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 Creating basic character information boxes for all species.

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Shady Knight
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 1:46 am

(I apologize in advance for the size of this post, but I felt that completeness was warranted in this case. Even so, there is at least one character that isn't in this table, because he isn't a member of any of these races.)

So, if you have looked at one of the character descriptions on the wiki (if not then look here), you will have seen the box that contains basic information about each character. I noticed that while each character has different information in the box, the fields in the box are the same for characters of the same species.

My idea is simple: lets create boxes for every single species. All the boxes seem to contain about 7 fields: name, species, sex (gender), height (length), hair, eyes, and then one species specific field that describes something that is unique to their species. This is the field we care about, something that should be unique for each species but still vary from member to member of that species.

Here is a list of all the species in the Wiki, and their what their field is, for those species that have characters in the wiki. What should the other species field be, or are there any fields that you think should be included for all characters? I for one thing that "age" should be a field for every character.

How to read this table: the leftmost column contains the names off all the races in Felarya, and their sub-races. The next column over contains a character's name (if there is a character of that species in the wiki) and the "Most common field", which is just an easy way to keep track of what field is most common amongst characters of that race. The rightmost column is the special fields each character has.
I am so glad I wrote a program to do most of the table layout for me, I would have gone insane trying to do it by hand. Smile

Species with a green background are ones who have already been "updated".
Species and sub-speciesCharacter nameThe special field(s) they have
AngelsMost common field isWing color
Markiewing colour
Purifer AngelsMost common field is?
Defiler AngelsMost common field is?
CentaursMost common field is?
Zebra CentaursMost common field is?
DeerataursMost common field is?
ChlaenasMost common field is?
CecaeliasMost common field is?
Kraken CaeliasMost common field is?
VetaelasMost common field is?
NihlmarrethsMost common field is?
CepiasMost common field is?
Glass CaeliasMost common field is?
DriddersMost common field isAbdomen color
VioletAbdomen colour
GerridisMost common field is?
Trapdoor DriddersMost common field is?
Bolas DriddersMost common field is?
Naxyla DriddersMost common field isSkin color
Artemiaskin colour
ArgyronesMost common field is?
DryadsMost common field isAge
Bramble DryadsMost common field is?
Shadow DryadMost common field is?
FaebanesMost common field is?
Swamp DryadsMost common field is?
MycodryadsMost common field is?
Cactus DryadMost common field is?
AlguanesMost common field is?
Snow DryadsMost common field is?
Domesticated DryadsMost common field is?
ElementalsMost common field is?
Nature ElementalMost common field is?
Wood ElementalMost common field is?
Flora ElementalsMost common field is?
Water ElementalMost common field is?
Vapor ElementalsMost common field is?
Air ElementalMost common field is?
Darkness ElementalsMost common field isBody
Earth ElementalsMost common field is?
Fire ElementalsMost common field is?
Lava ElementalsMost common field is?
King TrazixNone
Lightning ElementalsMost common field is?
ElvesMost common field is?
Scarlet ElvesMost common field is?
Phantom ElvesMost common field is?
Mist ElvesMost common field isAge, Skin color
Kahlaskin colour, age
FairiesMost common field isWings
Melanywings, other characteristics
Temiwings, other characteristics
AlvarWing style
Ayawings, other distinguishing features
Water SpritesMost
common field is
Crimson MaidensMost common field isWings
Mist FairiesMost common field is?
Canopy FairiesMost common field isWings, Other characteristics
SubetaWings, Other characteristics
Storm SpritesMost common field is?
Dusk NymphsMost common field is?
Frost SpritesMost common field is?
HarpiesMost common field isColor of feathers
Ericaskin colour, colour of feathers
Belletiacolour of feathers
Demon HarpiesMost common field is?
Rock HarpiesMost common field is?
Golden HarpiesMost common field is?
Seagull HarpiesMost common field is?
Wrath MaidensMost common field is?
Lamina HarpiesMost common field is?
TrochiliMost common field is?
BansheesMost common field is?
SledgewyversMost common field is?
HumansMost common field isAge
Léaother characteristics
Captain Pal Sebritage
Manda KugiNone
Lady Lesonaage
MermaidsMost common field isTail
AnkoSkin colour
SophieColor of fins & tail
Leviathan MermaidsMost common field is?
River MermaidsMost common field is?
Crystal MermaidsMost common field is?
Estuarine MermaidsMost common field is?
SelachisMost common field is?
MeiraminesMost common field is?
NagasMost common field isColor of scales
Crisisscale colour
NamestaSkin color, Color of scales
TerraColor of scales
RinSkin color
Annaage, colour of scales
Masumicolour of scales, colour of undebelly scales
Auroraage, colour of scales
Garnetage, colour of scales, colour of underbelly scales
VivianSkin color, Colour of scales
SayaAge, Scales
Fionacolour of scales, colour of underbelly scales
Katrikacolour of tail, colour of underbelly scales
MalikaSkin, Scales
Jissycolour of scales
HydranagasMost common field is?
Diamond NagasMost common field is?
Pit NagasMost common field is?
GorgonsMost common field is?
Oceanic NagasMost common field is?
Sea Krait NagasMost common field is?
NekosMost common field isFur
AimiFur (on legs, tail and forearms)
Voidfingersother characteristics
SonyaColor of fur, Color of ears
CitasMost common field is?
Slug GirlsMost
common field is
Skin color, color of slug body
VelvetSkin colour, Colour of slug body
LucicampsMost common field is?
SphinxesMost common field is?
Blue SphinxesMost common field is?
Sphinx SentinelsMost common field is?
Canopy PantaursMost common field is?
Stone SphinxesMost common field is?
SuccubiMost common field isAge, Skin color, Color of topscales, Color of bellyscales
Kallistiage, skin colour, colour of topscales, colour of bellyscales
Fire SuccubiMost common field isAge
Frost SuccubiMost common field isAge, Skin color
Araleage, skin colour
Silver SuccubiMost common field isSkin color
Iridanskin colour
TiniesMost common field is?
NeerasMost common field is?
EfriiMost common field is?
AriformidsMost common field is?
TomthumbsMost common field is?
NemesisesMost common field is?
Demi-ChimerasMost common field is?
SlimoidsMost common field is?
GhostsMost common field is?
ChilotaursMost common field is?
GeniesMost common field is?
TitansMost common field is?
Giants and GiantessesMost common field is?
Jadeother characteristics
VampiresMost common field isHair color
TanyaHair color
MiaxiMost common field is?
GyspasMost common field is?
SquamataursMost common field is?
GekkotasMost common field is?
JotunsMost common field is?
MantoidsMost common field is?
LemuriansMost common field is?
IchthysMost common field is?
DemonsMost common field isSkin
ScorpisaïsMost common field is?
RaziasMost common field is?

Last edited by Karbo on Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:36 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated the templates.)
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 4:48 am

I can't really see the point for this, what would it be used for?
Also, wouldn't it get really big and unwieldy?

This is a good idea.

Last edited by Anime-Junkie on Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : misunderstood what it was for originally.)
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 7:28 am

Some races are going to need more than others to be honest. Fairy wings for example and the fact that fairies should have 3 different size blocks (min, max, and common)
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French snack
French snack

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 9:42 am

It's an interesting idea, but I'm not convinced it's needed. When I created the character boxes, I merely included what the creator of each character had found relevent. This thread (and the table you've made) could be useful as a reference point; for instance, reminding the creators of fairy characters to mention the colour and/or form of their wings. But I'm not certain it's necessary to create standard boxes for each species.

Though if you want to do so, I see no harm in it either, of course. Wink
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 2:43 am

I do agree that creating box for each species and - sub species may seem like overkill ^^;

But I think this can be uselful for some of the most used races, like nagas, who have all pretty much the same fields Smile
And thank you for your great ( and patient ! ) work on that Wink
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 3:17 am

Maybe we could integrate it with the Heavy edition Flash Wiki?

Last edited by Anime-Junkie on Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : nope)
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 11:56 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
I can't really see the point for this, what would it be used for? Also, wouldn't it get really big and unwieldy?
The point would be to create some unifying standards, as well as providing a generic species specific template for future use.

asaenvolk wrote:
Some races are going to need more than others to be honest. Fairy wings for example and the fact that fairies should have 3 different size blocks (min, max, and common)
Yeah, I figured that some species would require more fields than others.

French snack wrote:
It's an interesting idea, but I'm not convinced it's needed. When I created the character boxes, I merely included what the creator of each character had found relevent. This thread (and the table you've made) could be useful as a reference point; for instance, reminding the creators of fairy characters to mention the colour and/or form of their wings. But I'm not certain it's necessary to create standard boxes for each species. Though if you want to do so, I see no harm in it either, of course. Wink
I'm all about stadardification and the creation of reusable things (it's a programmer thing, I think). (This is just a part of what I really want to do, because I don't think it's possible to do my real idea without custom javascript and/or a special program, and it would a be a *lot* of work.)

Karbo wrote:
I do agree that creating box for each species and - sub species may seem like overkill ^^; But I think this can be uselful for some of the most used races, like nagas, who have all pretty much the same fields Smile And thank you for your great ( and patient ! ) work on that Wink
Yeah, I deliberately included as much as I could, because it's always easy to get rid of stuff in the future. For example, I suspect that all the fairy sub-species will get the same template as the regular ones, since there are not any important differences between them. Probably the same will happen with the nagas.

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Maybe we could integrate it with the Heavy edition Flash Wiki?
The question I have is: "How"? Have a button that leads to the general template for that particular species?
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 12:27 pm

In the spirit of Be Bold, here are some changes I am suggesting.

First, I am proposing that all characters have the following three fields added to their templates: "Age", "Skin Colour", and "Other Characteristics".

  • Age - This is the character's actual age, with their apparent age (if applicable) in parenthesis.
  • Skin Colour - This is the color of their skin, or whatever they have that passes for it. In the case of humanoids (AKA: nagas, dridders, centaurs, etc.) this will describe the color of their human half.
  • Other Characteristics - This is a catch-all field for information that people should know, but that doesn't fit in any other field.

This will affect all characters currently in the wiki, and all templates.

This means that the generic non-species specific template will look like this:
Height (head to ground)
Hair Colour
Eye Colour
Other Characteristics

Third, I am proposing that all fairies and sub-species of fairies (that would be: Fairies, Water Sprites, Crimson Maidens, Mist Fairies, Canopy Fairies, Storm Sprites, Dusk Nymphs, and Frost Sprites) all use a single template (because there doesn't appear to be any significant difference between them), and that this template have the following four fields added:

  • Wing Style - This is the field in which to describe their wings, since that seems to vary from character to character.
  • Maximum Height* - This is the maximum size the character can grow to.
  • Common Height* - This is the size that the character is most commonly found at.
  • Minimum Height* - This is the smallest size the character can shrink to.

And the following field removed: Height(head to ground)

  • Height - I suggest removal because this field doesn't make much sense for a fairy, as they can change sizes at will.

* - The fairy can choose to be any size in between these as well. Also, I'm not certain how strict of a limit the maximum and minimum heights are. if , and under what conditions, they can be exceeded. I don't think that it really matters.

This means that the generic fairy template will look like this:
Maximum Height
Common Height
Minimum Height
Hair Colour
Eye Colour
Wing Style
Other Characteristics

Fourth, since it is highly likely that many of the fields will not be known, either to us, or perhaps even to the character creators (or they might not want to reveal it for various reasons), I suggest that any field with unknown information have a question mark placed in it.

So, what do you think of my suggested changes?

Last edited by Oldman40k2003 on Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:34 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I have been made aware that there was some confusion about the three height fields, so I wrote my explanation on what I was intending.)
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French snack
French snack

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 1:31 pm

The downside is that we'll have boxes with question marks in them. I'm not certain what benefit that would have. Other than that, however, standardisation may be quite useful.
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 12:36 pm

Slug girls, automatically labeled:

Sex: Female/Male
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 15, 2009 5:24 pm

Wow, so few people have no opinion on this subject matter? Does that mean I can proceed with the changes I have outlined?
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2009 1:55 am

I'am fine with it but that will be quite a lot of work ^^;
But indeed it carries interesting informations and will force me to get off from my lazy ass and think a bit more about them XD ( on age and size for example )
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2009 3:32 am

This would be extremely useful in getting consistent amounts of information for the unofficial character bios in the Flash wiki.
If we can set out a template for each species I think that it will greatly streamline the process of submission.

Anyway, I agree with your changes, they would be for the better.
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2009 10:19 pm

Okay, the fairy template has been uploaded, and all fairy characters have been updated with it. Check them out and tell me if you see something you don't like.
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2009 11:06 pm

Hmmmm, a thought occurred to me, the non-species specific template is missing an important field: skin color, though I'm not really sure what terms should be used in this field. After all, a "white" person isn't really white, but the term "Caucasian" doesn't really make sense on a world that doesn't have the Caucasus region. Same for "black" people; they're not really black, but saying that they're African doesn't make sense on a world without the continent of Africa. I don't even know where to start with someone like Vivian, whose skin is "light purple".

...great, I've brought political correctness to Felarya... ^^;

Well, whatever the terminology ends up being, I suggest that skin color be added to the basic template, and thus to every other template by extension. After all, most/all of the species have skins, don't they?
This means that the generic non-species specific template will now look like this:
Height (head to ground)
Skin colour
Hair colour
Eye colour
Other characteristics
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 4:37 am

mhh i see what you mean.. maybe we could use some mid descriptions : like : pale ,pale pinkish, tan, mocha etc.. ^^
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 4:46 am

I agree with Karbo here. There aren't fairytales that go "she was a caucasian female". Usually, skin colors are: fair, tan, swarthy, dark, chocolate, ebony, milky white... no one in the wiki's been described as black so far. Except Demechrélle.
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French snack
French snack

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 5:21 am

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Hmmmm, a thought occurred to me, the non-species specific template is missing an important field: skin color, though I'm not really sure what terms should be used in this field. After all, a "white" person isn't really white, but the term "Caucasian" doesn't really make sense on a world that doesn't have the Caucasus region. Same for "black" people; they're not really black, but saying that they're African doesn't make sense on a world without the continent of Africa. I don't even know where to start with someone like Vivian, whose skin is "light purple".

...great, I've brought political correctness to Felarya... ^^;

I don't see anything fundamentally wrong with "white" and "black". Crisis, Anna, Katrika, Jissy and many others are white ; Enita and a few others are black ; Vivian is light purple, Anko is blue, Serimela is grey and Shaan is green. Milly is métisse (a term which, interestingly, has no exact equivalent in English); she has brown skin. I agree that it's best to be specific when possible, but I don't find the terms "white" and "black" to be offensive or misleading.

Quote :

Well, whatever the terminology ends up being, I suggest that skin color be added to the basic template, and thus to every other template by extension.


For nagas, I would also suggest distinguishing between their dorsal and ventral scales.

Edit: I've filled in the infobox for Lucilya, since it's there. I hope that's ok. I won't add any information about her to the article itself until it's been "canonised" by Karbo.

By the way, I don't think it's necessary to specify that heights are "(head to ground)" in fairies' infoboxes. That makes sense for nagas, dridders and slug girls, but not really for fairies, nekos, humans, tinies, elves or giantesses.
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2009 7:20 pm

Karbo wrote:
mhh i see what you mean.. maybe we could use some mid descriptions : like : pale ,pale pinkish, tan, mocha etc.. ^^
I some of those terms, they don't have (to my knowledge), any overtones.

Stabs wrote:
I agree with Karbo here. There aren't fairytales that go "she was a caucasian female". Usually, skin colors are: fair, tan, swarthy, dark, chocolate, ebony, milky white... no one in the wiki's been described as black so far. Except Demechrélle.
I like some of these terms too.

French snack wrote:
I don't see anything fundamentally wrong with "white" and "black". Crisis, Anna, Katrika, Jissy and many others are white ; Enita and a few others are black ; Vivian is light purple, Anko is blue, Serimela is grey and Shaan is green. Milly is métisse (a term which, interestingly, has no exact equivalent in English); she has brown skin. I agree that it's best to be specific when possible, but I don't find the terms "white" and "black" to be offensive or misleading.
Hmmm, I suppose you are correct in that there is nothing inherently wrong with those terms. (Also, métisse is an English word (though I had to look it up), though it doesn't have any color association. See here.)

I propose that words used to describe skin color can any of the ones that have been mentioned, plus others, as the character creators see fit. If someone would rather have their character be "fair-skinned" instead of "white", or felt that "swarthy" fits their character's "feel" better than "brown", that would be fine.

Or we could go straight to RGB triplets. Smile
(A RGB triplet, for those of you who don't know, is a way to use numbers to define all human visible colors. While quite useful, they're not very pronounceable. I mean really, how do you pronounce RGB(255,227,187)(), RGB(125,80,59)(), or RGB(0,146,146)()?) Razz

French snack wrote:
By the way, I don't think it's necessary to specify that heights are "(head to ground)" in fairies' infoboxes. That makes sense for nagas, dridders and slug girls, but not really for fairies, nekos, humans, tinies, elves or giantesses.
You're probably right, for species that don't have tails or other long extensions to their body, there isn't really another possible definition of height. The tailed ones though, probably need two defintions; one for head to ground height, and one for total length (head to tail-tip). I haven't given the tailed species enough thought yet to propose any changes right now though.

At this point I'm going to keep track of other people's suggestions for changes to the various species, so that I don't lose track of them.
French snack wrote:

For nagas, I would also suggest distinguishing between their dorsal and ventral scales.

/Fish/ wrote:
Slug girls, automatically labeled:
Sex: Female/Male
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 3:50 am

Okay, the various templates has been updated on the wiki. As usual, let me know if something is off.

I've done some thinking, and I think I know what I want to do for the various Harpy species: feather color and wingspan, since both of these are distinctive characteristics that are easily visible from a distance.

This means that the harpy specific template would look like this:
Skin colour
Feather colour
Hair colour
Eye colour
Other characteristics

So, what do you guys think, and what changes would you make, if any?
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French snack
French snack

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 4:13 am

Good work. For the harpies' wingspan, we'd need some sort of norm, though. I.e., what is the "normal" wingspan for an adult harpy from each subspecies?

Need any help updating the template on each character page?
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 11:22 am

French snack wrote:
Good work. For the harpies' wingspan, we'd need some sort of norm, though. I.e., what is the "normal" wingspan for an adult harpy from each subspecies?

Need any help updating the template on each character page?

Hmmm, I suppose a list of "normal" wingspans could be useful for character creators. I was just going to be lazy and leave it entirely up to the authors. Smile

There are several images of harpies on the harpy page, so I took them and measured (as best I could because the images are not good images for measuring such things... twisted bodies and important stuff being off-screen) their wingspan and their height, in pixels, then found the ratio of wingspan to height (IE: W/H).
As I expected, this ratio is all over the place.

In RMSephy's picture I measured two of the three harpies, and got W/H ratios of 1.319 and 1.569. In Gamera1985's picture I got a W/H ratio of 1.658. In Zephrania's picture I measured/guesstimated (since so much of the only usable wing is off screen) a W/H of 3.239. The harpy chick has W/H of 0.723.

What this means is that there seems to be a slight consensus on a wingspan to height ratio of ~1.5. I personally think that's too small, but Zephrania's ratio of 3.2 might be a little too big.

For reference, at a ratio of 1.5, the 98 foot tall Erica has a wingspan of 147 feet.

At this point in time, I don't need help updating the templates on each character page. I've purposefully only updated the characters whose species we have "finished", I have also purposefully avoided giving each character the "standard template" until their species has been processed, and I have purposefully avoid some species thus far.

The reason I have avoided giving each character the "standard template" is because I am trying to avoid having to keep track of who has what template, in case the standard template changes, like what happened when it gained the skin color field.
I have avoid some species thus far *cough*nagas*cough* because there are a lot of them, so I would rather work out any bugs or missing fields on other species with fewer characters, so that when I do get around to those species the changes only have to be made once per character.
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 11:38 am

Well, let's look at earth birds: the ratio between wingspan and length.

Golden Eagle: 2:1

Bald Eagle: 5:2

Red-tailed Hawk: 12:5

Harris Hawk: 3:1

(Citation: http://www.seaworld.org/just-for-teachers/classroom-activities/4-8/pdf/Raptor%20Ratios.pdf)

So, Harpies are bird-people of prey. Therefore, the above being a decent enough selection of "normal" earth birds of prey, we should probably use them for reference.

Rock Harpies are pretty common, let's go with them. They are most similar to Harris Hawks in habitat and a little bit in color. So lets assume a wingspan ratio of about

Rock Harpies: 3:1

So... The length of Erica and Belletia together should give us about the average. 89 Feet, rounded up to 90 feet. 90 X 3 = 270 feet.

So the average wingspan of a Rock Harpy might be around 270 feet.

Ask a question about birds, I will take it as a challenge. Malahite, how are you going to deconstruct this one? Smile
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2010 10:00 am

I haven't forgotten this thread (just a little busy at the moment), but I would like to make note of an edit I made to one of my earlier posts.

I was notified that there was a little confusion about what the three height fields in fairy character's infoboxes means, so I added an explanation.

The gist of the explanation was: "
Maximum Height - This is the maximum size the character can grow to.*
Common Height - This is the size that the character is most commonly found at.*
Minimum Height - This is the smallest size the character can shrink to.*

* - The fairy can choose to be any size in between these as well. Also, I'm not certain how strict of a limit the maximum and minimum heights are. if , and under what conditions, they can be exceeded. I don't think that it really matters."
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2010 1:22 am

I'm not any less busy than I was in my previous post, but this stuff isn't going to do itself. Smile

Okay, the harpy template has been uploaded, and all harpy characters have been updated with it. Check them out and tell me if you see something you don't like.
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Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Creating basic character information boxes for all species.   Creating basic character information boxes for all species. Icon_minitime

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Creating basic character information boxes for all species.
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