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 Got bored so enjoy

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Great warrior
Great warrior

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PostSubject: Got bored so enjoy   Got bored so enjoy Icon_minitimeThu Dec 30, 2010 7:31 am

Name Murr
Race Demi-Chimera
Age 100 (although he appears to be much younger)
Height 7feet tall (2.13m)
Gender Male
Diet meat (nothing sentient) and sometimes fruits and other plants.
Appearance Humanoid figure with the head of a wolf and a three snake tales. Black fur covers his entire body and his eyes are gold. His hands and feet both have 2inch (5.1cm) claws.
Equipment very basic inexpensive clothing
Attitude Despite the more fearsome personality that you would expect when seeing him he acts quite the contrary. He has a peaceful hard to anger attitude like most of his kind. It’s unique to note that he tends to treat other creatures he befriends to some degree like a pet. It is important to note though that he doesn’t do this out of a sense of superiority it’s just how he acts.
Abilities like all demi-chimara he is able to some degree alter the probability of future events. He also has the power to give powerful curses to those who anger him. He also possesses a small talent for psionic unlike many of his people though. These abilities however are undeveloped and require physical contact with the person he attempts to use them on.

Backstory: find out rping with me
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Mara's snack

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Join date : 2009-05-05
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PostSubject: Re: Got bored so enjoy   Got bored so enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm

I can imagine the 'peaceful to hard anger' attitude is situational and depends on the person they're talking to as well. It seems contradictory at first when you read it, and I know that there will probably be some picky people who will nail you for that.

However, don't try to be over specific, it can lead to plot holes and computational errors.

You will also want to make a history at some point, but don't be over specific. A bio is a frame of reference, and not a story. No need to make the history like 5 pages long. (when you do get around to it)

Also, not many demi-chimeras, which makes this pretty interesting already.
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Great warrior
Great warrior

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Join date : 2010-12-15
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PostSubject: Re: Got bored so enjoy   Got bored so enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 1:35 pm

I primaraly made this character for rp purposes so I don't realy want to have a history right there for everyone to read (I realy don't like metagaming). Also it is still in development for the most part. In regards to the attitude the wiki said they are hard to anger so thats where I got that from and am not going to take that overbord. (ex if a naga tries to eat me for some reason bad things are going to happen to it. Very very bad things). I decided it would be fun to play a chimara because of this:
Quote :

Although they are usually human-sized, demi-chimeras are rarely bothered by predators at all. This is because of their frightening ability to manipulate and alter, to a certain extent, the probabilities of future actions.

This means, for example, that a demi-chimera will never fall into a trap. If you ever manage to piss one off they can give you terribly bad luck. All the things that could go wrong WILL suddenly go wrong, along with many you didn't expected. It's like having the universe against you,

Question: Do you know any areas in Felarya where Demi-Chimeras are known to live?
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Mara's snack

Posts : 4158
Join date : 2009-05-05
Age : 36
Location : Shatterock Caldera

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PostSubject: Re: Got bored so enjoy   Got bored so enjoy Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 pm

Yes, that's good. I dislike being bound by having to put a history up, but if you don't there's no sense of character development ever having taken place. (That's why I prefer to write stories)

As I'm aware of it, they live mostly in Deeper Felarya, and larger versions would potentially exist within The Abyssal Forest beneath the Shatterock Caldera.

Keep in mind Shatterock Caldera isn't exactly canon, but I wont let it be forgotten! Very Mad
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PostSubject: Re: Got bored so enjoy   Got bored so enjoy Icon_minitime

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