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 Joke Race: Rooster Harpy

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3 posters
Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 2:44 pm

The Rooster Harpy is a small sized subrace of male harpies, a bit bigger than a human, but smaller than pantaurs. They have brightly colored feathers, mostly green, red, yellow, orange and white, a puffy collar of down, and a red mohawk. They are best known for singing early in the morning. They are horrible singers and are widely hated by most predators and humans alike. They feed premarily on small animals and grains. Pantaurs love them very much.

Note: This is meant to be humorous and not taken seriously at all.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 4:47 pm

So... will hitting a Rooster Harpy 15 times will make a lot of these creatures appear in order to kill you?
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 5:09 pm

They're roosters, not cuccoos.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 5:50 pm

Oh, really? My bad ^^

So, I guess raising one will help you wake up early in the morning. And these creatures don't like each other as they fight all time upon meeting (the back of their legs have a sharp talon, you know). And people often watch these Rooster Harpy fighting each other while making some bet about whoever will win Xd

And have you ever seen a Rooster win over a fight with a dog or a cat? XD

Some how remind me this:

Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Occoo_Trade_for_Razzek_WIP_by_Ruthac_Arus
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Age : 34

Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 6:03 pm

They're not supposed to be taken seriously. It's just a race made for the lolz.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 6:21 pm

Don't you notice that I joked all time? XD
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Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 10:35 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
The Rooster Harpy is a small sized subrace of male harpies, a bit bigger than a human, but smaller than pantaurs. They have brightly colored feathers, mostly green, red, yellow, orange and white, a puffy collar of down, and a red mohawk. They are best known for singing early in the morning. They are horrible singers and are widely hated by most predators and humans alike. They feed premarily on small animals and grains. Pantaurs love them very much.

Note: This is meant to be humorous and not taken seriously at all.

I had a similar idea, but yours is waaaay funnier.
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PostSubject: Re: Joke Race: Rooster Harpy   Joke Race: Rooster Harpy Icon_minitime

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