situation. He wondered if it was because of his odd gender switch? "You can take my place, Nordian, I have some things to catch up in here anyway." He said cheerfully, standing up. He picked up the steaming pot and took two cups from the self, filling them with warm and pleasant smelling liquid. "Here, flower tea. It's made from the nonpoisonous flowers around here and it's pretty good. I was raised on it." He set the cups down on the table and grinned.

Walking out from the room, Silla walked down the hall. He sometimes wished he had a tail to swish, because that was the mood he was in. He continued walking until he came to a large room which was strangely different, the walls were sheeted in some sort of rock, and there was no ceiling. An anvil sat in the room, along with a forge. Tools of a blacksmith laid about the room. A single fairy stood before the forge, a male who balanced himself pecariously on one unmangled leg... and his right wing was tattered as though something had chewed a good bit off. "Hey, Uncle." Silla said, leaning against the door frame.

"What are you doing here?" The fairy asked, not turning around to look at his nephew.

"Saying 'hello' to my favorite person in the world." Silla's sarcastic voice answered. "I need you to fix up this sword." Silla said, pulling his blade out and pointing it directly at his Uncle's back. "It's gotten chipped all over the blade"

His uncle slowly turned around, picking the sword up. He scratched his head, which had very short hair as though he had chopped it off recently, and sighed. "You irresponsible little idiot." He said, examining the blade. "You know, your mother cries for you, she's always afraid you're going to get yourself killed. I say 'good riddance'! All you and your father did was cause pain for my sister! Filthy halfbreed. Sol Thous did us a favor by killing your old man, now why couldn't he just do the same to you?!"

Silla stood silent at his Uncle's tirade, feeling the familiar guilt creep up in his heart. "I've come back, didn't I?"

"That's not good enough, just... just drop your quest, you won't gain anything from it." His uncle sighed, turning around and gathering the supplies he would need to fix the sword. "Even if you kill him, where will that get you?"

"Nowhere," was Silla's answer. "I already know that, but until he's dead, I can't stop. That's my only purpose right now, to kill him."

"Then you, boiled down... you're just what your father didn't want you to be. A murderer." Silla's Uncle pointed out.

Silla's eyes widened, then he bit his lip, chewing on it before he finally spat out, "rabbit!"

"AHHHHHH! IT'S GOING TO EAT ME! IT'S GOING TO EAT ME!" Silla's Uncle shrieked, running and cowering in a cornor, holding onto his wing. Silla watched with apathetic eyes before turning around, walking outside of the room.
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 12:30 pm

Nordian looked down at the cup of steaming tea set before him. It was a kind act, a simple one, without any maliciousness or mischievousness in it. It looked delicious. And yet, it was so utterly beyond him to enjoy. He looked up as Mantis mentioned them being the normal ones. Meanwhile, both Silla and Lola had left.

“Perhaps…but perhaps not,” Nordian said hesitantly, setting the tea aside. He paused, struggling with some internal debate. He was afraid of revealing of who he was, but he disliked deceiving Mantis and Silla. This was a different world, perhaps the people here would react differently. “In truth,” He said at last, the words coming slowly with reluctance. “You and Silla are far more ‘normal’ than I. I must ask your forgiveness, I have been deceiving you and Silla.”

“Tell me, Mantis, do you know anything about necromancy?”
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 1:06 pm

"Huh..." Mantis thought for a moment at the strange subject Nordian put forth, rubbing his chin. "Used to make the dead walk, or at least that's what I've heard. That kind of magic doesn't work in Felarya, as far as I know. That's why you don't see skeletons walking around." he shrugged. "But- back in Nemyra's Kingdom, where the magic was really strong, sometimes you had to deal with ghosts- and they'll try to eat you if you have a lot of magic. Luckily I don't... But I'd say that ghosts are still scarier than skeletons any day- especially after you've seen someone just... Disappear." he added.

"But, yeah- I don't think you can just force a spirit to come back from the dead here, although they might on their own. What are you asking for, anyway? If you're a necromancer or something, you're out of luck." Mantis leaned back, relaxed, and closed his eyes.

His eyes darted open a moment later as he thought he heard the muffled sound of someone screaming, but it could have just been the steaming whistle of the teacup. He allowed himself to relax again, yawning. It had been quite some time since he was in a safe haven such as this and he still felt a bit jumpy.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 4:01 pm

Silla walked back into the room Nordian and Mantis sat in. "Hello guys!" He said, sitting down beside the table. "My sword is getting fixed, Nordian, you can go down the hall and turn on the tenth room on the left, that's where my Uncle is. He can probably help you with your smithing!" Silla looked at Mantis. "Do you want to go 'play' with those training dummies in the first room?" Silla asked, gleeful at the idea of getting some hand-to-hand practice with the dummies.

"You know, sometimes people came here to challenge my dad to battles. They were guys who wanted to prove their strength and how much better they were. A lot of them were guys from Negav who disliked Nekos." He said, lazily picking up another slab of meat and chewing on it. "Of course, they were kinda shocked at how close this place was to the Fairy Pond, and a lot of them ended up in my mother's stomach. But... those that did came were very tough. But the battles never took place here, because my mother said there would be no more real sword fighting in the Dojo after she was nearly split in two."

"They always took place outside, away from the Fairy Pond and the Dojo, but close enough so that bugs wouldn't interfer. My father had to wear this breathing mask thing because for some odd reason, normal Felarya air suffocates him!" Silla widened his eyes, as though to demonstrate the oddity of the fact. "But even with the handicap, my father easily took each one down!" Silla quickly stood up, stomping his foot onto the table and striking a pose. "And now I have followed in his footsteps to become... Super Silla-Ren!" Silla declared, before laughing and taking his foot off the table.

"Okay, so maybe I'm not Super Silla-Ren... but I've been attacked by people before for being a Neko." He said, brushing some soot from his hakama. "...What was I suggesting to do?"
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PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 4:48 pm

“Hello Silla. Before you invite me, you should know this,” Nordian said in response to Mantis. “It is good, Mantis, that Necromacy doesn’t work here. This world is a better place without that black sorcery. But necromancy works in other worlds. People with the right power can disturb the rest of the departed. It was widely used in mine.”

“I apologize because I deceaved you and Silla about my nature. My armor was able to hide who I was from you two, but Lola was able to see through it somehow. She knew, or at least guessed at who I was, what I was. I have long feared discovery, given the evil done by necromancy on my world. But Lola did not fear or despised me. Knowing what I was, she invited me in to her home here. Even now, I am tempted to give into cowardice and flee, but I will face my fears instead.”

“No, Mantis, I am not a necromancer. I am the product of one. The story I told you, about being recruited to fight in wars, was true. What I did not tell you is that I had been dead for nearly a century before I was recruited.”
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PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 23, 2008 5:46 pm

If Mantis wasn't so extremely stuffed, he'd be up for training that instant. It seemed that he'd have to sit and digest his meal for a bit.

As Silla explained that people fought her father, and how many of them were eaten by her mother, Mantis smirked- his father, Hercules, fought people too- but this was to give them a chance to escape from being Cynthia's meal. He'd fight humans and nekos (once shrunken to tiny size), completely fairly and unarmed. If the opponent lost, well, Cynthia would have permission to eat them. If they won- or were too beaten up to be appealing, they were released. While Hercules was a full-blooded mausu, and the natural prey of nekos, he made certain to never go easy on them- but at the same time, they often were released anyway, being too beaten for Cynthia to stomach. His father had a strange sense of justice- not for vengeance, but for humility... Well, Mantis doubted this was really the kind of information that Silla needed to know, given that her father's memorial was just outside. If he started talking about how Cynthia ate nekos, it would probably affect them the same way talking about humans had Nordian.

Silla went on to say how her father was sought and challenged, and Mantis believed that if those who survived a fight with Hercules- either those who were beaten too badly to be considered food for his mother, too ashamed to admit to being defeated by a tiny, or the winners- of which there were quite few, but too proud to hold a win against a mausu to be worth boasting about- were to let others know, he was sure that many warriors would find his father a worthy opponent. But would this mean more food for Cynthia or sending a horde of murderers after his father? He suspected that recognition of power was more of a curse than of value to a warrior.

Then Nordian spoke again- and Mantis listened intently. His words did not seem light. He was talking about how he'd... Deceived them? Died before he was recruited, a product of a necromancer...?!

Mantis stood up acknowledgedly, wobbling a bit from the meal, flapping his wings for balance. He didn't say anything for a few long seconds. Behind that armored helm lay Nordian's grave secret, that he had been intent on covering up to them for as long as possible. It made sense now- he'd never taken the armor off since he'd met them, nor taken sustenance. Well, it seemed that they were about to see what Nordian's true identity was.

"Well, let's see it already!" he answered supportively. "I don't think you'll freak out a couple of freaks." he added, grinning at Silla for a moment.
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Temple scourge
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 9:22 am


Name: Wes'li Dregdog

Age: 87

Sex: Mentally: Male; Physically: None

Race: Originally: Human; Currently: Clay Golem

History: Look Down.

Abilities: Wes'li, while not a great mage, is at least accomplished for his species [especially for the body he currently holds]. He is mostly proficient in spells that are not directly hostile, but this is not to say he's either lacking in such spells or defenseless. His greatest strengths lie with his current body and the benefits it provides him.

First, his form is graced with a magical strength. Each arm alone can lift more weight than the average man can with both. This allows him to quickly rend anything that attacks him, if the need arises. Along with this strength, his body is quite dense and heavy - even a pulled punch could potentially kill a man caught unaware. This also means that when Wes'li gets moving, he is quite hard to stop.

With the strength comes his endurance. Being of a magical build, Wes'li does not tire physically. This does not mean he is without a need to sleep, however, just that he may run for very long times (His mind does need time to relax, after all). As an additional benefit, he is nigh impossible to kill. As long as he can find clay, he may add onto his form when damaged and preserve his current mass and shape. The lack of vital fluids or organs - with the exception of those to be stated momentarily - means that it is hard for a killing blow to be struck, if the attack has any notable effect on the form at all.

While many of his internal organs were damaged heavily before his placement in the Golem, there are still those that remain. One of which, the brain, is sheltered within the body. Though this lessens the safety of the organ, it increases his mobility - if Wes'li kept all his organs within the Plane Sphere, the Clay Body would have scant meters it could explore beyond the entrance at the peak of his control, not even full reign of the sphere at its wax. These organs were put in the strongest container available with the highest wards possible to keep them sealed and protected.

The brain's container is held within the deepest point of his body, surrounded on each side by at least a foot of clay. This, when outside the Plane Sphere, works as the source of energy for the body. Should the brain be removed, the body would return to lifeless clay until the organ was placed back. Though there are no ocular or other sensory organs to feed the brain knowledge, the magical energies of the body provide him with a sense of sight, hearing, and a poor sense of touch. The lack of other organs or vitals to effect means many ways of incapacitating a human - poison, sudden bright flashes of light, and other stimuli / concoctions will have minimal effect against him.

Speech is possible for Wes'li, but the voice sounds more like that of shifting earth or grinding stone than what would come from a living being's mouth.

For the drawbacks, Wes'li cannot sustain prolonged periods in water or flowing materials. Too long wears away and weakens the body, leading to a need for repair and maintenance before he may continue onward. His strength is again high, and even with the utmost control he must be wary to avoid crushing others - wariness that does not bode well with his bulky form. It is nigh impossible for him to perform dexterous actions or precise actions such as opening a vial, and requires the aid of tools or others to do so. His weight means he cannot effectively travel certain areas, as his weight would cause him to fall through the ground / sink like a rock. There is no sense of smell on his person, or one of taste, so he is unable to tell things that others would quickly be aware of [the smell of carrion, for instance].

Appearance: Physically, without robes, this is not far off. With robes, you can just imagine the dark brown robe overtop the form.
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Temple scourge
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 9:27 am



History: Born to another world not quite dissimilar to Terra beyond the addition of a few other sentient beings, Wes'li started his life as a lower class citizen with an ability to manipulate the winds of magic. Having not the money to attend a Mage's School at the time, he tried to teach himself how to wield his magical gift. In the end, all he succeeded in doing was teaching himself how to avoid being a ticking time bomb and having magical effects spring off him at random. Being unable to afford the education to a wizard's life, and too low-born to aspire to any important role in life for the village, Wes'li satisfied himself the position of a lowly serf.

His father died while he was young, having chosen to follow the path of a soldier for his lord. His mother fared little better, dying before Wes'li's tenth birthday from tuberculosis. Being too young to own their property, his land was quickly seized by the area's Baron to be sold to another family. Taken in by other families for various reasons - friends of the parents, potential of Wes'li eventually becoming a mage and owing them favors, etcetera - his funds slowly began to raise due to the lessened taxes to pay the Baron. He would do favors for the neighbors and towns people for very low fares, paying off his dues as soon as they came so as to avoid falling into a debt.

By the age of eighteen, his magical potential still under-developed, Wes'li finally could afford the initial fees to enter the local Mage's School. While there he was an abnormality to his class - only three fellow students of his year showed the signs of puberty, and none were born below the merchant- or upper-class. He caught on to the initial lessons faster than most of his fellow students, but once it came time to work from texts his performance fell. He could barely afford to even enter the school, let alone afford the expensive texts. His only saving grace was the earliness in school that literacy was taught - normally reserved for only the youngest of the upper class who had yet to be visited by tutors - and that he fit the age minimum to visit the official school libraries.

As the years went on, it became harder for Wes'li to remain in the school. Many of the errands he would once be asked to do were now passed on to some other figure, whether due to the restricted time schedule or fear that the practices may be reported unintentionally to some noble. Most of those who would hire a Mage demanded the best, and a low-born citizen with barely clean clothes did not fit the criteria. By his third year Wes'li was almost forced from the school, before he found a small niche for himself that saved his education.

Being a low-born and barely trained for someone his age, he was a sort of a unique figure. He did not hold quite the obligations to his lord as he would have should his parents died later in his life, nor was he bound by the honor of some noble family or institute. Better yet, he was at an age where one would expect him to either have no magical touch, or be of great skill. For those looking to use mages for underhanded purposes, he was the perfect man. He would be hired for simple jobs ranging from a minor sphere of silence to prevent the Misses from knowing of an affair, working as a sort of instantaneous courier to transmit private long-range messages, to even providing a minor distraction of a guard to allow a heist to be pulled.

His life had been set for the next few years of his life. With an exception to those who held contacts within the school, few would challenge their originally set prices out of fear that there was more power to him than met the eye. He was one of the few mages that could be relied on to not tattle, so his demand was relatively high. After just two years in the business, Wes'li had earned enough funds to secure his place in the school until graduation - along with a minor "Thank you" for those families that had taken care of him as a child. His monetary issues gone, Wes'li began to move away from the corrupt lifestyle. The jobs accepted were less illegal and more of the privacy notes, which while putting a dent in the income left enough for himself to survive.

As this went on there were several love interests Wes'li had held, in addition to several disappointments. Upper-class(wo)men who saw him more as a curiosity or a client to their own questionable actions more than an actual lover, a daughter of one of his 'foster' parents that unfortunately died of influenza before the relationship could develop, several varying towns people who either lost interest in him, that he lost interest in, or just disappeared due to their times and life, there were few relations that lasted beyond a season before being shattered by some party.

In the end, he became infatuated with one of the fellow students of his class - a merchant's daughter by the name of Kirsten who had been one of the three beyond a child when their school life started. By this time, the interest in her was mostly one sided. While she had seen how quickly he had risen in wealth, Wes'li's nature prevent her from holding too great an interest. He had lessened his income by 'going clean', she observed him to rarely be the type to splurge on gifts or the luxuries of life for even himself, and there was the fact that he was born beneath her. This did not prevent a sort of friendship forming between the two, as well as the few fellow classmates Wes'li could find bearable to stand in the company of.

By the time of his graduation eight years after starting the education, he had to let his love of Kirsten go as she fell madly in love with another Wizard of a much more prosperous nature. Though he had remained friends with her for some time, eventually he broke even that link as she 'regressed' in the man's presence to the typical aristocracy of the time. The only reason she felt she could even associate him before the break was his graduation from the Mage's Academy giving him some 'superiority' over the 'distasteful fellows of his ilk'.

After graduation, there was little to Wes'li's life beyond the pursuits of an average Mage. Most of those who he had grown up with prior to his education were either dead, had 'let him go' so as to avoid having themselves taint his happiness at success or his superior image in the public's mind, or only sought him out to get their 'interest' on their support of him as a child. Many of his fellow Alumni were much too young for himself to be associated with at the time, or had 'devolved' like Kirsten to a mindset of superiority that he had no wish to be a part of. With little else to do, Wes'li continued his studies beyond the institute into the world and its workings.

For a little over twenty years, this was his place in life. He eventually bought himself a minor home in the city and moved out from the apartment he used so long after his education. His focus on personal education instead of flaunting his gift to nobles in an attempt to secure spouses or going off to war to seek a 'glory' in battle allowed his skills to eventually surpass many of his prior students. Wes'li personally discovered several minor ways to increase the potency of his spells or their duration. When the class held their fifteenth year reunion he was one of the few to have shown signs of improvement in the arts while several others had shown the sign of recession - their graduation having been just another quality to flaunt instead of an earnest interest in the field.

Impressed with his and another student's - a relatively young Gnome by the name of Anna - signs of improvement, the Academy offered them the chance to continue their studies with the backing of the institute and potentially a role as Professor should their quality improve further and a position open. Without hesitation, both accepted to offer to the mixed reactions of congratulations and happiness from some students and distaste and negative criticism of others.

During the next five years, the two started a sort of relationship. At first it was of a competitive nature, both knowing that the likelihood of two positions opening within their life times being slim to nil and as such striving to out do the other so as to gain the favor of existing Professors when / if the time came. While Wes'li showed greater signs of manipulating magic into spells and a higher level of control, Anna was years ahead of him when it came to thinking beyond the box and creating magically infused objects.

This in time eventually turned to respect for each other's skills and advantages. And a continued rivalry by making clear the other's weakness'. Then came a sort of mutual tolerance by the two of the other - they were doing their bests, and it was up to the Academy to decide who would take the position. If either of them did at all. Afterwards came friendship with rivalry as they saw no reason to prevent interaction between each other: Worst case scenario they would help themselves in their lacking fields. This in turn led to a decline in the rivalry as they grew to enjoy the other's company more, eventually turning into a full-blown 'intimate' relationship. Both decided that the best would win, the other would be fine holding a studying position until their services were demanded by the Academy.
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Temple scourge
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 9:30 am



As this happened, the Academy continued to work on its own project. Namely, as a big hush-hush in the Mage's World to all but the greatest mages, the work of Interplanar Travel. While the modern world had a Space Race, the Wizards rushed to see who would be the first to create the first settlement in another plane of existence. There was theoretical planar knowledge, along with a very select few who could glimpse beyond their realm. A potential break through into another universe to claim the resources for the victory - along with a potential possibility to extend one's own life by finding the mythical garden of youth beyond their own world - was too much for those who had the power to reach for such.

Twenty one years after Wes'li and his class had graduated, their Academy's Prototype Planar Sphere was in shape. While still a well kept secret to most of the Mage's World, there were those - mainly those within the Academies noticing the spending of funds, income of materials that the classrooms never saw, etcetera - who were at the least suspicious of the plans. Not the least amongst them was Anna, who spent weeks at a time furiously attempting to convince Wes'li that the Master of the school was up to something. When the two were approached by the school's Master, one Stuart Ward, Anna took the opportunity to gloat in an "I told you so" manner. The two were invited as much for their skill as their replaceability and loyalty to the Stuart over their own ambitions.

In the end a small party of a dozen Mages - along with Stuart to bring the total to 13 - were secretly allowed within the Sphere. Excuses were made for all sorts of occasions - their absence, what the noise was if the Sphere's exit was less than stealthy, plans to explain why half the city was missing in case there was a mistake in the formulas, etc. As the thirteen entered the Sphere, it became obvious to them that some minor breakthroughs had been made in its creation alone. The inner radius was easily four times what it appeared as from the outside - no mean feat considering from the outside it was nearly sixty feet in diameter - while there was a sort of magic battery system inside that had been stealthily 'sucking' the magic around the town into the Sphere over a period of several years. Stuart eventually revealed that the batteries were the first piece finished for the sphere, and that if they had not been so then their trip would have been delayed by who knew how many years as they were slowly charged.

When the project staff finished the loading of the Sphere with important supplies and comforts, the thirteen activated it from within inside. At first, nothing happened. Then, remembering there was a safety to prevent their travel prematurely, Stuart released such and much of the team was thrown off their feet with surprising speed. The shock of the sudden acceleration gone, they picked themselves from the floor as dignified as they could. While there were no windows on the outside of the Sphere, each of them could feel a sense of wrongness as they traveled. It was not the sort of wrongness that said "Oh shit, we're going to die!", but instead the "We are no longer in Kansas," style of wrong. A quick study of their instruments revealed that they had broken through reality, and were now traveling in the Void between something and nothing.

At this discovery, there was much celebration between the bunch. They were all just part of one of the biggest breakthroughs in both magic and scientific history. Better yet, they were not dead and bound to some material prison for all eternity - as one of those who had dissented so openly announced when asked to join them in the journey. For two days they traveled in the Void, doing their own things as they waited for a break into reality. Eventually, with another sudden shake that threw them to the floor again, the Planar Sphere stopped. The instruments stating they were in a place they could safely leave the ship, a pair left through the entrance.

What they saw was an endless sea of sand, no sign of civilization within their vision. A long glassed trench marked where the Sphere had entered reality, and it was quickly decided that their method of entry was to be worked on. The fat that the Sphere was nearly white-hot to the touch helped that opinion, and also left them waiting a day further as they dare not risk the thing coming apart in the travel - there was no idea what would happen if they were flung in the Void. They may die, become Gods of Reality, or a large Sperm Whale. No tests had been run on such matters, and none wished to find out.

While they spent the day having their hull blasted by sands, there were tests to investigate the world by the Planar Sphere's accompanying Seers. In the end, no life was found within a hundred mile radius, but there was a large presence of renewable resources waiting to be mined beneath the surface. Flagging the position on the newly forming Planar Map as "Mining Operation", the Sphere was started again to begin travel to a new world - one that while appeasing the interest in finding new life, would be the cause of great disaster for much of the crew.

As the Sphere touched down again, this travel taking a full week to be finished, there was an immediately noticeable problem: There was no touch of magic in the place. While there was easily enough energy for several more jumps, the nature meant that they would be defenseless if anyone left the ship. After several hours of debate, it was decided to take such a risk to see what was beyond the doors. It was a mistake that cost several crew members their life.

Waiting beyond the door was a heavily advanced reptilian military force. The only reason forced entry had not been attempted yet was fear of damaging the Sphere beyond repair. As the door opened, the first Wizard to step out was blasted off his feet - as well as his lower torso - by several marksmen waiting for the only discernable entry way to open. Quickly, several infantry teams surged in before the door could finally be shut. Improperly equipped to take on the soldiers - even the defensive Golems being torn apart by enemy fire - Stuart eventually ordered a sort of 'leak' to be made in the Magical Battery so as to provide the mages with a source of energy in the currently contained environment.

At first, the edge became theirs as they quickly reduced the invader's numbers through a system the enemy didn't even know existed. But the enemy was able to reform before they could be wiped out, and quickly reserved itself to guerilla warfare. Mages suddenly found themselves attacked from positions that looked abandoned, explosives pre-set going off and killing more while destroying those few Golems in working order. Eventually Stuart himself led the survivors, succeeding in killing the last of the invaders. But the act was not without heavy sacrifice, as he himself was killed by a final fanatical soldier.

With communication of their internal soldiers lost and no sign of them either succeeding or failing in their goals, there were attempts now at forced entry to the sphere. Only four mages were left at this time, two - including Wes'li and another named Varl - were in critical condition. Leaving a man named John to stabilize the two, Anna raced to the control room and began to hastily mash buttons in a pattern similar to how she had seen Stuart activate the ship. Within moments, they were off and away from the hostile planet.

The threat of immediate extinction gone, Anna raced back to where the three. Varl had passed from the severity of his wounds, and Wes'li was soon to follow. It was only by John implementing a stasis effect on Wes'li that he did not descend the final bit. There were no clerics on board, and the level of their medical equipment was much too inadequate to preserve him body and mind. In the end, Wes'li was thrown in one of the specimen preservation tanks so as to keep him 'alive' beyond the stasis spell's duration.

The Sphere lost much magical energy during the battle, and was losing more due to the two remaining crew member's inability to find a way to close the 'leak'. This would be the final jump before they ran out of juice, and if they landed in a similar realm they would be dead this time. Needing to distract themselves from such a prospect, the two worked on a way to bring Wes'li away from the brink. While it should have its own enchantments to keep the tank working even after the batteries died, there was no assurance of this. Similarly, his added experience might be enough for them to at least better the situation.

For weeks, the Sphere traveled the Void. Were it not for the fact that only two people needed to eat and drink, food supplies would likely have ran out and left the two to starve. The fact that they had to close off a section of the sphere with the remains of the battle so as to avoid disease did not aid that soon it wouldn't matter how well sealed the bodies were. As the time went on, there were several proposed plans for 'saving' Wes'li.

First, they could place his body within one of the more intact invader bodies. Beyond what little was identifiable of Stuart and Wes'li, a trio of more-or-less intact invader bodies had been stored in the tanks. Their body might be possible to 'restart', if so it would at the least be a temporary hold for Wes'li. But then they had no idea of the body's internal structure, or if it would be possible to remove Wes'li at a later date if he so desired. Which was pretty likely they believed, considering that they were the cause of ten of his colleagues deaths.

Another was attempting to play chop-shop with the leftover bits of other bodies. A flesh golem would not be that hard to create, and with what remained of Wes'li's body it would be the second easiest of the potential plans to accomplish. But that would be irreversible. Wes'li would forever be a mix-match of several limbs, likely considered a 'freak'. If they could get home, it was likely he would be forced into a silent retirement to live out his days as a 'monster'.

Third was letting him live on as isolated organs. These would be easy to fix if a Cleric could be found, but in return would also leave him in even more misery than the above two options. He would be deprived of his senses, and would only be able to communicate so long as a telepathy spell could be linked. He would be in a state of nothingness for who knew how long, and would be reliant on magical aid at all times to continue to function.

Finally, it was decided upon that a mix of each of their ideas may be in order. John suggested the isolated organs, as while it would be the most brutal it would be the easiest to achieve and would allow them to sort of 'turn him off' in stasis if he got out of hand, while Anna kept demanding for some sort of material body. As time went on, it was no longer possible to try the third plan as many of the bodies had begun decomposition. The first of the plans Anna grudgingly had to give up as it would likely leave Wes'li so miserable as to probably end his own life - should it work at all.

With time running out, she had agreed to John's plan. Until she realized that there was a third type of body that could be provided. Stopping John moments before the plan could be accomplished, she explained her own possible theory. While he was against the prospect, John eventually yielded to the depressed woman.
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Temple scourge
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 9:31 am



When Wes'li first regained consciousness, he could tell something was wrong. For starters, he could not breathe, and yet he was not choking. His hearing was off, sounds coming to him more as echoes than from a clear source. When he tried to open his eyes, he found he could not. Commanding himself to 'see', however, left him suddenly viewing the experimentation wing. Looking down upon himself, he groaned - quite literally - in dismay. He was alive, but in the body of a Golem! The groan drawing the two waiting mage's attention, they quickly explained to him what had happened, and what was happening.

He was spared death or nothingness, and from being placed in a body of the invaders. He gave a silent thanks for that, as Anna was right in that he would likely have tried suicide to escape such a form. They were stuck in the void with magic running out quickly. It was only because the Sphere was sealed and some of the 'leaked' energy began to slip back into the batteries that they had not yet gone without energy. The charts said they had a destination, but it would be a race against time to see if they arrived or the power failed first. They were the only three survivors, and none of them knew how to work the thing once it got recharged - if it would ever recharge.

Wes'li wanted to scold them for bringing him back to such bleak conditions, then decided against it. If they were so desperate as to want him back, being told "You're gakking idiots" would likely do nothing to improve morale. So instead, he told them he would need to think on the situation - and become familiar with his new form as well.

For two days, beyond the awakening of Wes'li, things were the same. He slowly began to improve his mobility and balance, while acclimating to the weight and bulk of his body. The ship continued its journey, magical energy continuing to fall as the ship flung towards some unknown destination. Then, with a sudden jolt, the Sphere came to a halt. While the other two fell to the floor, Wes'li's bulk simply smashed alongside a close wall and remained upright. The three hurrying to the controls, they found that they had stopped in reality, not the Void. Examining the instruments, they found that the realm was of a 'safe' environment and had a strong magical presence. While the leak could not be fixed, the Sphere was ever so slowly refilling more than it was leaking.

Taking care with their entry this time, Wes'li taking the fore with his modified body as the others cast a restrictive wall to prevent too much invaders, the portal was opened to the outside world. Almost immediately, a native - this one looking quite human with the exception of cat-like ears - rushed through the door. Wes'li almost crushed the thing until he realized it had not ran in with aggression in mind, but terror. When seconds later a sucking force began at the portal, starting to drag the petite individual back outside, he quickly ordered the sealing of the door as he grabbed the stranger and prevented them from suffering whatever fate it was awaiting them outside.

The threat of immediate devouring gone, the Neko suddenly realized just what was holding it, and chose at that time to start screaming and attempting to escape. This started a several hour man / cat hunt, as the crew quickly ran around looking to trap the stranger and see just who and what they were. Eventually Anna managed to catch the being, sneaking where only a figure of Gnomish stature could sneak into a storage room and catching the Neko with a surprisingly powerful stunning spell. Bounding the thing good and tight, she ran off to bring the other two back to the cat-like being.

For the first few moments the thing babbled on incoherently, looking confused and frightened when they did not respond. As she watched the human male start to cast something in an alien tongue, she began to protest in her bonds and try to escape. After he finished casting and she was not dead however, she felt a little less scared and worried. Then, finally choosing the time to speak to her in "Proper Felaryan", the strangers spoke up to her.

It took several more hours, including a few trips to the restroom and and even a break for lunch before the thing's tale was finally complete. Apparently she - named Sarah - was a thing called a "Neko", one of many species that existed on this planet called "Felarya". She had been running from another one of the species that was trying to eat her, something called a "Naga". Apparently they resembled the upper half of a human merged with the lower half of a snake, and grew to greater sizes than many Wizard Towers back at home. They, in addition to a disturbingly large number of other species, enjoyed eating anything smaller - and in some odd cases the same size or even larger - alive and whole. It turned out that had they not opened the door when they did, the thing likely would have wound up in something's gut.

As she went on to further explain the place, things got more and more interesting. Apparently the place was a sort of fountain of youth - especially the soil - where one was functionally immortal. At least, until they were eaten. The Neko herself appeared to be no older than a young adult, but revealed herself to actually be just a decade shy of finishing her first century of life. She was a being older than any two other beings on the ship's ages put together, and here she looked barely half the age of the youngest. This place would be a very big "Unique" mark on their map if they could ever find a way home. Of which, Sarah quested about with almost enough zeal to match the three questioning strangers in turn.

When she heard of their plan to leave Felarya, she asked if she could join them along with her village. Her argument was that, for all the benefits the place had, it was not the best of lives possible for her people. They were constantly on alert for even the most solitary of Predators, and had to relocate several times over the past year to avoid consumption by encroaching Giants. The land that the others talked about, even with its drawbacks, would at least mean a short life free of fear instead of a long one of terror. Though they could see where she was coming from, there was the issue of the consequences of the act. While new races came and went where she was from, on their planet such a thing could lead to trouble. Similarly, with the way diseases worked - or more accurately, didn't - on Felarya there was no idea if they would either bring death to the homeworld as super-diseases ran rampant, or the Nekos would die within weeks from common diseases wrecking havoc on their immune systems.

Instead of telling Sarah this, the trio instead compromised by telling her it would be some time before they could leave. Their "ships" mean of travel had been damaged, and it would take some time to repair. They also needed it to charge up after the repair, which could take years even in the magic-saturated realm of Felarya. Despondent, the Neko invited the trio to follow her to the nearest Neko village for some aid. At the very least, her family would likely be thankful for Sarah's safe return. The fact that it was also apparently the only piece of reasonable civilization within several days travel on foot was another good incentive to head there.

Knowing they could not leave the ship unattended, the thing likely to be ransacked if left open and no idea of how to enter if shut, John chose to stay behind. Frightened by the thought of her being but an ant compared to several beings, Anna chose likewise. In the end, it was just Sarah and Wes'li who would return to the village - him functioning as a sort of bodyguard and her a guide.

*There, it's done.*
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Cog in the Machine
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 4:44 pm

((L'Ryn! You honor me, allowing such a post where others may not tread. And I would not call it a novel, just a... 'summarized' version of his history. Hm, I think I could add a bit more to fill up the years between his arrival on Felarya and how it goes now. Do you have the space to add to your post?))

Shortly before the events occurred in the Dojo by the Fairy Pond, a large figure was skirting their way around the great body of water. Thick brown robes concealed the small giant - just over three meters in height - that worked its way clumsily through the foliage. Though there was no grace to the movements, it was obvious enough that the stranger was at least informed of the dangers where he walked. There was a space kept between the mass and the egg-like plants dangling from above, while the entry holes to insect nests were slowly backed away from when encountered.

The path they made was bringing them south - or at least as much as a term such could be used on Felarya - and away from the Ur-Sagol ruins. Unbeknownst to all but the figure, their destination was still several days of continued march away: weeks a likely more accurate term. Fortunately for them, time was not of the essence. There was no worry of a lack of supplies claiming them, and no matter how much time passed in the end they would be no more appealing than at the start for a stalking Predator. Indeed, already he had been released by one due to logic.

Their destination was the closest thing they could describe as a sort of 'home' in this place. Since its arrival, the nature of the home had changed greatly. If the trip to Ur Sagol was as fruitful as was believed, that may change again in their favor. Contact could have been established long-range to those at 'home', but that would have to wait for a few more days. Though a wizard's message would normally have been a simple solution, the intensity of magic at the 'pond' would play merry hell with attempting to send the information: Not only could it distort a message the further it passed above the pond, but there was always the chance of a spell casting resident intercepting the message. And the last thing they wanted to do right now was give the voracious denizens an address to a village of Nekos in what amounted to a glorified can.

Eventually, the figure arrived at the precarious point in their travels. There was only a 'small' geographical space the figure could travel safely at this point. Too far to the east, and they could either wander into a Predator's nest or add even more days to travel. Too far to the west and they could antagonize an insect swarm, alert the inhabitants of the pond to his presence, or wade right into a grove of hungry plants not too far down the road. The figure hoped luck would be on his side, and then immediately regretted the hope as he knew just how cold the lady could be.
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 5:34 pm

Silla looked at Nordian, nodding. "Yeah, you decieved us, but we're comrades now, so I'm gonna forgive ya for that." His voice was teasing and joking. "I don't care what you looked like, and apparently Mantis doesn't either. So there is nothing to fear." Now the voice was sincere.

Lola fluttered back in, but she did not stay, instead, she went out to the hall and flew through it, humming to herself and holding onto a flower petal.

Eating another fruit, Silla looked at Nordian, then at Mantis, then back to Nordian. So, what he had sensed earlier had been true. But at the same time, Nordian was alive. Nordian walked and talked, he was thinking at the same time.

((Sorry for the crap-tastic post))
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 6:09 pm

Without ceremony or fanfare, Nordian simply reached up and opened a few clasps attaching his helmet to the rest of his armor. Using both hands, he lifted the heavy helmet off of his head and set it down on top of the table.

His head was nothing more than a skull sitting on top of the spinal column. He had no flesh whatsoever, no skin, no muscles, no viscera or sensory organs. Within the cavity of his skull, there wasn’t even a brain. His bones were bleached to an off white, and fully intact. At the joints, the bones did not touch or rub against one another. Rather, they had a narrow space between the bones, as if there was still an invisible joint capsule in between them cushioning them as it did in life. Nordian looked at Mantis and Silla with empty eye sockets.

“This is the truth of what I am,” Nordian said. As he spoke, his jawbone moved as if to form words, though the voice was magical in origin. “The spirit is still human, but my body is more magic than matter now.” After a moment, Nordian lifted the helmet and put it back on again.

“I did not think that I would confess this originally, but your mother, with her insight, forced the choice upon me, and with her acceptance made me rethink my choice,” Nordian said, once the helmet was back on. “Do understand that I wanted nothing more than some company for the road, and perhaps to practice my trade as I did while I was alive. Knowing what I am, and given my deception, do you still accept me as your comrade?”
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2008 6:53 pm

Mantis tilted forward in suspense as Nordian began to take the helmet off for the first time since they'd met- and at the sight of the white, naked skull where a face would have been, he found himself just standing slack-jawed and wide-eyed for a few moments. Then, as the skeleton- Nordian- began to speak without lips or any muscles, organs or tissue, Mantis' first thought was how he was supposed to know when Nordian was looking at him without eyes. The second was if he could whistle, and the third was that he'd just thought up a nickname.

"Hey, listen." Mantis began, "Before that battle where we all met, I'd never have believed I'd be traveling with a half-neko. Now I am. I never thought I'd travel with a- what's the right term- spirit?- before; I have been. When you were born a surprise into a world of surprises, well, it's really difficult to be too surprised." he shrugged. "You've both managed to surprise me a fair bit- but I think no less of either of you." he aimed at both Nordian and Silla- to be honest, this latest revelation had simply eclipsed Silla's. He believed he could deal that that more easily now.

He watched the armored helm slide back over the undead visage, probably never to be seen again.

"Well, Nordian- I really am honored that you've shared this- I know it must have taken a lot of guts- err, well, you know what I mean. I just want you to know that you're still welcome to stay with us if you'd like. At least, that's how I feel."

"But" Mantis continued, having suddenly become quite calm, taking on an ominous tone- "I do hope you realize the consequences of your actions. Your new nickname" he said slowly, "Shall be... Bones." he said, flashing a manic grin. Like he'd said, ghosts were scarier than skeletons.
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...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2008 4:17 pm

(((Just so you know, I'll be gone until the 30th. I don't think I'll be able to post during that time.)))
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PostSubject: Re: ...by a Moonlight Shadow...   ...by a Moonlight Shadow... - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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