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 Dawn Sprites

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Dawn Sprites   Dawn Sprites Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 7:39 am

Name: Dawn Sprites
Size: Various (You should know this already)
Location: Wherever there is lots of abundant sunlight, such as plains and deserts.
Threat: Moderate to High

Dawn Sprites are a crossbreed between fairies and light elementals. Often called the polar opposite of Dusk Nymphs, which is technically correct, but are more than that.


- Usually have slightly pale skin tone.

- Eyes are usually colored blue.

- Typically have pale blond hair, but it's not a given.

- Their body is surrounded by a faint halo of light.


Behavior of Dawn Sprites are very varied among individuals. However, they are strictly diurnal creatures. Dawn Sprites are active only during the day as they sustain themselves on photosynthesis to stay active. Dawn Sprites "hibernates" during the night and are virtually impossible to wake up until dawn. Dawn Sprites don't die in shades or in shadows, but they constantly avoid it as it weakens them tremendously.

Hunting Habits

Dawn Sprites are very dangerous hunters. In addition to sizeshifting, Dawn Sprites possess the deadly ability of invisibility. By controling the light around their body, Dawn Sprites can prevent the ambient light from reflecting on their body. Unlike most camouflage or cloaking spell, their is no way to track them down with the naked eye. They then snatch down unaware snacks and gulps them down. However, though invisible, that is the only benefit they obtain. They still emit sounds, can still be touched, smelled by other predators, and detected using a sixth sense. The sixth sense is also their only way of keeping track of their prey, as they also hide their pupils which prevent them from seeing.


- Sizeshifting

- Invisibility

- Photomancy

- Unlike fairies who uses mental illusions, Dawn Sprites uses optical illusions to fool their preys instead using their skill over light.

That is all.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: Dawn Sprites   Dawn Sprites Icon_minitimeThu Jan 01, 2009 4:30 pm

I like this idea.

Makes me wonder if they would have green blood though.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Dawn Sprites   Dawn Sprites Icon_minitimeSat Mar 28, 2009 4:47 am

Mhh I missed this one but I agree it's an interesting idea Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Dawn Sprites   Dawn Sprites Icon_minitime

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