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 Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom Empty
PostSubject: Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom   Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom Icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2008 12:40 pm

I just looked back at the Fairy Kingdom entry in the wiki and I read that some of the laws of physics in this zones are altered. However, it doesn't give any more information than that. This thread here is for you to post your theories on what kind of changes in the laws of physics happens when you enter the kingdom. In addition, I haven't read anything on how Sunfall Thicket or any other sub-zone of the kingdom is accessed. I assume it's via the portals, but more information could help.
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Helpless prey

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Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom Empty
PostSubject: Re: Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom   Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 10:02 pm

I think phasing is one. It is probably in relation to the types of fairies you encounter. For example, mist and canopy fairies both have different abilities which they probably learned due to the area they live in.
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Laws of physics in the Fairy Kingdom
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