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 A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)

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3 posters

Is this even a good idea? (be truthful please)
A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_lcap13%A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_rcap
 13% [ 1 ]
A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_lcap50%A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_rcap
 50% [ 4 ]
A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_lcap13%A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_rcap
 13% [ 1 ]
Not so great
A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_lcap13%A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_rcap
 13% [ 1 ]
A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_lcap13%A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Vote_rcap
 13% [ 1 ]
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2010 1:43 pm

ok, first off the name of the RP has a specific meaning, which i have gotten off of one of my fav shows Doctor Who. This RP is based off of a common fact in Felarya that it is very commonly connected to Earth... but why so? this is where the word "crack" enters the mix, a crack being two parts of space and time that should never have touched, pressed together, obviously if something of this sort happened, a crack would form between the two separating them even though they are connected... and by opening this crack you open up both sides of the connection... in some cases opening up travel to the other side.

Felarya and Earth, have a crack Identical to this, on both sides these cracks showing up randomly, but for some reason the crack on Felarya's side seems to take residence in a random patch of air, and the crack in Earth seems to have made a habit of showing up in Forum resident's current location at the time... obviously during these events the cracks have closed up creating new ones in new locations, which explains the reappearances of common forum RP residents...

but this time something very odd has happened, the cracks have formed close by to each other, making a visible opening between the two worlds that has kept itself open, but not yet discovered by Earth inhabitants.
I planned this to be a "Felarya on earth" Roleplay, but had a little change in thought, seeing as Many times we have RPed us visiting our characters, I have yet to find one of Our characters popping in and saying hi to us. so I had planned that we would be in the location of the portal, meaning all of us, reasons of this happening still unclear at the time... would end up being in the same location as our characters when they arrive, I also planned this to be a sequel to the "Where you are the Hunted" RP...

obviously I have not yet really turned this into an RP just yet, but I decided to put the idea up and let whoever felt like it maybe toss in some ideas to fill the blanks and fix some spots... but please, if you don't agree with the idea please turn off the flamethrowers or I will be forced to shove them up your ass... Flaming and overall rude comments are not needed and personally I am tired of hearing them and I am guessing I'm not the only one, but providing constructive criticism and offering your opinion on the idea is actually appreciated...

oh yea, and to fill this little gap, Felarya Character's from the series of chained RP's that have been going on, the previous being "Where you are the Hunted", are urged to be used due to having met "us" if you understand what I mean... and Military forces, ect.. will not be included in this RP and the location should be kind of away from things... to prevent any insane "OMG MONSTA BLARG" that Earth Human Being's... that's us... seem to be known for. but yes vore is aloud and hopefully someone can come up with an idea for that.
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Master cartographer
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A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2010 12:36 am

(THIS IS NOT A JOKE: where is the vote that states "I'm confused"???

I for one, am not good with long explainations... could i get a short and to the bone version ^^')
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Mara's snack

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A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2010 10:56 am

I think it's pretty good for a sequel Idea.

I can see a few preds offering services to the confused humans XD

"you mean, you AREN'T godzilla?" Very Happy
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Felarya cartographer
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A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2010 11:05 am

Archmage_Bael wrote:
I think it's pretty good for a sequel Idea.

I can see a few preds offering services to the confused humans XD

"you mean, you AREN'T godzilla?" Very Happy
"no I iz his hotter sister" lol...

and thank you... i actually put alot of work into it/// now to fix reps problem...

This RP is a cross between "you in felarya" and "felarya in Earth" types of RPs, where Felaryian characters come to Earth, and manage to pop up in a place where all of us, HAPPENED to be at the same time... just a series of random events leading to the beginning of this randomly thought up RP.

all the details are just another way of saying THE PORTAL IS F@#$ING OPEN lol... anything else you're having problems on?
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Master cartographer
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A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2010 12:09 am

codaman wrote:
This RP is a cross between "you in felarya" and "felarya in Earth" types of RPs, where Felaryian characters come to Earth, and manage to pop up in a place where all of us, HAPPENED to be at the same time... just a series of random events leading to the beginning of this randomly thought up RP.

all the details are just another way of saying THE PORTAL IS F@#$ING OPEN lol... anything else you're having problems on?
AHHH ^^ sounds cool... may i suggest a secret Felaryan convention in new york?
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2010 7:48 am

Reptillian wrote:
codaman wrote:
This RP is a cross between "you in felarya" and "felarya in Earth" types of RPs, where Felaryian characters come to Earth, and manage to pop up in a place where all of us, HAPPENED to be at the same time... just a series of random events leading to the beginning of this randomly thought up RP.

all the details are just another way of saying THE PORTAL IS F@#$ING OPEN lol... anything else you're having problems on?
AHHH ^^ sounds cool... may i suggest a secret Felaryan convention in new york?

ummm, kinda hoped for somewhere LESS mass populated... kinda like an unpopulated valley, say we all joined up for a camping trip or something... idk... but definately not New York... 1, just too crowded... 2, EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN NEW YORK.... Razz
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2010 5:50 pm

if you wanna go camping... it HAS to in the Norwegian mountains^^
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2010 7:51 am

Reptillian wrote:
if you wanna go camping... it HAS to in the Norwegian mountains^^

that actually sounds like a good plan actually... ima look it up and see if it will work for the setting...
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 12:36 am

Alright, so after some thinking and a few spots patched up, this should begin this RP...

So what is going on here?:

This RP takes place in an unnamed and uncharted location, being a sort of shoreline that stretches for miles, this particular piece of land also cut off by the rest of the continent it is connected to by a set of towering mountains with a small half mile valley where land travel is possible, a few miles out from the shore, the area is blocked from any external view by a small collection of underwater volcanoes that have somehow created a thick blanket of steam, but the area is still accessible by boat, as the steam is much clearer a good 60 feet from the surface of the water. the entire place reaching a good 10 miles in diameter, 4 miles out being purely sea before passing the volcano barrier.

(ok, don't go Googling this place, totally made up... and if you have any Idea's for changes PM me and I will see it changed if it needs be, seriously...)

the portal from Felarya is about 3 miles away from the shoreline, deep in some dense trees (earth sized...) and completely invisible and inaccessible by earth humans without being taken back through (lets not have any of that shall we? I will leave the Portal "open" just in case this RP want to get a little laid back and a few Chars want to go back through for a few things, I don't know... once again this RP is not totally thought through Razz)

on the far end of the area, there have been reports of a pirate base, with very few reports of any attacks on visitors unless they purposely entered the area... (ok... add some fodder to the mix... check... and I think that covers the setting)

Most rules are self explanatory, but just to be safe.

*No godmodding
*Wait for others
*limit of 3 chars tops, not including yourself
*PM me first with you're beginning post, Char Bios,and your Bio. then I will allow you to join i I think it will work, if you decide to join without PMing me for permission you will be ignored until doing so. (ima put all active people in the RP with their Bios in a list for easy access, if you have any changes PM me and I will get to that)
*Active posters Please, many RPs die to people deciding to not post anymore, Real Life issues, and in some cases emergencies, if you are not going to be able to post for a certain reason just PM me so we don't have to wait for a long time, if this happens I will find a way to put you on "bench" so you can join back in when you return. (i am really trying to keep this simple, doesn't look like it does it? A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_study )

*Your starter must explain how you got there, we don't need a specific reason why you showed up... but you will need to include what you have on you... to us this should end up as a normal camping trip... for your chars... well I'll let you decide how they react. this was planned to be a sort of sequel to "where you are the hunted" and I encourage familiar Preds, but newbies are ok too if you want to bring them in. just about every kind of Pred should be able to participate, as regardless of what the world may think, no one will see a flying harpie or a giant, anything... besides us (us in the RP) and maybe a few pirates who are well... pirates... lol... who are they going to tell? A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) 22722

Is that it? did I miss a rule? if you see something I missed let me know... I wrote this sentance at exactly 12:34 A.M. which isn't late for me, but im a bit tired and not quite sure what I'm typing... .... A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_neutral .... ok before I start rambling.
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PostSubject: Re: A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)   A crack RP (don't bug me about the name) Icon_minitime

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A crack RP (don't bug me about the name)
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