Raptor girls have a humanoid face and neck that often apears to be that of a scaled female human they have razor sharp teeth they use to rip the flesh from the things they kill,The rest of there body is that of a raptor and despite having feathers raptor girls can't actually fly.They have long whip like tails they can use for defense or to cling onto tree branches there tails also help them when they run and raptor girls can reach speeds of up to five miles per hour.They equal a human in size and have no trouble ripping one to pieces or if possible atempting to swallow them whole.
They are an unfriendly bunch often rude to other races and some consider them bandits,due to the fact they are often known to seemingly come out of nowhere and ransack entire convoys stealing there food and water as well as anything else of value.They prefer not to interact with other races save for the ocasional raid and rapor girls often fight among themselves but despite whatever arguments they may have they always stay togethor as a pack.
A pack consists of 9-15 of the raptor girls out of which only three would be male,one alpha male and the other two just there for the purpose of breeding ,the alpha male will lead there pack alongside his chosen female.There are not many packs roaming felarya,so far there are only four know packs that roam the felaryan jungle and curiously enough each pack has it's own culture different from the others.When hunting they come to one distracts while another atacks.
Raptor girls follow a a couple of rules mainy 'eat now ask questions never' as well as that they have 'live to fight and fight to live'.
((and that's all i have more to come when i can think up more about them))