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 "Oh Geez, not another naga.."

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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: "Oh Geez, not another naga.."   "Oh Geez, not another naga.." Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 7:01 pm

This is my first attempt at anything close to an "Official Character." I know that nagas are seen as Overdone, but I wanted to try and see if I can do something a little different within the "Norm"


Background-Treifa is a young Diamond Naga that lived with her parents, Siale and Jeros, and a pair of human spell casters, a male mage named Niets, and a female druid named Reyem, until an incident that occurred two years ago. She was hunting for a meal in the crystal forest when she was attacked by another predator. She then accidentally fled into a dimensional rift and wandered into the forest parts of Felarya. She lived in a cave near the fairy kingdom until one day, the mage Niets managed to contact her. After Niets told her that her family was alive and worried about her, she set out to head home, regardless of the dangers she would face…

Physical Description
Height- 40’ (Head to ground)
Hair-White, rough styled, long
Eyes- Sky Blue
Human skin- Pale
Scales-Cyan with no pattern. Underscales are white.

Physical Description: Treifa appears slightly younger than most other naga like Crisis. Her white hair is unkempt due to the fact that she’s focused on exploring Felarya rather than personal grooming. Because she is an older teenager, her figure isn’t fully developed, but anyone predicting into the future would consider her chest ample. Her scales reflect daylight and moonlight, causing her to shine which hampers her abilities to avoid visual detection. This trait has also earned her the nicknames “Shining Naga” and “Ghost Naga”.

Abilities: Treifa was taught her race’s rudimentary magic skills by her parents. She can transmute parts of her body into pure diamond temporarily, thus making for a more solid impact or defense. She can also transmute objects into small diamond spikes. She uses these usually to help her climb rocks, or toss at predators to wound or distract them. She also can create a duplicate of herself, but it gets harder to concentrate on manipulating two bodies. While striking an illusion won’t cause it to disappear, it will cause her body to be “Damaged twice” causing twice the amount of pain and blood loss. She prefers to avoid using magic to solve all her problems as they increase her metabolism and can tire her out. She’s talented at tree climbing but not the best at it. Treifa sinks like a rock in open air and water. She also has a quick wit, and responds quickly to changes. Her predator sense isn’t fully developed, but she can use it to help “Dismantle” an incoming spell, convert it to mana, and absorb it.

Personality: Treifa is quiet and evasive when it comes to meeting new people due the time she spent isolated. She prefers to study any potential people she wants to introduce herself too, often waiting too long and missing the right moment to go and introduce herself. If her “target” discovers she’s watching them, she will often flee the scene, though she might return later. Even when she begins to socialize, she’ll try to dodge personal questions until she’s sure she can trust someone. Once she establishes her opinion about someone, it tends to stay in stone. Her friends will tell you that after she gets to know you, she’s just a happy, friendly naga (Though she‘s scared of food). Treifa loves to tell stories as to where she has been, though she has a VERY active imagination and will turn even a story of a mundane task into an epic drama if you let her. Treifa is dead focused on returning home, however, and won’t drop that goal for anything much, though she’s more than happy to spend a few nights with a friend. Phrases that would normally turn others bright red don‘t even phase her.

Racial Relations

Humans-The stories her father’s mage companion, Niets, told her remain fresh in her mind due mainly to her youth. This has caused her to treat humans with a heavy dose of caution. She’ll try and warn her friends about the dangers of interacting with them as well. As she believes Elves and Neko aren’t all that different from humans, she will not take her chances with them, either. Seeing giant varieties of these will cause her to flee. Treifa differentiates giant humans, elves and neko from normal demi-humans by the clothes they wear.

Fairy-They are her favorite food as she loves to absorb the magic they try and use on her to power her own transmutation and illusion spells. Rumors have begun painting her as some sort of sadistic monster that tortures and eats fairies. Though if one were to get past the rumors and catch her when she’s full, befriending a fairy is not out of the question for Treifa.

Unless listed here, she has no predisposition about other races.

Hunting Habits-Treifa prefers ambush hunting as chasing down a meal can cause her to head in what she believes is the opposite direction of the crystal forest, her ultimate destination. Because of her hunting style and that fact, she is very opportunistic, and won’t hesitate to eat what she can. She favors hunting fairies, as she needs their mana to power her own magic. She uses the fact that she shines to an advantage, often luring curious individuals into striking range. If she thinks she can manage to do so relatively easily, she may use her illusions to split into two and quickly eat a group of prey before they know what hit them.

How to avoid being preyed upon-“An ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure.” Applies in this case as letting certain prey items get away would cause rumors to spread and make life even more difficult for Treifa. She is more than willing to let prey go if they are capable spell casters and are willing to let her absorb their magic. Also, if you claim to know where the crystal forest is, she’ll happily release you if you tell her. As she has no bearing as to where it might be, and with her age comes some naiveté, you can easily point in a random direction, say “it’s that way”, and have her set her down and thank you for telling her as she slithers off. Say it quickly, though, as she doesn’t like to draw out a meal for risk of becoming one herself.

Last edited by Saironthis on Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Final Draft.)
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"Oh Geez, not another naga.." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Oh Geez, not another naga.."   "Oh Geez, not another naga.." Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 5:25 pm

Well-I can tell you have worked very hard on your character and I personally find her very likeable.

Her has some interesting abilities and seems to share a few traits with a certain other naga I knew once such as sparing children and absorbing magic. (Although that's natural for a Daimond Naga)

If I could give you some advice it would be to try to avoid the tragic upbringing bit. It's been used extensively. But that's my own personal opinion. Felarya certainly seems to lend itself to creating orphens though.

(Thank goodness for Markie)
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: "Oh Geez, not another naga.."   "Oh Geez, not another naga.." Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 10:26 pm

Tragedy is overused everywhere...The only problem is, I can't really have a firm explanation of her being afraid of humans and actually 'Leaving' the crystal forest without doing such. Therein lies a conundrum. Also, I think I'm going to have enough trouble getting this across.. I probably wouldn't want to add "Cloning" to my list of crimes, so to speak. Thanks for commenting!
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"Oh Geez, not another naga.." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Oh Geez, not another naga.."   "Oh Geez, not another naga.." Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 2:59 pm

Saironthis wrote:
Tragedy is overused everywhere...The only problem is, I can't really have a firm explanation of her being afraid of humans and actually 'Leaving' the crystal forest without doing such. Therein lies a conundrum. Also, I think I'm going to have enough trouble getting this across.. I probably wouldn't want to add "Cloning" to my list of crimes, so to speak. Thanks for commenting!

Well, tropes aren't always bad. My suggestions is that unless you can think of a way around it, go with it.
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Veteran knight
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"Oh Geez, not another naga.." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Oh Geez, not another naga.."   "Oh Geez, not another naga.." Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2010 7:11 pm

BUMP! This bump is due to the fact that the post has now been edited to what I consider to be Trefia's final Draft. This is not the version I posted on DA recently, so even if you read it, please look over this one as it is the most recent.
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Eternal Optimist
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"Oh Geez, not another naga.." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Oh Geez, not another naga.."   "Oh Geez, not another naga.." Icon_minitimeSat Mar 26, 2011 3:54 pm

Nyee, that's adorable! ^.^ I'm just sad that she tends to avoid nekos, 'cuz Nyaha would love her!
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PostSubject: Re: "Oh Geez, not another naga.."   "Oh Geez, not another naga.." Icon_minitime

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