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Darkstorm Zero
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 7:20 am

1st character is a very angry mecha pilot.

Name: Geeran Holden
Nickname: The Steel Assasin
Race: Human
Age: 19
Height: 6 ft 2 inches
Weight: about 170 pounds

Apperance: Geeran is a slightly tall and slim to medium built young man with medium length black hair thats spiked up and back in a few places. Wears his pilot sout almost all the time, which is black exept for the sleeeves which are red and lined purple. Helmet matches this color scheme.

Personality: Normally, Geeran is a good, kind natured person towards people he sees as innocent. Well mannered and honest, can be hot tempered sometimes, especially when he is interrupted from working on his machines, but otherwise a good kid.

This changes when he gets into his suit to hunt... Towards Felaryan predators, Geeran is utterly cold, ruthes and violent... This anger is a tempered spear that he uses too destroy what he considers to be the enemy... Those that would do harm to the innocent for selfish and utterly unfeeling reasons. It is very hard to stop him from dispensing what he considers justice, which is why most people steer clear of him when he is preparing for a mission, and definintely don't try to persuade him from stopping his mission... This normally gets a very chilling stare from him that freezes most people in their tracks.

Skills, Strengths and Abilities: He is an ordinary human in just about every way outside of his Machines. He is an exellent engineer and mechanic, capable of everything from field patch and weld jobs for most machines, to extensive construction and upgrading for his machines. Also displays seemingly supernatural skills in piloting his unit. Also gifted with an incredible strength of will and sense of right and wrong. He is an expert survivalist, fighter, and combat strategist. His uncanny fighting capabilities have saved his live more tan once, but because they are untrained, and for the most part still untested, his actual combat skill is the source of much speculation among the various other mercenaries and bounty hunters. Geeran is also a gifted singer, but this skill is never employed, he uses it only to remember the people of his village, singing soft melancholy songs.

Background story: Geeran was once just a small boy living in one of the numerous, but separated villages of Humans that seem to rise and fall all over Felarya. He lived near the Dridder Forest at the foot of the Ascarlin Mountains. His village, known as Kayton, prospered for some time since the fall of Ur-Sagol due to the intelligent use of high technology, various magics, and good politics, striking a considerably advantageous deal with the local predators, especially the Dridder clans for resources in exchange for protection. However, on one particularly calm night, a sudden explosion crippled Kayton's defences, and almost immediately the village was assaulted by every nearby predator in the area, including many of the formerly friendly ones. having witnessed the death of his family and friends at the hands of former friends of his village, Geeran fled.

Geeran had managed to escape this nightmare scenario with only a handfull of villagers and soldiers, trekking their way to Negav in a damaged armoured vehicle, and losing another 3 people to the forest perils.

The horror Geeran had experienced during these days shaped who he is now irrevocably... He began a crusade that would never end, and using his knowlege of technology and his tempered hatred to practice and build mecha suits that could be used to claim his vengence. However, Geeran had also come under the wing of a particularly ancient and powerful sorcerer known as Malacai III, a wise old wizard who understood the natural balance of Felarya, and it's inhabitants. This wizard had forged several friendly relations with many of the sentient beings far and wide, including predators. His widom is as valued as that of Vivian's. Malacai had retired partially to Neegav for obscure reasons, but remains partly active for the natives as a guide.

Malacai had taken particular pity on Geeran, as the youngest survivor, he was alone. The others being adults did not wish to leave Geeran alone in the city, but had problems themselves, and where forced to abandon him to the homeless streets alone. Malacai took him in, and tutored him as best he could. The old wizard had refrained from teaching the boy any magics though, as Geeran displayed a burning hatred for the predators he deemed guilty of murder, and the wizard feared Geeran would use the knowlege of magic he would aquire for evil purposes.

Many years passed, and Geeran had learned much, but his old hatreds burned ever hotter the more horror stories he heard from the various travellers that come to Neegav from all over Felarya.

Eventually, he had completed construction of several dangerously powerful machines, his weapons of vengence and justice. Malacai could do nothing to disuade Geeran from this path, and the boy launched a terribe series of assaults against the natives. Throughout the years, the wizard had sought to instil in Geeran the knowlege of the balance, and the flow of nature in Felarya, but the memories of that night burned into Geeran's heart so brightly, they could not penetrate.

Ever since then, he has been using these Robotic menaces to hunt down and destroy as many predators as he could find, and his first victims, where the ones surrounding the ruins of Kayton. In a single night, he layed waste to almost all of the countryside, especially those who tried to fight him. It was a severe bloody battle, and by it's conclusion, Geeran had claimed victory, but at a severe toll... his machine was badly damaged, it's head and weapon arm severed, and several systems where forcibly shut down, or operating at minimal performance... he had to retreat before he was overwhelmed.

His navicomputer was non functional, life support was damaged, and ammunition was short... Geeran was lost, and it took days to find his way back, several scrapes with life and death per day had drained him, but his incredible willpower and survival instincts carried him and his broken machine home... finally.

Since this time, Geeran has been developing more and more machines, testing them, and using them in his missions. He had learned much from his initial conflict with the Dridders, and other predators ever since, developing evermore complex and powerful machines. This caused a bout of dispair in Malacai, watching Geeran degenerate into a hatemonger and war hawk... secretely he bagan plotting ways to force Geeran to stop, but eventually this changed into a scheme to forcibly instil in Geeran the understanding he needs, and for that to happen, there was only one way...

There has been several occasions when he has spared a predators, this instance occured when the child of his target attempted to stop him from attacking her mother. The tiny naga had wrapped herself around the foot of his machine, pounding on it with her fists, crying and begging for him to stop hurting her mother.

Because the girl had never harmed a human in her life, Geeran treated her as an innocent... For that reason alone, he knew she would not survive on her own, and halted his attack.

"Thank your child for your survival..." he had coldly said to the adult, and leaving them both behind without another word.

Geeran's developed a sense of honour in this way, he will not attack those who have not committed the crime of killing, and so only those predators who have partaken in the consumption of sentient innocent life would ever face his wrath, likewise, if an innocent is on the field of battle, and depended on a guilty one, his honour would leave him to value the lives of the innocent more than the death of the enemy. In his heart, those who are not guilty should not suffer the punishments intended for the guilty, and likewise, even the guilty deserve a second chance to change, but only if there is a cause for such a change, like the protection of the innocent.

This display of honour for the innocent had convinced Malacai that Geeran was not entirely lost, and has since then refined his plan for Geeran, now the wizard was waiting for the right time to bring it to fruition. Only when Geeran has finally understood what it means to be a Felaryan, will the wizard impart upon the boy his entire vast knowlege and power... a power that is only to be used for the greater good...

Weaknesses: Easily bated, Aggressiveness, Incompassionate towards others during combat, Is very succeptible to magic that is NOT direct energy attacks, Psychic power, is hamstrung by his idea of justice and honour.

Posessions: Besides the vast multitude of war machines he has built, Geeran posesses very few things. He always wears a small locket with a picture of his family inside. other than this one item, he has a Diary and a photo album that he rescued from the remains of his village when he escaped the predators that assulted his village. He usually wears a protected flight suit along with his own customised survival armour. it carries everything he needs, from food supplies and equipment, to advanced weapons and repair kits for whatever machine he is currently piloting. He usually carries a small plasma pistol and about 4 plasma grenades for personal protection when working outside of his machines. each machine also carries enough food supplies and camping equipment to last Geeran up to a month in complete isolation in the Felaryan wilderness, Or a week if rationed amongst 3 or 4 other people.

Geeran pilots many different and various machines to deathly efficiency.

(OOC: Essentially they are machines from various Gundam Series and Zoids.)

Last edited by Darkstorm Zero on Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:21 pm; edited 22 times in total
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 7:21 am

(Placeholder for 2nd character)
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 9:24 am

Now.... I believe in fair play for all species, and am willing to concede that some dridders may very well be mean, nasty people, just like any other species.

However, I can't resist.

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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 12:02 pm

Well, I could have used the more stereotypical Naga as the propellant for it, but the truth is, I am Arachnophobic. But for me, thats what makes the connundrum so very interesting, and I actually ended up liking Dridders MORE because of it....

That sounds really wierd now that I think about it...
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:01 pm

Darkstorm Zero wrote:
Well, I could have used the more stereotypical Naga as the propellant for it, but the truth is, I am Arachnophobic. But for me, thats what makes the connundrum so very interesting, and I actually ended up liking Dridders MORE because of it....

That sounds really wierd now that I think about it...

So like any arachnophobe, you made the dridder evil?
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:03 pm

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:08 pm

L'Ryn wrote:
Darkstorm Zero wrote:
Well, I could have used the more stereotypical Naga as the propellant for it, but the truth is, I am Arachnophobic. But for me, thats what makes the connundrum so very interesting, and I actually ended up liking Dridders MORE because of it....

That sounds really wierd now that I think about it...

So like any arachnophobe, you made the dridder evil?

Would you prefer they were all shown as sickeningly sweet, gentle and good?
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:21 pm

vegeta002 wrote:
L'Ryn wrote:
Darkstorm Zero wrote:
Well, I could have used the more stereotypical Naga as the propellant for it, but the truth is, I am Arachnophobic. But for me, thats what makes the connundrum so very interesting, and I actually ended up liking Dridders MORE because of it....

That sounds really wierd now that I think about it...

So like any arachnophobe, you made the dridder evil?

Would you prefer they were all shown as sickeningly sweet, gentle and good?

I would prefer variety. Very Happy
Maybe a dridder who is more then 'just evil'.
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:31 pm

Well, he did say it was a 'particularly savage clan'.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:32 pm

vegeta002 wrote:
Well, he did say it was a 'particularly savage clan'.

Once again, evil dridders.
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 4:39 pm

They have a reputation, there will always be some whose behaviour shows where it came from.

Savage isn't evil, it's uncivilized.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 5:12 pm

vegeta002 wrote:
They have a reputation, there will always be some whose behaviour shows where it came from.

Savage isn't evil, it's uncivilized.

And yet one can easily write it as evil.
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 5:22 pm

Maybe, but not everyone would write it like that.

If the 'stereotype' thing is brought up when ever Dridders and something that can be considered evil to any extent are in the same sentence, then there won't be any evil Dridders.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 10:47 pm

I didn't exactly earmark the entire dridder race as *evil* anywhere exept inside Geeran's mind.

I chose Dridders as a propelant precisely because they are generally considered sadistic by Felaryan standards, but then I actually took away that misconception, and made a distinct group by actually *making* them that sadistic and depraved as a cultural distinction of that clan.

I didn't choose Dridders because they where Dridders.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 11:51 pm


Okay though, seriously, I do suppose that could work. It could be any race so I don't see why not dridders.

Now, as a character...

Hrm, well first off, I get a certain idea in my mind because I am highly biased against pred-hunters. By this I don't mean prey that manage to kill preds, but people who do it as a job. Especially one we get one who can do multiple at the same time, like this guy here. I can see someone who could take down preds one by one with trickery and skill, but a whole clan?

But, like I said, I am VERY biased against pred hunters... as a character I suppose he's alright. He does seem to have the revenge streak pretty deep, which could be a good driver for stories, especially compared with what seems like an alright guy when he gets to know people. Such an attitude will lead to some awkward situations in Felarya.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 1:09 am

I suppose it would depend on how one would write it, I mean he could be used as the a-typical hero (For humans) / villain (For preds), or he could be a supremely good source for comic releif.

I keep getting this image in my mind as to what would happen if he where caught outside his machine, and with the unforgiving nature of Felarya's environment tends to play on even the most advanced machinery, well that could equate to quite a few field patchwork being nessisary.

And he does have vulnerabilities to non direct attack magics like Vivian's charm spells may work despite his willpower. Things that have mind altering effects tend to work well.

As for overpowering, well, that would be heavily dependant on the machine rather than the man. any very serious mecha would cause alot of trouble for the rank & file felaryan...
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The Joker
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 1:51 pm

I can tell you definitely put a lot of time into this one. Your character's pretty well thought out, and I hope you can pull off the pred-hater thing without making him look like a sterotype. He might want to be careful with the mech, though. Otherwise, the Guardians might smite him down.
Overall, a pretty good chraracter!
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Darkstorm Zero
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 1:54 pm

Well, without the all owning plot device called *Magic* that so plagued Balthus's design, I don't forsee too many guardian problems, especially with Geeran's chosen methods.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 11:51 pm

honestly I don't see why it doesn't happen MORE. HELLO anti-tank weaponry exists, and it WOULD kill these things.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 12:43 am

On a totally illogical but important level - what would be the point?

Mostly, Felarya is a world where the predators rule. If you don't like that then maybe it isn't the world for you. It is not a place where one can just go out into the jungle and kill a pred. Surviving consistently on Felarya makes you a badass. Killing preds repeatedly makes you usually a Mary Sue.
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 1:43 am

I love how you've assumed I hate Preds because I made a character with the tools to take down some... Really Jaette, I would really like it if you DIDN'T draw something so hastey right out, especially considering the 2nd character IS going to be a pred.

I put Geeran in 1st because he is definitely the more experimental of the two.

Plus, I have not seen anything constructive from you reguarding Geeran, rather pointless (and self admittedly biased) trashing of the character... Why does he burn you so?
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 1:51 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:
On a totally illogical but important level - what would be the point?

Mostly, Felarya is a world where the predators rule. If you don't like that then maybe it isn't the world for you. It is not a place where one can just go out into the jungle and kill a pred. Surviving consistently on Felarya makes you a badass. Killing preds repeatedly makes you usually a Mary Sue.

That isn't a Mary Sue, a mary sue is practically perfect in every way. The guy has weaknesses and his personality isn't easy for non-humans to like, which are not mary sue traits.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 2:00 am

A Gary Stu then! 8D
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 2:20 am

I find it hard to understand why I've been called A: a Pred hater, B: a Sue/Stu maker, and C: a stereotyper...

Nothing I did was really like that (Ok, the Dridder thing maybe, but that wasn't intentionally), and there are things like high technology and magic ALREADY in Felarya, not to mention Humans Would do this if they could, so I don't see a problem...
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: 2 character ideas...   2 character ideas... Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 10:53 am

I'm sorry if I was misunderstood with my last post - I was replying to aesenvolk, the post above me, not to you. I don't have anything against your character. I just have to see it "in action" to see how I like the development.
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