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 Ostroid, Faster than Life

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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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Ostroid, Faster than Life Empty
PostSubject: Ostroid, Faster than Life   Ostroid, Faster than Life Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 12:57 pm

Name: Ostroid (Struthio Camelus Cometus)
Size: 30 feet tall, 30 foot wingspan
Threat: Moderate

The Ostroid is a large flightless avian that resides around safari style areas and grazes in peace for a good portion of the day. It sports very big feathers and a very long neck (taking after the Earth ostrich in many ways), not to mention a blunt, yet effective beak filled with mostly sharp teeth, along with a durable skull for protecting it's small brain.

The Ostroid is best known for being one of the fastest land birds in all of Felarya, able to break mach 1 in a single stride. Thanks to it's speed, it can traverse large patches of ground in no time flat, and despite being flightless, it will often jump off cliffs at high speed using it's powerful legs and then extend it's wings, allowing it to glide for a short period of time. Usually it travels through the air so fast off these cliffs that people mistake them for a falling comet, or even an asteroid.

The diet of the Ostroid is primarily plants, but often will feast on insectoids, miscolored hedgehogs and often even tonorions. When it finds a tonorion, which comprises a good portion of it's food sources, it will deliver a headbutt at mach speed, sometimes reaching the speed of a centaur. It will then proceed to tear the tonorion to bits before feasting on it, shell and all. Despite this, the Ostroid isn't a big threat to humans, as they don't fit into it's diet. However, they can be territorial near their nests and will attack without provocation.

(I hope this is a good entry. I know we already have an ostrich like creature, but regardless, I hope this idea is original)
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Ostroid, Faster than Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ostroid, Faster than Life   Ostroid, Faster than Life Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 7:54 am

Nice creature you imagined here Smile
Seeing a large Ostrich breaking those speeds should be quite a sight indeed ^^
I'm not sure Tonorions live in Savana-like terrain though.
Also may I suggest you to make a thread gathering your ideas ? You have many good ones and it would help to keep track of them Razz
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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Ostroid, Faster than Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ostroid, Faster than Life   Ostroid, Faster than Life Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 10:14 am

Thanks. I meant more for them to hunt where Tonorion live when they need food, thus why they can trek across large gaps of land, so they can get food and then return to their home. It would be quite a hectic life for them.

Also, I think I will make a thread for these ideas. Thanks for the suggestion.
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PostSubject: Re: Ostroid, Faster than Life   Ostroid, Faster than Life Icon_minitime

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