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 Is there a character or species that needs more attention?

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Bandur Khan
Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2015 9:28 am

So is there a character or species you feel needs more attention?

I feel that the Centaurs could use a bit more activity as they could use more useage. Additionally, I would like to see a species culture and rituals be more established (Something I would like to help with, but am not sure how).

Also, to have the plants have a larger role, because they could snatch you up just as easily as a predator could!

Let me know in the comments below what you think about the less used characters and ideas, and what you would like to see more of.
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2015 10:05 am

There are lots of underused species out there, dragon. I'm sure you've seen it around if you've RPed a bit; the most common predators among people are Nagas (of course) and Fairies. You also see a lot of the humanoid species, both giant and normal-sized, while tinies are infrequent at best if we count out Grave, who specializes on them.

I admit I hardly have read stories over at dA, but from what I've seen, Centaurs, Pantaurs, Sphinxes, and Dryads are a rare sight. Deerataurs have been brought back to attention because of Karbo's recent pictures, but they're bound to go back to the previous group again. Also, in general, you can count all the species in the "Minor races" section to be pretty much unused as well, except Giants, probably.

So yeah, there are a lot of races that need some love, in my opinion.

Also, regarding your comment about plants, I don't think you have given it much thought, actually. What larger role could plants have? Dryads are the only plants that have consciousness, and even then, they are pretty passive. I can agree that people don't really use them as much as they could, but I'm guessing that's because mindless vore isn't really that appealing, you know? When people have their random adventurers eaten, they prefer to have a sentient being who can enjoy that act rather than a mindless plant or critter that just eats them and is done. If you pay attention, you might notice even Karbo prefers it that way, non-sentient animal or plant vore rarely happens in his works.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2015 10:53 am

I'd like to see more stories with the leviathans. If memory serves me, it's rare seeing a being reach over 1000 feet in height, and just one is enough to scare any seaward expedition.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2015 10:59 am

Centaurs, Sphinxes (Pantaurs are a subspecies of Sphinxes), Elementals, and Angels.  Basically, anything that isn't a Naga, Fairy, Mermaid, Harpy, Dryad or Succubus.  I would list the Minor Races, but to be honest, a lot of them are really pointless with no depths whatsoever.  The only ones I find are of worth there are Mantoids and the Jotuns, somewhat.  The rest I am either lukewarm, like Chilotaurs, or I see as complete filler, Scorpisais and others.  Some are really just sub-species, or rather cousin species of major races, like the sea anemones and snail girls, and really should be merged with them. Giants technically aren't even a race, they're closer to a sub-race of Humans, just like Giant Elves are, so their entry there is in the entirely wrong place.

I have multiple theories as to why so many are little used.  The most likely explanation is that most people probably don't even know they exist.  It's not like they check the wiki everyday for updates.  The other explanation, and the cynicism factor will rise from here, is that they probably think they whatever they can do can be more easily substituted with a better known race.  But my personal explanation, and the most cynical one of course, is that I think Felarya has too many races at this point.  Most of the Minor Races, like I said, I feel are complete filler, they don't have much of an identity, and they expect to compete with Nagas and Fairies, which are everywhere?  Even Centaurs and Sphinxes struggle for relevance among the Major Races, so what chance do Razias, Saurorautans, Gyspas, Lemurians, Fungoids and more have to be recognized?  People probably aren't even aware they're in the wiki, they don't do a whole lot to stand out from the crowd, mostly they're Something Girls, and there's a ton of them competing for attention.  It's a mess.
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Bandur Khan
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2015 11:27 am

Okay - I am glad, I am in the Angel Department with Ivy. Hm - I could introduce Marlo , the Raven Angel as well...

I could imagine it may be a little bit hard for many people to get warm with a Being like a Centaur.
Perhaps their strange Anatomy is one of the Main Causes?
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2015 1:18 pm

Moar snails. I'm one of only two people that have an achigate OC.
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2015 4:42 pm

anthros :v they get no love in this world

I have at least one of a sphynix, an angel, and an elemental, a Gyspa,

two neera, a tiny human

I have a wolftaur, a kensha, and several goo/jam girls, , a wurm dragon, a tiny dragon demi boy/girl

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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 09, 2015 5:09 pm

Ilceren wrote:
There are lots of underused species out there, dragon. I'm sure you've seen it around if you've RPed a bit; the most common predators among people are Nagas (of course) and Fairies. You also see a lot of the humanoid species, both giant and normal-sized, while tinies are infrequent at best if we count out Grave, who specializes on them.

I admit I hardly have read stories over at dA, but from what I've seen, Centaurs, Pantaurs, Sphinxes, and Dryads are a rare sight. Deerataurs have been brought back to attention because of Karbo's recent pictures, but they're bound to go back to the previous group again. Also, in general, you can count all the species in the "Minor races" section to be pretty much unused as well, except Giants, probably.

So yeah, there are a lot of races that need some love, in my opinion.

Also, regarding your comment about plants, I don't think you have given it much thought, actually. What larger role could plants have? Dryads are the only plants that have consciousness, and even then, they are pretty passive. I can agree that people don't really use them as much as they could, but I'm guessing that's because mindless vore isn't really that appealing, you know? When people have their random adventurers eaten, they prefer to have a sentient being who can enjoy that act rather than a mindless plant or critter that just eats them and is done. If you pay attention, you might notice even Karbo prefers it that way, non-sentient animal or plant vore rarely happens in his works.

I can understand why having a non-sentient pred might be kinda strange, But then reading a story with Crisis and Elle (Precious cargo). A guy falls victim to a gravedigger. And that got me thinking: If you realistically got to Felarya somehow and were in a jungle area (literally 80% of the land we know of) that you would have a good shot of being eaten by a plant. Probably slightly more so than a pred (I estimate 60% chance of plant, 40% of sentient pred, but thats just me). I still enjoy sentient vore more. (and I think Karbo did do a pic with faries being digested inside a plant floating somewhere on the internet).

As for the others: I agree The minor races don't get any attention. Id like to see them more (Like seriously, when was the last time we had a slug girl or the millipede girl). Personally, i think it would be cool to ass a centaur or too, as well as adding lore to each race. Dryads are unexplored for the most part in lore. And it would be cool to have more tiny info (It would be fun to be one).
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ravaging vixen
ravaging vixen

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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2015 1:21 am

Thywolf wrote:
anthros :v they get no love in this world

As far as i'm acknowledged it's a world made for Demis on intention.

Now as far as species go, yeah i'm more so for ones in legend that could have a predator or prey representations that are ancient in folklore. Like wyverns, tengus, trolls, jotuns. All the pretty uncommonly heard ones.

A personal favorite/s are Inus and Angels, but that's gotta be through people not looking for the most common ones like shady said. There's too many filler ones that people don't try to approach enough because they don't do creative clause and research to make it interesting in mythos or stories to try and coagulate something of interest in the setting.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2015 9:15 am

To me the weirdest paradox are the Miaxi, the bee people. There has been an attempt to make them more developed by giving them more detail, like string-fountain and his vhiyra, but it's been completely fruitless as they're still completely unused. They fall into this weird no-man's land where they're not a prey species, but they're not a predator species either. I think what kills them is that they're basically monster bees with the same hive mind as real bees, which severely limits what can be done with them. They're more like a glorified insect species like Tonorions rather than a truly sapient race. Honestly, they're better off being repurposed as part of the fauna like Tonorions are, along with Gyspas. We don't have very many insect species to begin with, so we may as well start filling that void.
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PostSubject: Re: Is there a character or species that needs more attention?   Is there a character or species that needs more attention? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2015 11:21 am

Shady Knight wrote:
They fall into this weird no-man's land where they're not a prey species, but they're not a predator species either.  I think what kills them is that they're basically monster bees with the same hive mind as real bees, which severely limits what can be done with them.

I somewhat suspect people ignore races like that because as you said, they arn't predator or prey.

If people acknowledged them, then they would have to acknowledge that Felarya is a dangerous world in general, not a tropical paradise ruled by female gaints....and many people would rather be willingly blind to that fact.

Last edited by DarkOne on Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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