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 The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.

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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Empty
PostSubject: The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.   The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 11:24 pm

i will be writing some stories including Cody, Codda, and roxane as they get themselves into endless amounts of trouble.. or should i say.. as they do what they do just about every day..
i will begin the series as each char came to the amazing"and insane" world of felarya, and include some previous points in time from before...

this is my first shot at making stories.. so i hope i do well XD
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The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.   The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2009 4:02 am

That offer for a proofreading is still open if you want it.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.   The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2009 2:10 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
That offer for a proofreading is still open if you want it.

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Location : The Country of Kangaroos and Criminal Scum

The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.   The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2009 8:03 pm

codaman wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
That offer for a proofreading is still open if you want it.


You don't remember? Well, I suppose it was a while ago.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.   The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 3:29 am

(my first shot at a short funny story.. starring the duo themselves.. Cody and Codda)

A heavenly nap.

There is no such thing as breaktime...

"finally! I'm not being followed by a predator for once and Roxane isn't after me.. maybe once i can relax.." Cody was sitting on a branch, relaxing against his wings.. it was a calm blue sky day.. the wind could be heard through the trees.. it was as peaceful as Felarya had ever been and Cody intended on making this his one day to just relax.. he took one more look around before laying his head back and closing his eyes. Cody was just about asleep until a set of eyes locked on him. "Cody wake up!" Codda's voice rang out from above Cody waking him up. "what? what happened this time?" Codda jumped down facing Cody. "where did you put your Dr.Pepper? Ive searched your entire tree and couldn't find them anywhere.." Cody was seriously unhappy to be woken up about a box of soda.. but seeing as how Codda has been addicted to it since his first sip. Cody decided to calm down. "did you try in the opening under the roots?" Cody asked laying back again. "no, i don't think i did.. thanks Cody.." Codda jumped down from the branch running off.. "Ok, now i can relax.." Cody said closing his eyes again..

five minutes later the same voice rang out."They aren't under the roots!" Codda yelled at Cody startling him. "Did you try near my bed? or near Roxane's bed?" Cody said scratching his hair. "huh.. i think i did.. ill go check again.." and once again Codda ran off leaving Cody in silence again.. and once Cody had about fallen asleep, Codda dropped in again, holding a soda with a big smile on his face.
"hay Cody do you know where Roxane put her candy stash?" Cody woke up mad as can be, but did his best to stay calm.. "in her backpack." Cody said laying back again not even listening for Codda's response.. about fifteen minutes later Cody was woken up again.. "Cody! do you?" Cody jumped up interrupting Codda "GO FIND IT YOURSELF!" Cody then jumped down walking away kicking rocks and leaves as he went.. leaving Codda on the branch..

"i was just gonna ask if he wanted some candy and soda with me.. hmm, oh well.." Codda said laying back against the branch, falling asleep..
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PostSubject: Re: The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.   The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda. Icon_minitime

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The "un"Great adventures of Cody and Codda.
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