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 Centauri, and other ideas.

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Centauri, and other ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Centauri, and other ideas.   Centauri, and other ideas. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 10:42 am

I've been writing about a few ideas of mine, and I need a place to collect them online. This topic will primarily be about Centauri, a city that I invented and has been used in a lot of the RP's on the mIRC, and various things about it, it's inhabitans, and it's properties/quirks/interesting facts. Though, if I write up other ideas, I may post them here too. If I ever get around to writing a story, I'll post it in the proper board, but I'll link back here as a reference.

Opening datastream…
Connecting to interface…
Accessing file…
Generating readout…

File 000-094-283-147-737-641: Centauri Terraforming Station

WARNING: This data is the property of the Centauri Terraforming Project and is protected by the Data Ownership Act (Enacted by the galactic senate in 2491, latest revision 2720.)

Unlawful access will be persecuted to the fullest extent under galactic law.

Centauri Terraforming Station

Class: civilian 5

Subtype: 3d-9w nonstandard: independent, self-sustaining research and terraforming platform.

Capacity: 8000 organic sentients, 2000 artificial sentients

Compliment:7295 sentients, 5150 organic (carbon based) and 1145 artificial

Breakdown: Organics
Human (Homo Sapien): 1619
Xxel (Aedes Sapien): 1277
Terpan (Chelys Sapien): 992
Letene (Palaris Sapien): 659
Harbadas (Xiphias Sapien): 603

Breakdown: Artificials
Autonomous, mechanical: 820
Autonomous, holographic: 219
Autonomous, biological: 96
Integral, mechanical: 5
Integral, holographic: 3
Integral, biological: 1

Note: This station has been built to withstand extreme environmental conditions: –200 C temperature, 600 kph winds with associated debris, extreme solar radiation.

Additional: Significant amounts of Xxel, Terpan, Letenev, and Harbadas technology has been integrated into this station.

The Centauri Terraforming project is a joint effort between five different races within the Galactic Republic, all facing various crises. It is hoped that the project will give rise to new methods and technologies of terraforming planets. The planet chosen for this project was Centauri IV, the fourth planet orbiting the primary star of the Alpha Centauri binary star system. This planet was chosen because of the abundance of water in the crust of the planet, and because of the close proximity of Centauri III, a primary human settlement.

The Centauri Terraforming Station (commonly referred to as CTS) was built in a modular design, with each of the five races contributing one or two of the nine modules. The station consisted of one primary module, the largest of the nine, and eight slightly smaller modules around it’s perimeter, connected by long tunnel corridors. Each module is equipped with an advanced integral AI, and all the necessary facilities needed to sustain a large population of organic and artificial life. This modular design was chosen as a safeguard against disaster. If a module was lost, the others could compensate. Indeed, just three of the modules could sustain the entire population of the station, albeit in moderate to severe discomfort, long enough for rescue craft from Centauri III to evacuate the population. Each module, at a minimum, contains life support and yeast farms capable of supporting thrice it’s slated population, a large medical bay, a supply of construction and maintenance automation and robots, and, at the insistence of the Letene, a regrowth facility, should any of their kind die while on the station.

The CTS was established in 2790, and entered into full operation in 2793. To this date, significant progress has been made toward making the environment of Centauri IV compatible with standard life. During the operational life of the CTS, the temperature has been increased by 43.02 degree to –87.11 C, and the oxygen content of the atmosphere has been increased to 5.94%. Additionally, facilities for the manufacture of ozone become operational in 2812, necessary for blocking harmful solar radiation. However, this success has not been without it’s challenges and setbacks.

In 2820, the CTS suffered a class 4 disaster that resulted in the loss of 12% of the crew, in addition to a prominent Xxel Queen who was visiting at the time. A dimensional anomaly (See file: Centauri Rift) appeared and engulfed the Terpan 2 module, removing it, as well as 47.84 cubic kilometers of ice, from the surface of Centauri IV. Thanks to the modular design of the CTS, damage and losses were isolated to that module. However, the progress of the Centauri Terraforming Project has been slowed until the Terpan can construct a new module, and the lost crewmembers are replaced.

The fate of the crewmembers is unknown. There is a chance, however slim, that the module was merely relocated while remaining intact. Given the durability of Terpan construction, and the significant amount of water that was taken with the module, the crewmembers of the module would be able to survive in deep space for a limited amount of time. Many races have volunteered the use of scout craft to search the surrounding sectors. However, given the chaotic nature of dimensional anomalies, it is unlikely that they are alive. It is unknown if they are even within our dimension. At this time, they are presumed to be dead.

End file.
Closing datastream…
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Mara's snack

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Centauri, and other ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Centauri, and other ideas.   Centauri, and other ideas. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 10:57 am

Hmmm, lots of description about the functions and stastics of the station.

not much about the planet itself. Also, you lightly hint a connection to felarya at the bottom, but thats just the percentage of the crew. I dont think this can be related to felarya just because some crew members were lost, unless the surviving crew managed to create and hold a settlement, or join one already.

I really like how you introduced the post, like you were trying to access via a terminal on the station itself. That was pretty skillfull how you did that Very Happy

However I just cant shake the feeling that (dispite present knowledge) it's not related to felarya in any way. But that could be just me.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Centauri, and other ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Centauri, and other ideas.   Centauri, and other ideas. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 11:02 am

Ahhh poor people, they might innocently wonder into a fairy... oh what they did =P

Actually this does relate to Felarya, the missing module fell into Felarya actually and now resides inside the lake the ice made. I have been pestering Tuc to do this for a while actually, I RP with him allot and we have used Centauri a few times now.
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Mara's snack

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Centauri, and other ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Centauri, and other ideas.   Centauri, and other ideas. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 11:09 am

that would be the "despite present knowledge"

I'm reviewing this from a standpoint if I didn't know anything about it.

Also he neglected to mention that detail about the lake freezing over from the module, and thus since those crew who survived lived and created homes, they should be the main focus and with this planet as a secondary focus, instead of focusing on the planet and neglecting to talk about the survivors and their link to felarya.

now dont get me wrong, I know I wouldn't be able to come with something awesome or unique, but this could be edited a little. It's already somewhat fleshed out I think (exception being multiple stories and drawings and whatever). This just needs a little work. *shrug*
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Centauri, and other ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Centauri, and other ideas.   Centauri, and other ideas. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 11:21 am

Of course it does Bael. This is hardly a finished product. I'm just going to be posting Ideas as I think of them. This is merely stating where Centauri came from. I'll post more on it's actual history within felarya as I write it.

But if you want to know more about the actual galaxy that Centauri came from, let me know.
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Mara's snack

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Centauri, and other ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Centauri, and other ideas.   Centauri, and other ideas. Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 11:30 am

sure Very Happy I'll be asking if I have any questions

As you said its still a work in progress then I think it's great! ^^
I'd love to hear more about the survivors since i only know they survived ^^;
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Centauri, and other ideas. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Centauri, and other ideas.   Centauri, and other ideas. Icon_minitime

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