I think you did a nice job on compiling all this. It's clearly a zone with an original and unique feel to it.
Moreover the idea of having things making everyone drunk can be funny ^^
however creatures exploding left and right like that looks a tad too messy to me...
Plus the location to the east would expand a bit too much the world.
I mean Felarya is already very big, with many under-used zones and I prefer to concentrate for now on either developping exisitng zones on the map or sub-zones, or imagining islands... there is already quite a bit that is out of the map in the west ( Ivokan Savana, Kelermn, and Lamina ) and I feel it wouldn't be a good idea to do the same for the east..
Having said that you imagined some really interesting creatures here ( I especially liked the Munton ) with very cool sounding names