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 Arthur the ghost and Gina the fairy (and others)

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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Arthur the ghost and Gina the fairy (and others) Empty
PostSubject: Arthur the ghost and Gina the fairy (and others)   Arthur the ghost and Gina the fairy (and others) Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 8:23 pm

I have a new idea for a story where a guy named Arthur who enters Felarya by accident ends up being eaten by an unspecified dryad in the Fairy Kingdom and becomes a ghost. After waking up dead, he comes across an angel named Mariel, who promises to take him to Heaven. But before he can respond, a succubus named Jorita arrives with the intention of taking him to Hell. The angel and succubus fight, and during the scuffle, Arthur escapes. He eventually meets up with a fairy named Gina who, coincidentally, is absolutely fascinated by ghosts, having studied for a brief period under the archmage Talbeld Veridimus when his studies brought him to the Fairy Kingdom and Kortiki Town in particular.

Here are the characters:


Skin: Very pale.

Hair: Short and brown.

Height: 5 feet 11 inches.

The main character of the 5story, Arthur is twenty years old and has dropped out of college. His life at the beginning of the story is in pretty bad shape, though this is soon made irrelevant when he stumbles across a stable portal to the Fairy Kingdom in Felarya, and, his curiosity getting the better of him, enters it. He is quickly eaten by a dryad and ends up dead. He awakes to find himself a ghost, and finds he must cope with a state a being that he previously thought to be impossible.


Skin: Slightly tanned.

Hair: Frizzy and black, tied into pigtails.

Height: Anywhere from 6 inches to 75 feet.

A fairy living in Kortiki town, Gina is absolutely fascinated by the existence of ghosts in the Fairy Kingdom. Until she meets Arthur, however, doesn't have any experience with ghosts, as most of the ghosts she sees flee before she gets a chance to talk to them. Gina quickly becomes Arthur's best friend in a world which, for the most part, is harsh and uncaring.


Skin: Somewhat pale

Hair: Long, straight, and blond.

Height: Six feet tall when she first encounters Arthur. Her full height is unknown.

The angel who initially encounters Arthur, she plans to take him to heaven, but is interrupted by her eternal rival, Jorita...


Skin: Reddish purple.

Hair: Short, slightly redder than her skin.

Size: Six feet tall when she encounters Arthur. Her full size is nearly 80 feet tall.

Mariel's eternal rival, Jorita encounters Arthur just after Mariel. The two eventually start a fight, allowing Arthur to escape.

Talbeln Veridimus

Skin: Same as in canon.

Hair: Same as in canon.

Size: Same as in canon.

Not seen in the story outside of Gina's backstory, the powerful archmage came to the Fairy Kingdom to study the unique ghostly occurrences there. While staying in Kortiki, he came across a young fairy named Gina, who was fascinated by his theories. Eventually, an attempt on his life by an assasin forced him to leave, but his studies influenced Gina greatly, to the point where she became fascinated by ghosts and the afterlife in general.

Last edited by itsmeyouidiot on Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added some details)
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Arthur the ghost and Gina the fairy (and others) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arthur the ghost and Gina the fairy (and others)   Arthur the ghost and Gina the fairy (and others) Icon_minitimeSun Jul 11, 2010 6:11 pm

Not Bad I Like it

But Everyone Else may have different Appinions

But I thinks this i a well thought out story and well though out to be a Lyberith story
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