The title may be somewhat sucky and I may change it later but heres the first chapter of the story im writing give me feedback on this and critisicm is welcome.
Felarya adventures
Chapter 1 “A special Mission”
Gibby rested on the belly of Joanna his large naga friend, most humans called him names like “Traitor” or “snake lover” but he didn’t mind and besides most of those people ended up in Joanna’s belly anyway. He didn’t blame his friend for eating humans, afterall she didn’t eat every person she saw anyway and she thought of humans as complex creatures who should be able to live peaceful lives, but when it got right down to it sometimes she had to eat and what better prey than a human?
Humans werent at all very physically strong and even in their “Mighty” war machines they still werent much mach for a naga unless they were in large numbers. Secondly they werent very fast and could easily be captured by any adept predator. Humans also had a habit of breaking under pressure and will often begin to weep or beg for their lives, and most nagas don’t have time to listen to their blubering so they just eat them.
Gibby had managed to keep his cool when he first met Joanna and he thought that’s probably what had saved his life, the fact that he was actually under weight for a thirteen year old might have also played a part in his survival of the encounter, what kind of predator would want to eat a eighty four pound shrimp anyway? Gibby chuckled as he thought about this but his thinking was interrupted by a loud growl coming from Joanna’s belly beneath him. Imediately he knew she would be up any second now to try and get breakfast, and he felt lucky that he wasen’t on the menu.
Just then Gibby heard rustling in the forest around him. Not the kind of rustling that any little animal made but the kind you heard when there was something very large approaching you. Gibby didn’t worry though for he had not been in any real danger since he first arrived in Felrarya due to the fact that he was always with a seventy foot naga. Yet he did get a little nervous when the rustling god louder and he heard a tree or two fall with a loud crash. The sudden noise awoke Joanna who sprung straight up, flinging Gibby of her stomach in the process. However before Joanna had time to do anything in defense two large heavily armoured mechs stepped into the clearing each with their weapons trained on a starteled Joanna.
From within one of the machines came a voice that couldn’t have been anything but a human male, “Get up” he said. Gibby and Joanna both did as they were told weary of the feirce looking array of guns that lined the machines. “I am seargent Lucas Brown.” Came the voice again, “I have been sent here to retreive the naga known as Joanna. You are her correct?”. “Yes” said Joanna who was both confused and angry. “You are needed by P.E.F the predator, engagment, force for a special recovery mission” said the man.
“Why me?” asked Joanna. “Because, our scouts say you are very friendly twords humans and have even let some of them keep their lives before. And judging from the human boy beside you I don’t doubt them.” “Well what would we have to do?” asked Joanna, “We?” asked the man “Yes we.” Said Joanna “me and Gibby are never seperated.” “Well I suppose the boy could tagg along, but it would be at great risk to himself for you see the mission we need you for is to recover our lightning jewel, without it our mechs power supply will soon fail.”
“That doesn’t sound to dangerous.” Said Gibby “It may not sound dangerous but it is, because for reasons unknown to us a large dridder has stolen it from our main camp.” “Well why should we do it?” asked Joanna “you’re the ones with the big death machines and all.”. “Because” answered the second mech who had been silent the whole time “ when the dridder attacked she damaged most of our mech’s and injured or kille dmost of our men, so we figured what better way to stop a predator then with another predator?”
Just then there was a mechanical dronning and a black smoke arose from the first mech followed by a loud explosion. Then the cockpit of the mech opened to reveal a young man probably in his twenties with brown hair dressed in a black military suit. Gibby saw the man hit a button and fly forward out of mech hitting Joanna square in the stomach and falling to the ground at her tail. “Damitt!” said the second mech “I told you our power would fail if we came looking for some naga all the way out here Lucas!You overloaded your mech!” “Well sorry Merc” said Lucas looking up at the second mech. “Son of a Bitch!” screamed the man in the second mech “now my mech is about to overload too!”
Gibby and Joanna watched in silance as the second man ejected himself from his mech and flew twords Joanna just as the first had, but he was caught in one of Joanna’s hands. “Damn eject button” said Merc “never understood why they launched us forward.” “Well, well, well” said Joanna looking down at the two now very vaulnerable men, “not so high and mighty without those fancy machines of yours are you?”. “Please don’t eat us.” Said Lucas “we are sorry if we frightened you but you have to understand that we need you and had no other options.”
“Well why shouldn’t I eat you both and put yo outta your misery?” asked Joanna, “Because” said Merc “If you don’t eat us and help us im sure we could arange some nice nekos for you, we have plenty of capture ones.” “Oh fine.” Said Joanna who placed Merc down beside Lucas “I was always a sucker for nekos”. “Good” said Merc “follow us back to our camp. With that the group headed off to see what could be done about to recover P.E.F’s lightning jewel.