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 Finally Making This Post

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PostSubject: Finally Making This Post   Finally Making This Post Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2009 8:58 pm

Now, I've been using the Jurdeans in my story for a while, but I figured I'd finally make an info post on them, juuuuuuuust in case they miraculously make their way into the wiki. To be honest, as they aren't a new "race", I wasn't sure if this should go in the "Humans and Nekos" subforum or not. If I made a mistake in that regard, please notify me if it's corrected.

The Jurdeans are a race of humans, characterized by very tan skin and light hazel eyes, usually with sandy hair. They have lived in Felarya for as long as their history can recall, and have adapted quite well. Their technology is very primitive, and they seem at first glance to be a basic hunter-gatherer society. They possess great knowledge of various flora and fauna in the areas north of Deeper Felarya. Their main settlement is a fortress-town in the mountains north of Deeper Felarya, and several different hunting groups, or cells, go out in a wide radius from this town, and wander the area, hunting predators. They are a hardy people, and are extremely tough. A Jurdean hunting cell is a great threat to many predators. Jurdean magic is very shamanic, though they don't have any real religion to speak of.

Motives for hunting preds are numerous. The Jurdeans feel spite against the predators for the narrowing of their ranks when predators raided their tribe in the past. They also continue the cycle of life and death in Felarya, making sure no species truly gains an upper hand in a world where immortality seems plausible for preds. That is the biggest reason, truly. Long ago, in a legend steeped with superstition, a man from another world came to the Jurdean tribe, wearing armor of white and gold metal, and taught them methods to defeat predators. They call him the First Hero, and another Hero is chosen by the hunting groups every ten years when they convene in the main town. This Hero leads the Jurdeans, and guards the relics sealed in the First Hero's tomb. Legend says the First Hero died to kill a Guardian that the Jurdeans had angered. However, this is probably just a myth. His blade and his armor are known to be made of a material never since seen in Felarya.

The Jurdeans do a small amount of trading with travelers, though it is very limited. They have made little scientific advancement in their history, being more preoccupied with just surviving. They cannot mine for materials, and even their agricultural gains are only enough to support their main town.

Famous Jurdeans:

Cephas: A leader of the top hunting cell, Cephas is one of the most powerful Jurdeans, and also one of the wisest. He is the Forty-Seventh Hero. He can channel his life energy through his arms and legs to supplement his punches, kicks, and leaps. Through conditioning and application of herbs, his skin and bones are almost like stone. Though he may seem very brutish in his fighting style, he is clever, and a very capable leader.

Othem: Cephas's apprentice, Othem is still young and inexperienced, by Jurdean standards. He can hold his own in a fight against lesser predators, but the larger ones could defeat him if he fought alone. Othem's best skill is in his speed, agility, and endurance. He can run at breakneck paces for days straight, though it pushes his limits.

(More may be added as I develop the characters of Liru and Ashira. I also didn't count Emmis in, as she's not truly Jurdean.)
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PostSubject: Re: Finally Making This Post   Finally Making This Post Icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2009 3:18 pm

This has NOTHING to do with that... but man, I love your signature.
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