Well to introduce this topic, I saw that there were no desert naga, so I decided to create them
Creature Name: Desert Naga
Size: Males- 50 feet to 75 feet, Females- 48 Feet to 72 Feet
Threat: Medium
Description: A naga species that tends to live in or near deserts, but can travel to the forests of Felarya. They possess a powerful venom that will kill another Naga. Most Naga like to fight dridders, however Desert Naga will go into a blood frenzy that will cause them to kill their allies if they are near their target. Desert Naga, have powerful claws that allow them to dig into the sands of deserts, and they are less tolerant of the cold than other Naga Species as they are adapted for high temperatures, however if they leave the desert heat, there is little difference in speed. They are also very territorial, killing anything that comes in their land.