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 Felarya is big

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PostSubject: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 1:26 pm

**Image spoiler-tagged for those with smaller screens**

This was actually made a month or two ago. Tangofox and I used the mangas (specifically Crisis' trip to the Chordini Falls), along with the estimated speed of a 100+ foot tall giant, to get an idea at the rough distance between the giant tree and the Chordoni Falls. I think it came out to somewhere between 400 and 500 miles, although Tango may have the exact number.

Basically, I used that estinated distance to size a map of the US to around the proper comparative size. What I discovered is that yes, Felarya is in fact very large.

For people unfamiliar with United States geography, the state of Texas is roughly similar in size to France. I think one is slightly larger than the other, but its close.

Obviously, when you look at this, some things on the map are not to scale. That is necissary in some instances though, since you could not even see Negav or Chiotia City otherwise. If we use my estimate for the range of the Isolon Eye, then that actually makes the commons quite a large area once you realize Negav is much tinier on the map. I kind of like that, personally, as it would give much more room for people to live and work in the commons. It wouldn't suprise me if there were even other smaller villages set up there for protection, similar to the Motamo Docks.


I think the actual geographic scale is mostly fine though. I think even the giant tree is fine at the scale its show as. Its canopy would be like a small country floating in the air, which seems about right considering giant harpies live there, and it has its own lakes and ecosystem.

Either way, I just found this interesting ^^ Really helps give an idea how vast just the known part of Felarya is. I mean, the Jewel River is about as wide as the state of Minnesotta and the Ascarlin Mountains are the size of Arizona, not even including their vertical and subterranean elements.

Last edited by rcs619 on Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 1:30 pm

I love it being large. I actually adore the abovementioned size - it's a nice idea since it makes it harder to escape some specific location...
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 1:37 pm

Yup, I estimated it to be ABOUT 525 miles. But that was a very rough estimation, and I did that math a while ago... Maybe I should do the math again.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 1:38 pm

Took you this long to make the thread? I remember you telling me about this a WHILE ago, man.

Of course, the measurements may be slightly off. You seem to assume that Crisis's speed would be directly proportional to a snake of the same build, despite the human half, and the discrepancies in proportion that would cause. Plus, the terrain isn't regular at all, and that would account for something.

But yes, it'd still be freaking huge.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 1:45 pm

>Michigan overlaps the Lakelands

>Louisiana overlaps the swamps

Can't be a coincidence Razz

But yeah, took ya long enough to make this O:
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 1:54 pm

Quote :
Of course, the measurements may be slightly off. You seem to assume that Crisis's speed would be directly proportional to a snake of the same build, despite the human half, and the discrepancies in proportion that would cause. Plus, the terrain isn't regular at all, and that would account for something.

Actually, we based the speed off a legged giant, since I'd figured nagas probably moved at a similar speed. Maybe slightly slower, but with more endurance.

...and yeah, the measurements won't be perfect, but they should be relatively close. It matched up fairly well with the manga's timeline of her leaving early and then coming back well after nightfall. I think we'd even factored in a couple hours lost due to breaks or rough terrain.

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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:12 pm

It would be important to get a good grip of distances in Felarya, since the stories I write will include a lot of traveling. At the moment, I think the distances I put may be too short. It took several hours for Noghdongs to make it from Negav to the Shard River in my latest story, which I am certain is too short.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:16 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
It would be important to get a good grip of distances in Felarya, since the stories I write will include a lot of traveling. At the moment, I think the distances I put may be too short. It took several hours for Noghdongs to make it from Negav to the Shard River in my latest story, which I am certain is too short.

Yeah, I was kind of shocked too when me and tango started to realize how big Felarya should be, going by the scales and distances we'd determined. I've seen some people treat the known map of Felarya like a country, when in fact, it is much closer in size to a continent. ...and this is only one part of one continent too. I can only imagine how vast the rest of the dimensional plane is.

I like the huge scale though. It makes Felarya a vast and massive place, for everyone of all sizes.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:21 pm

I don't think it would be quite this big. Probably incredibly vast, but if that large, Nekomura would be incredibly far from Negav, which would be problematic to send anyone to pay the tribute as they'd have to camp for a few days.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:23 pm

rcs619 wrote:

Actually, we based the speed off a legged giant, since I'd figured nagas probably moved at a similar speed. Maybe slightly slower, but with more endurance.

...and yeah, the measurements won't be perfect, but they should be relatively close. It matched up fairly well with the manga's timeline of her leaving early and then coming back well after nightfall. I think we'd even factored in a couple hours lost due to breaks or rough terrain.

Yup. We did. I remember. And also factored Crisis's leasurly pace on the way to Chordoni, and slithering as fast as she could on the way back to the Giant Tree.

Last edited by Tango on Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:26 pm

This sure gives you a better understament of Felarya's size. I was figuring it would be really big, but never thought it would be many times bigger than the whole US - just thinking "maybe slightly bigger than the US", but this size makes it many many times bigger.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:30 pm

Should be kept in mind the lack of scale the map has. I mean, Negav isn't really the size of West Virginia. Razz
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:33 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
I don't think it would be quite this big. Probably incredibly vast, but if that large, Nekomura would be incredibly far from Negav, which would be problematic to send anyone to pay the tribute as they'd have to camp for a few days.

Keep in mind, Nekomura and Negav aren't to scale. As long as the ranges of the various Isolon Eyes stay the same, nothing gets too different.

It wouldn't take a few days, since Negav has access to vehicles. It might be an all day deal, but it could be done.

Plus, I kind of like the idea of Nekomura not being RIGHT next door to Negav. They're close enough to be neighbors, but far enough away to be their own city, with their own cultures. I think going anywhere in Felarya should take time, personally. It is a vastly huge place where you can't just walk right down the street, so to speak, to meet your neighbors. It is vast, and most communities are isolated from one another by vast distances.

Quote :
Should be kept in mind the lack of scale the map has. I mean, Negav isn't really the size of West Virginia.

Yeah, but you wouldn't even be able to see Negav, Chiotia or Nekomura if they were to scale. Personally, I'd propose keeping the current estimates for isolon eye range the same, regardless of the true scale of Negav. It would make the Commons become much bigger, with a ton of new potential.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:35 pm

Especially since Negav is supposed to be roughly 90 square miles, so I don't think that Felarya would be as vast as presented, but definitely incredibly sprawling. Also, just to add something, that part of the map isn't even the whole continent, that's just a part of it. There's much more that remains uncharted.
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Keeper of Flat Chests

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:37 pm

It's been said like five times that Negav isn't to scale Razz
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:41 pm

AisuKaiko wrote:
It's been said like five times that Negav isn't to scale Razz

Not including all the times Karbo has said himself that Negav is nowhere near to scale, and is only that big so people can see it on the map =P
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:46 pm

Comes to no surprise really, Felarya NEEDED to be humongous in order to support so many giant things XP
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 2:51 pm

Slimetoad wrote:
Comes to no surprise really, Felarya NEEDED to be humongous in order to support so many giant things XP

Pretty much, yeah.

I mean, legged giants can WALK at around 60 miles per hour (each STEP is going to be covering 30-40ft or more). Harpies can fly around 300-400 miles per hour on a casual flight. We know mermaids can swim much faster than they should, due to some innate unconsious water magic and I don't even know how fast a centaur must be able to run.

If the map isn't absolutely massive, then the preds are going to be fairly packed in and close. It needs to be vast, even to the giants. I think taking about 45 minutes for a harpy to fly from the giant tree to the Chordoni Falls is reasonable, and so is it taking Crisis 12-16 hours to go there, visit, and come back. Felarya shouldn't be a place where anyone can just waltz halfway across the map to visit a friend whenever they want.

Journeys to new areas should be big deals, and have a little weight to them.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 3:17 pm

Not to mention if they were all crowded they would exhaust what food there is avaible pretty quick. And I'd say creatures of that size, carnivore or herbivore, would need really big food intakes

I'm guessing this would make travelling for adventures even longer than anyone would guess
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2011 3:21 pm

While I still maintain that the difference in scale cannot rely on purely mathematical proportions (since I'm one of the rare few that believes the square-cube law should have just a little bit of weight and that predators would be less agile than proportion would suggest), I agree that the map would need to be large just to support even the canon preds, let alone all the unnamed ones.
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Felarya is big Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 12:05 am

Wow, this is really useful, and does change the perspective a bit. o.O I have been making fairly large time allowances even for giant predators to get from one place to another, but I've been quite vague about it due to not having the willpower to figure it out as it's been done here. Probably keep referring back to this from now on.

How long exactly does it take Crisis to get to Chordoni Falls? (I've yet to read any of the mangas sweatdrop)
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 12:23 am

GlobFish wrote:
Wow, this is really useful, and does change the perspective a bit. o.O I have been making fairly large time allowances even for giant predators to get from one place to another, but I've been quite vague about it due to not having the willpower to figure it out as it's been done here. Probably keep referring back to this from now on.

How long exactly does it take Crisis to get to Chordoni Falls? (I've yet to read any of the mangas sweatdrop)

No specific time was given, but it appeared that she left in the morning, and didn't get back until well after nightfall.

Tango and I figured the trip may have been between 12-16 hours round trip, including the visiting time with Vivian and allowences for breaks and slowing down for rough terrain.

Keep in mind, this is all really just guesstimation, but it seems to fit (and personally, I like the larger world scale. Makes everything seem so huge and daunting ^^ )
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 6:42 am

hehe yes that's an impressive map ^^
and this is more or less how I was seeing things indeed. in my mind, Felarya is truly a huge world, with regions the size of countries. However it should be pointed that there are quite a bit of things that are not up to scale indeed . Negav of course, along with various other settlements, but probably also the jewel river ( which would be a little less wide ) and a couple other things.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 9:16 am

Karbo wrote:
hehe yes that's an impressive map ^^
and this is more or less how I was seeing things indeed. in my mind, Felarya is truly a huge world, with regions the size of countries. However it should be pointed that there are quite a bit of things that are not up to scale indeed . Negav of course, along with various other settlements, but probably also the jewel river ( which would be a little less wide ) and a couple other things.

Hmm, I dunno. I think the jewel river is fine, considering how massive everything else is. There are plenty of smaller tributaries and other rivers running around if people want a more reasonable river. The Jewel river, like the giant tree, always seemed like a defining landmark of Felarya, something that showed just how massive and alien a world it was.

Believe it said in the wiki that if you stood on one side of the Jewel river you wouldn't be able to see the other shore.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya is big   Felarya is big Icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2011 9:44 am

We should have more artistic images to portray how big everything is. As is, the map of Felarya is a good reference, but not a good size reference. Am I right?
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