Gee, I'm on some kind of a roll today...
I'd been thinking about a new character who looked like a good idea, but the thing is that Chip'd need some way to make a safe spot in the Forest of Whispers to create a trade post in the first place.
The main dangers of the Forest of Whispers are:
A- Fairies.
B- Nagas.
C- Crisis.
D- The zillion fan-made nagas that have been made solely to make out with Crisis.
E- Crisis.
F- More fairies.
G- Echydins.
H- Crisis.
I- More nagas.
J- Crisis.
K- More fairies.
L- Tonorions.
M- Crisis.
N- Kensha beasts.
O- Abyssal Tonorions.
P- Crisis.
Q- Crisis.
R- Crisis.
S- Other fan-made characters who've met Crisis but aren't nagas.
T- Silly little things like harpies.
U- Mundane predators like snakes.
So here's my idea. To create a safe spot, Chip would need first a height advantage to keep N, G, and some of B and D and T away. However, that leaves everything else. Being on a tall spot with 24-hours surveillance would also keep mostly everything away simply by virtue of being able to use a catapult against them while they try to climb the tree. Harpies and other flying creatures would still be a problem, though.
And I found a cure for A, C, E, F, H, J, K, M, P, Q, and R. Namely, keeping tonorions in cages. That'd keep Crisis, fairies, Crisis, fairies, more fairies, Crisis, and Crisis away, no matter how many humans you got in there, simply by having enough tonorions to keep Crisis away. That gave me the idea for Chip, actually... his name is a WIP, BTW.
So if you caught enough tiny tonorions like the ones Crisis cringed about in the manga and caged them (in cages capable of holding tonorions in them), what would you do with them? I've had the following ideas so far.
0- Catch them with the ol' box-bait trick.
1- Starve them so they're more ferocious.
2- Keep them inside your house to nullify most fairies' magic.
3- Keep some hanging above your house to scare Crisis away. Make sure only SOME are alive.
4- Put them in a pit when they're about to die from starvation, to see which one kills and eats which one.
5- Get some bad dudes to bet on the pitfight's winner and charge 'em a tax.
6- Make armor out of the losers' remains.
7- Set 'em loose on any predator that tries to bug you. Then kill them with a sniper rifle when they come back to get you for mistreating them.
Credits to Silent_Eric for the armor idea, and to Oldman for pointing me out you could make them fight and eat each other.
So, what else could we do with tonorions? Or a safe spot in the Forest of Whispers?