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 Adventures in Felarya 2: Darkness Rising character bios

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Great warrior
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Adventures in Felarya 2: Darkness Rising character bios Empty
PostSubject: Adventures in Felarya 2: Darkness Rising character bios   Adventures in Felarya 2: Darkness Rising character bios Icon_minitimeFri Nov 13, 2009 7:37 pm

Alright then here are the character bios for the sequel to my story Adventures in Felarya. It features Tyler as the main character just as the last one did however there are other characters that weren't used in the prequel that will be used here. Also if you plan on reading this I suggest you read Adventures in Felarya first.

Species: Human
Home: Earth
Height: 6'5
Age: 25
Tyler is an ordinary poor man from Chicago, Illinois who one day is asked upon by his boss to explore the world of Felarya. Here he had some crazy adventures and even saved the Multiverse. However he wasn't done yet, because soon after he had left his friends from Felarya behind he had quit his job at the museum and joined a guild of adventurers from Earth who all explored Felarya. Being a rather thoughtful and heavy thinking person, Tyler often clashes with Benjamin on how to get things done and what to do. He is skilled in fire, water, earth, wind, and light magic and prefers to get things done the safer way.

Species: Fairy
Home: Fairy Kingdom
Maximum Height: 100'
Minimum Height: 3''
Prefered Height: 5'4
Age: 50
Unlike many other Felaryan fairies Lucy prefers to gather fruit and berries and occasionally hunting smaller animals such as rabbit as her main source of food, wears clothes including her signiature t-shirt that reads 'I love bunnies' with a picture of her eating a rabbit whole, shrinking wears her out to the point of losing her wings, and hates eating sentient beings. It is because of these rather rare characteristics that she was shunned by her fairy folk. Due to this shunning, Lucy had decided to live on her own without the little help her pack provided her. Eventually after a near death experience with a dridder, Lucy had been taken in by a Neko named Benjamin and they began to live in Neko Village. However because of her kind's spot on the Felaryan food chain, as opposed to that of Nekos, she hid her wings fearing that the other citezens would get scared and run away.

Species: Neko
Home: Neko Village
Height: 7'4
Age: 20
Benjamin is often a calm, cool, and collected Neko who lives in Neko Village. He occaisonally goes into the forest to search out berries and fruit due to two facts. The first of which being the fact that he loves to take risks and going into the woods to the east of Neko Village is rather dangerous for such a being. The second of which being the fact that Benjamin is so poor. After finding Lucy when searching out food and driving off her attacker with nothing but a bow and a few arrows he rescued the fairy and took her in. However because he knew what was going on recently in Neko Village he had her hide her wings and not wear her signiature t-shirt so they wouldn't get suspicious. Being a rather impulsive and risk taking person, Benjamin often clashes with Tyler on what to do and how to get things done. He is not skilled in magic but is rather skilled when it comes to projectile weapons and prefers to get things done the riskier way.

That's about all for now on the characters. For now the story is in beta so feel free to give me suggestions if you want. The prologue is up now on my story thread. https://felarya.forumotion.com/stories-discussion-f5/adventures-in-felarya-2-running-from-the-law-t1645.htm
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