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 300 days of hell

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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300 days of hell Empty
PostSubject: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 10:12 pm

Day 1
Not sure where I am but all I know is it was a hellish day. Lost half my platoon within five minutes. They got eaten. I laided low in the bushs till the preds passed found other survivors hiding in a marsh. we camped in a cave for the night. we Took turns being on watch till day light.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 10:12 pm

Day 2
We left the cave by dawn, and treaked throught the jungle compass didnt work and the radio. Hell all we got was static and bits of Trasmission but nothing from our guys. Something was sneaking up on us, I felt it in my gut and ordered my men to hide. We all did and lord behold a Giant 100ft or so half snake half woman went by looking for us. After she left we continued till some kind of Carnivorious plant tried to eat Jimmy. Thank god Bentie was there with that matchete and he chopped the damn thing apart. We found a Hollowed out log later and settled in for the night. I took first Watch and after a couple rotations last watch. I was bemused at how such a Beutiful land can be so deadly.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 10:12 pm

Day 3
We got ambushed by somekind of six legged wolf like creature. We managed to bring it down but it brought the attention of that damn snake lady again, Persistant Bitch we thought we had lost her. We hid and waited 3 hours for her to leave. After that I had our sniper rogick climb a tree to give us a idea as to what was around us. he said there was a River not too far from our location. He got back down and we moved. It was apparent that the river was farther then we had thought and we had to take shelter in a Tangle of Giant Tree roots for the night. I mean these trees were huge, easily 200ft tall. Everyone was sleeping execpt for me when this half human, Half snake thing attacked. It wasnt the same one that was staking us before. No this one was way smaller but it was about my hieght. It tried to Pin my arms to my side but it was too slow and for its troubles it got a combat knife to the side of the neck. The commotion woke everyone else up but when they reach for their weapons the fight was already over. The half snake half human thing was dead at my feet and I was Already croutched over pulling my knife from his neck and wiping the blood off. No further Incident happened for the rest of the night but Damn It left me shaking.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 10:34 pm

Day 4

We setted out for the river just before the sun came up, The events of the night before still freash in all of our minds. The body of the Snake/human thing was left were it fell. Its blood stained my BDU's and hands. I ignored the feeling that I have expreinced too many times before and continued on. We heard a loud crash and took cover, I looked up and a saw a woman, a freaking 100ft tall woman fighting that damn naga that had been following us for the past three days. I was so happy to see another human being that I almosted shouted to to the giant woman. My voice died in my Throat though when I heard the Giant woman say "those Human's are my prey you hear me mine". All hopes were gone and I hand signaled my men to get out of here. We finaly got to the damn river and I was for the first time happy to see one of these damn Things. I washed the blood off me as best as I could but the stain was still there But hell at least the smell wasnt so that meant it would be harder for that Damn snake lady to sniff us out. We settled for the night in a near by cave. Nothing happend that night.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 10:58 pm

Day 5

We stuck around the river for a good part of the day stocking up on food and water. That was until we came under attack. It was natives, They look iked Humans in every way execpt they had a tail and cat ears. There was around thirty of them, double the amount we had but they were using spears bow and arrows we had .44 cal assault rifles a .50 cal sniper and 2 M60's and one man with an rpg. The fight didnt last long but rogers our heavy weapons expert got hit in the shoulder with a arrow. He's down but still alive. But we had to move fast for we knew it wouldnt be long before the cmmotion drew the attention of that god damn snake lady. If only we didnt loose half the damn ammo for the Rpg I would have ordered Rogers to blow that bitch up. But then agian we would be fucked if the first shot missed. So we hid till the snake lady came and went. we settled for the night in a near by cave and I watched as bentie patched up Rogers. I felt sick, It was my Fault That he got hit, that I wasnt paying attention to my damn left flank. I had for just a split second forgot that half my platoon was gone. someone else took watch that night and I got a full night's worth of sleep, memories from my past haunted my sleep that night.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 11:32 pm

Day 6
Bentie check on Rogers and we were shocked that he had nearly healed. I for one was at a lost of words. We spent the rest of the day Cleaning our weapons and getting water. I took watch again when night came and save for a Giant centiaped coming a little too close to our location nothing else happened. Man it was a Beatiful night, the moon was full and this bright silvery color, It was breath taking. The moon took my mind off of the events that happened in the last five days. I rotated with Hendricks one of our two machine gunners and i sleept peacfuly that night.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeThu Aug 18, 2011 11:23 am

Day 7

I ordered the men to prepare some rations and prepare to move out. We found and killed some game in the jungle then dried the meat for we all had the feeling that we were'nt going to see civilization any time soon or even ever again. It was around 2:00 pm before we setted out. I ordered everyone to hid their scent as best as they could, we were near a mud hole and damn did that mud stink but hell it did hide our scent real well. Good thing that we covered ourself with it for another one of those six legged wolf like creatures suprised us. We all hid near what looked like a giant pilled of Feeces. The damn thing came within a meter of Cole and then just left, the smell made the hairs of my nose curl and left some of he boys gaging but at the very least the damn thing didnt smell us out. Afterwards we found a spring and dug in, we paced ourselfs in a thickect of bamboo and covered the holes with fallen bamboo and a cammo tarp. We splitted up into three holes so that we all were'nt royally Fucked if that Damn snake lady or anything else attacked us in the night. I took first shift on watch, then after 3 hours I woke up Soloman and he took shift and I got ready to fall asleep. Before I dosed off I had a strange feeling something bad was going to happen in the next few days.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeThu Aug 18, 2011 9:59 pm

Day 8

The shit hitted the fan today, I dont know where we are but holy shit. It is dark outside. It is as if the forest we entered was stuck in perpetual night. I didnt know how we manged to wonder our asses into this place but All i do know is that we got into three firefights with bandits. We killed all the bandits each time with no causitlies and stripped them of their gear but that Goddamn Snake Lady was Looking for us each Fucking time. Why cant That bitch hunt someone else, Why be so fucking persistant? speaking about the bandits before we executed The only surviving one in the thrid firefight we Interogated him for information. Nothing speacial just some Jucie from the handcrank radio and few uses of the combat knife here and there and he told us every thing he knew, so we give him mercy and I placed a 12mm pistol round between his eyes. It sounds cruel but hell thats what 29 years as ASF officer has taught me. We saw something freaky as well, We all hide but I had the best view of it. It reminded me of a wendigo from the old stories my folks told me as a kid but this thing was 15ft tall and had claws aleast a meter long. I was glad it didnt see us, but some other human wasnt so luck. An adventurer as it looked came into the open and the damn thing spotted him. I thought the beast would be slow, man I couldnt have been more wrong in my life. It came at the poor guy so fast I blinked and it was already at him, shreading him to pieces while it was shriking. That shriek, I think will forever haunt my dreams. The beast moved on and I ordered my men to come out when it was safe. I was shaking when I got to what was left of the adventures body. There was nothing left to reckonize just this bloody pile of shreaded meat and bone. It was almost as if the poor guy was thrown into a wood chiper. Sanders and Michal both lost their stomachs and barfed. Then Mohummad, and Rodney lost it as well. Hell I near lost it too if it werent for the fact i turned around and ordered the men to leave. when we found a place to set up a RON. We keept it cold, not even a small fire for fear of that thing finding us. we had two people on watch at a time instead of one.

you know guys I wonder if anyone is actualy paying attention to any of these. for so far no one else has commented here, are you guys waiting to see where this is going or something, or do you just dont care?

Last edited by luke112 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 12:23 pm

I've been reading along, although I've never seemed to find the time to reply. Please keep it up! I'd be interested in hearing some more backstory for the main narrator but I appreciate that'd be hard to fit in the context of the military-esque report style the account is written in.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 1:03 pm

I will keep going. Thank you for finding it so interesting and here i was about to stop writting because no one had commented and that left me wondering if anyone cared. It may be a while before I post the next 2 to 3 posts.
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Helpless prey

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 4:32 pm

for once i would like to attempt to be a helpful member instead of a lurker, and point out that their are some grammatical errors throughout the entries. I am not sure whether they are intentional to put some type of emphasis on the stress the character is no doubt feeling or if they are just honest typos, but their are spell checking tools in most programs that focus on writing, such as Microsoft word, so if they are just errors, feel free to utilize the tools available to you.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 6:10 pm

Day 9

After a stressful 'night' we set out at 'morning' if there was ever such a thing in this forest. We found a group of people and I went in for friendly contact. I walked out of the bushs and said "hello". They seemed friendly enough but i had a nagging feeling that these people were not all that friendly. My suspection was proven correct when they came up to me and asked for my gear. I refused and then things got well umm.... crazy. One guy pulls a knife and then my training kicked in. I kicked the man with the knife in the knee breaking it. I grabbed him by the forearm and shoulder and threw him over me into the second guy who had a assualt rifle. Then my platoon opened fire on the bandits and I had to hit the dirt or become a range target. After the last body hitted the ground I ordered first squad and what was left of second and thrid squad to police the bodies and strip them of anything useful, Among an assortment of Useful items was a map. and by the looks of it a way out of this forest. I had looked at my wrist watch and it said 1:00 pm. I told Zim to look at the map and soon enough were out of that damn forest. God I never missed the sun as much as i did back in that forest. When we saw the sun again our celebration was short lived, It was dusk and becoming dark fast. we traveled one more mile before setting up our RON for the night. That night The imgaes of that man getting shreadded by that thing keept me from getting any decent amount of sleep.

Last edited by luke112 on Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 8:16 pm

Day 10

We had our first death today since arriving here today, It was Jimmy. We had not gotten far away from our RON location when we met a strange man named Gunther. He seamed friendly enough, He proclaimed he had maps and other useful suirvial gear for us. He told us that he would give it all to us in exchange for our RPG and pistols. I almost said yes when Jimmy messed with one of the items that this Gunther had placed on the ground and called out to me. "hey Issac, This stuff is freaking fake." He told me as he ran up to me with the device that This Gunther had said would keep all preds away. The tension became so thick that one could cut it with a knife. I slowly turned from Jimmy to this Gunther and I was prepared to Break the Little man's Neck, I was a Full foot and a half taller then him. Before I had any time to react the Little bastered had pulled my side arm out of its holster and shot me in the leg and stabbed Jimmy in the neck. He dissapeared In a Flash of somke Leaving my side arm on the ground. He was gone before the rest of the platoon had time to open fire on him. I ignored the pain in my leg and ran over to Jimmy, He was on the ground Clutching his throat. Bentie was trying to stop the bleeding. He told me to Hold the small exit wound on the back of his neck. I held it and Bentie removed Jimmy's hand from the front of his neck. I tried to comfort Jimmy, Telling him that his CO had seen this before and saved those guys and that he would be ok. He tried tried to tell me something but all that came out was a spray of blood and white foam out of the hole in his throat, some of the blood splattered on my face. I watched as Jimmy made one last Movement then he closed his eyes and died. I was devastated, one of my men who had joined this plattoon less then month ago was now dead. He was a kid, A fucking kid, he was 22 years old and had his whole life ahead of him and that Goddamn bastered Killed him. I grimly ordered my men to take everything off of Jimmy but his Clothes, Rifle and helmet, We wrapped him in his Poncho and pulled his body to some place seculded so scavengers wouldnt find him. I ordered men suriving men to burry Jimmy's body by a oak tree. We used his Helmet and Rifle as a Grave marker. I kept Jimmy's dog tags inside my left breast pocket, I wondered at our Remian Over Night location just how many more dog tags I may have before this was over and a chill run up my spine at the thought. The Image of Jimmy's blood covering my hands and face haunted me that night. It wasnt the first time I had found my self in that position but something in the back of my head told me that this wouldnt be the last time either.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeSun Aug 28, 2011 6:58 pm

Day 11

Breakfest today consisted of MRE's and Meat from some kind of Giant flightless bird that was dumber then garden hose. The pain from Jimmy's death Visable on my men's faces and on my own. Muhammad Tried to raise everyone's spirts up by speaking a verse from the holy book he always keept on his person. Even though most of us praticed a different religion then him, the verse he spoke to us did raise our spirts up. I silently thanked him, He's always there to give us support whenever we needed it weather if it was Blowing up a Motor pool, Alerting us to booby traps , or giving consol about the loss of buddy. He is one of the few men left from my original Plattoon, the others being Bentie, Rogick, and Rogers. After breakfest I orderd my men to move out and follow the map that we had taken off a bandit back in the forest that was stuck in prepetual night or what as Alfred called it, The Evernight Forest. It was full of trade routes which meant that would could find civiazation again and hopefuly peace of mind. Nothing else happened that day except for us spotting a unknown kind of giant bird flying through the sky, It didnt see us and that what really mattered. Later that night I had a brief conversation with Muhammad about Jimmy's death, and he reassured me that It wasnt my fault, that this Gunther was the one to be held at fault. His words brought me confort and peace of mind that night in my sleep.

Author's note: Guys if you read this please at least comment, It lets me know that people want me to keep going. Man I feel lonely without hearing you guys opion about this. Sad
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 3:49 am

I find this rather interesting, keep going
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 12:28 pm

Oh I will keep going. got day 12 in the works.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 2:27 pm

Day 12

Well today maybe was one of the scariest days in my life. I was taking point when one of those Half human/Half snake creatures attacked me. she wasnt giant one but she was bigger then me by four feet. Man It tried to coil me up and drag me off but I had placed a hand on My combat knife just as she started to coil around me before She could completely immobliize me I stabbed her in the shoulder, Imoblieizing her left arm. She screamed in pain and Muhammad ran and jumped up to the naga and stabbed his kurki knife into her forehead. I watched as the Human/snake thing's eyes rolled into the back of her head and then she died and collasped on me. I thought my ribs were broken when she collasped onto me. I felt Muhammad and Bentie grunt as they tried to pull the dead creature off of me. I tried to yell "Get this thing off of Me!" but my words must have been muffed by the body. I heard Zim yell "move aside Im helping" and then I felt the crushing weight get lift off me and i could breath agian. I saw zim with a red face and grunting as he, Muhammad and bentie pushed the dead body the side so it wouldnt fall back down on me. I saw Cole and Soloman come up to me and pulled me out of the coils. I was relived to have platoon mates like Cole. Big strong Dark skined man big as a freakin OX and just as strong. We got out of there before anyting else came to investage the commotion. Later that night I spent washing the blood off of me at a creek not too far from our RON. Thats when the next Intrsting thing happened. I heard movement in the bushs not too far from me and I dove for cover. I watched as what looked like Three little girls flying! I watched in awe as they flew around the creek. I could have kept watching them until One of these girls picked up my BDU Jacket. I sliently cursed my self for only bringing my combat knife. I keept watching them as the played around with my BDU jacket. They searched the pockets like kids looking for candy. I had to keep my self from leaping out and attacking the closest one to me when they pulled out Jimmy's Dog tags. I must had stayed there for any hour before they droped the jacket and tags. As soon as they were gone I went back and grabbed my Jacket and placed Jimmy's tags were they belonged. Then I double timed it back to the RON. Making loop arounds to throw off anyone who followed me. When I got back I got an earful from Zim about going off. Even though Im the platoon leader, He's the senior NCO. Though I geuss he was more worried then mad at me. I went to sleep that night with the image of those flying girls running through my head. I wondered what they are, Humans? Bugs? something else?
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeSun Sep 04, 2011 12:27 pm

I'm glad you're working in some more backstory for the characters, helps connect to them so much more. Interesting to read descriptions of the many different species in Felarya from the point of view of someone who knows nothing about them too. Very Happy
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeSun Sep 04, 2011 6:24 pm

Yup decided to add some back story to the characters to see weather or not if the community would like to know ore about each individual. I wont spoil anything But Trust Me once you connect to the characters Its gonna be hard to take what Is to come. Oh and the descriptions, I thought about doing this with someone who knew what was what but I found that boring and decided to Mix things up and have it so that The Main Character and his platoon knew nothing about the realm they were in. Oh and that Monester thing that was descirbed by The Main Character as Something Like a Wendigo, Yeah that was a monster that belongs to Black Hole Fragment and yes to anyone else Who is reading this I did ask permission from him.... in real life.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 7:37 pm

Day 13

Today we saw them agian, Those Humans with the insect like wings. This time though they didnt see us or they just didnt care. I had my men take postions in the rather thick underbrush until they passed over us. As we waited for the strange humans to pass over us a rather posinous snake came within 3cm of my face. The snake was a Momba, I refused to move my eyes or even blink because I was so close to it. The snake paused just a mere centimeter from Tthe tip of my nose. It was looking at my eyes and then it turned and slithered through some bush and dissapeared. My heart was beating like a machine gun. After the Humans with Insect Wings pass and I was sure They were out of earshot, I Ordered my men to move out. Just as we were moving out of cover I heard a Giggle. I snapped around and before i could think I pumped a single round into the heart of the girl who had snunked up on me. The report of the rifle shot echoed out into the jungle and The Insect winged girl dropped to the ground with a mixed expression of shock, pain and sadness. She couldnt have been any older then 16. I ordered my men to sprint out of there and they did. As we ran we heard a few screams as the Insect winged humans from before found the body of their kin. At our RON that night the pleadding look in that young Girls eyes Haunted my Dreams. The Way she fell and the expression on her face had brought back other painful memories from my past. God, Why cant the dead just stop Haunting me?
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeSun Sep 11, 2011 7:56 pm

Day 14

We came under attack by some kind of giant insect. I not sure what it was exatly but it was big Ugly and six or so red eyes. We drove it away with rifle fire and a couple concussion grenades and luckly suffered no causilties but the commotion drew the attention of a Giant Snake lady, It was the same one as before. God damn what I'd do to grease the bitch. But the strange thing was that this time she had friends. I was shocked to what i saw, It was those insect winged humans from yesterday there was three of them, One was crying the one with light blue hair. The other two that looked like twin sisters were both searching for something, Maybe us, Maybe me. All i know is that they were both mad and determinded. The possablity that the two Knew the distic sound of our rifle fire from other rifles of simular cailbert keep nagging me. The fact that they my know that my rifle sounds different then rest of my squad's rifles also keep creepping up to mind. I waited for them to give up and move on. After i was sure they werent waiting behind cover waiting for me and my men to come out of hiding, I ordered my men to move out and follow a river. We followed it down river till dusk. we setted up our RON in a series of Hollowed out trees that were not too far apart from one another. I took first watch and for three hours I watched Maybe 57 living things come near our RON and then Leave. as soon as the adrenillien left me I gave my post to Zim and settled in my make-shift bed of leafs, grasses and my Ruck-sack as a pillow.

Authors Note: sorry folks that i have'nt posted for a while, I was sick for a few days and some Things turned up in Real life.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 10:36 am

Another solid installment! Trying to figure out who the fairies are... Was the crying one Lucilya, or are they all OCs? Course you may be weaving the answer to that into the narrative so ignore the question if appropriate. Very Happy Just to echo what has been said before - maybe run your entries through a spell-checker before posting? Takes mere moments to do but it does make a fair lick of difference

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 12:11 pm

sadly friend i dont have a Relaible spell checker and im terrorfied of useing an online one due to 'misshaps" that have occured every time i used online . Hopefully When/ If i get Microsoft word i can go back and edit all the posts to fix all grammer errors.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2011 2:16 am

Using a journal narration to tell your story is a nice idea ^^
it's interesting as you can't tell everything and it pull the reader right in, as if they are holding the journal in their hand.
My main remark is concerning the "giant snake lady".. at their size, escaping her should be very difficult, and if she just cut out the chase, then after a dozen days, maybe then narrator wouldn't mention her so often ?
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 300 days of hell   300 days of hell Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2011 12:37 pm

Karbo wrote:
Using a journal narration to tell your story is a nice idea ^^
Thank you very much Very Happy
Karbo wrote:
it's interesting as you can't tell everything and it pull the reader right in, as if they are holding the journal in their hand.
I thought about making it intersting by doing the journal persective for it hasnt been done no way near as often as traditional stories
Karbo wrote:
My main remark is concerning the "giant snake lady".. at their size, escaping her should be very difficult, and if she just cut out the chase, then after a dozen days, maybe then narrator wouldn't mention her so often ?

Well about the Naga... yeah I really though about making it intersting by having her been the o so ultra rare Giant naga that does not have the predator sense, That way it wouldnt be so much of a matter of out running her then hiding your smell and sight from her. Kinda did it to give a sense of tension in the character. as for her not appreaing as often... still working on it but I say for now any way you wont see her agian for a good while.

Agian Thank you very much for commenting and giving some pointers. I really apreaciate it angel
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