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 Felaryan Math Wizards

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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 12:58 pm

Okay, you've all heard the term "math wizard" reffering to a person with higher-than-average skill in mathematics. But have you ever considered the term "math wizard" to refer to someone who uses the power of mathematics to defend themselves? Well I have, and here's what I've come up with:

A math wizard in Felarya uses the powers corresponding to each number in existence to produce a wide variety of magic effects. Here is the template for the math wizard's main abiilties:

Level 1 Numerics - The main spell every math wizard has in his/her arsenal is one that generates a random number from 1-9. The number generated determines the power of the spell cast by the wizard. This number is usually generated at random, but more skilled and powerful mages may be able to predict or even determie which number will be chosen on their own.

Level 2 Numerics - The spellcaster can generate a second digit using the same spell. The second digit also ranges 1-9. This digit determines which elemental affinity the spell will have, and some elements are re-used to increase their likelihood of being chosen over more powerful elements. I have yet to determine which numbers correspond with which elements.

Level 3 Numerics - The spellcaster can generate a third digit using the spell. The third digit, as the previous two, ranges 1-9. It combines with the second digit to produce one of 18 different special effects, and the first digit determines either the length and/or the likelihood of the effect taking...well, effect. This does however cause the elemental effects of the second digit to not take effect. I have not determined which numbers correspond with which effects. Sanion has also suggested that the second digit should determine the length of the effect lasting and reducing the variety of effects to only 9.

I'd love some help fleshing out this idea, so please, any thoughts you have, type them proudly!
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 3:41 pm

These seem more like gambling wizards than mathematician wizards.

All gamblewizards strive for that 777.

Felaryan Math Wizards Smash_Bros_Brawl_Mr_Game_and_Watch_Judge
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2011 11:08 am

/Fish/ wrote:
These seem more like gambling wizards than mathematician wizards.

All gamblewizards strive for that 777.
Perhaps, but doesn't math wizard sound so much better than that? Besides, I still haven't posted/thought out/gotten suggestions for their more advanced abilities yet. The gambling (whoa, deja vu typing this, even the part where I typed "p" instead of "b" in gambling) system is just sort of how they start out, as less powerful math wizards don't have control over the numbers, they can only use the powers associated with them. My thought is that as they become more skilled and powerful, the wizard can determine which number(s) appear(s) on their own.
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2011 1:41 pm

Felaryan Math Wizards Demotivational-posters-ok

Now more likely then ever! Shocked
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeTue Nov 01, 2011 12:52 pm

>.< This is a serious idea here! If you're not going to help contribute, don't post!!
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 11:23 am

Easy there, Nyaha. Easy with the ArchVille until you've found the BFG 9000.

In the meantime, let me say that as it is right now, you've got 81 possible spells at 9 different power levels. Or rather, you've got 9 possible spells in 9 possible elements at 9 different power levels. This leaves those math wizards at 729 different possibilities, if we consider all those things. And I'unno if that's all that interesting. 9 spells don't look all that interesting, even if we could get a random element each time and maybe a fwackoom of biblical proportions and maybe a bang flag.

Try looking for something more interesting about maths than multiplication. Exponents, differentials, integrals, vectorial calculation, cross and dot products, matricials, series ad infinity, mathematical paradoxes, the sorta stuff they make us engineering students grind like crazy for two years. The Calculator class in Final Fantasy Tactics had some interesting concepts, you might want to take a look at a walkthrough to see if it inspires you.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 12:51 pm

Stabs wrote:
Easy there, Nyaha. Easy with the ArchVille until you've found the BFG 9000.

In the meantime, let me say that as it is right now, you've got 81 possible spells at 9 different power levels. Or rather, you've got 9 possible spells in 9 possible elements at 9 different power levels. This leaves those math wizards at 729 different possibilities, if we consider all those things. And I'unno if that's all that interesting. 9 spells don't look all that interesting, even if we could get a random element each time and maybe a fwackoom of biblical proportions and maybe a bang flag.

Try looking for something more interesting about maths than multiplication. Exponents, differentials, integrals, vectorial calculation, cross and dot products, matricials, series ad infinity, mathematical paradoxes, the sorta stuff they make us engineering students grind like crazy for two years. The Calculator class in Final Fantasy Tactics had some interesting concepts, you might want to take a look at a walkthrough to see if it inspires you.
It's funny you should mention that. I have been considering the abilities that geometry would add to their arsenal. So far I have "being able to make shapes". I'm not entirely sure how I can flesh that idea out though, I'm a little stuck. :/ BTW, all that other stuff you're talking about is waaay over my head. Sad
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2011 3:45 pm

Okay, on to subject two: Geometry! ^_^ Now doesn't the ability to make basic shapes sound useful? I was thinking at lower levels, the average math wizard would be restriced to two-dimensional shapes and would not be able to make any of their dimensions more than the wizard's own height, though with practice, they would be able to summon more than one shape at once, and be able to construct things or weapons with them. I would also wager that two-dimensional objects would be quite sharp-edged. At higher levels they'd be able to make them bigger, as well as go into three-dimensional shapes. This would allow the math wizard to create a wider range of objects and weapons, like a hammer using a couple of cylinders, perhaps? And as I said, this is a sort of serious idea, so feedback and some help fleshing it out would be nice, thank you. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2012 5:33 pm

I.........don't really see the point.

The only Mathematical process I would deem useful in battle would be things like probability in the use of 'cause and effect' If you can use probability to calculate what the chances are an particular attack would be greatly effective on an opponent depending on many variables and constants depending on the target in question, such as apparent weakness in physical and mental characteristics and while you are at it you could work out what their most likely reaction would be so you can then start planning an counter attack.

Also having an understanding of mathematical physics could help, you can cast effecitve spells after you esimated things such as as velocity of attack, resistance, gravity, weight of the target and so on. Enemy hiding around a corner? Just calculate the angles and fire an attack that bounces off the opposite wall and around the corner hitting where he most likely is hiding.

Winona, the character I am currently writing stories about, thinks like that all the time, except she isn't the physical sort. She does all the calculating and lets others do the physical stuff

granted that characters that are badass by using Analysis have been around since Sherlock Holmes, but it makes much more sense (as it does in real life) than wizards using gambling methods, that's not real math. That's just putting faith in chance and hope lady luck is on your side.
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PostSubject: Re: Felaryan Math Wizards   Felaryan Math Wizards Icon_minitime

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