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 Dryad Network Brainstorming thread

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Shady Knight
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Shady Knight
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 8:48 am

Ah, of course. Maybe it interferes with the network which is why the Shadow Dryads, who have adapted to the darkness of Evernight, can only communicate between themselves.

On another topic, the wiki says that a Dryad can grant another creature a link to her alone. How does that link work and why is it private to this Dryad alone and not the network?
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 9:02 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
Ah, of course. Maybe it interferes with the network which is why the Shadow Dryads, who have adapted to the darkness of Evernight, can only communicate between themselves.
Also, physics are slightly different in Evernight, which may have something to do with it

Sean Okotami wrote:
On another topic, the wiki says that a Dryad can grant another creature a link to her alone. How does that link work and why is it private to this Dryad alone and not the network?
Well, if it did provide access to the network...
I'm not sure it'd be a good idea. If the person wasn't ready for it (which is highly likely) they would be overwhelmed by the vastness and the sheer amount of minds on the network.
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Shady Knight
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 9:04 am

I think this is what Cypress uses to have her little network with the inhabitants of the Bowl. However, hers is with multiple people while a typical Dryad can only have it with one. Why is that?
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Master cartographer
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 9:22 am

It's possible to create a network independent inside a independent network even if they share the same connections.

Why this link is private because the bond grant only to talk with the dryad not to the network, a bit like granting a friend to drive your car doesn't grant him access to your house. It's a matter of permissions.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 9:27 am

Just thought I'd say that I'm making a flash animation to explain my idea of how the dray network works. (Not what it can do in terms of sending thoughts etc, but how the dryads connect).
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Shady Knight
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 9:29 am

On another note, how can a Dryad create a link between herself and a human? So far we've established that the soil has something to do with this.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 9:55 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
On another note, how can a Dryad create a link between herself and a human? So far we've established that the soil has something to do with this.
We have?
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Shady Knight
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 10:07 am

Look back, Karbo says that in order for a Dryad to enter the spiritual network, it needs to be in contact with Felaryan soil, which is why potted Domestic Dryads can't access it.
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Master cartographer
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 10:14 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
On another note, how can a Dryad create a link between herself and a human? So far we've established that the soil has something to do with this.
We are speculating for the moment.
To answer to the question the link between the dryads can be different from a dryad and another creature. It can be a a kind of spiritual mark that allow the dryad to communicates with the creature when it is enough closed to her and allow the other dryad to recognize the creature and doesn't try to eat it even if they can't recognize. The range of the communication can vary on how powerful the dryad is. It's pure speculation.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 10:17 am

Sean Okotami wrote:
Look back, Karbo says that in order for a Dryad to enter the spiritual network, it needs to be in contact with Felaryan soil, which is why potted Domestic Dryads can't access it.
Oh right. I didn't make the connection (It's very early in the morning, I'm not on 100% thought capacity)
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Cog in the Machine
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 11:07 am

The whole soil thing is relatively easy to understand: Say you have a computer. Alright. Now say you have no modem, or mean to jack into the internet (no cables, WiFi network in nearby shop, etcetera). You can't access it then, obviously. Same deal with soil - you "plug in" to that. Theoretically, I assume this could be applied to any one large piece of terrain which isn't separated.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 11:29 am

Malahite wrote:
The whole soil thing is relatively easy to understand: Say you have a computer. Alright. Now say you have no modem, or mean to jack into the internet (no cables, WiFi network in nearby shop, etcetera). You can't access it then, obviously. Same deal with soil - you "plug in" to that. Theoretically, I assume this could be applied to any one large piece of terrain which isn't separated.
Agreed. If we go by my method/theory/whatever then i is till technically possible for he network to connect across a river or other body of water if there is enough plant matter on the riverbed/waterbed or on the water (like algae).
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 5:48 pm

Malahite wrote:
The whole soil thing is relatively easy to understand: Say you have a computer. Alright. Now say you have no modem, or mean to jack into the internet (no cables, WiFi network in nearby shop, etcetera). You can't access it then, obviously. Same deal with soil - you "plug in" to that. Theoretically, I assume this could be applied to any one large piece of terrain which isn't separated.
Yes, indeed.
We can imagine the energy of the soil it's like a flow passing through the soil, the rivers, seas and the living beings (I am quoting the concept how the rentan jutsu can perform remote transmutation because they use the energy at the surface on the planet it's theorized it's the Earth's magnetic Field contrary to Renkin Jutsu whose the power source is Earth Crust). So in reality the dryad need a natural access point to be able to feel the flow of the energy coming from the soil with her roots.
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Cog in the Machine
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 7:07 pm

Not quite certain if you can broadcast through seas, but that's up to Karbo. It's also - predominantly - a moot point as we don't really do much involving things across the big blue in Felarya.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 10:57 pm

Dryads have underwater cousins Razz
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 2:54 am

Malahite wrote:
Not quite certain if you can broadcast through seas, but that's up to Karbo. It's also - predominantly - a moot point as we don't really do much involving things across the big blue in Felarya.

That is a good point. The blue seas could really use some exploration.

*goes to think of a way to remedy that*
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 3:11 am

Pendragon wrote:
Malahite wrote:
Not quite certain if you can broadcast through seas, but that's up to Karbo. It's also - predominantly - a moot point as we don't really do much involving things across the big blue in Felarya.

That is a good point. The blue seas could really use some exploration.

*goes to think of a way to remedy that*
Before you do, there have been some ideas concerning far lands and islands. Have a look at those, some might be worth reviving.
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Shady Knight
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 12:24 pm

Okay, now we know how Dryads access the network and how far it can reach. Now for something else. How do Dryads remain calm and sort out all the thoughts of thousands upon thousands of other Dryads?
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 2:27 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
Okay, now we know how Dryads access the network and how far it can reach. Now for something else. How do Dryads remain calm and sort out all the thoughts of thousands upon thousands of other Dryads?
Well I imagine they just think of the other dryad they want to talk to and "connect" to their thought signature.
Remember, the dryad network is P2P. There's no primary "server." Therefore, other dryads must know exactly who they want to contact in order to contact them. Obviously, a dryad would know who was closest to them in the network and would be able to connect to them and then ask if that dryad knew any more.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 2:42 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
Okay, now we know how Dryads access the network and how far it can reach. Now for something else. How do Dryads remain calm and sort out all the thoughts of thousands upon thousands of other Dryads?

The same reason you don't hear people talking when you take your phone to call someone. What I mean by that each communications have their own signature and are filtered through the network only the receiver can response to the call. It can be sum by saying a dryad can decide if her communication is private or not. If you ask how they recognize each other tell you each dryad possess their own phone number or ID which is not their name. It's a kind of natural and unique signature like a fingerprint or biometrics passport. Even if there is two dryad with the same name inside the network they are identified inside the network in a different way.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 4:37 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
Some stuff about connections
This is what I was trying to say with my previous post but somehow ended up saying something completely different.
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 7:07 pm

I prefer to avoid technical terms and I was typing before you post. About who is who in network when you add a new element automatically send a signal to inform all the other elements. So when a dryad access to the network the first time the new one can sense her.
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Shady Knight
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Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 11, 2010 11:13 am

So... any other ideas?
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PostSubject: Re: Dryad Network Brainstorming thread    Dryad Network Brainstorming thread  - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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