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PostSubject: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 1:04 pm

Quite a big subject Razz

But with Clif, we have begun to try and make some basics of Felarya established once and for all. Until now, the foundations were not very stable and pretty vague. So we are looking to make things more coherent and established now. And you are welcome to participate Wink

Here is the text that Cliff wrote ( with slight additions by me )

Quote :
- The Felaryan plane
Felarya, despite its initial appearance is not a world in the sense of the word that we are familiar with. It is a nearly infinite, and ever expanding dimensional plane. The easiest way to picture Felarya is to think of it as a massive disk that is gradually expanding outward. Forming a ring around the perimeter of the disk is a massive dimensional rift. This rift connects to the opposite side of the rift. This gives Felarya the appearance of a spherical world, and it is indeed possible to circumnavigate Felarya, if you can survive the trip.

The next main feature of the Felaryan dimensional plane is the sky itself. Felarya has no “space” around it like a normal world would. There is no way to view it from space. The sky of Felarya is divided into layers, like the atmosphere of a normal planet, but at the point where you would enter into orbit on a normal world, is a massive dimensional rift in the sky of Felarya. Once you pass through this rift, you leave Felarya and appear at a random point in the empty space of the universe.
For example, if you were to fly straight up in a rocket, you would eventually reach the rift and pass through. If you only looked straight ahead, it would appear to you like you’d simply flown into orbit and entered space. Upon looking behind you, all you would see is empty space, since you have left Felarya through the rift. Once you exit this way, there is no way back.
Of course, if Felarya has a vertical barrier to its plane, there must also be a subterranean one as well. The ground of Felarya is also layered and structured similar to a normal planet’s. But if you were to dig down deep enough (many miles) you would pass through the subterranean rift. You would then appear several miles under the ground of a random planet in the universe. If you kept looking straight ahead, you would just seem to be digging like normal, but once you pass the rift, looking back would only reveal a wall of dirt. Felarya would be gone and you couldn’t go back. This scenario is highly unlikely though, since it would be nearly impossible for any living creature, or machine to dig that deep.

The Felaryan sky
One of the great mysteries of Felarya is the sky itself. It is a documented fact that Felarya has no “space” around it and is essentially a flat, disk-shaped plane lying under a dimensional rift in the sky. This brings certain questions to mind, like, How is there a sun? How is there a moon? How is there a day/night cycle? and so on.
The rift in the skies of Felarya shifts nearly as much as the world itself and observant people will notice that the stars and moons change sometimes - ( though this occurs not very often ) . The rift in the sky aligns itself to a random star in the universe to use to heat Felarya.

*Something* in the dimensional chemistry of Felarya itself actually controls, to a degree, where the dimension of Felarya will connect to real-space. This is why the rift in the sky always connects to certain sized stars and at a certain distance from them. This keeps Felarya at roughly the same temperature. The same principle applies to the night cycle. The rift will connect to certain sized moons, at a certain distance to maintain Felarya’s tidal cycle and so on.
This control in the dimensional chemistry of Felarya could also explain why it seems that only human inhabited worlds get connected to Felarya. The plane of Felarya only seems to connect to worlds with a similar environment to its own.

This is most likely a safety measure in place to ensure a natural equilibrium. Given the sheer size of the universe, and the possibility that Felarya can potentially connect to multiple universes…there would still be millions, if not billions of compatible worlds, stars and moons for Felarya to potentially connect to.

Nothing is engraved in the stone at this point, so thoughts, remarks and suggestions welcome ^_^
But keep the conversation CVIVIL please
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 1:32 pm

So, correct me if I'm wrong...but this mean Felarya's actually flat?
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 1:50 pm

Flare wrote:
So, correct me if I'm wrong...but this mean Felarya's actually flat?

Essentially. Although, you DO have mountains and deep seas and such. Its only flat in the sense that it isnt spherical. The rift around the perimeter gives the appearance that it is spherical though. You'd never notice the rift was there. To you, the world would just seem to go on and double back on itself like a spherical one.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 1:54 pm

Though if Felarya is flat then there wouldn't be any curvature of the horizon when seen from high up. In fact would there even be a horizon? I guess it would be quite a panorama.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 1:58 pm

An explanation about the gravity is missing, I mean a little explanation about how things and the inhabitants are attracted to the ground. About the sky an explanation which give an idea about the meteorological activities in overall. Some example of phenomenons watched in different area of Felarya showing how the different change of moons and stars can affect some phenomenon liked the tide Razz
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 2:05 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
An explanation about the gravity is missing, I mean a little explanation about how things and the inhabitants are attracted to the ground. About the sky an explanation which give an idea about the meteorological activities in overall. Some example of phenomenons watched in different area of Felarya showing how the different change of moons and stars can affect some phenomenon liked the tide Razz

Hmm, well keep in mind, the ground of Felarya IS many miles deep. The plane of Felarya would still have mass and have a gravitational force. Or it could be explained by the dimensional chemistry of Felarya. Its a dimensional plain trying to mimic a planet. The gravity could be generated by the dimensional plane itself. Some things will be impossible to adequately explain, im afraid...and will have to be blamed on extra-dimensional physics, and the unique behavior of a pocket dimension like Felarya.

As for the moons and such, I even said in my theory that the dimensional chemistry of Felarya makes sure that when it does align to a different moon or star, it keeps at the proper distance to ensure that the natural equilibrium is maintained. The tidal cycles of Felarya would continue like normal.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 2:23 pm

A little curious here about the size of Felarya's atmosphere and it's connecting to moons and stars- first the big question on my mind is, does this mean Felarya temporarily grapples a different moon or star when it adjusts to a new one into its dimension for the time being? As I understand from a far enough distance away from Felarya, namely the atmosphere layers mentioned, other things in space have no real effect because it's not really there so a sun at a proper distance to say heat the planet would be rather far away... Put short, if the dimension limit is only it's atmosphere that doesn't leave much room for a sun to heat it without having the place burn up or are star's heat energies allowed to cross this rift where Felarya is placed?

Another thing to note is if Felarya is aligning to different stars to keep its chemistry stable could this mean it throws stars not in its universe out of orbit elsewhere by introducing a new mass for that star to be effected by its gravity? The last question doesn't concern me as much but the first is a bit confusing for me if that could be clarified some.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 2:59 pm

Asuroth wrote:
A little curious here about the size of Felarya's atmosphere and it's connecting to moons and stars- first the big question on my mind is, does this mean Felarya temporarily grapples a different moon or star when it adjusts to a new one into its dimension for the time being? As I understand from a far enough distance away from Felarya, namely the atmosphere layers mentioned, other things in space have no real effect because it's not really there so a sun at a proper distance to say heat the planet would be rather far away... Put short, if the dimension limit is only it's atmosphere that doesn't leave much room for a sun to heat it without having the place burn up or are star's heat energies allowed to cross this rift where Felarya is placed?

Another thing to note is if Felarya is aligning to different stars to keep its chemistry stable could this mean it throws stars not in its universe out of orbit elsewhere by introducing a new mass for that star to be effected by its gravity? The last question doesn't concern me as much but the first is a bit confusing for me if that could be clarified some.

Well, as far the size...the Felarya atmosphere would probably not be too different from Earth's. That includes a layer to protect against too much radiation. It doesnt "draw in" other stars and moons to it. It aligns itself to them. The rift allows the heat of the star to come in and heat the world. Its more like opening a window than anything else. It doesnt actually influence the star at all. Felarya doesnt draw the star out of real-space or appear in real-space near the star. It just positions its rift so that its the proper distance away to maintain Felarya's natural equilibrium as it lets the heat and the light of the star in.

Its kind of like a two-way mirror. No one in real-space would see anything different than than the usual...but people in Felarya would be able to see the star the sky is aligned to just fine.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 3:09 pm

Felarya physics Paul_k10

It's good to rest assured that Felarya isn't Discworld.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 3:15 pm

First...I couldn't help but laugh seeing that picture, I'd imagine those elephants would get bored just standing there all the time! And thanks for the response about that stuff, I had a feeling it might have been envisioned to work something like that way with regards to the mirror but wasn't quite sure.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 4:08 pm

Asuroth wrote:
First...I couldn't help but laugh seeing that picture, I'd imagine those elephants would get bored just standing there all the time! And thanks for the response about that stuff, I had a feeling it might have been envisioned to work something like that way with regards to the mirror but wasn't quite sure.

You're welcome. Im trying my best to make these ideas coherent, lol. I know Karbo and I hurt our brains a couple times when we thought some of this up.

lol, nice pic, Fish. But no worries, Felarya isnt disk world. The rift around the end connects to itself to give the illusion of a spherical world. You'd never know the rift was even there. The world would just go on and you'd come out on the opposite side of the plane.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 5:34 pm

Something now I have to ask: Tides. What's up with them?
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 6:24 pm

Wait, so if Felarya is a pocket dimension, whose pocket is it in! oh I hope they don’t wash their pants, or else Felarya is going to get all wet and soapy! Maybe we better go find someone that can keep Fealrya safe for us. I think I know a friend who has a little extra dimensional space that would work nicely Razz

And if Felarya is a disk, then wouldn’t that mean that there is an exact center of Felarya? Hmm, I wonder where that could be. Perhaps there is some significant landmark there, such as a temple or a mountain or a GAINT TREE! Buh buh BUM!
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 7:42 pm

Flare wrote:
Something now I have to ask: Tides. What's up with them?

A combination of the moons in the sky and the dimensional physics of Felarya that cause it to mimic a "real" world, I imagine.

Quote :
And if Felarya is a disk, then wouldn’t that mean that there is an exact center of Felarya? Hmm, I wonder where that could be. Perhaps there is some significant landmark there, such as a temple or a mountain or a GAINT TREE! Buh buh BUM!
Hmm...technically, I guess there could be a "center" but since the rifts on the perimeter connect to eachother and make the world act as if it was spherical, I dont know if you could have a center. It depends how you look at it, I guess, lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 10:17 pm

Well, if it was a disk, regardless of how the edges acted, there would still have to be a center. The giant tree might actually be the centre...I think for map making ease it would be useful to put the first map area on the map (the familiar map) the center of Felarya and everything is built outwards from there.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 11:18 pm

Quote :
- The Felaryan plane
Felarya, despite its initial appearance is not a world in the sense of the word that we are familiar with. It is a nearly infinite, and ever expanding dimensional plane. The easiest way to picture Felarya is to think of it as a massive, flat disk that is gradually expanding outward. Forming a ring around the perimeter of the disk is a massive dimensional rift. This rift connects to the opposite side of the rift. This gives Felarya the appearance of a spherical world, and it is indeed possible to circumnavigate Felarya, if you can survive the trip.
We have a problem here. If this is so, then the north and south poles would be pretty much the same place. Also, Felarya would have no magnetic field, and therefore would be unable to deflect the solar wind emitted by whichever star is currently shining on it.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 1:36 am

Flare wrote:
So, correct me if I'm wrong...but this mean Felarya's actually flat?

I'll add that yes the surface is flat but there is also the subterran part, so rather than the form of a coin ( like the discworld ^^) it would be more like a semi-sphere.

And you guys are raising rather difficult questions here ^^;
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 8:52 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Quote :
- The Felaryan plane
Felarya, despite its initial appearance is not a world in the sense of the word that we are familiar with. It is a nearly infinite, and ever expanding dimensional plane. The easiest way to picture Felarya is to think of it as a massive, flat disk that is gradually expanding outward. Forming a ring around the perimeter of the disk is a massive dimensional rift. This rift connects to the opposite side of the rift. This gives Felarya the appearance of a spherical world, and it is indeed possible to circumnavigate Felarya, if you can survive the trip.
We have a problem here. If this is so, then the north and south poles would be pretty much the same place. Also, Felarya would have no magnetic field, and therefore would be unable to deflect the solar wind emitted by whichever star is currently shining on it.

Technically, it shouldnt have a layered atmosphere either, but it does. Keep in mind, Felarya doesnt operate on the same laws as our universe. The extra-dimensional physics of the world are what allow all the different things. to work. Giant creatures can exist and function normally, it has a day/night cycle without actually being in space. It has weather and natural events and so on. I imagine it would have a magnetic field of some kind (although it might be hell for compasses, lol) generated and maintained by the pocket dimension.

Felarya isnt a planet existing in dimensional space. It is a world in a pocket dimension floating in the extra-dimensional space between universes. It doesnt follow the same laws, and some things will be hard to explain rationally. As much as I hate the "Well, it just works that way" answer...that probably is the best answer for some questions. The nature of the pocket dimension just allows it to work.

Quote :
Karbo wrote:
And you guys are raising rather difficult questions here ^^;

Hehe, wouldnt have it any other way =P This is kind of a difficult subject.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 9:48 am

Regarding the magnetic field the Pyrale mountains are made mostly of that rather chaotic blue stone that seems to polarize (which I was trying to explain recently in the mineralogy thread) which could act as the source of the magnetic field to deflect the solar winds. As for the other pole for the magnetic field....well I'm a bit lost on that but am almost willing to say if there isn't another region with enough of these magnetic rocks the place could act as both poles in one place (I know wierd but hey it's a flat world so I'm willing to get a little creative!). Point being behind this is the stones are rather chaotic and change into different kinds of repulsion or attraction at random, so the two poles could alternate to some degree within the mountains or could simply exist very close to each other in the mountains or something. Just figured I'd expand on that some and see if anyone thought I was crazy or what not!
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 10:02 am

Asuroth wrote:
Regarding the magnetic field the Pyrale mountains are made mostly of that rather chaotic blue stone that seems to polarize (which I was trying to explain recently in the mineralogy thread) which could act as the source of the magnetic field to deflect the solar winds. As for the other pole for the magnetic field....well I'm a bit lost on that but am almost willing to say if there isn't another region with enough of these magnetic rocks the place could act as both poles in one place (I know wierd but hey it's a flat world so I'm willing to get a little creative!). Point being behind this is the stones are rather chaotic and change into different kinds of repulsion or attraction at random, so the two poles could alternate to some degree within the mountains or could simply exist very close to each other in the mountains or something. Just figured I'd expand on that some and see if anyone thought I was crazy or what not!

You should keep your explanation for the Pyrale mountains, it will rise too much questions when you will try to extend it to Felarya.

rcs619 wrote:

Technically, it shouldnt have a layered atmosphere either, but it does. Keep in mind, Felarya doesnt operate on the same laws as our universe. The extra-dimensional physics of the world are what allow all the different things. to work. Giant creatures can exist and function normally, it has a day/night cycle without actually being in space. It has weather and natural events and so on. I imagine it would have a magnetic field of some kind (although it might be hell for compasses, lol) generated and maintained by the pocket dimension.

Felarya isnt a planet existing in dimensional space. It is a world in a pocket dimension floating in the extra-dimensional space between universes. It doesnt follow the same laws, and some things will be hard to explain rationally. As much as I hate the "Well, it just works that way" answer...that probably is the best answer for some questions. The nature of the pocket dimension just allows it to work.

I think Felarya is a kind of virtual planet or a dimension which reproduce the functioning of a world or a planet without having the same physical properties. However some basic or general properties can be found and explained without necessary enter into the details.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 10:28 am

I think we are not looking for a perfect system that would explain all here... That would require days and days of intensive work...

Mostly the purpose is to see if this one we came up with has some major flaws or things that could be changed/replaced/improved ^^
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 11:45 am

Karbo wrote:
I think we are not looking for a perfect system that would explain all here... That would require days and days of intensive work...

Mostly the purpose is to see if this one we came up with has some major flaws or things that could be changed/replaced/improved ^^

Yep. We're dealing with things that are impossible to even exist, much less completely explain. We wont find all the answers to all the issues...but if we can cover the main ones, that is still pretty good ^^

Quote :
I think Felarya is a kind of virtual planet or a dimension which reproduce the functioning of a world or a planet without having the same physical properties. However some basic or general properties can be found and explained without necessary enter into the details.

EXACTLY. I think you kind of nailed what Ive said before. Felarya is a dimensional plane that has rearraged itself to mimic the functions of a real world. We can explain some of its properites, but some would be difficult, or impossible to explain well.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 2:08 pm

Well, I think I can point out another fundamental law with Felarya. Lets start with that pesky problem that is been bugging everyone for a while, how do some of the spices of Felarya grow so big? Lets see if I can come up with a logical explanation using an already well known mechanic of Felarya, its healing property!

The giant size Felaryan inhabitants tend to grow too would be impossible in are realm because the sheer weight of the persons mass would cause there bones and other vital organs to break or rupture, resulting in death. But things don’t tend to break all at once, they tend to crack first and then fail in a domino effect. An example of that is watching a dam burst, it gets a small fracture first, then a leak, then that leak starts getting beiger until the whole dam breaks.

If we where to patch the small fractures in the dam as soon as they appeared, then the dam would never break. Same idea for giants of Felarya, the magic in the land is constantly healing the small fracture in their bones and veins as they appear. Not only would this allow Felaryans giants to grow to their incredible size, it would actually logically encourage that to happen. If height is an advantage to a spices then as time passes on it is more likely the spices will evolve to grow taller, up to the point where an increased height would start becoming a liability and not an asset.

In fact, any spices who spend an extended time on Felarya could start to become larger, as long as it would be a natural asset to do so. So having nekos that pretty much tower over their none native peers would not be surprising, even the Delurans might end up getting a bit taller over time.

Well, that seems to be a pretty good explanation in my opinion, at the very lest I feel its passable.

So how about we go on to the next one fundamental flaw in Felarya, which is how can the predators survive with the diet they have? Higher level creatures that eat the things lower on the food chain do so with diminished energy returns, meaning that a bunny gets more energy from eating a plant then a wolf gets when it eats the bunny. Considering how much bigger a Felaryan preditor usually is then their prey, then most predators would have to eat a an incredible amount of prey a day just to survive. Much more then I think most preditorys are getting now, even well fed ones like Crisis. So how do we explain why all the preds are not starving to death?

Lets look at energy first, because it’s the most obvious result of eating. When you eat something, your beak it down into smaller components that your body can use to burn to generate heat and create movement. Very simple, but extremely important. Lets look at the naga, and how they need to eat at lest five nekos a day to survive. To power a full naga for a whole day it would take much more then 5 nekos, that would be if you tried to power yourself on 5 potato chips a day. You would starve to death because there is simple not enough raw energy in those potato chips to sustain you. Logically a naga would have to eat a lot more then 5 nekos a day to live, something more along the lines of 30 or 40 nekos would be sufficient as a bear minimum.

So perhaps nagas don’t need to eat nekos for the energy they provide at all. My next theory, the same magical force that heals everyone in Felarya also gives them energy. If this magical force can heal, why can it not do the things that are required for there to be a healing process in the first place? Healing takes a lot of energy for the body to perform, and if the magical healing powers of Felarya is causing everyone to constantly heal themselves then it also would be causing them to constantly be devoting energy into making their wounds heal. That would mean that most predators would either need to be CONSTENTLY eating low energy sources such as nekos or they would be need to eat more massive energy sources such as other predators in the same quantities in which they have been previously eating prey species. One naga having to eat five other naga sized people a day to sustain the massive energy they use to heal continuously is a bit much, also it would be a little problematic for people who do not like same sized vore. So my theory is that the magical force in Felarya not only heals, but gives energy as well. It would also explain why most predators don’t have much body fat, their diet doesn’t tend to have energy in high enough quantities to facilitate the production of fat cells. If you only ate five potato chips a day you wouldn’t gain much weight, and a potato chip would relatively have a lot more energy then a neko or human.

Well if the magic of Felarya is giving off constant energy, then why the heck do people need to eat at all? Well that goes to the second reason people need to eat, nutrients. Everyday people need to consume vitamins, minerals, and proteins in order to survive, your body cant just simply produce those things. Calcium in need for bones, proteins for muscles, potassium for brain functions and so on. With out these necessary nutrients a person will die. So a if a Felarya predator doesn’t eat enough she wont die because of a lack of energy to sustain herself, she will die do to a lack of nutrients. Five nekos might not be able to substation a predator with enough energy to survive, but I could see those five nekos providing a predator with enough nutrients to survive. Especially if they supplement their diet with fruits and vegetables every now and again.

Aright, so we can explain how a Felarain naga can sustain herself on five nekos a day, but how does Felaray sustain that many nekos and other prey spices to feed all the predators? If we consider the nagas necessary diet of 5 humans or nekos a day, then each year a single naga has to eat at lest 1800 nekos or the equivalent! So if that naga is like Crisis then that number is probably going to be MUCH higher. That means that prey spices have to reproduce like bunnies, heck, they would have to reproduce like cockroaches! And if the prey spices in question is a predator themselves, such as nekos, then they spices they eat will have to have even LARGER numbers. That would mean that to sustain all the nekos, all of Felarya needs to be covered in about three feet of nerra! Ho snap! I don’t think many people would like to be wading around waist deep in squirming mice…although since they are mice GIRLS then maybe that isn’t so bad after all. XD

They only solution to this problem would be to greatly decrease the amount of predators like Nagas, Harrpies, …ect, that live in Felarya. with all of the fan characters being written for Felarya we might already be over the logically sustainable limit! But the problem with cutting down the number of preditors would be that it would be a lot less fun! Who would want a Felarya where there is only a handful of predators scattered over the entire realm. It would be awfully lonely for them, and we cant have that.

So to have as many predators as Felarya currently has, we are force to have an insane amount of nekos and nerra. So if there are so many over then, where the heck are they all? It is clear that Felarya isn’t covered with Neko and Nerra, as evident by the fact you can actually see the ground. Are all the nekos and nerra hiding then? Well my next theory is yes, yes they are all hiding. Just not by their own will. Most of the massive amounts of nerra in Felarya are currently trapped in the bellies of all the hungry nekos, and most of THOSE nekos are trapped in the bellies of all the nagas, harpies, and other hungry giant predators. So the main problem for hunters in Felarya is not finding prey, they are literally everywhere, the problem is finding prey that hasn’t already been eaten yet. A predator might have to look around quite a bit to find food, and it might seem like there is not a lot of prey around, but really they cant find any prey around because they are competing with so many other predators at once that at any given time most of the prey in an area are already in someone else tummy. So Felarya is like a giant game of “Hungry, Hungry Hippos”, and Humans are the little white balls!

Those seem to be some of the major problems of Felarya and the magical healing property seems to do a good job of eventual explaining them all, but how do we explain the magical healing property? Where did it come from and why does it exist? Well, I have no clue at all. However, Fallen seems to have an idea. So I will have her explain it to you.

Fallen- “Alright, to start things off I need to tell you what I am, which is a druid. A druid is like a cleric, they worship some god and in return the god gives them some sort of power. The only real difference is that Druids worship gods that have to do with nature, thus giving them powers that reflect their gods. Now most druids worship Ehlonna or Obad-hai or some god like them, but the druid pack that I joined didn’t worship ANY god. We just worshiped nature directly. Yet somehow we still managed to have all the powers of are druid piers, despite not having any god to grant them to us. I have been constantly rattling my mind trying to figure out where the heck all this power is coming from, divine might doesn’t just appear out of nowhere.

When I first came to Felarya it was like the world was screaming at me, every single organism seemed charged with that same savage and intense power of nature that I use to fuel my own ablities. The land speaks to me louder then any ancient druid grove that I have been too, the trees are stronger and wiser then the wises of mighty and ancient trees I have ever seen, the winds converse to me as freely as any other person capable of speech might.

I find myself charged with this same power the more I spend time here, I am reaching levels of druidic abilities that have thus far only existed in tales of legendary druids of unparalleled might. I find it somewhat surprising that even now this massive increase in power is only allowing me to barely survive day to day.

I spent weeks trying to figure out what the source of this power was. I assumed it was some ancient lost artifact or an as of yet unheard of god, but my search was fruitless. It was then that I realized that its not an artifact or a god, it’s the land its self that is so powerful! This isn’t just a magical land, I have come to believe that Felarya is savage nature incarnate. This place, it is nature in it purest form. A giant monster of a creature composed of every single living thing that inhabits this place. Felarya is not an unknown god, its power is something much more ancient and primal then that of the gods. It is something else completely, something raw and pure.

I have started to wonder if Felarya might be the source of all nature. The Eden in which all life, god or mortal, has sprung from. Could this one place be the source of all existence? I find that idea utterly horrific, and I have no idea why.”

Wow! Um, thanks Fallen. That was really informative. I don’t know if any of what you said is true, but its in interesting perspective to say the lest.

Anyway, these are just some ideas I came up with, hope they might be of some use to you all. ^_^
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 4:10 pm

@zalzas to have a proper answer to this question you need to have a "real" living specie on your hand to study, process many experience, dissect its body, analyse its blood and study the environment. What you say can be true or false but the only way to know it in the end will be to live in this world in reality Razz
And in addition many specie are not coming from Earth they have some similarities in shape or behaviour but they are still different.
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya physics   Felarya physics Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 5:08 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
@zalzas to have a proper answer to this question you need to have a "real" living specie on your hand to study, process many experience, dissect its body, analyse its blood and study the environment. What you say can be true or false but the only way to know it in the end will be to live in this world in reality Razz
And in addition many specie are not coming from Earth they have some similarities in shape or behaviour but they are still different.

Oh, I’m sorry. I kind of thought that was the sort of thing we where trying to come up with in this thread. My mistake ^^;
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