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 Terra Coma(earth stalkers)

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PostSubject: Terra Coma(earth stalkers)   Terra Coma(earth stalkers) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 11:43 am

Terra Coma

Threat: moderate – very high(depending on your location).

The Terra Coma are very rare and very voracious, 80-90 feet long crocodiles, with a hide tough enough to make rifle bullets bounce off and only just scratching it slightly. The Terra Coma is almost never stationary, except for when they’re mating, moving through earth like a normal crocodile in water, silently stalking their prey while waiting for the right moment, before bursting up through the ground with a splash and grabbing their target, pulling them down into the ground swallowing them slowly while they are still alive and struggling.

How the Terra Coma moves through the ground like that or how they know where their target is, still remains unknown since a live specimen has never been captured to study.

The Terra Coma’s diet consists of meat from just about any creature they are big enough to swallow or kill.

Last edited by Reptillian on Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Terra Coma(earth stalkers)   Terra Coma(earth stalkers) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 1:36 pm

Reptillian wrote:
The Terra Coma are very rare and very voracious, 80-90 feet crocodiles, with a hide tough enough to make rifle bullets bounce off and only just scratching it slightly.

The Terra Coma is almost never stationary, except for when they’re mating, moving through earth like a normal crocodile in water, silently stalking their prey while waiting for the right moment, before bursting up through the ground with a splash and grabbing their target, pulling them down into the ground swallowing them slowly while they are still alive and struggling.

How the Terra Coma moves through the ground like that or how they know where their target is, still remains unknown since a live specimen has never been captured to study.
Interesting creature. If you don't mind me asking two questions: Diet, and 80-90 feet long or tall?

Right now, they look like a "Eat anything that's big enough to provide actual nourishment" Predator. Meaning that humans are probably a staple of their diet until larger, at which time they start eating bigger (Kensha Beast) and bigger (Giant Predator) game. Also, I'm going to assume they're 80-90 feet long, as if that's height then those things are huge!
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Terra Coma(earth stalkers)   Terra Coma(earth stalkers) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 2:23 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Terra Coma(earth stalkers)   Terra Coma(earth stalkers) Icon_minitime

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