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 Humans Vs. Man-eaters

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PostSubject: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2013 4:48 pm

It is a grim topic, but one that must be addressed. Felaryan predators have ultimately gained the upper hand in this "predation war" and we humans are completely powerless to stop it! Brothers and sisters, we must come together to protect ourselves, our family and friends, and to ward off fiends such as the deadly Crisis. I hope you all will greatly aid me in this endeavor!
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2013 6:51 pm

What war? I hardly think humans bumbling into foreign territory and suffering the consequances counts as a declaration of war on the predator's part.

And since when did the predator's "gained" the upper hand? They always had the upperhand, it's their world.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeSun Aug 25, 2013 8:39 pm

I'm not sure I get the point of this thread. What are we supposed to do here?
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2013 8:34 am

You guys really know how to kill someone's buzz, you know that? I am TRYING to establish a niche for humans on "their world." Of course they have the upper hand- do you want to be defenseless prey forever?! NO! I am making this thread to develop ways to protect ourselves for predatorial consumption. Example: one of your best friends falls ill with a terminal illness whose only know cure is a plant found in the Felaryan jungle. Unfortunately, that plant is ONLY found in the branches of the Giant Tree. Who lives at the Giant Tree, guys? That's right: CRISIS! what does she eat? HUMANS!!! Do you stay in the safety of Negav and watch your dear friend die? Or do you prepare yourself for the rigors of Felarya and brave the elements to save your friend? The choice is obvious.

Does  THIS answer your question?

Very Mad 
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2013 10:06 am

Kinda answers the question...but sorry I really do have to rip apart the example you gave.

Noone in Felarya gets terminal illnesses. Simply being in felarya would solve that problem as the background magical forces of the world increases your immunity system, essentaily destroying any dangerous infections and preventing any future illnesses from progressing.

Now an illness of magical qualities like a curse would make sense, but that would imply that your freind most likely did something to deserve getting struck with the curse as they rarely happen naturaly.

But while the way you phrased it didn't make sense, the idea of discussing how humans can defend themselves is a worthy one. But has been done loads of times. Normaly it involves restraint, logic and not risking everyone's lives for the benifit of a few. If you want that cure, then the most sensible solution is to to use stealth. Sneak in, grab it, take it back to Negav before anyone detects your presence and mass produce it from there for future use. That's how you defend yourself.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 12:59 pm

Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad 

Why do I even bother.......?

Fine. What do YOU think we should do, since you obviously will do nothing to protect the human race on Felarya?

Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad Very Mad 
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ravaging vixen
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 1:54 pm

OK...I'm really going to be the representative of warfare on this topic sense I AM AN ACTUAL MILITARY PERSONNEL THAT DEAL WITH CRAP LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME.

First off, yeah, interesting you bring that about as a question. It seems to me that in current stories humans haven't really gone on an offensive for the sake expansion and power when it comes to territory, then again, WHY SHOULD THEY? Now don't get me wrong, i'm much a human advocate when it comes to the matters of conducting warfare, but do you have any idea how hard it would be to set up bases and an actual wide government infrastructure that goes above the common "city(towns)/nation states" you find around. It would be damn hard, and you'll need a lot of numbers to handle the attrition that this beautiful but dangerous environment tackles against you. Heck I'm writing a story right now where the vishmitals have and expansionist spurt and barely manage to make something beyond a city state, due the "magical" mystery and nature that almost makes the operation failure. Basically what i'm saying is where is the motivation or purpose to try and gain certain resources ( I know there's a lot of good ones) and make a base of operation so you can stick there long enough to get it. It's not impossible Just make it sound like it's going to be hard as hell to do because it really is...

Another thing that kind of peeves me is...what war has been declared against predators? Why not use them? In fact why not just make them assets so you have a bit more ground control in your little scenario of an operation of setting up a decent town. I'm with you on this, there isn't enough lore or good and logical thought out stories that really do bring this kind of thinking to fruition. It happens it's not just emphasized mainly due to the fetish that's on here that most people comply with. (not saying that doesn't mean y'all don't make good stories now, have seen some and very much appreciate your creative bounds to give me great reading entertainment.)

So my advice to you is why not create a plausible Lore or story that emphasizes on this but is in good bounds. As for the "bounds" that's really up to karbo and the mods on here, however sense you have people the same mind set, including some mods, why not get together with them and make something out of it that puts an emphasis on the feelings you have towards this predicament of yours. Heck you can ask me and i'd be glad to help and advise you along the way.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 2:52 pm

Please rein in your temper, Bethel. This is all just fiction.

If you want to get somewhere, you'll have to be patient.

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PostSubject: Clarification   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 4:42 pm

People... It's an IMPLICIT war. There is no need for a declaration! The war occurs everyday in this hellhole like this: *insert man-eater here* eats *insert humanoid here*. Humanoid's friend escapes and either cowers in Negav, or comes back with, say, an army of mages. My point is that in every Felarya story I've read SOMEONE IS EATEN. And most of the time the eatees are good people! Why should they have to suffer and die? Because of some "fetish"? Or some twisted "food chain"? Or some "boundary" from said

food chain?? Seriously, we need to wake up and smell the roses. We should NOT have to subject ourselves to the whims of predators in the jungle for our safety, such as Crisis and stories. We should have safe passage between one corner of the forest and back. Humans need to put on their big boy pants and make counteractions against predators and reach out to the kindly NON man-eaters, like Kai. This is my standpoint on the issue. Please give me a convincing argument.

Stabs wrote:
Please rein in your temper, Bethel. This is all just fiction.

If you want to get somewhere, you'll have to be patient.

Please, call me Chris.

Last edited by Stabs on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Stabs getting rid of the multiposts.)
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 28, 2013 7:06 pm

But the problem your ignoring is that Felarya is a gaint's world. It's where they live. Most humans that are there are there are decended from people that decided to intrude on the land. If a alien arrived and wanted to make a path through your gardern, which he can access anytime and takes whatever he likes, would you think he would have a right to that? what gives the humans the right to do whatever they want to Felarya when when they already own a large amount of the universe already? There are at least two massive teleport gates where people can leave to other worlds where they can live without gaints if a peaceful life is what they desire. As long as they can learn of the existance of such places (Negav would be a good place to hear stories of outside worlds) then they can leave whenever they want.

The fact is, a large majourity of people that you see in the Felarya stories choose to be there. They are risk takers, they believe it's worth the risk for the riches, long life and adventure. If they take the risk then they are partly accountable for the consequances. Felarya is a world for survivers, if your not a survivor, if your not prepared to run, if your not prepared to hide, if your not prepared to pick your battles wisely, then you don't belong there. You must get out whenever you can.

Let's take a real world example, North Korea, you try just walking into North Koera and see where that gets you. Walk in the wrong street and they will prison you and put you through terrible treatment with no intention of letting you go. But as bad as that place is, should we go to war with that country just because of their terrible foreign policy? No, because there is more at stake than a moral crusade. If we fight with North Koera than we have to contend with it's allies China and Russia. Going to war with them will probably get everyone nuked to hell. And western ecomony is highly reliant upon keeping peace with China. Trying to take down the fascist regime of North Korea would seem to be be a good thing to do as far as intentions go, but a direct conflict would be very bad and do more damage than it fixes.

Felarya is no different, anyone wanting a direct war with gaints must have an awfully good reason to do so and must realise the huge cost. Crisis has a whole cast of friends who will back her up if anyone messes with her, and her mother is a fairy who could rally the entire fairy kingdom if she was motivated enougth. So let's take your example, is it really a just cause to start a war, probably killing thousands of people just to get some plant? The sick person that needs it would have to live the rest of his life carrying the guilt that his own life cost thousands of families their loved ones, assuming a mob doesn't get him first.

The only time I can think of a just war is if Crisis somehow managed to break into one of the major human communties, most of which are already heavily defended. If anyone dies around the great tree, then tough luck, they should have known what they were getting into when they left the safty zones. Some people sometimes end up there by accident, but still, No right minded community would blow away their entire defence budget just to help them out.

I am really not doing this to be an ass, I am always up for developing the human aspect of felarya and like giving them depth and ways to survive. But crusades to drive the gaints out of their own land is not going to do anyone any favors. In life you have to pick your battles, Why should Felarya be any different?
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 12:58 am

ChristianBethel :
Your points are welcome but you need to seriously chill out and be less aggressive. You won't gain anything by throwing angry words and angry smileys everywhere and it's certainly not going to make your arguments any stronger.

As for developing more the human side of things in Felarya, well this is important indeed and since a couple months I've been doing that. Humans are not on the top in Felarya though. They are not really in a position to wage a war against the rest of the world and dominate it. And personally I think this is one of the aspect of Felarya that make it interesting and fascinating.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 8:17 am


I apologize for my outburst...

I think Crisis would be able to break into a human settlement quite easily, though...

Last edited by Stabs on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Stabs getting rid of the multiposts.)
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 3:48 pm

What human settlement are you thinking of exactly? She would be able to go down on small villages of native races that most humans won't care about. But when it comes to the major human settlements Crisis shoulden't have much luck in getting anywhere near them.

The Miratans are heavily armed, hiding in the mountains and are so far out from Crisis' hunting ground that the only way she could possibly find it is if they were dumb enougth to lead her to it themselves.

Negav has an anti gaint field around it that will keep all gaints at bay, Also the quickest way to Negav from the Gaint Tree is the through the settlement of Nekomura who also have their own (albeit weaker) anti-gaint feild. She would have to somehow penertrate both fields if she wants to get near Negav, unless she wants to take a longer route to Negav. And even if she somehow surpasses these, she would have to contend with the citiy's canons and army of battle mages.

The people of the bowl are even further away from Crisis than the Miratans are and she would have to go through swamps to get there. And it's protected by Cypress the Dryad who is almost twice the size of Crisis

Akaptor Nomads are all the way in the Akaptor desert, that's insanely far away from Crisis.

Chioita City is just as far away as the Akaptor Nomads, and the city is on an island in the Topazial sea. They are also on good terms with the local predators of that area and Crisis woulden't want them as enimies.

Safe Harbour is quite near to the great tree, but has Gaintess Jade to protect it and she knows how to get on peacefully with Crisis.

The only major human settlement that would find Crisis a problem would be the Deluran Colony...but that's only because they built their base so close to the great tree....and the fairly kingdom...and use metals that rust quickly in Felarya. But that's their fault for performing the biggest research fail in the universe. But at least they are underground, Crisis has to find them first before she can get to them.

So really, the main big human settlements I named arn't really at any real danger of Crisis attacking them. In places like Negav, other humans such as killers and bandits are a bigger threat.
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PostSubject: Growth Spell   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 7:08 pm

I've got it!
The solution to the human predation problem: the mages should all collaborate and develop a growth spell so humans can safely explore the jungles and dangerous areas of Felarya whilst searching for treasure!

Seriously? "Helpless prey"?? Very Mad

Last edited by Stabs on Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Stabs getting rid of the doublepost.)
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 7:43 pm

Yup. Helpless prey.

At 30 posts you become naga food instead Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 8:48 am

ChristianBethel wrote:
I've got it!
The solution to the human predation problem: the mages should all collaborate and develop a growth spell so humans can safely explore the jungles and dangerous areas of Felarya whilst searching for treasure!
Humans are not faires XD
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 8:57 am

DarkOne wrote:
Noone in Felarya gets terminal illnesses. Simply being in felarya would solve that problem as the background magical forces of the world increases your immunity system, essentaily destroying any dangerous infections and preventing any future illnesses from progressing.
Technically Darky that's incorrect. You would still be able to get cancer, certain kinds of brain and heart diseases, and possibly Multiple Sclerosis. The cancers and Multiple Sclerosis would actually be made worse due to the regenerative properties and immune system boost.

ChristianBethel wrote:
The solution to the human predation problem: the mages should all collaborate and develop a growth spell so humans can safely explore the jungles and dangerous areas of Felarya whilst searching for treasure!
While this does seem like a good idea at first, there are a lot of limitations. To begin with, it does not appear that Vivian has access to spells that can make people grow or shrink to giant/tiny sizes. If she did she would have likely used them to help Anna when she was shrunken by Mystiniel instead of making Anna have to wait till
so the magic would wear off. Considering how powerful of a spell caster Vivian is, if there was a spell letting you change your size she would already have it, if only to use it to have more fun in bed. Razz

Heck, even most fairies have limits on their growing/shrinking powers. Your average Fairy can't make a Human giant size, only a couple of feet taller, they can't shrink a Giant Naga like Crisis, and they can generally only grow between 100-200 feet tall. Now, there are some exceptions to this, but they are only the super powerful Fairies.

If you really wanted to even the playing field between humans and predators, then magic is not the way to go. Magic is too unreliable. Don't get me wrong, it's powerful, but unless you are 100% prepared, and fight against a novice pred who doesn't have a method to combat magic, you're out of luck. A naga like Crisis might be held back for a little bit by strong enough magic, but has been around long enough and is cunning enough to find ways around magic. As for Vivian...you're better off asking her to sleep with you instead of eating you, and hope you please her enough to make her want to spare you. =| Even then, being eaten might be the better of the two options...*shudders to think of what Vivian might do to a Human able to please her that much*

Since magic is out of the question, we're left with two options, technology, and poisons. Negav, the Miratans, and Delurans have the tech. However, tech is still limited in it's usefulness. You need a pretty big gun to take down a giant predator, and you would have to be able to get the chance to use that gun. Since most predators use ambush tactics, you'll probably lose that great big gun before you can effectively use it. Even then you might have to try and shoot past magical shields. And finally, places like Safe Harbor, and random settlements, probably don't have access to weapons and technology like that.

Which brings us to the final option, poison. This would be the most reliable and flexible of the choices. Poisons can be made and found in tons of places, and a herbalist/potion maker/whatever can make effective poisons with the plants they grow and find. You can get a multitude of effects from poison, from death and paralysis to just you making the pred throw up, and there are multiple ways to poison someone. However, this has downsides as well. First off, to make the deadliest of deadly poisons, you need certain resources that simply aren't available to simple villages, like, again, Safe Harbor. Plus depending on the strength of the poison, the amount needed to effect a giant predator would be far too much to feasibly use/carry. That said, poison does have the advantage that the more you use, the more potent it is. Plus most predators seem to eat you whole without removing one's clothes or equipment, meaning you'll be in a prim location to poison someone. I've actually discussed the use of poisons before, right here https://felarya.forumotion.com/t3498-human-militaries-and-poison

tl;dr: If you want Humans to have a chance against predators, the most reliable option is poison. Even then, poison has it's limits. =/

Last edited by French snack on Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:03 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added spoiler tags. Some forum-goers may not yet have read the manga. ;) - F.S.)
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 11:36 am

I do find it interesting that the debate has shifted from "Humans needing certain resources like medical herbs" to "Humans wanting to roam freely and dig up treasure."

I thought this was about Humans suriving in a harsh environment? Now it just sounds like an debate that humans are intitled to do whatever the hell they like and should be allowed to strut wherever they please and take whatever cathes their eye.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 1:01 pm

Actually, from the start it seemed more of a "Why aren't Humans trying to beat back the preds and change their spot on the food chain" thread to me...but that could be just me. ._.;;;
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 6:19 pm

I think humans aren't trying to change their spot on the food chain because of the Tit- er, the Guardians, and what happened last time humans tried to take over Felarya. And don't tell me humans won't try and take over as soon as their safety is assured, it's human nature.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2013 7:10 pm

parameciumkid wrote:
I think humans aren't trying to change their spot on the food chain because of the Tit- er, the Guardians, and what happened last time humans tried to take over Felarya. And don't tell me humans won't try and take over as soon as their safety is assured, it's human nature.
Given the mentality of the humans as portrayed in Felarya narrative, then it's certain that they would try to take over if there was nothing stoping them.....and even if they were to succeed, they will then start raging wars against each other so that a particular human faction would dominate.

There would be no peace, people will still die (even quicker and in larger numbers) all that would be acheived is changing one problem for an even worse problem.

It's not good enougth to say humans should have control over Felarya, you must think of WHAT KIND of humans should have control. Remember that they are not earthings, they are not us. They are different kinds of humans from different worlds with different ideologies, some of them have ideals that no decent person would surport. And none of the most powerful human factions on Felarya are the sort you can trust to keep the peace. Between them they are more likely to destroy Felarya in massive wars.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeMon Oct 07, 2013 12:02 pm

I do find it interesting that the debate has shifted from "Humans needing certain resources like medical herbs" to "Humans wanting to roam freely and dig up treasure." wrote:
That is correct, sir.
As for Vivian, *sigh* I'll have to collaborate to find a way to take her down.

I thought this was about Humans suriving in a harsh environment? Now it just sounds like an debate that humans are intitled to do whatever the hell they like and should be allowed to strut wherever they please and take whatever cathes their eye. wrote:
That's what the preds think! That is NOT the case.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeMon Oct 07, 2013 1:19 pm

ChristianBethel wrote:

That's what the preds think! That is NOT the case.
Have you got proof of this not being the case?

The humans are constantly being portrayed in Felarya as people who are highly arrogant, selfish and think they are entitled to everything simply for being human. Only a small population of them are there for peaceful purposes and funny enougth those are the people who can get on with little conflict with the predators.

Exactly what race of human are you taking the side of?
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2014 1:49 pm


You know, guys, to be honest, I've only read the Felarya story about Crisis and Elle. In that unfinished story, the humans Crisis and Elle eat seem to be good people. I simply don't want the concept of "bad things happen to good people" concept to be perpetuated from generation to generation. If you guys could post links of these stories, that would be great. I shall continue my debate after I have been more informed.

I sure wish El Portero would finish her Elle and Crisis story...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2014 4:59 pm

But it is entirely true. Bad things happen to good people on a daily basis, and a dose of reality is something far too many people need nowadays.
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PostSubject: Re: Humans Vs. Man-eaters   Humans Vs. Man-eaters Icon_minitime

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