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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 11:31 am

basically its an rp about surviving in felarya whether you play pred or prey
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description;rose is a female neko with green hair pale skin and blue eyes she wears a white top with bright blue trousers she is quite naive and easily mislead.

rose truged through the jungle stepping over tree roots as she went along she noticed a river to her left and upon reaching the river smiled and bent down at the rivers edge staring at her reflection in the water
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 1:18 pm

Name: Narin
Age: 21
Species: Vulture harpy
Pred/prey: Predator (technically)
Description: Narin is a female vulture harpy with black hair, black feathers, and light red skin. She mostly only eats anything that's dead, and will only eat something alive if either it's near the point of death, or unless she can't find anything else, although she prefers not to eat anything alive. Unlike other harpies, she doesn't like cursing up a storm or hurling insults, since she finds it rather pointless. She spends most of her time alone, and doesn't really associate herself with other predators, much less other harpies. She usually prefers to avoid confrontation, and has an EXTREMELY bad habit of talking to herself, which is a byproduct of her solitude.

On a typical day in Felarya, Narin was scanning the ground seeing if she could find something to eat. She wasn't exactly that thrilled about looking for food, as she didn't really feel like running into anybody. "The sooner I find something to eat, the sooner I can get out of here." she said to herself. "Last thing I need is to run into another one of my kind, with their hurling idiotic insults and whatnot...hmm?" She managed to spot a neko looking at something in the river. "Hmmm...wonder what she's lookin' at." She swooped down quietly and looked into the river. Aside from her reflection, she couldn't see anything worth looking at in the water, so she asked the neko, "So whatcha lookin' at?"
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 10:19 pm

rose smiled to herself she hummed a gentle tune to herself without hearing the harpy she took a drink from the water and smiled she used her hand to wipe blood off her cheek and splattered it on the harpy without realiing she was there she continued to hum her gentle melody
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 10:32 pm

It was at this point that Narin realized that the neko had no idea she was there, since she splattered blood on her face. She sighed and wiped it off with her wing, and tapped her on the shoulder lightly with her wing and asked, "Um...excuse me?"
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 10:35 pm

rose felt a tap on her shoulder and jumped when she saw the harpy she fell back a bit and looked at the harpy "um yeah what?"she says nervously eyeing the harpy carefully while she nervously backed away
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 10:44 pm

Now that she had finally gotten the neko's attention, Narin replied, "Well, I noticed you were looking into the water, and I thought you were looking at something of interest. Didn't know what exactly, so I thought I'd ask you what exactly caught your interest."
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 10:46 pm

rose looked at the harpy nervously and backed away slowly "no no i wasn't looking at anything miss harpy"she says nervously as she continues to back away on all fours
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 10:55 pm

Narin cocked an eyebrow as she noticed that the neko was backing up on all fours, in fear she presumed. She leaned in until her face was within five feet of the neko, and asked, "Are you afraid of me?"
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 10:57 pm

rose ooked at the harpy andstopped where she was "afraid no terrified yes"she says now even more terrified before getting to her eet and then continuing to back away nervously
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 11:07 pm

Narin just sighed as the neko continued to back up in fear, and put her left wing behind her to keep her from backing up any further.. "Okay, let me ask you a question. If I wanted to eat you, don't you think that maybe, MAYBE I would've done it when I first saw you looking in the river? You know, element of surprise, and all that? I mean, my face was right beside yours. I could've just snatched you up in my mouth right then and there, savored your taste for a while, and swallowed. But I didn't. Of course, I can't really say I blame you for your reaction. My other kind, with their voracious and foul-mouthed ways, don't exactly leave much to be desired. Anyway, I never did catch your name. You...are...?"

Last edited by The Joker on Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Douchebag of the year
Douchebag of the year

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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 11:10 pm

rose glped nervously she was now she was now shaking with fear while listening to the harpys explanation rose had lost her chance to escape as the harpy had blocked her means of escape rose swallowed nervously "m..my n....n.n.name i..is r..r..rose"she says nervously
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 11:28 pm

Narin just sighed as Rose was still shuddering in fear of her, but she knew these thing took time. "Well met, Rose. Very nice name. ...Oh, by the way, you've still got some blood on your face." Narin then extended her tongue, and licked the neko's face where the blood was, and she wiped her saliva off her with the tip of her right wing, completely oblivious to the fact that the tongue lick probably caused the neko to be even more scared of her.
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 11:31 pm

rose now trembled in fear she shuddered as the harpys tongue touched her facerose closed her eyes not looking at the harpy as she was now absolutly terriefied of the harpy she attempted to back away but just bumped intp the harpys winng "w..w..what a..a..are you going to do to me"she says nervously
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 11:38 pm

Narin pondered this for awhile, and answered, "Hmmm...haven't really thought of that one. Don't want to eat you, that's for sure. Hmm...well, I don't get much of a chance to talk to anybody. Spend most of my time in solitude since most everyone thinks I'm a freak for eating dead carcasses. We could talk for a little bit if you'd like." Narin then began to stroke Rose with her right wing to help calm her down.
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 11:40 pm

rose shudderd as she felt the harpys wing stroke her "o...ok l...l...lets t...t...talk"she says nervously watching the harpy
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 11:48 pm

Narin's face lit into a smile as the neko agreed to talk to her. Things were pretty lonely back where she lived, and it had been awhile since she had the chance to talk to someone. "Thanks! ...So...um...anything specific you'd like to talk about? I mean, I don't exactly know if there's anything nekos talk about specifically." Narin said, continuing to stroke Rose with her wing.
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Douchebag of the year
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surviving felarya Empty
PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 3:12 am

rose shuddered gently as the harpy stroked her more blood rolled down her cheek "well i don't realy talk to predators much and don't have anything i like to talk about"she says wiping blood off her cheek she now had blood staine hands she wiped her hands on her white top leaving bloodstains there she still had blood on her arms and cheek.
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 9:35 am

Seeing how her strokes were causing more blood to roll down her cheek, and seeing how the neko was still afraid of her, Narin thought it would be best to end this conversation. "I see." she replied to her statement, her voice more quiet than usual. "Well, it's obvious my prescene is causing more harm than good, so..." Narin then gently lifted Rose with her wings and set her down by the river. "...I'll just leave you with what you were doing before I interrupted. ...Bye."

As she prepared to take off, she said to herself within clear earshot of Rose in a saddened voice, "This is why I'm better off alone." Her nose then detected the smell of a rotting corpse not too far away. Her lips pulled into a small smile, and said to herself, "At least something good happened today". She flew a little ways and landed where the corpse of a rotting kensha beast was, which only about 50 feet away from Rose.
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 9:41 am

rose watched as the harpy flew away rose sighed to herself she sighed to herself and took a few moments to think about the situation before running after the harpy she thought that she was going mad running after a predator rose stopped by the carcass and next to narin "aw don't go"she says sympatheticly then without thinking patted the harpy on the back "why did you leave"she then noticed the kensha beast "you'd best make sure that things dead i had to give it quite a few stabs with my dagger"she says quietly
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 10:06 am

As Narin was about to sink her teeth into the flesh of the dead kensha beast, she saw Rose running towards her, much to her surprise. What surprised to even more was that when she stopped beside her, Rose patted her on the back and asked her not to go. Needless to say, Narin was genuinely touched. When Rose asked her why she left, she answered, "Isn't it obvious? Despite the fact that I told you I didn't want to eat you, you were still afraid of me, and when I was stroking you with my wing to calm you down, I was causing more blood to come down your face, probably making you more afriad of me. With all that said, it was blatantly obvious I had overstayed my welcome."

When Rose said she had to give the kensha beast quite a few stabs to make sure it was dead, Narin answered, "YOU killed that kensha beast?! I'm impressed! Those things aren't exactly easy to kill." She then realized that the rest of the blood on Rose was probably from the kensha beast, and so she said, "Anyway, um...I noticed you've still got some blood on your body. ...I know we got off on the wrong foot, but...w-would it be alright if I...I...got the...rest of that blood off you?"
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 10:18 am

rose smiled and blushed a little when the harpy said she was impressed "well it was a long fight with that thing you call a kensha beast at the time there wer ive of them and i mangaed to trick two so they fell over a cliff i outran two but then i had to fight the last one so i took out my dagger and stabbed it and as it was about to die it slashed me on the cheek with its claws and then i found that i couldn't move that only lasted half an hour though"rose says smiling then she blinked a little andwas suprised when the harpy asked to get the rest of the blood off her rose sighed and then gently smiled "sure you can get the blood off me but how are you going to get it off"
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 10:29 am

Narin's eyes widened in awe as Rose told her of her battle with the five kensha beasts. "You took on FIVE?! That's AMAZING!!" She then attempted to clap in applause with her wings. "You deserve some kind of award or something."

When Rose asked how she would clean the blood off of her, Narin slowly brought her face to in front of Rose and answered, "Well, I was thinking of doing...this." She then opened her mouth slowly, and extended her tongue slowly as not to scare her. She then gently scooped up Rose with her tongue and began to slowly pull the tongue back into her mouth. Narin kept her head on the ground so that if Rose wanted to jump off her tongue, she would be able to do so.
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 10:33 am

rose was taken by surprise and atempted to run but stopped a fe minutes in she thought that she was no longer in danger as she strangly trusted the harpy even though she could feel the wet sticky tongue beneath her she gulped and watched the as she drew closer to the harpys mouth "y...y...your g...going t...t..to let me o...o..out r...r..r..right"she says nervously
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 10:51 am

Hearing Rose ask if she'd let her out, Narin moved her wing under her tongue, lightly let her down on it, and said, "Of course I am. Like I said earlier, I don't want to eat you. Anyway, this'll only take a few minutes. Just...try to relax." With that being said, she scooped up Rose with her tongue again, and pulled it into her mouth.

When she had completely pulled Rose and her tongue into her mouth, she closed it and began to stroke Rose with her tongue, and occasionally sucked on her, cleaning the blood off of her. After about ten tongue strokes, she moved her tongue under Rose gently to flip the neko over, and repeated the process. Narin had to resist the temptation to let out an 'Mmmmm' as she tasted the blood on Rose, as she didn't want to scare her like she did earlier. Occasionally she swallowed the excess saliva in her mouth, but always kept Rose gently pinned to the roof of her mouth so she'd know that she wasn't what she was swallowing.

After about four minutes of this, Narin opened her mouth, extended her tongue to touch her left wing, and slightly tilted her mouth so that Rose would slide onto her wing. After Rose landed on her wing, she pulled her tongue back into her mouth, and attempted to dry her off with her right wing. "I'm sorry if that scared you." said Narin.
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Douchebag of the year
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 10:59 am

rose enjoyed the ride as she went up and down and over shedidn't enjoy the warmth or the wet sensation and was relieved when she was let out she looked up at the harpy smiling gently moving her tail about on the harpys wing "oh i wasn't that scared it was fun i was realy scared when the kensha beasts attacke me though it was scary i didn'nt think i was going to make it out alive"she says weakly as the harpy dried her off "im sorry about earlier i was scared the kensha beasts had been chasing me and i was a little jumpy"she says and with that rose begins to cry into the harpys wing.
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PostSubject: Re: surviving felarya   surviving felarya Icon_minitime

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