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 So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Empty
PostSubject: So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal   So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 3:20 pm

And a Texas cowboy is there, bragging "Hey I hunt big game on the open range." He shows off a picture of his Chevy Suburban with the big horns on the hood. "See those horns?"

Conan the Barbarian is there and he says "Bah. I hunted giant snakes where I come from." He lifts his feet. "See these snakeskin boots?"

Young Captain Kirk is there. He holds up a Klingon blade and says "I shoot Klingons, so suck it biyatches."

The newcomer sits down and holds his head up high, saying "So what? I'm a vegetarian. Beat that!"

The others look at him for a second. The music stops. The three hot shots next to him point and laugh. The whole crowd busts into laughter.

The laughter suddenly stops and all jaws hit the floor when the newcomer lifts a well recognized red leaf and he says, "I only eat plants from Felarya."
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So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal   So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 8:51 pm

Not too bad of a joke. Smile
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal   So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 2:57 am

I paused for a second... and then laughed my ass off!

This bears the mark of a great joke.
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Seasoned adventurer
Seasoned adventurer

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So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal   So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 6:05 pm

that is freaking hilarious please make some more jokes
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So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal   So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2009 11:06 pm

This is great. I can't stop laughing. Laughing
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So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Empty
PostSubject: Re: So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal   So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal Icon_minitime

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So, a guy walks into a bar near an Earth-Felarya portal
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