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 Some questions about Lifespans and Humans...

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Seasoned adventurer
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Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Empty
PostSubject: Some questions about Lifespans and Humans...   Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2008 9:47 pm

What is the average life span of the following under the following conditions:

Felaryan Human that is vulnerable to preds

Felaryan Human that is not vulnerable to preds for some odd reason

Felaryan Human with no enemies, invulnerable to preds, and has access to food, shelter, and water 24/7

A Human from our world that is vulnerable to preds

A Human from our world that is not vulnerable to preds for some odd reason

A Human from our world with no enemies, invulnerable to preds, and has access to food, shelter, and water 24/7

A Human from an entirely different dimension that is vulnerable to preds

A Human from an entirely different dimension that is not vulnerable to preds for some odd reason

A Human from an entirely different dimension with no enemies, invulnerable to preds, and has access to food, shelter, and water 24/7

I want to know for rps, and just in case if a portal between our reality and Felarya ever opens up (What? I believe every idea is an alternate reality!). I think it is valid to ask these questions, as the soil of Felarya prevents aging and disease, apparently
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Cog in the Machine
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Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some questions about Lifespans and Humans...   Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2008 12:44 pm

Icalasari wrote:
Felaryan Human that is not vulnerable to preds for some odd reason
Probably centuries, if not millenia or eternity. Felarya suppossedly is a realm of 'Immortal' youth.

A Human from our world that is vulnerable to preds
What are they equipped with?

A Human from an entirely different dimension that is vulnerable to preds
What universe? Some can have people living into second / third centuries (Ringworld), while others like D&D consider 90 a 'ripe' age.

A Human from an entirely different dimension that is not vulnerable to preds for some odd reason
Likely as long as it takes for the Guardian's to notice them. If they're from another universe, and the Preds can't harm them, odds are they're a mobile powerhouse.

I want to know for rps, and just in case if a portal between our reality and Felarya ever opens up (What? I believe every idea is an alternate reality!). I think it is valid to ask these questions, as the soil of Felarya prevents aging and disease, apparently

A worthy cause. However, some idea realms are... less then plesant. "I have no mouth, yet I must scream," anyone?
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Evil admin
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Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some questions about Lifespans and Humans...   Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2008 2:52 pm

Well this depend on many things and is not very measurable I think ^^;
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Seasoned adventurer
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Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some questions about Lifespans and Humans...   Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 15, 2008 3:24 pm

Malahite wrote:
Icalasari wrote:
Felaryan Human that is not vulnerable to preds for some odd reason
Probably centuries, if not millenia or eternity. Felarya suppossedly is a realm of 'Immortal' youth.

Thanks. I was confused there, as they would have to age to some point, else they would all be babies

A Human from our world that is vulnerable to preds
What are they equipped with?

Just the average equipment

A Human from an entirely different dimension that is vulnerable to preds
What universe? Some can have people living into second / third centuries (Ringworld), while others like D&D consider 90 a 'ripe' age.

Well, I was thinking if there was one that was an exact median of all universes...

A Human from an entirely different dimension that is not vulnerable to preds for some odd reason
Likely as long as it takes for the Guardian's to notice them. If they're from another universe, and the Preds can't harm them, odds are they're a mobile powerhouse.

I want to know for rps, and just in case if a portal between our reality and Felarya ever opens up (What? I believe every idea is an alternate reality!). I think it is valid to ask these questions, as the soil of Felarya prevents aging and disease, apparently

A worthy cause. However, some idea realms are... less then plesant. "I have no mouth, yet I must scream," anyone?

Thanks for the help!
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Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some questions about Lifespans and Humans...   Some questions about Lifespans and Humans... Icon_minitime

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