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 GAME: Felarya Mafia: Sign Up

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Great warrior
Great warrior

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GAME: Felarya Mafia: Sign Up Empty
PostSubject: GAME: Felarya Mafia: Sign Up   GAME: Felarya Mafia: Sign Up Icon_minitimeThu Jul 29, 2010 7:54 pm

Alright guys, you may or may not have heard of me talking about organizing a Mafia game here in the shoutbox, but I've finally lived up to the talk. I got the permission from the Big K and now we're ready for sign ups.

I'll need a minimum of 7 Players, but anything between that and Twelve Players is good. Also note that I'll be Felarya-izing the game, so that it doesn't feel too foreign from our good old vore-y home.

So, you guys may be asking yourself right now, "What is a Mafia game?". Let me get down to the specifics. Also, I cited the first paragraph of the Basics and all of the Commonly Used Terms and Abbreviations from the Mafia Wiki. Sue me for being lazy and unoriginal in explaining some stuff, you know you'd copy and paste the Commonly Used Terms and Abbreviations from the Mafia Wiki too. Also, if you plan on signing up, I strongly urge you to look over the specifics below, and make sure you understand them. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM.


The game is played by a group of people, each playing the role of a murdering Mafia member or an innocent Townsperson, along with the Game Moderator.

When the game begins, the players must use deduction, reasoning, and logic to weed out the Mafia from the Townies. They will Vote for the members that they believe to be Mafia.

Once a Majority has been reached or the Day ends without a Majority being cast, the game will move to Twilight in which players can still post and discuss, but Voting is no longer allowed.

Eventually, most likely three hours after a Majority has been reached, the Game Mod will announce an official Death Scene in which he reveals the alignment of the Player as well as their Role.

After this Death Scene has been announced, no discussions are held within the Game Thread. The game shifts to Night and the players go to "sleep". The Mafia and certain Power Roles discuss at this time, and then certain Power Roles PM the Game Mod their choice of action, be it to target one member for Nightkill or to Investigate a player they feel is suspicious.

Usually, 48 hours will be alotted for people to think carefully about their actions and for certain Power Roles to discuss. By the time these 48 hours are over, the Game Mod posts any new Death Scenes from Nightkills and the reveal of their roles.

By this time, the next Day begins and Voting begins anew.


These are the Roles for the Game. The function of the Roles, what they are normally called, and what we will be calling them in this game will appear below this paragraph. If there is no "/whatever name", the original name from more classic Mafia games will stay the same as in this game.

Faction I: Mafia/Fairy Pack

Goon/Fairy: Normal Goon, no special attributes. Discusses with Godfather/Pack Leader about Nightkill among strategizing.

Godfather/Pack Leader: PM's the Game Mod the Nightkill choice, also immune to the Cop's Investigation Ability.

Faction I: Town

Townie: Normal Townie, no special attributes.

Doctor/Fairy Bane: Can choose one player per night to protect from the Mafia/Fairy Pack. Can't protect one person in succession and can't save him/herself more than once.

Cop: Can Investigate one player per night. The Game Mod then PM's the Cop back telling the Cop what role and alignment the player is. Godfather/Pack Leader will always turn up as Townie, however.

Mason: Masons know who each other are from the start of the game and usually come in groups of two. They can discuss with each other through PM's during the Night period.


Do not PM each other about your roles: Mystery and assumption are key elements of the game and it would be no fair if the Townies ganged up and all voted for anybody who's not a Mafia. Lying is fine though. Deception is a key part of the game as well, and a Mafia may lie about being a Townie.

Do not reveal any information after you have died: Revealing information after you have died is simply not allowed. Straight up and simple. There's a reason people are supposed to die and as they say, dead men tell no tales.

DO NOT POST INFORMATION FROM OUTSIDE THE GAME: This is a VERY important rule. Screenshots, user activity, anything that isn't from the Game Thread is not allowed. It COMPLETELY ruins the game and is not to be tolerated.

If you are inactive, you will be Modkilled: Inactive members may or may not be doing it on purpose, but unfortunately, if you do not post at least once every two "Days", you will be Mod Killed and your alignment and role will be revealed.

No Discussion of the Game Outside the Game Thread: This has happened in past Mafia games and I won't allow it to happen here. Basically, you may not use the Shoutbox or PM's to discuss your theories and the like, although Masons and Mafia can do the PM thing at night. It is alright to say things like "I can't wait for the Day to come" or "I really like this game" but having active discussions about your suspicions and theories are not allowed.

DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS! DO NOT EDIT YOUR POSTS!: Hopefully I won't have to type it like that again. This is the Cardinal Rule of Mafia. Editing your posts, even for as small reasons as to fix grammatical errors, is a gigantic no-no. After all, we can't have players make theorems about certain posts and then have the person who made that post go and edit it so that that information no longer exists. However, in the chance that you accidentally click the send button a moment too soon, you may double post in order to continue on with what you are saying.

Voting: Voting is a key element of Mafia, and because of how hectic things can get in Mafia games, it is only natural that there would be a guideline of some sort for voting. You may vote for any player you like and for any reason you like, but you must do so in the proper format which is as follows: Vote: Player X. Of course, sometimes you will want to take back your vote, in which case you unvote in the following format: Unvote: Player X. Also, please bold your votes and unvotes. Sometimes I will not be able to read through everything and simply have to skim. Voting in bold makes it much easier on me to find votes easily and keep a tally.

Posting: There are to be no active discussions in the thread after Night has fallen. Players may only discuss within the thread during the Night, with the exception of Masons and Mafia who communicate through PM's during the Night period.

Common Used Terms and Abbreviations

AFAIK: As Far As I Know
AtE: Appeal to Emotion
BWCS: Best Worst Case Scenario: a policy often taken when there is a claim of a vanilla townie (specifically arguing that lynching a townie who might be scum is the best worst case scenario).
EBWOP or EBWODP: Edit By Way Of (Double) Post. Because actual editing of posts in mafia games is forbidden, the only way to "edit" a post which contains an error is to make another post containing the correction.
GG: (1) Good Guy; a pro-town player. (2) Good Game, used by way of congratulation.
IC: Inexperience Challenged.
IIoA: Information instead of Analysis.
IME: In My Experience
IoA: Information over Analysis.
IwA: Information with Analysis.
IGMEOY: I've Got My Eye On You.
ISTR: I Seem To Remember...
FOS: Finger of Suspicion. Used to indicate that you find someone suspicious but are not going to vote them, for whatever reason (often because you are voting for someone even more suspicious). Cf. HOS, the somewhat more dramatic Hand of Suspicion (very rare). Also FomS, the lesser Finger of minor Suspicion.
LYLO: Lynch-Or-Lose = A stage in the game where the town must lynch scum or they will lose the game
MYLO: Mislynch and Lose = A stage in the game where the town can no-lynch safely. However, should they mislynch instead, it is likely one of the town will die the next night, resulting in a scum victory.
NK: (1) Night Kill. (2) No Kill.
OMGUS: Oh My God! You Suck!. Usually used in the context of an 'OMGUS vote' - i.e. a vote for someone purely on the basis that they are voting for you.
PBPA: Point By Point Analysis: a detailed analysis of (usually one player's) posts.
PE#1: Public Enemy Number One (a player's lead suspect).
PR: Power Role.
QFT: Quoted for truth(ery). Said after a quotation to express agreement/approval.
RQS: Random Questioning Stage, an emerging alternative to the Random Voting Stage for starting a game of Mafia. This has one player posing either a survey to all players or a separate question to each player.
RTFT and RTFD: Read the f*cking thread. Read the f*cking directions. Found often in games with lots of noobs.
RVS: Random Voting Stage. Most Mafia games start with a phase wherein people vote for silly reasons, until someone slips up or makes a legitimate accusation.
Scum: A Mafia member or anyone in general who opposes the Town
SE: Semi-experienced
sus(s): Suspicious.
VI: Village Idiot.
VT: Vanilla Townie.
YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary -- Generally, your interpretation may be different

Alright, now then, let's get this show on the road!

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