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 Blaztastic Ideas

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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Blaztastic Ideas   Blaztastic Ideas Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 2:05 pm

Figure I might as well post SOMETHING. . . I'm not planning for this creature to in any particular region as of yet, I could use some help with that.

Lerian's Flying Gorilla

Size: 10-15 feet
Threat: Moderate

Large ape-beasts that possess powerful wings. One may not realize it at first, but these creatures are in fact capable of flight and great agility. They are highly cautious and will not attack unless directly threatened or gestured to in a threatening manner. If they get into a scrap, they're resort to either supervising them with their muscular forearms or landing on them after archiving a certain flight ceiling.

Most hunt alone, catching prey or gathering fruit to be carried high up into their nests. These nests are huge cages made of branches and large leaves, able to hold about 10 to 20 flying gorillas. When seen from below, they would look like big bulbous growths on a tree.

Sometimes flying gorillas will be outcast from their family clan due to a food dispute. These lonesome exiles will wander about on their own where they are highly prone to aggression. Eventually they will link up with another clan or die from getting in over their heads with other powerful creatures. On rare occasions, some build their own personal nests and live out their life in solitude.

Some of these ones will get bored of their lonely disposition and will kidnap "pretty things", namely human and neko maidens. They will not engage in "unsightly" acts with their new pets, rather they keep them for company. More inquisitive flying gorillas can attain the ability of speech, as in the case with Dr. Hyda Lerian. After being held for several months by a gorilla, she was able to "educate" her way of its possession and document her findings on these creatures.

Last edited by Blazbaros on Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:30 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Blaztastic Ideas   Blaztastic Ideas Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 2:11 pm

Well, it kind of reminds of the bloodclaw apes to be honest, in regards to the rage. I'm not sure where they'd fit in, but as long as it's forested it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe if you switch something out for the rage then it'd be pretty good.

Oh, and welcome back to the forum Blaz ^_^
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Blaztastic Ideas   Blaztastic Ideas Icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 2:31 pm

Yeah, it does seem quite reminiscent of Bloodclaw Apes o: I'm sure it's possible to make them more original, since I think the idea of flying primates is interesting XD

But yeah, glad to see you're posting again ^^
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Blaztastic Ideas   Blaztastic Ideas Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2011 5:41 am

I personally don't see much connection about Bloodclaws, other than both are apes. I tend to see Bloodclaws in a permanent state of rage, who are rare at first, but swarm once in a blue moon.
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PostSubject: Re: Blaztastic Ideas   Blaztastic Ideas Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2011 4:08 pm

honestly i think its a good idea,
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PostSubject: Re: Blaztastic Ideas   Blaztastic Ideas Icon_minitime

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