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 Ferro Sprites

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Black Hole Fragment
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 5:10 pm

Quote :
so basicly, your saying from the preds perspective: screw you humans, I am bigger then you and better in every way

Being 16 times someone's size does tend to make you bigger, heavier, stronger and faster than then. That is just part of the whole, being giant, thing. Its like the difference between a housecat and a tiger. One of them is bigger, stronger, faster, and will usually win in a straight-up fight. Im going to let you guess which one that is.

Quote :
and also saying humans and others CAN'T use magic to even the odds?

SOME humans can. But they are a tiny minority.

SOME humans have military-grade weapons and can kill or hurt preds that way.

Select groups can have a straight-up fight with a giant pred and have a chance. Most cannot. Stealth and knowledge are the average human's best tools to survive.

Felarya isn't a fair world, and it isn't a combat-world.

Quote :
if felarya really does actively keep people from being able to handle themselves, then I have no interest in a place where arbitary decisions mean that humans really ARE worth nothing more then a snack to the nigh invicible, superior pred race.

Why does "90% of humans cannot beat up a 100ft tall, 300 ton man-eating monster" have to equate to "Humans are worthless, yummy snacks". You are putting words in my mouth, and I find it insulting.

Part of the reasons humans can defend themselves AT ALL is because of people like me, like AJ, Gregole, Cauldron and others who have actually made preds WEAKER over the years. Now you can hide from them. Now you have a chance to slip out of sight and get away. Now people with the right weapons, tactics and skills can actually fight back.

Quote :
all your claims that humans can fight back are contridicted the MOMENT something that can be used to actually fight back EN MASSE is suggested

Humans aren't meant to be able to fight back en masse. Felarya is a harsh world, where surviving is a hard-won accomplishment. Its a place you can't just bash your way through.

What can't hurt a pred:
- Pistols
- Shotguns
- Hunting rifles
- Knives
- Swords
- Spears
- Axes
- Most types of common magic

Who falls into the above group? Most people. Average people. Adventurers, mages, bandits, and explorers. They have to use other means BESIDES fighting to survive. Cunning, stealth and knowledge of the world are their best assets. Good luck doesn't hurt either.

What CAN hurt a pred:
- Large-caliber assault rifles
- Beld-fed light machienguns
- Mounted heavy machineguns
- Rocket launchers and other high-explosive anti-vehicle weapons
- Powerful, highly focused magic wielded by only a small handful of mages

Who falls into the above group? A much smaller group of people. Expeditions from offworld, like the Delurans and Miritans. Armies and policing groups, like the Isolon Fist also fall into this group.

The only way to get access to military-grade weapons is to import them from offworld. The only way to have access to excessively powerful magic is through natural talent and/or years and years of dedicated training.

Some humans are perfectly capable of fighting a giant, but these people are a very, very small percentage of the whole.

It isn't saying that preds are awesome!!1111!!!!!1 and humans are worthless snacks. What it is saying is that predators are very large, very strong and very formidable, and you NEED to have the right weapons, tactics and skills in order to stand any chance.

Quote :
but seriously, what is WRONG with everyone here? you wonder why so few people join felarya now? it's cuz of the way new people here get treated like crap, so they leave.

How are people treating you like crap? From what I've seen, you've recieved lots of answers, and been treated fairly civilly. Im sorry this isn't DA, where you can block people who's opinions you don't like, or go "Its just for a RP!" That doesn't work here. We like to actually have discussions, and try to develop the setting.

Quote :
I also suggest this discussion be moved

This is MY thread. I'll discuss what I damn well want to discuss. This topic has already been derailed, and I've been insulted, so Im past the point of caring about the original topic.

Also, what Jeatte said. He put it in a much more succinct way than I did. Nice post, man.
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Black Hole Fragment
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 8:18 am

I really like the idea of Ferro Sprites. It's genius in my personal openion. But the information about the so far has raised a few qustions.

Quote :
Their powers appear to be a form of magical manipulation, instead of being reliant on magnetic fields like the abilities of a Silver Succubus. This allows them to manipulate a wider variety of metals

Is there some metals that are hard or impossable for a Ferro Sprite to manipulate?

Quote :
Something as simple as a ring can become a dangerous projectile suprisingly quickly, should a Ferro Sprite need to defend herself.

The last word of that sentance makes me wonder. Are all Ferro Sprites female?


Other than those two questions, everything else is good.
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Great warrior
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 9:01 am

Black Hole Fragment wrote:
Quote :
Something as simple as a ring can become a dangerous projectile suprisingly quickly, should a Ferro Sprite need to defend herself.

The last word of that sentance makes me wonder. Are all Ferro Sprites female?

rcs619 wrote:
They are born from the mating of a Fairy with a Metal Elemental, and from the mating of other Ferro Sprites of course.
Quote :
the mating of other Ferro Sprites
That would be a no Black Hole.
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Felarya cartographer
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 9:37 am

Black Hole Fragment wrote:
I really like the idea of Ferro Sprites. It's genius in my personal openion. But the information about the so far has raised a few qustions.

Quote :
Their powers appear to be a form of magical manipulation, instead of being reliant on magnetic fields like the abilities of a Silver Succubus. This allows them to manipulate a wider variety of metals

Is there some metals that are hard or impossable for a Ferro Sprite to manipulate?

Quote :
Something as simple as a ring can become a dangerous projectile suprisingly quickly, should a Ferro Sprite need to defend herself.

The last word of that sentance makes me wonder. Are all Ferro Sprites female?


Other than those two questions, everything else is good.

There likely are, yes. Probably highly magical metals who's magical field is chaotic, or just not easy to manipulate.

There are male Ferro Sprites. I just used the female tense because that's what most people tend to think of when Fairies are mentioned.
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Black Hole Fragment
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 11:21 am

Thank you rcs619.
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PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 1:20 pm

I'll ask you both to step back and take some perspective, before more drastic actions are in order.

Cliff, you made your point. Now cut out the proselytizing.
Ike, that's his opinion. If it doesn't do it for you, look for another.
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Felarya cartographer
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 1:34 pm

Stabs wrote:
I'll ask you both to step back and take some perspective, before more drastic actions are in order.

Cliff, you made your point. Now cut out the proselytizing.
Ike, that's his opinion. If it doesn't do it for you, look for another.

Its my thread. I'll say what I want.

Besides, this thread has been civil. No moderation intervention was even required.

You could have just come in to comment on the idea.
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 1:51 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Its my thread. I'll say what I want.
And I'm an appointed moderator, I'll respond appropriately to whatever you do.

rcs619 wrote:
Besides, this thread has been civil. No moderation intervention was even required.
I know exactly how civil you've been, thank you very much. I've read this thread. Hell, I even saved a copy.

rcs619 wrote:
You could have just come in to comment on the idea.
That'd have been irresponsible of me. I can't comment when there's a more immediate issue, and even if there weren't, you know I don't provide feedback unless I've made sure I've got something worth saying.

If nothing else happens on this vein, I'll know I was wrong and you were right, this was a false alarm and I overreacted. If that is the case, you should be hearing my apologies within the week.
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 3:23 pm

My personnal saying: dont be an aisukaiko. Let them debate.

also, ferro sprites are mmh Razz its special. I think it is a lil over the idea of a "new race". some other things have to be included. And about the magic fireball and scale and blabla, cliff is mainly right. "Yeah, go ahead lil tomthumb, cast a fireball that is 10000000000 times your size!" I think it's not that much about scale though...It's more about like...if you can wear it in your hands. I know I didnt use the right words, but I hope ya get the idea.
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Shady Knight
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 3:26 pm

Krisexy26 wrote:
My personnal saying: dont be an aisukaiko. Let them debate.

also, ferro sprites are mmh Razz its special. I think it is a lil over the idea of a "new race". some other things have to be included. And about the magic fireball and scale and blabla, cliff is mainly right. "Yeah, go ahead lil tomthumb, cast a fireball that is 10000000000 times your size!" I think it's not that much about scale though...It's more about like...if you can wear it in your hands. I know I didnt use the right words, but I hope ya get the idea.
More like it wouldn't be practical or safe for them you mean?
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 3:31 pm

it wouldnt be practical Razz
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Temple scourge
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 11:26 am

Krisexy26 wrote:
My personnal saying: dont be an aisukaiko. Let them debate.

You know you could have said something along those lines without insulting Aisu outright. Just saying
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valiant swordman
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 12:53 pm

Are you guys going to get back to ferro sprites at some point? I don't mean to be rude, but I really liked the idea of Ferro Sprites and if you want to argue about the logic and physics behind magic I'm pretty sure we already have a thread for that. My question is would ferro sprites live in packs with other kinds of fairies, or would they only live with other ferro sprites, or are they natural loners?
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Felarya cartographer
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 1:11 pm

EdgedWeapon wrote:
Are you guys going to get back to ferro sprites at some point? I don't mean to be rude, but I really liked the idea of Ferro Sprites and if you want to argue about the logic and physics behind magic I'm pretty sure we already have a thread for that. My question is would ferro sprites live in packs with other kinds of fairies, or would they only live with other ferro sprites, or are they natural loners?

Ferro Sprites tend to be kind of rare. There may be a few Ferro Sprite only packs, but I imagine that, for the most part, they just mix in with other types of Fairies.
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 1:30 pm

Or like ferro sprites is a way a fairy has to be born, sort of like how you have to be born an albino or a herm, but less awkward and more frequent. So ferro sprites would be more of a "condition" and highly respected because it'd be a rare ability not many have. Something along those lines.
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Felarya cartographer
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 1:34 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Or like ferro sprites is a way a fairy has to be born, sort of like how you have to be born an albino or a herm, but less awkward and more frequent. So ferro sprites would be more of a "condition" and highly respected because it'd be a rare ability not many have. Something along those lines.

Read the OP.

They're a fairy/elemental hybrid, like Dusk Nymphs, Storm Sprites and Frost Sprites.

They're born from the mating of a Fairy and a metal Elemental. Or from two Ferro Sprites mating.
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 10:39 am

Krisexy26 wrote:
My personnal saying: dont be an aisukaiko. Let them debate.
Out of respect for this thread, I'll get back to you on that in private.


You asked about the idea itself. Let me see if I can try to be constructive.

rcs619 wrote:

Ferro Sprites are another species of Fairy/Elemental hybrids. They are born from the mating of a Fairy with a Metal Elemental, and from the mating of other Ferro Sprites of course. Due to the rare nature of Metal Elementals, Ferro Sprites tend to be one of the less common Fairy/Elemental hybrids.
Contingent as this is on accepting metal elementals to exist, we'll assume we do for the sake of argument. That said... nothing fairies will marry (in this case, marry is an euphemism) surprises me anymore.

rcs619 wrote:

Like Storm Sprites and Frost Sprites, at first glance, a Ferro Sprite does not look all that different from an average Fairy. Their skin can come in a variety of colors, although Ferro Sprites tend to have a somewhat tan complexion. Their hair also comes in a variety of colors, usually darker, more earthy colors like black, and brown. Red, bronze and rust-colored hair are also fairly common shades as well. Some Ferro Sprites have been known to have silver hair, but this seems to be the rarest hair color among their species.

The easiest way to identify a Ferro Sprite is by the metallic sheen that can be seen in their hair, eyes and wings, due to the higher metal content of their bodies.

For their insect-like features, Ferro Sprites tend to favor moths, in both their wings and antenna. The wings of a Ferro Sprite have been known to be especially pretty, when their natural metallic sheen is mixed with the highlights and markings found on their wings.
Alright, nothing seems to be wrong with this, at all.

rcs619 wrote:

As would be expected, given what one of their parents is, Ferro Sprites are able to manipulate and control metal at will. Their powers appear to be a form of magical manipulation, instead of being reliant on magnetic fields like the abilities of a Silver Succubus. This allows them to manipulate a wider variety of metals, as well as control them in more complicated ways.

These abilities make them, along with Storm Sprites, extremely dangerous for humans who rely on technology. More than a few Fairy hunters have had their rifles spontaneously disassemble themselves and fall to pieces in their hands when they mistook a Ferro Sprite for a run of the mill Fairy. It should be noted that the range of influence of a Ferro Sprite's magic is somewhat short, in comparison to similar magical abilities like Geomancy or Hydromancy. Attacking a Ferro Sprite up close is highly discouraged. In all likelyhood, you'll just end up with a perfectly good sword tied in a knot, or worse.

Like nearly all known species of Fairy, Ferro Sprites also posses the species' unique size-shifting magic as well.
Non-magnetic metalokinesis...? Sounds cool enough for me, though it doesn't sound like a property of any metal. Have you considered giving them any abilities you'd consider a metal elemental likely to have? This ability is restricted in absence of metal, and metals tend to rust, specially if not cared for properly, which seems nigh-impossible to do in absence of, well, all the trappings of civilization.

rcs619 wrote:

Ferro Sprite personalities run the usual gamut you tend to see with sentient species. In general, they tend to be a bit hot-headed and stubborn at times, and most have a strong competative streak. That competative streak sometimes can be taken advantage of by a quick-thinking human. There are a few stories floating around the watering holes of Negav of people who have avoiding getting eaten by a Ferro Sprite by challenging her to various contests, and getting the Ferro Sprite so engrossed in them that she completely forgot she had originally intended to eat the human in the first place. As with most Fairy species, Ferro Sprites also have been known to have a bit of a mischievious streak as well.

These Fairies are not an unreasonable bunch though, especially if you have something to offer them. Most Ferro Sprites that do not live in the mountains and/or near natural metal deposits, tend to be pack-rats. They're always looking for more metal to add to their reserves, since their magic is effectively useless if they have nothing around them to manipulate. There have even been some cases of Ferro Sprites approaching human adventuring parties not to eat them, but to simply relieve them of their metal.

One interesting trait that a great many Ferro Sprites tend to share is their love of jewelry and accessories (made from metal they find or steal). Rings, bracelets, circlets and an assortment of other such items can typically be found on a Ferro Sprite's person. These are not just fashion statements, they are also hidden weapons (well, not hidden if you know what Ferro Sprites are capable of). Something as simple as a ring can become a dangerous projectile suprisingly quickly, should a Ferro Sprite need to defend herself.

If I may make a suggestion, the only reason we have metals ourselves is because we make them; pure metals are exceedingly rare in nature, only gold, silver, and sometimes copper, as well as telluric/meteoric iron, as far as I know, net you metals in their 0 state. Most of them require refining of some sort. You could have those fairies make their own metal, just like we do; metallurgy is a fun task when you have nothing else to do, very easy in the case of quicksilver and copper. I'm sure magic can make the process fun, if not educative.

rcs619 wrote:
Just an idea I've had for a while. The recent talk about Elementals made me start thinking about it again. The bio is a bit short, i think, but it seems to cover most of the major points. I've always liked the concept of metal manipulation. My second-favorite type of magic/superpower behind geomancy.
And with good reason, metal manipulation is awesome.

Very well, Cliff. All evidence says I jumped the gun: the discussion seems to have progressed quite well after that. Albeit the discussion wasn't a problem, your attitude seemed to worsen far too fast. I did what I thought best; I felt it was necessary to put a speed bump in the argument, at least as a cautionary measure, before things got out of control. I apologize, I was too sudden, and I made a premature judgement on the situation.
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 10:49 am

I'll turn the other cheek on that comment about me, too much trouble and I don't want to start more drama e_e

As for the idea, it looks pretty solid (get it? Beacuase they're metal? Meh) and the idea of metallic fairies intrigues me so. I dunno why, but I imagine them having thick, rugged, almost manly accents. I guess Scottish? XD

Also, with them favoring metal, would they wear armor or anything similar, or do they just go naked like most fairies seem to do? XD Are they able to use their magic to smith metals into usable shapes, or is the magic not that complicated? o3o
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Felarya cartographer
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 10:57 am

Quote :
Non-magnetic metalokinesis...? Sounds cool enough for me, though it doesn't sound like a property of any metal. Have you considered giving them any abilities you'd consider a metal elemental likely to have? This ability is restricted in absence of metal, and metals tend to rust, specially if not cared for properly, which seems nigh-impossible to do in absence of, well, all the trappings of civilization.

Yeah, its not magnetically-based, like that of the Silver Succubi. Its more of a magical form of manipulation. They're using their magic to directly manipulate the metal, instead of using their magic to generate a magnetic field to manipulate metal. Its in the same vein of magic as geomancy and other such elemental magics.

The metal degrading thing is a good point that I hadn't really thought about. Something about their magic could maybe keep metal from degrading, so long as its around them. That's likely how metal elementals keep from just falling apart. The magic that they send through the metal of their bodies keeps that metal from degrading, rusting and so on.

Hell, that could be a potentially good thing for the Delurans. Maybe they could trade a Ferro Sprite bits of metal, in exchange for cleaning up some of their rusted weapons, and making them new again. It'd be a nice business for the Ferro Sprite too. Deluran metal degrades faster than any other, so they'd be needing her services on a regular basis. lol, if she were really sneaky, she could even leave impurities in the metal to make it degrade even faster. Lots of potential options.

Quote :
If I may make a suggestion, the only reason we have metals ourselves is because we make them; pure metals are exceedingly rare in nature, only gold, silver, and sometimes copper, as well as telluric/meteoric iron, as far as I know, net you metals in their 0 state. Most of them require refining of some sort. You could have those fairies make their own metal, just like we do; metallurgy is a fun task when you have nothing else to do, very easy in the case of quicksilver and copper. I'm sure magic can make the process fun, if not educative.

That is a possibility too, being able to refine raw ore into something better. That's why they are pack-rats though. Good metal is tough to come by in some areas, so they'd need to hoard what they can. Adventurers and exploratory groups would be great to happen across too, since their metal would already be in a refined state, which would save the Fairy some work. But yes, since they're actually magically manipulating the metal itself, I could see them being able to do a wide range of things to it.

Quote :
Also, with them favoring metal, would they wear armor or anything similar, or do they just go naked like most fairies seem to do?

I tried to touch on that in the bio some. Ferro Sprites are fond of turning their metal into accessories. Rings, bracelets, bangles, circlets, and many other things. Its partly because they think it looks good, but there are practical reasons behind it. First, it makes it easier to carry the metal around if they're wearing it. it also means they always have some kind of hold-out weapon on them. You'd be suprised how dangerous something as simple as a ring can be if its flung through the air quick enough.

I could see some of them wearing some clothes as well (since some fairies do seem to be fond of clothing), probably with bits of metal integrted into them as decorations and such.

Lots of ways to go with it, really.

Quote :
Are they able to use their magic to smith metals into usable shapes, or is the magic not that complicated? o3o

I'd planned on that, actually. No complicated moving parts or anything, but simple stuff, yeah. Think Magneto from X-Men II when he took a ball-bearing and stretched it out into a platform to ride on. I know the Ferro Sprite character I plan to use in my series tends to take her metal, and compress them down into ball-bearing like things, which she carries in a pouch around her waist. She just molds, combines and seperates them as needed.
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Felarya cartographer
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 6:22 pm

Restored the text of the OP, with some minor tweaks and such here and there. Let's try to avoid any long-winded arguments in this thread this time around ^^;
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Evil admin
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Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 5:10 am

Mhh so basically they can alter and manipulate anything that is metal ?
This is certainly an interesting species with a trait that you don't expect in fairies but works really well in that case ^^
Technology-advanced species should pray we never see a fairy hybrid that is half Ferro and half storm sprite though lol
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 1:11 pm

Karbo wrote:
Mhh so basically they can alter and manipulate anything that is metal ?
This is certainly an interesting species with a trait that you don't expect in fairies but works really well in that case ^^
Technology-advanced species should pray we never see a fairy hybrid that is half Ferro and half storm sprite though lol

Pretty much. Its a form of magical manipulation, unlike the magnetic fields used by silver succubi. Ferro Sprites can manipulate metal at a base level, and reshape or reform it without needing to heat it up first. Their range and the amount of metal they can manipulate at once is less than silver succubi though. I kind of see silver succubi as brute force, and ferro sprites more as control and finesse.

Lol, let's not even try and go down that path. Fairy reproduction is already wierd enough already XD The prospect of fairy/elemental hybrids, hybridizing with different species of fairly/elemental hybrids just seems kinda crazy.

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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 8:40 pm

I find this very intersting. I cant wait till a story comes up that involes one. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Ferro Sprites   Ferro Sprites - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 9:45 pm

luke112 wrote:
I cant wait till a story comes up that involes one. Very Happy
That a challenge, Luke?

Might be a good idea...
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