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PostSubject: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 7:17 pm

Name: Saskia
Age: 40 (general age appearance, range from late teens to early 20s)
Gender: Female
Species: Unclassified shape shifting humanoid
Default Height: 5'6
Default Weight: 120lbs
Default Eye Color: Dark Red
Default Hair: Black (shoulder length)
Default Skin Tone: Ghostly white
Clothing/Equipment: Often seen wearing stolen clothes, but has an fondness for white vest dresses
Diet: Anything that will go in, Tinies and small fairies being her favorite

Though Saskia has no magical skill, she has a few unexplainable abilities that seem to inherit to whatever species she belongs to. She has limited ability to change her appearance. She can change skin tone and texture, the color of her hair and it’s length, The color of her eyes, Her height up to 6,4 at tallest and 4,0 at shortest, breast size and change the tone of her voice. She can replicate characteristics of human like species, such as growing ears to look like a neko.
Despite all these changes, she can’t replicate a specific person down to the letter. The skeletal structure of her face is always constant. So if someone was to see her in two different disguises, they might not recognize her from the first time, but might have a weird feeling of déjà vu.
When not disguised her general apperance is rather ghost like. Appearing like a normal young female human except for extremely white skin, red eyes and untidy black hair that doesn't reflect much light.
Has the ability to phase through organic mass, such as living creatures and plant life. This ability doesn’t extend to manufactured or treated materials such as plastic or metal however. So many weapons like blades and guns can still penetrate.

At first appearance Saskia appears to have a bubbly personality. And many of her victims seem to believe she is nothing more than an oddly upbeat girl, however this layer covers her sinister intentions. Often likes to talk incessantly, sometimes out of excitement although sometimes it appears she does so to distract her victims, much like a salesman making a pitch.
Due to her abandonment as a child by her adoptive human parents and general mistreatment by other humans, she has a passive aggressive attitude to them. She wouldn’t physically harm one herself, but more likely trick them into being eaten by another creature. She particularly has a hatred for her mother who she hasn't seen since she was a child, but often thinks of her as a monster. It is commonly believed that Saskia once had a different name, given to her by her parents. But whatever that name was is now lost to time as Saskia out of spite for her parents droped the usage of it, picking a new name for herself after reading about an character called 'Saskia' in a novel
For a being that has lived by herself in a forest for most of her life, she is surprisingly educated and cunning. Before her life in exile she was already capable of reading and so often steals books among with other things she takes from the supplies of her victims. This has a profound effect on her understanding on the world around her, for example she wouldn’t have a great grasp of how technology works, as it is very rare that travelers would take with them books with full instructions to work complicated gadgets and weapons outside the occasional basic how to guide. But she would understand basic human concepts from novels she has read, as many people traveling are more likely to take fictional works to read as a past time. Saskia particularly loves fiction and reads any stories she chances upon.
Saskia has also taken an interest in drawing, stealing any drawing supplies she comes across. She likes to draw flowers, as they are very pretty, something she feels she isn't. After observing her reflection in a stolen hand mirror, she started drawing characters with the same facial features as her, reflecting a desire of a community that would accept her.
Not used to social contact, Saskia isn’t used to sharing her feelings. Which might explain the bubbly and mischievous exterior. She would rather express those elements rather than talk directly about her mother, or show someone her drawings. When asked about those sort of things she might regress to a child like mentality.
Saskia of course has no experience in relationships, and therefore her expression of sexual desire is more animalistic. What little she has learned of human relationships only come from romance novels and pornography. So she has hugely exaggerated and unrealistic expectations of them. But since she doesn’t like humans very much she never took a romantic interest in them anyway…until she met Kyle.

It is believed that Saskia was found, as a baby in the forest by those would become her adoptive parents. As an infant Saskia's skin had a slight pinkness to it and her eyes were blue. Therefore she was mistaken for a pale human being and was taken home to the nearby fairly newly established Deluran colony

As any toddler, Saskia loved her parents and clinged to them where ever they went. too shy to try to make friends her age. This was when she started to take an interest in drawing and reading, showing skill from an early age.
At around five years of age, her skin went completely white and her eyes slowly turned red. Invoking fear into the humans around her, though her mother defended her saying it was a condition. By seven years of age she found she could change her appearance and tried changing her features to that of the people she wanted to impress, particularly her mother. This only furthered the fear of her, even her mother started to worry about her presence.
Outcasted as a demon, the villagers convinced her mother that she posed a threat so they lured her out into the forest and tried smothering her from behind while she was distracted. In a panicked state Saskia unwittingly activated her phasing ability for the first time and escaped their grip on her and fled into the forest and didn't dare go back.
To make her day even worse, while in the jungle a Naga quickly devoured her. After a while She figured to use her phase ability to escape it’s stomach, however this event among with the earlier attempt on her life had a toll on her mentality. She became obsessed with the idea of swallowing live prey herself and decided digestion would be the perfect punishment of humanity and anyone else that mistreated her.

Last edited by DarkOne on Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:21 pm; edited 14 times in total
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 8:14 pm

So, is she a dusk nymph? or another kind of fairy?
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 8:53 pm

Well after checking out Dusk Nymphs I can say she isn't one of those. I didn't really want to nail down exactly her speices so she can have an ambiguous and surreal nature, as a predator I think the less you know, the more unpreditable she seems. And if there was one defining nature Saskia has, it's unpredictability.

Last edited by DarkOne on Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 8:57 pm

Is this a self-insert character to any degree?
Does she have a backstory in the works?
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 9:05 pm

I would be rather disturbed to think she is a self insert
She is much more talkative, expressive, sneaky and manipulative than I would ever be, at least I hope I am not anything like that! XD

A back story might develop over time, but even if one did it would likely be ambiguous, like a myth or a ghost story. It's very unlikely that Saskia would tell the truth about her background, it could just be another trick.

I guess when it comes down to it, her character through her actions and behaviour is more interesting to me than a historical background
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 9:33 pm

Vaguely speaking then, what sort of physical form does she take? Does it resemble a fairy? A neko? Satyr? I understand wanting to be mysterious (and that's good. could even be creepier, which could be better in felarya), but some description her physical form, at least vague, might leave a better impression, and be easier for people to draw her if that possibility arises.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 9:47 am

Well I just skecthed out a drawing of her last night (laptop was down, had alot of free time) so people can use that as a basis if they are really interested in drawing.

But she basicaly looks like a normal human. Though having some control over her appearance, I guess it could be fun if people wanted to try doing her in different styles. She can disguise herself as a Neko for example if she is trying to gain the trust of a Neko and other human sized creatures.

Anyways as I said I have a drawing of her so I'll put that up.

Edit: I've adapted the bio, I came up with a myth like background that I thought suited her.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 5:30 pm

I'll admit right off that I might not be the smartest person here, so don't take my advice without a second opinion, or just because I said it. Make sure to think for yourself, too.

First, you seem to have neglected the general makeup of the information box that most characters have in their bios. Tip number one: Consistency is useful. I would try to adhere to things like this for future bios.

I'll say that mysterious backgrounds and backstories, well, I see them as cliche, but you seem to have done a very good job at it. That and I can be easy to impress. ^_^

Quote :
And after observing them eating live prey causes her to quickly develop a addiction to vore.
This sentence is grammatically incoherent. My personal proofreading edit would have it read something like, "And what's more, observing them eating live, sentient prey has caused her to quickly develop an addiction to vore."

Quote :
She comes to like to swallow things alive...
Another grammatical error. Should read, "She has come to like swallowing things alive".

Quote :
Though cruel, not necessarily evil.
I think this might be well changed to, "Though she can be cruel, she's not necessarily evil."

Quote :
Doesn't seem to be digestable, as many have tried.
Around here, this is widely seen as a form of godmodding in characters, and is something character creators should really try to avoid in Felarya. What's more, you don't seem to have given her any other weaknesses in order to compensate, meaning that she can't get in trouble, which makes her less of an interesting character.

So that's all I have to say so far. Hope it helps! ^.^
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 6:59 pm

Okay I'll make the grammer corrections, when i did introduce myself I did say I was an artist, at no point did I ever claim to have any talent in writing ;P

Yes mysterious backgrounds are cliche, but often work better than the opporsite where we know everything. For example, wasn't Darth Vader much cooler before we learned that before he went dark he was a bratty git from the planet Tatooine?

Yes I was aware of the potential Godmodding, but to make make my character unkillable wasn't my intention. It's just there so she can indulge in her morbid vore fantasies and not die within seconds as direct result. As a twist I wanted a recurring character that does both eating live prey as well as being eaten.

She isn't godlike though, mabye I should of pointed that out more explicitly. She can almost be killed in any other way if quick enougth, her phase skills are not automatic and she has to be aware of something that could kill her in order to activate. Say if a gaintess decided to stamp on her instead on eating her, well she's dead if she didn't see it coming, or if someone decided to chew her to a pulp she could die if she didn't expect it. She can be shot, cut, blown to peices too as they normaly involve the element of surprise too. I indicated she can only move through thin solid masses like fleash, so stick her in a thick metal or concrete container and she is stuck.
When you are dealing with an unpredtiable character like Saskia, doing something she woulden't predict is the best weapon.

I was actaully pondering this earlier too, and decided she should have a few random and humourous phobias, like owls, the way they twist their heads freak her out.

In the end though, she was created to be a darkly comical character based around the concept of vore. So her siturations would be comical and vore based in nature, mostly how she manipulates and tricks people into death by digestion. I did not create her specifically to go into conflict and try to kick ass. She doesn't really understand the concept of killing before eating and is sickened by other forms of voilence.

God I hope the spelling is correct here, my spellchecker is being evil lately and skips many mistakes regardless of what I set the langauge settings to
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 9:46 pm

Well, to be frank, if you're going to dodge the background, dodge the looks, dodge the details, maybe you'd be best served if you dodged making a character sheet entirely. Seems to me that you've got what you want to do with her pretty much nailed, so, you know, you're not required to make a sheet in the first place, specially if all you've got to attach to it is a bombastic personality and a phasing ability on a protean body.

You could just jump right in and get to writing: I do that with most of my characters, and when I post the sheets, it's because they've died while you weren't reading. If your intention is to roleplay, well, most roleplays don't exactly carry far-reaching consequences; it's pointless to get a voreproofing ability. You just stop playing a particular game if you get eaten, then get up alive and kicking in time for a different meal in a different game.

So if you're going to keep the phasing, make it count! Don't have Saskia just survive, have the freak crawl out and then lay on their bellies looking intensely into their eyes, put the ear down on their skin to listen to the cries of the poor saps who didn't have the sense to be born able to phase out of things, hell, I'm expecting long littanies about the wonders of the digestive system that make 'em preds freak out because all they wanted was a morsel, not a happy mealTM with an educative public service announcement.

Likewise with the ability to customize her looks. I'm sure you know at least as much as I do about the ways to freak someone out just with the way you look, and the world of bizarre perversions that comes with the territory of transformative powers.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSat May 12, 2012 5:41 pm

Name: Winona Galen
Age: 40 (Born Felaryian so she stopped aging at 28)
Gender: Female
Species: Neko
Height: 6'0
Weight: 137lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: White (Long)
Skin Tone: Tanned
Clothing/Equipment: A black-buttoned up business suit, white shirt complete with a dark green tie. On top she often wears a black trench coat.
Diet: Tinies

Not a physical person, Winona's skills lie in her ability to plot a plan of attack for others to follow. She gathers whatever information she can gain of her target and then work out how to take advantage of any apparent weaknesses. She has a flair for technology due to her close working with humans, often keeping touch with her colleagues through communication devices and watching the action through miniature video cameras attached on their person. She uses computers to analyze visual data and propose her ideas to the team.

Winona's formal and quite civilized demeanor hides an sadistic and calculating mind. She claims to be one of the best hunter consultants in Felarya (though many are skeptical of this) however her past achievements are hard to ignore. She specializes in capturing intelligent prey and goes about work like a detective capturing a criminal.
She likes to collect mementos of her past prey as a sign of her dominance, ideally an object of high sentimental value. Such as a wedding ring or a childhood toy.
Like many Nekos she loves to eat Tinies, which she loves to overindulge on like a child eating sweets. She likes to save them for later, keeping them in jars and then eat them while on the job. It helps her to meditate, or at least so she claims. This behavior tends to disturb her human colleagues. She varies her eating pattern depending on what she is thinking, sometimes she swallows them whole, sometimes she chews on them for a while like gum and mull a problem over.
She has a habit of viewing people less intelligent than her as inferior, sometimes mocking them for not keeping up with her.
When hired, she often deducts her fee if given liberties, normally a leadership role over a selected group of soldiers and access to their equipment. This is her way of getting people to do her dirty work while she advises from a distance, she claims to do this so she has "A tactical advantage over my targets and also because I am not stupid enough to put myself in direct contact"
Sometimes a shipment of captured Tinies are an condition of her fee being deducted, in some jobs she just prefers if they screw the money all together and just give her a damn huge load of Tinies!
Something else that has passed down from her Rosic Neko roots is a fondness for music, and as she lives with humans she has taken to their music very well. When relaxing she can be often seen listening to a pair of headphones which are pluged into her phone or another device that can play music. She listens to a large range of music, from classical to hip-hop. her favorite song appears to be 'Mucho Mambo (Sway)' By Shaft. She hates rap music though, as she puts it "If I wanted to listen to some guy with a huge ego talk rapidly about his accompaniments, I would just have a chat with the lieutenant"

Winona is well known for the capture of dangerous predators, namely the intelligent ones. Because of this she also doubles as a bounty hunter if particular criminals take her interest.
She was raised within human society, her family already been well settled among them. Winona used to play human strategy games as a child. She took great joy taking part in the Chess Club at the school she was enrolled in, very few were able to beat her. She also liked playing card games, the ones where you win the other players cards if you beat them. This might be where her fondness for mementos came from. A not well known fact is that Winona actually still play these games as an adult, but only with people she considers worthy enough to be a friend. Asking to someone to play a game with her would be like a person asking someone to go to the movies, or even out on a date. She has only ever been in one relationship, and the Neko boy she was involved with always beaten her at games, an skill she was impressed with and aroused by.
Winona started her career after a giant swallowed her boyfriend. Obsessed with getting revenge, she worked out where it's favored hunting grounds were, arranged for a group of explorers to go there (who were oblivious to the true nature of her request) and then waited till the giant had eaten them and fell asleep with a full stomach. She then climbed up on it's resting body and slit it's throat with a long blade, safe in the knowledge that this particular giant went into a deep sleep with a full stomach and thus wouldn’t detect her movements. She still has the canine tooth that she then removed from it's jaw as her Memento. It was after that she decided to continue the line of work. Some claim that her desire for revenge never went away and she simply is looking for another predator to punish. She denies this though.

She has been hired for the capture of Saskia, whom she takes a keen interest, as Saskia is the last of her kind. She won't have another chance at capturing anything like Saskia, so she wants to take the chance as she can. She also admires Saskia's methods of trickery and manipulation, and therefore views her as a challenging rival.

Last edited by DarkOne on Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:25 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSun May 13, 2012 7:25 am

As a character, Winona is, in a few respects, a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of what people generally attempt to go for in a character. The fact that she's not highly inclined to take physical action sets her apart, and the calculative role she takes of a manipulator operating in the background leaves me genuinely interested in possible future works that center around her and her endeavors. Maybe I've not looked hard enough, but from what I can recall I haven't seen a character that assumes such a role, so the uniqueness of it is exciting to me. The abilities section is on the smaller side, but that's not by any means a bad thing. You've made something that has a nice simplicity and is still interesting and overall there isn't a real flaw with any of the section, which is a very auspicious start as that is where most people immediately err.

The personality is also done well enough that I can't immediately discern any flaws. In fact, I like it. A character who has a somewhat cold and detached mentality hidden beneath some sort of pretense isn't anything new, but you've given something otherwise bland enough flare so that it feels to have a degree of newness, and the ability to do such things is exceedingly valuable for a writer. The tendency for memento collection holds a lot of potential in my eyes, as I feel it could really help emphasize to the readers of a story involving her just how great her desire for dominance and how strong her sadism are in actuality, despite the civil demeanor she puts forth. It could make for a great story, one of the sort that really connects with the audience by eliciting some emotional response. The same can be said for her liking of tinies, which is a quality I enjoy in particular because you've ventured so far as to include one thing that is taboo to most; Hard vore. So many people have a distaste (HA,HA) for it that it is tragically underdone despite the reality of the matter being that, in the context, it is liable to occur with some semblance of frequency, if only due to people such as Winona. But the very dislike that is held for it transforms it into a tool that can be utilized to garner an even stronger response from readers, and if it is used well in conjunction with the character's other habits, stories featuring her could be very, very interesting. You did a really good job with the personality, in my opinion.

Now, the only real problem I can find with the backstory, and really the bio as a whole, is the manner in which she goes about killing the giant and collecting a tooth from it. Now, a giant's throat would have a greater width than the entirety of a regular person's body, and the skin would be thicker proportionate to how large they are in relation to a human. What those two facts would make for would be a very, very slow process if one were to try to manually slit the throat of such a thing. And the slower such a process, the greater the chance of something going awry. I feel that no matter how deep a sleep something was in, having its throat slowly cut open would be liable to awaken it. Plus, as for the tooth, giants teeth are....giant, and would probably be exceedingly heavy due to sheer size. Also, a tooth is pretty firmly rooted in the mouth, and with Winona being not too much of a physical person, I'm having difficulty believing she forced it from the mouth of the giant.

I've mulled over the issue a bit now, and in terms of suggestions I'd like to humbly put forward the following; You could perhaps go back and alter the description of the blade and make it enchanted through some means to augment the power it would normally have. I had also had the thought that if, before sending out the oblivious group of explorers to their death, Winona had set them up to effectively be the cause of death in their own right via integrating packs of highly powerful toxins into their standard supplies or sewing them within the fabric of some thicker pieces of clothing (Coats, etc). Then, not only would the Giant have died, but could have possibly had the misfortune to knock into things during its death throes, effectively killing it and dislodging teeth well enough.

Not trying to take charge of the character or anything, those are just some ideas I thought would be decent fixes, or otherwise give you some inspiration to work with when it comes to addressing the complication.

Though there was one issue, it was a relatively negligible one that could easily be fixed by a minor alteration to the background, and the fact that everything else was genuinely well done offsets it even further. You did a really good job with the character, in my opinion, and this is probably the first time in a long time that a character has actually gotten me excited to read things that incorporate it. I believe that if you can maintain this sort of quality, the only way you can go right now would be up, and that's a really great thing.

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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 5:28 am

I can't say much about your first character, but the Neko one is very interesting. As Warrior said, the backstory may need a bit of polishing, but the characterisation is quite well done. Loved the detail on the rap music, it made me laugh so much XD

Also, in the "Clothing/Equipment", you should change "shit" to "shirt" or your Neko would have a funny first impression =P
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 4:29 pm

The fact that you say she 'dislikes rap music' accompanied by the fact that you sited an existing song by an existing artist doesn't work; where Felarya canon is concerned, our instance of 'Earth' doesn't exist and it's discouraged to reference anything that we can find in our world, especially if it is existing because of our world. That's the only thing I have to point out. :3 Otherwise, great work.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 6:47 pm

Well I'll be happy to comply...........once someone gives me a decent reason as to why Earth coulden't exist and therefore can't refer to it.

I mean why not? There's already humans coming from all sorts of places like a plague that won't go away. So why not the ones from earth?

The whole thing about Winona's music preferances is surposed to be humourous. Its not surposed to be serious, It's not going to be major plot point or anything. A cold hearted character like her enjoying 'Sway' and hating rap is funny, it's unexpected. The joke doesn't translate at all well if I had just said she likes a made up song and dislikes another made up song. We have next to no idea what Felaryian songs are like, they don't exist. there's nothing to ground the humour to in order to suggest her bizzare taste in music.
Even if I had a character react to her music in a werid way, the joke comes off cold and forced because the audience doesn't get what's werid about it. I believe George lucas has made that mistake too many times to count.

It's not like I am going to write a stupid story where they go to earth or anything (I am not that dumb) Lets put it this way, Earth doesn't exist in the Felarya universe now, but what if it used to be? It's gone now but reamaining elements of the culture has adapted and evolved by other creatures and spreaded across the stars.

Besides, alot of the humans on Felarya are very earthlike....I mean tanks?.....why would alien humans that are surposed to be from a complete different timeline and universe have technogly adapted from 20th Century Earth? Isn't stuff like that a direct referance? Everthing about tanks, no matter how much you sci-fi them up, will always be a direct link to the 1st world war when they were invented to combat trench warfare. That time period and that environment dictated the very design and appearance of tanks today.
Another example, why would Felarya have Heaven or Hell? that's very suspect to me. Why are they even called the same names as the ones on Earth? Why not something Alien?
I mean you could handwave it off as an coincidence that Fearya human characterstics appear to have earthling characterstics like the usage of tanks, but once you start doing that there's nothing to stop me from saying that it's a coincidence that the humans on Felarya have rap too or there own version of 'Sway' (There's already three versions last time I checked)

Not wanting to be argumentive or anything, but personally I don't want to kill this interesting aspect of her personality and the depth it evokes just because of some vaguely established plot point which seems to me to be nothing but a handwave. If people really take an rejection to it I'll be happy to change it, but it would be sad if that little insight into Winona's taste in music was to be cut out, leaving us with a character we have less in common with.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 8:20 pm

As I said, I liked the joke about the music, but I do have to answer this.

First, you've been told it's discouraged, nothing else. That means, if you don't mind your character straying a bit from the canon, you can leave it like it is.

And second, tanks were first invented by nature, also known as exosqueletons. Just to show you that tanks are an evident development of technology, so evident that even nature has manufactured them. So it's no problem at all to assume any other science-based civilization has come up with a similar design. Rap and other kinds of music are, in the other hand, not so evident, and even less probable one such occurrence that the song matches in title and genre that of Earth without it actually being from Earth.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 9:12 pm

hhmmm....well I wouldn’t want to rule myself out for the chance of my stories being canonized just over a joke. Not that I really care much about being canonized but it would be a shame if that was to be the only thing preventing it.

Okay a work around I just thought of would be if she listened to something that would be kinda like 'Sway' but isn't actually sway, just an Felaryian upbeat song of similar style. Of course in order for the audience to have any idea that this song is upbeat and unlike what is expected of her, I would have to write a scene where she gets so into it that she sings it to herself and I write the new lyrics in as her dialogue XD
Maybe I can change rap for one of the human race's national anthems, they are all bound to have one and those songs are always boastful regardless of where they come from, even if they are fictional. There's enough association there for the audience to understand her dislike and the way she uses it to insult the ego of the lieutenant.

What about Chess though? Is that too much of a earth referance or is that okay? Chess is quite a well Recognized but mystious game, noone quite knows where or when it orginated. So I would of thought that would get a pass. Just thought I would ask anyway

Oh before I forget, those who commented on the background. I wasn't all that happy with it either, but I just wanted to get across the basic idea. That someone she cared about got eaten and she went out for revenge, sacrificing innocents to do so. The exact details are not so important and as pointed out would only be a small change. But I might leave that until I start writing the story itself. I've got a feeling that details on the character sheets will be refined anyways as I work through them in the narrative, seeing what works or doesn't work with the tone and pace. But it's always nice to give people an idea of who the characters are before writing, in my opinion at least
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeTue May 15, 2012 4:21 am

I don't think mentioning it to be "like Sway" to get the reference would be bad. Maybe the experimented writers can provide you with a way to reference to things in the real world without it being too obvios, or something.

And about chess: (http)(://)felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Games_and_Recreation#Hell_Chess
Seems like there already is a "chess", though I bet piece movements and table size would vary from those we know.

P.S.: I can't post links for seven days, so you just need to take out the parentheses.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeWed May 16, 2012 3:47 pm

Name: Kyle Skillen
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Height: 5'8
Weight: 140lbs
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown (Short)
Skin Tone: Tanned
Clothing/Equipment: Casual white Shirt and black pants/Hunting coat and pants along with hunting equipment when out hunting.
Diet: Average Human diet

Kyle's father previously being a hunter in trade means that Kyle also has taken an interest in hunting. Though not being a native of Felarya or similar worlds and haven't been there for very long means he has only experience in hunting prey that wasn't sentient or humanoid, such as small to medium sized mammals. He's due for a culture shock...
Kyle has skill in using hunting equipment, such as hunting rifles and traps.
Due to his father's insistence to take an interest in a more prosperous career, he has taken to the study of magic. While he has a knack for picking magical skills up, his lack of experience means he is quite clumsy in the execution. Any attempt to perform any spell beyond entry level seems to have the unfortunate side effect of him setting his or someone else's clothes on fire.

Kyle originally started hunting as a means to get closer to his father. But this changed when his father had to change jobs. Still Kyle carried on the interest, having already by then got accustomed to it. Often taking his friends out to go camping, down an prey animal and then prepare for it consumption for the complete outdoors experience. As part of this Kyle loves to tell horror stories when they are around a campfire.
Though at a young age, Kyle is already somewhat shaded in his attitudes to relationships, having been through unpleasant experiences in the past. In his own words "It just isn't worth the bullshit that you have to go through"

The job prospects for Kyle and his family back home wasn't all that high following a economic depression caused by a batch of stock broker machines that became possessed and went about changing stock figures for a laugh. Kyle's father, having to change his job for an office related one, often had to take long business trips away from his home planet. While on one of these trips, he was approached by an really nice man who just happened to be a job scout for the Negav Corperation. After the charming fellow brought him lunch, a drink and had a pleasant little chat about home life and family, informed Kyle's father of a planet called Felarya where there was a load of jobs, in fact over there they are just desperate for new employees! Plus over there they are on the cutting edge of technological and magical advancement and the beautiful land is just spewing with magical activity. he did quickly state something about it being a tad dangerous though, but nothing that that an "Talented and courageous family like yours can handle"
Completely sold by the pitch Kyle’s father enlists on the spot and then rushes back home and informs the family of the great news! Kyle wasn't so pleased with the idea of having to move home and leave all his friends behind, and doesn't take to his father's suggestion of enrolling at Isolon university of magic all that well either. But he grudgingly agrees after considering how important this was to his father.
Kyle finds that settling into this new world a bit over his head at times. And after a misfortunate incident where he accidently set his magic tutor's ass on fire, quickly earns himself the label of a trouble maker, though this rises his cool factor among his fellow students and gets accepted by a group of friends because of this misunderstanding.

While camping in the nearby Felaryian forests, he happens to have a chance encounter with Saskia, who quickly develops a crazed infatuation for him…

…may God have mercy on his soul…
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2012 5:46 pm

Saskia's character sheet has been expanded and revised. I kinda figured she still is an enigmatic character regardless, so I decided to give her more juicy details and give more emotional depth to her backstory.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeWed May 30, 2012 7:37 am

Name: Leonious (leon) Constans
Age: 32 (Stopped aging at 28)
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Height: 6'9
Weight: 160lbs
Eye Color: Black (No Iris)
Hair Color: Blue (Shoulder length)
Skin Tone: Slightly tanned
Clothing/Equipment: black suit, the top he wears unbuttoned to show a white shirt with a long blue tie
Diet: Average Human diet, Loves Fruit.

Leonious was born with 'Aniridia' which means his eyes never developed Irises, leaving him only with black dilated pupils. This means he has greatly impaired sight as he has no irises to change the amount of light his eyes take in, leaving him only just able to detect light. He only sees white light, with nearby objects and people appearing as black blurry shadows. As with humans, this means his other senses have strengthened. His reflexes mostly rely on his sense of hearing, smell and touch, these along with his inherited elf senses and abilities allow him to function in the world.
As with many Elves Leonious has a decent skill for magic. His most used spell is turning any written text into the Elf version of braille so he can read it with his fingers. He also has a range of offensive and defense spells.

Growing up with Aniridia means that Leonious always felt he had to prove himself to everyone, which itself is a common elf trait as it is, but with Leonious its taken even further. He is quite sensitive about his condition and tries to live as it doesn’t exist and gets upset if someone probes him too much about it, or suggests that he is not capable. This does mean however he has denied help from well meaning people when he might actually had needed it.
He is employed by Winona to be her “Number 2”. Her leading man of action and for the most part follows what she advises. He partly follows her because of her confidence in him, as unlike others people she hasn’t let his disability make her underestimate him, if anything she claims it gives the sort of perspective she looks for in someone filling the “the number 2” role. He doesn't take things for granted, and she likes that

However this doesn’t mean their relationship is a match in heaven by any means. He is somewhat disturbed by how calculating she is and her methods, and often wonders if he is just another pawn she would sacrifice if it meant she can gain an advantage. He quite often vocalizes his disapproval of her ways, and she in turn criticizes him for not being as free minded as she would like. On occasions he might even ignore her instructions completely and do his own thing, which on occasion has lead to disaster. But despite these sometimes-harsh squabbles, they have a level of tolerance that stops Leonious walking out, and stops Winona from firing him. As Winona puts it

“I am not looking for someone who is obedient without a fault, those sort of people I make clean the crap from the toilets because those people are a Skevol a dozen. I want someone who can think for himself just on the off chance that I am incorrect; as it’s a mathematical probability I would be foolish to ignore. But being said, I also need someone who will at least consider what I’ve got to say with a free mind and not refuse because of some principle based on unfounded insecurities.”

As they get to know each other, the two’s fallouts become less icy, and more like bickering siblings.

Raised in Negav, Leonious has always showed promise, but often let his insecurities get the better of him. Sometimes getting into fights with those he felt were mocking him. Businesses that employ magic users were somewhat reluctant to hire him, in the opinion that a nearly blinded magic caster would be a health hazard.
He decided to survive he had to suck in his pride and apply for a small time job at security, perhaps they would let him be a janitor and keep the place clean. He has a run in with Winona. Who takes an interest in his heightened other senses and magical ability and sees potential, and so she informs him that she is forming a group that investigates “intelligent and unpredictable predators” and is looking for second in command. When he informs her that he doesn’t know much about the outside predators, she laughs and says, “Never stopped everyone else”
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2012 9:22 am

Name: Shaun Finn
Age: Deceased (30 at time of death)
Gender: Male
Species: Neko
Height: 6'0
Weight: 140lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Blond (short)
Skin Tone: tanned
Clothing/Equipment: casual clothes, shirts and pants. Explorer clothing and equipment when out on expeditions
Diet: Tinies

Shaun was always more talented in problem solving than Winona. But was never as manipulative or deceptive, neither was Winona at the time, as that trait in her only really grew after Shaun’s death.
He had a much better flair with technology too, While Winona was always quite savvy with using technology and planning application, Shaun was one of those close to her that had the technology wizardry to actually build them. In their adult lives they would work side-by-side, with Winona and Shaun discussing plans on a level no one else could keep up with, and then Shaun along with Winona’s father (if he was available) would make the plans a reality.
Many argue that in the ten years after his death, Winona eventually surpassed him on most of his skills, never in her presence though as talking about him upsets her.

Shaun shared Winona's penchant for strategy games and this was what brought them close from an early age. He was the only person Winona could never beat.
Also like Winona, Shaun enjoyed the rewards of his winnings. Though in the case in his games with Winona he decided there was no fun in taking all her stuff as she was bound to lose all her valuables as she persisted in trying to defeat him. So instead of mementos he asked for favors or dares. In their childhood this was innocent enough, such as favors like carrying all his school stuff for him, and dares like leaving a pin on the teacher’s chair. As they got older and became more romantically involved with each other this became more sexual.

An early indication of his fondness for Winona was even though he enjoyed beating her every time; he gave her hints and encouragement to help her improve her skills. This very behavior Winona seems to adapt later in life with work colleges she sees potential in, even though she may have been manipulating them, she usually tries motivating them with a somewhat positive rather than dictating attitude.

Shaun and Winona met when they both were seven years old at a school for gifted students. Both their families, while not rich enough for magiocrats to give a care, were at least well off enough and respected in the Neko community to get this education. When the two did meet, Winona was already an undefeatable member of the chess club, a child prodigy in terms of problem solving and strategy, this made her rather arrogant. And so when Shaun, a child prodigy himself, joined the chess club and beat Winona effortlessly in his first game, everyone thought she would throw a fit. But she was actually happy to find someone who was a challenge and became fixated on playing either rematches or play other games with him to find a way of beating him, only to be defeated every time.

As with everyone, their Teenage years were somewhat confusing. Winona, who still hadn't beaten Shaun at any games started to wonder if there was more to her interest in him. Shaun himself was unsure of himself too, as he had gotten used to seeing Winona and wasn't sure if she would hang about if she ever was to win. So he decided to fake losing to see what happens, Winona detected it was a dive straight away and demanded angrily that he explained why he would be so dishonest with her, stating how she felt secure with him as he never lied to her knowledge and he explained his insecurities about her losing interest. Now aware of each other feelings for each other they agreed that they would start a relationship.

When they graduated they brought a place together and worked together in the study of the creatures of Felarya and aided in the development of defensive technologies for use in the Felaryian wilderness, a career that Winona's family was already well known for (Her father having putted together a vehicle design company before her birth, designing vehicles for explorers that could afford them)

When they were twenty-five, Shaun proposed to Winona. However she turned him down as she felt that she "Needed to earn that ring first" and announced that she would agree to marry him when she beats him at a game, and he better not fake it, because she would know.

When they were thirty, Shaun went out of an expedition, Winona decided she would stay behind as she was writing up on a previous project and didn't want to be distracted. While out on the expedition Shaun was attacked and swallowed by a giant, in a twist of fate the incident was actually caused by Saskia, who was trying to befriend the giants by offering them "Treats"

A survivor informed Winona of Shaun’s fate. Heartbroken and devastated she went into a fit of fury and wrecked a lot of the furniture and possessions of the house. By looking over Shaun's notes she devised a plan to hunt down and kill the giant, which she did with coldhearted efficiency, sacrificing other people in order to pull it off.

Unaware of who killed one of their own, the giants blamed Saskia the outsider for provoking the attack. Some even believed that she actually performed the act herself due to her backstabbing ways. From that point on that family of giants targeted her, not as food as they knew of her phasing ability, but to kill outright.

Winona was to inherit the majority of Shaun’s assets as according to his will, something she was never aware of and so she broke down when hearing of the magnitude of his generosity.

After that Winona started to carry on with the work that she and Shaun started, but now she was using her problem solving skills and the research they had produced since their graduation to hunt down predators rather than observe. Her painful memories of Shaun and her competitive nature blending into one, giving her the pleasure of outsmarting intelligent predators and being utterly ruthless while at it.

Winona never knew about Saskia’s involvement in Shaun’s death, and Saskia never found out who killed her giant friend and got her more even more scorn. But Shaun’s death was the catalyst that placed the both of them in their present state, heading for a collision. From that point on it was just a matter of time.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 2:12 pm

Name: Henry Galen
Age: 70 (Born Felaryian so he stopped aging at 28)
Gender: Male
Species: Neko
Height: 6'0
Weight: 146lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: White (Short)
Skin Tone: Pale
Clothing/Equipment: Formal clothing while at work, his pajamas when at home
Diet: Human diet.

Not a voilent person, he is more of a shut in and prefers to work on designing machinary, magic or a combination of both. He has a part of Winona's intelligance that she inherited from him, they just apply it in very different ways.

Henry is Winona's oddball father. A sweet eccentric Neko that obsesses over technology and other things due to his obsessive compulsive disorder.

When he was young he worked around Negav back when the MSD was in control of the law, by the time the new law system came in place he had already worked up into the middle class, working as head of the Galen Corp. He viewed the changes in the law system as an improvement and a sign that good things would follow for everyone, and so somewhat shedded the emotional shell he had built to defend himself and allowed his inner sweet and werid side to flourish.

Nowdays he is naive about how bad things really are for those below him as he now just makes the big decisions for the company and let his associates deal with any other problems as he can be easily distracted.
So with this 'fantasy' of a better Negav in place, he sees the world in very black and white terms. He sees the Government as a much more caring system than what he remembers from "the bad times" and views creatures outside the city as monsters.

Of course this clashes with the world view his own daughter, but he doesn't know that. He is deeply proud that his daughter works for the government, an established figure who on top of that, goes out to rid the world of those horrible murdering abominations. He sees her as a hero that uses cunning for the greater good.

as he is one of the only remaining relative alive on Felarya, he is one of the few people left that Winona actaully cares about. And so she hides the truth from him as it would break his heart and she fears that he would reject her if he knew the exact methods she has employed in order to survive. She often twists the truth when telling stories of her "Grand Adventures" removing any objectable detail.

Winona is always conflicted with her father. Though she coulden't care less about anyone else she has manlipuated, it tears her up inside that she has to do it to him, but telling the truth would surely be worse. So often in this situration, she like to make herself beleive that what she says is true, which is why she would never make up a complete lie, just alter the truth a bit. This way she can enjoy being with her father. She would also buy him gifts and treats to make herself feel better about herself. And take great interest in his work or anything else he wants to talk about.

Henry made a name for himself by working up the employment ladder, working company to company. He remembers how hard this was back in the day. Unhappy with the situration adventurers had to face, he started a small supply company. Crafting and selling items to keep them safe. Simple things at first, and as the company got more money it started producing more creative and complicated devices. The Governement took an interest and gave investment allowing him to create what is now known as 'The Galen Corp' which develops a wide range of things from protective gadgets to vehicles for those who can afford them. He solved the issue of space by making good connections with supply factories on other worlds that would produce the company's products and send them over when requested, while the research is carried out at Negav.

Henry became a self made made neko and became comfortable in the middle class when he was about 30, and he got married and him and his wife had their only child, Winona. Always protective of his "little ball of fur" he made sure she got the best education he could afford. The new law system came just in time as Winona matured into a young woman and Henry felt safe in the assumption that she woulden't have to deal with the same Sordid world that he had to.
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeTue Aug 07, 2012 7:24 pm

I love Winona's backstory! It's a little disturbing in places, but not enough to totally throw me off and it's very original. Some many subjects in one story. @_@ I find her profession interesting. I once thought of making a bounty hunter OC because there isn't fearsome figure like Boba Fett, even Aura Sing for that mater, but now there is!! =D I also love how under powered she is. No magic or any real battle powers. A tech expert instead. Very cool! Also since I love manipulaters this may be a bit bias but I have to say she's at least up with my top 10. All in all a very cool character. I'll have to rest a bit beffore reading any more though. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: My Characters   My Characters Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 2:06 pm

Oh thank you ^_^

Yeah I created someone like Winona to combat the arguement from some Felarya Critics that all the predators in Felarya are Mary sues that can only be taken down by bigger Mary Sues. The point I tried to make was that those assumptions are based on the idea that predators have to be defeated through combat, and that their arguements fall apart if someone defeated them through trickery and traps.

It also means I can focous on Winona as a person, her solutions to problems are all based on her manipulative personality and her creativity, and gives further insight into how she thinks. It makes for a more character centered storyline rather than a story of characters with generic weapons and ablities who's soultions say things about their culture, but nothing them personaly.

As I said before though, that profile is slightly outdated. But the only majar recent change I've recenty done is that Winona no longer works freelance, but works full time as an hunter consultant agent for Negav Security. But her job is pretty much the same. It just made more sense to me that Negav would want Winona on their side full time as she would be quite an asset rather than employing an outsider.
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