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Raetsu Lord Pichu
The Nordic Ninja
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2008 10:37 am

The NBL (National Battle League) is basically a place were your characters can face off against one another. Ok, would all people that want to enter please post there OC's here. Please Refer to this post for rule updates.

Match types:

Humanoid Vs Humanoid- basically any creature within -15 ft

Giantess Vs Giantess- Anything +15ft

Exabishon- All out, no restraints. Can fight all sizes.

Rules for judges:

Judges have to agree on who's fighting who, when the fight will start, and when the fight ends.

Judges can fight in the Tournament, but they need to find a replacement Judge for there match.

Judges decide who wins the fight. Must have majority Ruleing.

Rules for Partisipents:

NO GODMODING. Godmoding can and most likely will get your OC kicked out of the tournament.

OC killing is aloud, but first you must get the permission from the other partisipent. Dr. Mack will reserect them later. For giant OC's you may eat/vore your Opponent.

Can have up to Three OC's. One for each Match type.

To prevent mass confusion, Matches will be held one at a time.

Character Constrution:

Size(This will decide where you are placed in Match types):
Powers/Unique ability's (normal match):
Powers/Unique ability's (exabison):

Main Judges:
Raetsu Lord Pichu

Alternet Judges:


Humans- A rare artifact of choice
Giantess- A large bag of humans and Nekos


Elementals are not aloud in the NBL. They are to hard to battle and defeat.

Fights will be held in a pocket dimension that is like Felarya, but is not Felarya. That way, people that use necromancy can use there ability's.

Last edited by mangamastermind on Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:09 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 10:08 am

This is my Exabision OC.

Name: Mabon
Age: 356
Race: Neo Human
Size: 6'5

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): Master of ice magic, Can lower temp of room to -1 Farenhight, Can make Weapons or armor out of ice, can summon a small snow dryad to fight with him (she is about 14'), is physically very strong without enhancements.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): Mostly the same as above but, Can call apon a Powerful artifact called the Coldfire Crystal, Can summon Fully grown Snow Dryads (+100')

Description: Mabon usually wheres a black robe to keep his body warm. Underneath it there is a thick bullet proof vest.

History: Mabon used to be the leader of the Neo Human revolt on Primeco. When he was betrayed and the Rebellion failed, he went into hiding. Eventualy he found his way to Felarya. He then was trained by Magi after being rescued, quickly becoming a master mage.

After becoming curreous about the Snow Dryads, he ventured up the Ascarlin mountains. He ran into a bit of trouble when the Elemetal Angana, erupeted out of the mountan and began to devour the Dryads there. With help from the Dryads, Mabon was able to Defeat her using a spell known as Cocito kingdom, defeating her and Causeing the mountain to go inactive. He has been friends with the Snow Dryads on the mountain Ever since.

As for why hes fighting in the NBL, he just wants to Prove to the world how powerful he his, and to figure out how strong a curtan kid (*cough cough Clawdy Cough Cough*) really is.

Last edited by on Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 11:00 am

One of my OCs has been waiting for this day for a looong time.

Name: Clawdimount "Clawdy" Maelstrom

Age: 18

Race: Neko human (basically a cat-man)

Size: 6'1

Powers/Unique ability's (normal): Being a Sith jedi years into practice, he has a partial mastery of the force under his belt, and has been affected by Felarya's field, making him even stronger. He can lift about 10 tons with the power of the force, and can push the same forward. Considering his power as a dark jedi, combined with his abilities as a neko, he's highly agile and can avoid bullets in a Matrix fashion. His top speed can actually surpass a cheetah, and his hunting skills are similar to one as well. He'd be much stronger, if he was a bit less arrogant. He's not very physically strong, likely only having the muscle of two humans at the most. He relies on the force for his strength. He could never surpass his own father, and could not really take on a master mage without help. He claims to have destroyed an entire army, but in honesty, they were kinda mindless sentry drones with lasers. He's been through alot, but he's not he best, so he tries every day to improve that.

With weapons, he utilizes two crimson red lightsabers. They can cut through just about anything made of matter. However, in a world of magic like Felarya, there is much that can resist them, because magic can stop a lightsaber like a wall of pure energy. Clawdy oftern utilizes them well, despite these obstacles.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): Other cat people become cats when under emotional duress. When he becomes distressed, whether because of emotions or whatnot, he becomes engulfed in a bloody rage. His senses heighten, his retinas becomes thinned, and he focuses much more deeply. Only a few people have ever survived long enough to see him in such a state. He's nearly invincible in his rage, but can only last ten minutes at the most. After that, he collapses from exhaustion. In addition, while in such a state, his powers are amplified beyond measure. He could lift an entire group of full grown nagas while enraged.

Description: He has a bit of a tan. He wears light green armor to keep him safe from laser and gunfire. It's not magic resistant, though. He wears a traditional Sith Cloak, but on the back, it bears his personal emblem- a cat eye surrounded by two lightsabers.

History: His father, Darth Maelstrom, was the man that revived the CIS and led it against the Imperials and the Republic. He raised Clawdy during the war and taught him the legacy of the Sith. Over the years, he became greater than Maelstrom ever predicted.

Once he died, Clawdy felt that the CIS would only bring him down, so he left in search of a place where he could train. Earth never really suited him, as did the other dimensions. However, by chance, he accidentally came to Felarya.

Through a long and tedious story, he came to survive through this world. Currently, he found an invitation to the NBL and wanted to prove himself to be among the great.

According to Clawdy, he was happy to take the invitation upon seeing a worthy opponent in Felarya. This opponent was, in his opinion, one of the best he had ever seen. Being able to kill nine ruthless thugs in one whim is quite an accomplishment to him. Finally he will have a challenge.

Last edited by on Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 12:16 pm

Name: Draz'hil Acerbus
Age: 3,472
Race: Demi-Lich (Because I'm a git like that)
Size(This will decide where you are placed in Match types): About the size of a skull and an urn's worth of dust.
Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): What one would expect from a stereotypical Demi-Lich (Death Ray spell when touched, ability to rot anyone who touches his skull within six seconds, instant curses against those who attack him, etc)
Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): See above
Description: Draz'hil appears as little more than a skull (occassionally floating) surrounded by dust. To those with magic sight, he appears as a dark void of negative energy, easily tipping off his true nature.
History: Draz'hil was a wizard obsessed with power. Over time, his body weakened to a point that death was imminent. Refusing to let himself succumb to death after such a short amount of time, Draz'hil went through the dark ritual to make himself a Lich.

As the years went on, his power grew exponentially from its mortal level. As the power grew, however, his body crumbled. This was sped up through constant studies in non-Material planes, until eventually all that remained of Draz'hil was his spirit, skull, and some ashen remains. Even with his mortal form in ruin, his Phylactery sustained himself and allowed him to proceed in his studies.

Eventually, Draz'hil came across knowledge of a so-called 'tournament'. The idea of fighting for a prize seemed crude and idiotic to him, the reward quickly dashed any further plans. With ANY rare artifact as his choice, he knew that absolute power could well become a possibility. As such, he forced his way into the championship to 'win' his prize.

Being smart, he left his Phylactery at home, along with several support ones magically linked to the original while placing the heaviest wards he could spare on the subjects.

Yes, I am a git.
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 1:23 pm

Name: Masaurao Ketsuiki
Age: 16
Rce: Human
Ninja rank: Jounin
Size: 5'7"
Powers/Unique abilities (normal and exabishion): Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu (Grand Fire ball jutsu), Katon: Ryuuka no jutsu(Dragon Fire jutsu), Summoning jutsu: Gamabunta(Chief Toad, he is about 200' tall, and wields a large katana (At least 70 ft. long), Suiton: Suiryuudan no jutsu (Water Dragon jutsu), Kage Bunshin no jutsu (Shadow Clone jutsu), Tajuu SKage Bunshin no jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu), Sharingan (eye technique)
Weapons: Daimond katana, kunai knives, shurikens, wires, Hidden blade in a gauntlet on his right arm (Like in Assassin's creed), Short blade.
Description" Short blonde spikey hair, Caucassion, blue eyes, near muscular build. He wears a bue short-sleved jacket, black short-sleved shirt, dark blue shorts with a wrap around his right leg that has a rectangular pouch where he keeps his small weapons, black ninja sandals.

Masurao Ketsuiki is a ninja from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He is intellegent, fast, and strong. He is the last of the Ketsuiki Clan. Masuaro has no idea how he got into Felarya. The last thing he remembers is he was about to be hit by the Ryuuka no jutsu, and a flash of light blinded him. Next thing he knew, he was standing in a dense forest in Felarya.

Masuaro heard of this tournament, and thought it as an excellent oppurtunity to train. He has every intention to win.

Last edited by on Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
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NBL (rebuilt) Empty
PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 1:33 pm

Name: Zakun’Dais

Age: About 500

Race: Half-Human, Half-Demon

Size: 6’2’’

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): His power is drawn directly from his demonic essence, not by the use of magic. He is a master of both unarmed combat and swordplay, and can hurl balls of pure shadow energy. He can summon (and unsummon) his two blades at will. He wields his longsword and katana together or by themselves depending on the situation. His Norse human half combined with his demonic half gives him immense strength and a high tolerance for the cold. He is also quite fast. He can also use shadow energies to heal himself on a minor level. Mortal wounds are out of the question but cuts and gashes are usually possible. Of course, the more severe, the more power it takes.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): Same as above along with the ability to take on a pure shadow form to achieve temporary intangibility and levitation, as well as transforming into his full demon form. This doubles his height and strength but he looses the use of his blades and most of his power over shadow.

Description: He appears to be a wiry young human with long Viking-like hair. His garb consists of a simple outfit of dark cloth under which is a layer of light tightly woven mesh armor.

History: Though his age technically is somewhere around 500 he has only been a Half-Demon for a small portion of his lifetime. He was originally born in the Realm of Shadows as a pure blooded demon. He was a hotheaded feral demon with little rationality. Late into his fully demonic life he learned that his father Akandis, another demon and pivotal member of the realms council, was to be betrayed by another member. In a fury Zakun’Dais sought out to kill the would be betrayer. He did battle with the betrayer but was struck down, though his essence still remained.

Nine years later he was reborn, this time by the union of his birth father and a human mother. Years past and he grew up in his new life. He was now calmer, more intelligent, and more skillful. One day his father disappeared leaving only his longsword behind. Zakun’Dais took up his father’s sword along with the katana he had trained with as a ‘child’ and took Akandis’ place on the council. Although he still found time to do his favorite thing to do as a child, explore.

He journeyed to many worlds and eventually stumbled across Felarya. While exploring the fascinating world he discovered the NBL. This immediately caught his interest as he did so enjoy the thrill of combat and the chance to test his mettle. He signed up as soon as possible.
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
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Raetsu Lord Pichu

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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 7:57 pm

Name: Daniel 'Danny' Taros

Age: 300

Race: Ox Demon

Size: 6’1’’

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): Danny gains his power from his own raw superhuman strength. He is trained in the art of Ushioni-ken (or Fist of the Demon Ox) and thus is able to freely use his vast amounts of chi to create blasts of energy and to enhance his abilities. He has astounding leg strength and can sprint at top speeds that rival a car. Though he is skilled with an Axe, he chooses not to use one.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): Though he rarely speaks of it, Danny is able to awaken a latent form of himself called 'Red Tauros' in this form his normally charcoal colored hair becomes red, his mucsles and size increases and his horns lengthen, And his physical strength skyrockets, so much to the point where he can combat a giant character. However one major draw back is he cannot recognize friend or foe, and literally becomes a raging bull driven by bloodlust and feral instincts alone. But because he rarely enters this form, there is no real chance of him controlling it when it appears, case in point little is known as to how to subdue him when he falls into this state. the only known way(s) is to either tranquilize him...or kill him altogether.

Description: Humanoid in appearance with a tall, lanky build, sightly tan, Hair is of the Charcoal-like color, Eyes are a lavender color, Cow-like horns portrude from his head as well. His attire consists of a Navy blue vest, and Black shorts, wears black sneakers which appear to be old. Danny dons a long scarf around his neck said scarf has Cow patterns etched on it, Large fighting gloves are also on his hands.

History: Danny (or Daniel as his real name goes) was born in a run down, adandoned farm in Hell, his parents were an Ushimimi, named Isabell and a Minotaur by the name of Tesforth. Because of the remote location of his home, he was able to spend alot more time with his parents than any normal child, and thus he became very attatched to them at a young age, His parents never had much money so he wasn't lavished with the things children of today would have during his youth (toys, video games .ect), that being said he doesn't care much for material things. Danny himself was a curious and adventurous child in his youth and needless to say this curiosity and sense of adventure has gotten him into many eventful situations. One of which nearly cost him his life, had it not been for his father's presence and strength. Amazed at his father's power, Danny begged his father to teach him how to fight the way he did, and like any self-respecting dad, Tesforth excepted Danny's request. So from then on, he trained under his father and has since then learned many things about the world in which he lived (though he has forgotten a few of said 'things', for his memory isn't very good >_>).

However Danny's newfound abilities were 1st put to the test when he was 17, during this time his home was discovered by a naga (different from the kind in Felarya) who attacked and attempted to eat his parents. Danny however stood up to the creature and managed to fend it off, but not without his parents sustaing injuries of their own, since that day he has come to despise Nagas of any form, and will needlessly attack one if he gets the chance. By the time he reached his 18th birthday it was decided that he had to live on his own, and make a name for himself in the world. Of course, for someone who was extremely fond of his parents' company this took sometime to actually follow through on. But, with a little encouragment from his mother, Danny finally found the courage to venture out on his own. During his nomadic journey through hell he's found himself in many situations, some him getting involved in a holy war by accident another in which he was mistaken as a god, and another in which he starred in a video game that was of noteble success. However it wouldn't be until 5 years after these events that he became a vassal for a Demon Overlord known as Jermod.

Currently he is sprinting towards the location of the Tourney hopin to find some tough customers to fight.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 9:40 pm

Ok! I'm throwing My last two OC's Into the Fey!

First My giantess:

Name: Tabia
Age: 355
Race: Succubus/Angel Crossbreed (still no name T-T)
Size: 72'

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): Tabia is a master at marshal arts (almost all of them), able to mimic almost any movement that shes seen before, Flight, Moderate spell casting.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): Able to make strong gusts with her wings (very evective on small targets), able to take in the energy's in the air to power up her magic, knows a rough shrinking spell

Description: Tabia is a gorgeous crossbreed with red eyes, long black hair, white horns, and black Angel wings. Her Favored Food is Humans! or Nekos! and sometimes Demons!

History: Tabia, like Mabon, was in the Neo Human rebellion. During the first mission that she was on, she was captured buy the Gov't and exparemented on for 200 years. She was freed by Dr. Mack and Mabon after getting a tip off that she was here. Just before she could escape the prison, her wings grew back, revealing to her and to her friends what she was. They still excepted her though.

When she came to Felarya, Dr. Mack gave her a Anti-drug for a grouth serpressent. After three days of sleeping, she woke up and found out that she was over 70'! Mack then took her to Crisis (he was scared how she would turn out if she left her with Menyssan or ,god forbid, Vivian) who tought her how to hunt.

As for why she fighting in the NBL, when asked she said, "Because I'm hungry silly!" She then ate the Interviewer.

And finally my Normal Partisipent:

Name: Toshiro Kurotsuchi
Age: 21
Race: Human/Shinigami
Size: 5'10

Powers/Unique Ability's (normal match): Verous chemicals to help his or hinder his opponents fighting, Zanpakutō release up to Bankai stage one (Bankai can control elements one at a time), Prosthetic arm that holds who knows how much things. Skilled spell caster, blood is filled with toxins that when comsumed will be fatal to the consumer.

Powers/Unique Ability's (Exabison):Final Bankai releace (Forms an armor with a six cycle ring on his back, showing the elements that he is controlling, and can control all at once.)

Description: Toshiro looks very pale and has a very crazymad scientist personality. He wheres a standered Shinigami captains uniform with a 3 simble on the back. Underneath his robe, there is a clear scar showing were his arm was operated on to make his prosthetic one. His Zanpakutō is in two sheaths and has six empty holes in the guard.

History: Toshiro is Mayuri Kurotsuchi's "son", made by his DNA, and the Majority of the other Captans or notable people in the Soul Society. He graduated from the Shinigami School when he was 14. He quickly learned his Zanpakutō's name and Bankai, Hidekazu, and became the captain of the 3rd devision when he was 17.

There is one thing noticable about him though. He is Nuts! Just like his "dad" he loves to exparement on things to no end, not caring about the consiquences of his actions. Mayuri doesnt try to stop him in the least. When asked, he said, "He does the most underhanded, unethical things i have ever seen a person do. I couldnt be more proud!"

He lost his arm during an exparement that nearly killed him. Mayuri told him it was to late to fix his arm, but happly told him he made him a new one. Toshiro is consently upgradeing it to make it a valuable asset in combat.

Why he is in the NBL no one knows. Rumor has it that he's in it for the Artifact to exparemant on it, or for the Bag of Nekos and Humans for test subjects.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 11:00 pm

Okay. Okay. I have another group of OCs for the giant competition. This one is kinda strange, so please read carefully.

Names: Anchus Pan and Anchorus Dora.

Ages: 5 years and 6 years (but both are programmed to act like 30 year olds)

Race: mechanical

Size: Anchus is 6 feet tall. Anchorus is well over 70 feet.

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): In a normal match, they really just fight like a team. All that's special about them is their complete immunity to magic. That's it. Also, while Anchus is extremely smart, Anchorus is devastatingly strong. In fact, he can chew an Army tank like bubble gum.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): Sorry. Not much else that they have. Though there is one special ability. When Anchus feels that they are gonna lose the battle, he summons a massive doomsday cannon from inside Anchorus's chest. The barrel of the cannon is over 50 feet in length, and over 30 feet in diameter. It can destroy anything, physical or magical. It can even take down a Guardian. That's why it's called a doomsday cannon. The problem is that the cannon doesn't work well versus fast opponents, and it can only be fired once per week. After the cannon fires, Anchorus is drained of all his energy and becomes immobile for five minutes.

Description: Anchus is a humanoid machine, covered in camouflage titanium armor. He has brownish black hair and gray retinas. His design is very slick and he is rather fast. One of his abilities is the power to magnetize his feet, so he can stay on Anchorus's armor, despite the peril. Anchorus, on the other hand, is a huge, hulking monster of a robot. He's basicallly a dumber version of Anchus. He is also humanoid, but a bit more clunky on the design.

History: On a secret factory around the star of Xeno-Arcturus, there were several Confederate scientists performing research on a new form of machine for the CIS to use. The project was code-named "Anchor of Pandora." They had nearly perfected it, creating a gigantic machine capable of performing with the power of a hundred supercomputers and being able to utilize it's skills with incredible force. They gave the machine the works. Being resistance to the force, laserfire, and such.

They ran into a problem, however. The giant machine required too much computing space (to enable the movements and basic commands of it's massive system and tiny brain) to allow for such intelligence. They attempted a second prototype, inputting the intelligence first. However, they realized that his intelligence would only allow a few other programs in. (basic human sized controls and what not). In effect, the giant was too stupid and the munchkin was too weak.

Thinking the project was a failure, they scrapped the two machines and prepared to dispose of them. However, they forgot that one of their pojects was A GENIUS. He broke from the simple confines he was in and proceeded towards freeing the giant. They shared the same programming, so they were two parts of the same entity.The giant proceeded to follow the smaller one's directions. They broke out and destroyed the facility. The snuck a ride on a bypassing warship, hoping to escape. However, the ship ran into turbulence and accidentally dropped them both near a black hole, where they were sucked in and warped through time and space. That's how they got to Felarya.

Seeing as they had the potential to succeed, they continued their partnership and continued defeating opponents. Soon enough, they became almost human in their behavior. The small one named himself Anchus, and the large one called himself Anchorus (he was too lazy to actually think of an original name)

They saw the large gathering of creatures in the tournament and decided to join in. They do not desire the rare artifacts, but rather the bag of neko and human women. Whether they want these women for their own pleasure or if they want to save them is completely unknown. Their views on morality are rather warped. I guess that makes them more human, if you think about it.

When they talk as one, it is the symbiosis of their combined programs, of project "Anchor of Pandora." Even though Anchus and his brother are often jokey at times, the project is serious in it's matters. It cannot function without both members in tow.

This further proves their dependence on each other. I can only hope it's okay for this team to enter the tourney. In all fairness, a human sized helper is fodder for the giants. If anything, he's just the exposed brain of the giant. Without Anchus, Anchorus will automatically lose. He can't even use advanced functions correctly or form strategic attacks without his better half.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 11:37 pm

All right, I'll bite. I'll enter... Hmm... who should I enter? I guess I'll enter with just two; both human.


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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 6:36 am

Well, sounds fun. I only have two characters I'd be especially interested in seeing battle. I'll get to the other one later.
Please note that this one is intended to be totally stupid.

Name: Mecha-Ryla

Age: Not applicable

Race: Cyborg-Naga

Size: 79 feet high

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): In addition to her obvious steel trap jaws, constricting coils and transforming chainsaw hands, Mecha-Ryla is outfitted with a ridiculous number of totally unrelated weapons.

Mecha-Ryla's eyes both house powerful megabuster laser cannons, capable of ripping off a chunk of skin from a typical naga. The intensity of these beams can be adjusted, for a purely incindiary blast or a more concussive stream, capable of flooring a naga.

Mecha-Ryla's spiked collar, rotating waist, shoulder armor and hollow finger tubes all house a seemingly limitless number of missiles. These missiles each have the destructive equivalent of four pounds of C4, and have the penetrating power of a knifecrow. The ones inside her fingers are her primary weapons, in addition to her eyebeams. The remaining missile racks are used purely in unison with her other weapons for an all-out assault.

Mecha-Ryla's mouth is capable of projecting intense flames in large quantities. These flames aren't particularly special, but remain one of her primary weapons.

Mecha-Ryla's antennae are able to conduct large amounts of electricity through them and project it outwards in a destructive blast.

A chainsaw is visibly imbedded haphazardly in Mecha-Ryla's abdomen, allowing her to inflict moderate wounds by coming into absurdely close contact with enemies.

Boosters mounted in Mecha-Ryla's back and hips allow her to fly at reasonable speeds.

Perhaps most importantly are Mecha-Ryla's joints. Her neck, waist and wrists are able to spin at high speeds in any direction, allowing for some interesting combat maneuvers.

Further, by spinning her head rapidly for several seconds, Mecha-Ryla can erect a cyllindrical sheild of electrical energy. This barrier repells physical blows quite effectively, though is not impervious to energy weapons. In addition, when erected, Mecha-Ryla is unable to move.

Finally, Mecha-Ryla is able to launch her fists like rockets, shooting them hundreds of feet to punch enemy face. The appendages are under her command and fly back to her when needed.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison):

Mecha-Ryla is able to form a fiery plane of heat in the shape of a sword, between her hands. This weapon has an odd set of rules attached. Anything it strikes will explode in a massive fireball the moment Mecha-Ryla resheathes it. As such, this weapon acts purely as a finisher.

Finally, by pulling open her chestplates, Mecha-Ryla is able to project a massive wave of pure anti-heat, effectively reducing the temperature in front of her to absolute-zero. This, naturally, destroys all structures at a molecular level. Thankfully, due to Mecha-Ryla's ridiculously faulty programming, she's only willing to use it if she's already winning the fight anyway.

Weaknesses: If Mecha-Ryla uses too many weapons at once, she has a habit of locking up and slowing down, as any computer does.
Faulty programming also dictates that Mecha-Ryla's weapons are only as effective as how awsome she looks. As such, she has a habit of posing dramatically every chance she gets, to further enhance her weapons.


History: Mecha-Ryla hails from an alternate dimension ruled by sentient cockroaches. The Ryla of this dimension met her doom at the hands of human defense forces while attempting to make a meal of them. Her bloody remains were salvaged by the roaches, who sought to increase their destructive power.
Mecha-Ryla was built as a defensive weapon of the roaches, hoping to capitalize on her aggressive instinct. Unfortunately, the neural technology used to plug into Ryla's dead brain was faulty. It did indeed plug into her aggression, but it began to override her programming. Though she did indeed recognize that she was programmed to protect her masters, she also realized she was intended to do so by destroying the enemy. She also had no idea what the enemy even was. By default, that meant that everything was the enemy.
Mecha-Ryla is now on the loose, wantonly destroying everything in sight and reaping the spoils to fuel her blood-powered reactors.
Mecha-Ryla was created to protect this planet, and she will do that by destroying everything!

Last edited by on Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:42 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 9:33 am

(Is it okay if I add a Godzilla character I made up?)
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 10:34 am

((I'd assume so.

I'm a Demi-Lich, so I'm already abusing nearly anyone who faces me. For example, I can start the match with a Contingencied "Otiluke's Resilient Sphere" to start me off with at least a good two minutes to cast whatever I want without interruption. Thus, I could prepare Stoneskin's, Globes of Invulnerability, Detect Invisibilty, Mirror Image himself, turn the area inside the sphere into total darkness, Stop time inside the sphere to get three more spells off, Haste himself, and ready four fireballs to go off as soon as the sphere drops.

Ah, being among the most powerful magic user species in fantasy is good.))
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 11:31 am

I'd say Godzilla could be allowed.

Since my character is the most agile thing in the universe, I'm not complaining. As long as they have sensible weaknesses, I wouldn't imagine Manga having a problem with it.

Neko = really quick

Dark Jedi = really quick

both = holy crap
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 11:36 am

Pendragon wrote:

Since my character is the most agile thing in the universe, I'm not complaining. As long as they have sensible weaknesses, I wouldn't imagine Manga having a problem with it.
The problem oh so often with these debates is that something DOESN'T have a sensible weakness.

Half the people (Not in this thread, but from all the people who participate in this type all together) fuel their character with the most power possible in the belief that they're unbeatable, the other half play as something crazy (Like GREG) in the hope of having a good time.
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 11:38 am

Quote :
I'd say Godzilla could be allowed.

And I could spend all day explaining why I wouldn't include him.

But I'll try to summarize why I don't think he would be a fair addition.

- The smallest Godzilla incarnate is still over ten times as massive as Crisis
- The strength most Godzillas exhibit would be like a silverback gorilla, were a human scaled up. Godzilla would be able to rip nagas in half with his bare hands!
- Some Godzilla incarnates have spent YEARS completely immersed in magma with no ill effect.
- Any version of his heat beam any more powerful than the Showa version's would be able to rip open naga ribcages. It'd be very nearly an insta-kill move.
- Godzilla > Everything else anyway.

Now, it'd depend on the character in question if it's simply a fan-character, but anything actually capable of contending with Godzilla would be out of the question.

Showa Kamacuras, Gezora, Ganime or Kameobas might be acceptable. Maybe even Varan, but anything more is just asking for trouble.

Of course, Showa Baragon would fit right in.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 11:49 am

GREGOLE wrote:

Also, I think Godzilla was a god in some movie, book, or something.

Either way, Godzilla is powerful. Not that it matters when you can use "Dominate Monster" spells and have a field day with your new 'steed'.
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 11:54 am

Quote :
Also, I think Godzilla was a god in some movie, book, or something.

In GMK he was the manifestation of the lost souls of WWII. Everywhere else he was just a mutated dinosaur.

Quote :
Either way, Godzilla is powerful. Not that it matters when you can use "Dominate Monster" spells and have a field day with your new 'steed'.

Unless you yourself are a god, you're not dominating Godzilla's mind. He's left psionics unconscious just trying to get into his head. You're gonna need one badass source of mystical power if you want to control Godzilla.

Any spell that could dominate Godzilla would probably also be able to enslave the entire fairy kingdom at once.

I suppose Millenium Baragon would also be ok, and maybe Manda, and heck, Sand and Gaira would be perfect, but not a lot beyond that.
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 1:29 pm

Name: Shun
Age: 17
Race: Human
Size: 5ft 10in
Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): Blaitze, a basic blitz maneuver fused the power blue fire, granting the user a sudden increase in both speed and power as they rush forth. Although the movement is for attacking, there are other ways of utilizing it.
Powers/Unique ability's (exhibition): Dark Purgatory, through concentrating his ability, Shun is able to form a rift with capable uses for transportation, or strength as a weapon.
Description: Shun is a slim young male with bluish black hair, tan skin and dark eyes, he stands an average height. Shun wears dark cloak with a hood attached, he also wears a long sleeved-shirt with the sides pulled up, gloves, leather belt, trousers and set of hiking boots. In addition, he has a sheath belted across the shoulder holding a pair of steel blades
History: An archivist from Felarya, he has entered the tournament upon hearing rumor of a rare artifact offered as the prize. If he wins, he intends to return to Felarya and present the object before his colleagues to record its data. If the item is less valuable then rumor suggests then he will probably bargain it off to the merchants of Felarya for something more useful.
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 2:45 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
Quote :
I'd say Godzilla could be allowed.

And I could spend all day explaining why I wouldn't include him.

But I'll try to summarize why I don't think he would be a fair addition.

- The smallest Godzilla incarnate is still over ten times as massive as Crisis
- The strength most Godzillas exhibit would be like a silverback gorilla, were a human scaled up. Godzilla would be able to rip nagas in half with his bare hands!
- Some Godzilla incarnates have spent YEARS completely immersed in magma with no ill effect.
- Any version of his heat beam any more powerful than the Showa version's would be able to rip open naga ribcages. It'd be very nearly an insta-kill move.
- Godzilla > Everything else anyway.

Now, it'd depend on the character in question if it's simply a fan-character, but anything actually capable of contending with Godzilla would be out of the question.

Showa Kamacuras, Gezora, Ganime or Kameobas might be acceptable. Maybe even Varan, but anything more is just asking for trouble.

Of course, Showa Baragon would fit right in.

I never saids anything about using Godzilla, just using a monster i made from the Godzilla lore, and I'm shrinking him down to 100ft. In atuallity, he's 100 meters tall.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 5:16 pm

I see you have a problem to balance your OC
So I suggest people create OC based on the existing race on Felarya:
-Giant Elves
-Humans (giantess)

I don't recommend creatures in Minor Races and Elementals (due to the fact they are bit too much powerfull In my opinions Very Happy )
I think like that it will be simple to you to balance your characters.
I don't want to impose my view but I think it will be simple because many characters come from different world where they were very powerfull Very Happy
Sorry I want just to help Wink
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2008 12:34 am

Look, are we going to talk or fight? Let me know now so I can pull out if you guys are just going to sit around debating things. If you have a question, send a PM to the one who started the thread and ask him/her.

Also, Gwadahanuter, there are two categories in this NBL. Small league and Large league. Anything under 15ft is small league. Anything over 15ft is large league.

Again, please don't waste valuable fighting space... it just strikes me as a waste of time in an area where we should be cutting lose and having fun right?
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2008 8:21 am

I agree with spike. I am now setting a deadline for all partisipents to get there entrys in by the 23 of January. I will then Make a turdy with the other main Judges for a Exabistion tournament. If you have any other entrys after then, eather whate till the tournament is over and then post, or pm me and i will post them for you.

PS. i need at least two other Alternitive Judges so that the other Judges can fight in the Tournament. Pm me if you are interested.
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2008 9:54 am

My last 2 characters

Name(Technical): MetaMaid Unit #078. Phi version
Nickname: Maiko
Age: (technically) 7, being she was created 7 years ago
Race: Maid Android
Size: 5ft 5in
Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): Being an android she is able to access various weaponrary built into her system (this was originally intended to combat intruders in her masters' home). Said weapons include, but are not limited to; Missiles, Lasers, Flamethrowers, Chainguns, and even a beam sword
Powers/Unique ability's (exhibition): Maiko can initiate her 'MEG Phase' to increase her power output in battle or if things get really hairy she can unlock her GIG Phase to double the amount of power, however this puts a massive amount of strain on her internal battery, if she stays in GIG phase for more than 30 minutes, her systems will overload and she'll shutdown
Description: Hair is an Indigo color, while her eyes are mauve, wears a maids bonnet on her head, traditional maid's uniform complete with an apron and all, has green headphone like attachments on the side of her head proof that she is indeed an android.
History: A Mechanical Maid that was created to 'revolutionize' servents, Maiko was intended to be the most powerful of the series but due to a mishap involving a paper shredder and a sex tape (don't ask, it's complicated) Maiko's OS was accidentally replaced with the 'Doorways Millenia' (THE worst OS ever) and as a result she suffers from frequent freezes, says things twice (skipping), makes horrible tea, and in some cases goes completely nuts. Being the company didn't want customers to know of this rather embarrasing mistake, they dumped her off on a sucker of a rabbit demon named Overlord Jermod, in which he 'won' her as a prize in a poorly financed 'The Price is Right' spoof (which Jermod is an avid fan of). It wasn't until he got her home that he noticed that he was screwed over with one of the worst Mechanical Maids ever created

Because of her Immense destructive power she was kept in Suspend mode in a closet and all was well...that is until some idiot decided to go IN the closet and turn back on, however she immediatly wanted to find Jermod for he never initiated her 1st task (something all Mechanical Maids need in order for them to be offically bound to their User). So she set out in search of him and thus ended up in Felarya. She would later discover the NBL and, thinking she would find her master there, she decided to enter.

Name: Kamechan
Age: 120
Race: Kameyasha (Turtle Demon)
Size: 64'
Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): Her defensive abilities are 2nd to none, if she withdraws into her shell, good luck getting through to her for her...
Powers/Unique ability's (exhibition): She is able to use both Ice and Water attacks and is also skilled in burrowing
Description: Short green hair, blue eyes, wears large yellow shirt, and has a large thick turtle shell strapped to her back.
History: A 'young' turtle demon from Jermod's world, she came to Felarya when it crossed over to her world and was at first adjusting to Felaryan life quite well. Later on she learned of a tournament being held and decided to go give it a shot
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The Nordic Ninja
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PostSubject: Re: NBL (rebuilt)   NBL (rebuilt) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2008 5:58 pm

Final two characters.

Name: Bjorn Varenir

Age: 57

Race: Maeshalan Frost Naga

Size: 85 feet tall (in Felarya)

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): His main weapons are his two axes, which he wields with great skill and strength. He has many ice-based abilities such as: frost breath, hurling ice balls, and causing a torrential fall of hail in a small area. Also being a frost naga he is just about immune to cold-based attacks.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): If he feels its necessary he can call upon the power of his two magical gauntlets. The right gauntlet bolsters his ice powers while the left can deliver an earth shattering punch.

Description: He wears a composite kilt of armor and furs to cover his shame. On his torso he wears similar garb. A horned helmet sits atop his head; the left horn is larger than the right. He wears two magic gauntlets with differing powers. He has a muscular build, pale skin, and a long frosty gray beard. Is top scales are light blue while his underbelly scales are white.

History: He was born in the frozen land of Maeshal. At an early age his parents were killed by lycans; he survived by hiding under a rock. He wandered the snowy wastes for a few days before being picked up by a kind nomadic couple. They raised him as their own for several years. They were careful to feed him only vegetarian food for obvious reasons. Once he had matured he left his adoptive parents and began exploring the land. After many journeys he had honed his natural fighting skills and found a few weapons and magical items along the way.

One day he found a gateway. Curious, he entered it and found himself in a jungle. As he examined the strange new place he became aware of the fact that he was increasing in size. He must’ve grown to about ten times his previous stature. He mulled this abnormality over for a bit but eventually chalked it up to the possibility that his gauntlets had a strange reaction to the change of worlds. After some exploration, and a few battles, he came across the NBL. He thought it would be an interesting challenge and a good way to meet fellow warriors so he singed up.

Name: Kuroda Taiki

Age: 26

Race: Human

Size: 5’8’’

Powers/Unique ability's (normal match): His main weapon is a katana but he also has a seldom-used ninjato at his disposal. He uses throwing knives to execute quick ranged attacks. He is highly skilled in many martial arts and is deadly even when disarmed. He is quite strong, for a human, but relies more on his outstanding speed and finesse in combat. He is also blind and therefore his other senses are heightened.

Powers/Unique ability's (exabison): He has the ability to withdraw all light from the area rendering it pitch black thus giving him the upper hand. This however is quite exhausting and lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Description: He wears a tattered reddish-brown outfit that bears some resemblance to a Shinobi Shozoku.

History: He has no idea how he ended up in Felarya. His past is very hazy to him and the last clear thing he remembers is waking up amongst the giant trees. He has very strict convictions when it comes to combat. Although he is by trade a ninja he fights more like a samurai in that he prefers not to sneak up and kill his enemies. He would rather engage them in a formal duel or an honorable fight to the death. He does use stealth however, and plenty of it; its the main reason he’s been able to survive for the four years he’s been in Felarya. One day while scouting some new territory he discovered the NBL. He looked into it and decided that it would be a great way to hone his skills and pass some time.
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