Subject: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:00 am
Hi, guys!
While some of you may have heard about it before, I hereby announce that I am currently working on a Felarya RPG.
The project has been started last year and I have spent over 400 hours (edit: 800 hours now, at the 30.07.2014) on it already, however, there's still a long way to go since the first thing I had to do was getting technical problems out of the way and creating the storyline. What we are looking at is an ambitious RPG-Maker VX Ace project, that is going to have a playtime of roughly 20-30 hours, featuring a long mainquest along with (at the moment) more than 50 sidequests, organized in a easy-to-handle quest book system. Up to 20 possible endings, as well as a "learning" gameflow, that adapts itself to your ingame behaviour and changes certain scenes accordingly, make sure that replayability should be high as well.
As of now, this is a 1-Man Project, however, due to the heavy amount of workload that still has to be done I am looking for help in order to reduce the time it'll take to finish that giant project. I do not need help in just every aspect I mention below, but every help is going to greatly increase the speed and quality at which I can finish the game.
This is going to be a completely legit, non-commercial game, using only selfmade or freely avaiable ressources. Due to that, I will not pay anybody for their assistance. Helping me will result in you having the chance to contribute something to the final game and seeing your name in the credits, most likely also getting a character or two of yours in with some artwork and a scene of your desire as well. By contributing your ideas or artworks you declare that the stuff you added is indeed your intellectual, physical and/or digital property. If I find out you have taken (and/or modified) someone elses work, fiction or art, I will not accept anything from you.
So where would I appreciate your help? You can help me with:
1. Additional Flora and Fauna If you happen to have created an animal, an artifact or a plant that has not been added to the wiki, but where you think it would be good to use in an RPG, then please post it in a comment below, ideally with a detailed description, its abilities and a picture. If you have posted your idea somewhere else on the forum already, you can also just send me a link to the description.
2. Additional Sidequests If you happen to have a character that would be likely to give the player some sort of interesting sidequest, please post it in the comments below, ideally with a detailed description, the sidequests required regions and goal and a picture of the quest relevant characters.
3. Death descriptions & Ideas Usually this is some sort of Vore content. If you want to add your own little death scene to the game, feel free to post ideas or descriptions below.
I can use Ideas for the following areas:
Evernight Forest, Chordoni River, Jadong Lake, jadong Temple (Mysterious temple) Fairy Kingdom, Forest of whispers, The great tree, Tolmeshal Forest, Bulvon Woods, Ur Sagol, Miragia Forest, Lake of Illusions, Shard River, Fairy Pond, Grove of Carnivorous plants, Negav's surrounding areas, Ascarlin mines
Please note that all the things pictured here are work in progress and it is very likely that they may change until the game gets released! For obvious reasons there might be minor spoilers, so look at your own risk.
Welcome to Felarya: Infection! Please note that the title may be changed, this is just the project title as of right now. It's really hard to think of a good looking name, so please tell me what you think.
Find new teammates in order to survive. They will remember how you act in front of them and react accordingly, so think carefully before you make a decision.
Travel across the vast landscape of Felarya, be it on foot, water...
or even above ground.
More than 50 (side-)quests may be given to you on your way as you meet felaryas inhibitants.
For all those who are interested, you can follow my progress with the game on this little development log where I write down my (hopefully daily) progress.
31.01: - Created and added a few new sprites - Added variable title screen script - Began working on a new minigame, based on a turn based strategy concept for usage in vehicle combat - Added new enemies+ their attacks to the game
13.01: - scripted a guard in front of a dungeon in Elifga Valley - populated an area in Elifga Valley - Shrunk the player sprite on the world map and added more detail to several maps - replaced some music and repaired outdated codes referring to files no longer in use
12.01: - expanded a couple of cutscenes and improved coding on a couple of quests and events.
11.01: - Reworked and massively expanded a dungeon in Elifga Valley (its around 2 times as big now). It's not entirely done yet, as it is relatively complex, but I got the mechanics done. All thats left is dialogue and cutscene scripting.
10.01: - Added Forge: Armor and weapons can now be crafted at any forge. - Fur equipment added to forge
09.01: - Added cooked meat to the game: Raw meat can now be cooked at any cooking station to gain cooked meat. The latter provides more HP upon consumption. Currently, this does not require anything but the raw meat and a place to cook, but that might be subject to change later on. - Added a new cave in Elifga Valley - Added a new miniboss to the game. Vore scene still needs to be done though. - Added loot to Elifga Valley (50% done). - Rebalanced enemies in Elifga Valley (made them a little easier) - Removed changing faces from the menu screen. It was a nice idea and all, but it seriously caused too many issues which I was unable to fix properly. - Added and fixed a couple of dialogues in the first act - Fixed a ton of small bugs during specific events, such as characters not disappearing or saying the wrong things. - Began reworking the Priest mechanics (it was inefficient before and susceptible to bugs)
08.01: - added new dialogues and more loot inside the first dungeon - removed unused music tracks - fixed a couple of VERY annoying bugs, such as cursed weapons appearing inside your inventory upon saving the game or your face being all bloody for the rest of the game after being scratched by a mouse.
06.01: - added one new dungeon to the game - added a new bossfight - added a little bit of music
07.08: - Did some more work on the state database - Finished a cave map with a puzzle - minor tweaks
03.08: - Added a few indoor houses - completed another cutscene
02.08: - Did some technical changes to the State Database and cleaned it up. Did not really have that big of an effect on the game itself, but it really looked like a mess before since I added states when I went to make them in the order I made them. Now that I am done with that, I was finally able to sort them properly.
01.08: - Wrote a script that displays changes of switches and variables in the developer console. Completely pointless for the player playing the game, but incredibly useful to me so I know whats going on behind the scenes. - implemented aforementioned quest XP rewards - continued to work on the game scripting (getting a new party member to enable access to the second part of a dungeon) - added a tutorial cutscene for the use of Treerunner Axes - added some more decoration to the starting areas and made a slight remapping of the starting village to add in that treerunner axes tutorial - added a few more moves to the first boss to make it harder The first chapter is now to about 75% complete and playable (There are only some cutscenes missing)
31.07: - Animated the chapter scenes. - One day after I uploaded a picture of the title screen I made a new title screen. Talk about unecessary work... XD - - - wrote a script for an animation prior to the title screen. There are several animated title screens but none with an animation before the screen with the music already playing so I had to do that by myself... - Proceeded through an intense playtesting session in search for bugs - - - Fixed several minor bugs and errors, some grammar mistakes and wrong eventing.
30.07: - Drawn some new sprites for the main characters, such as swimming, drawing weapon, sitting on a chair, etc. - completed the enemy section for the first act. now they just need to be put into place and playtested. - made some tweaks to the item section to streamline the handling of status effects (such as poison, sleep, etc) - Reduced amount of XP gained from enemies (to prevent too much grinding) - - - large XP rewards are now distributed upon completing sidequests to make up for the loss - fixed some bug that caused the game to crash as soon as automated characters in your party join a battle - tweaked some cutscenes
29.07: - Made almost a complete overhaul of Luminous caverns. - - - Added several puzzles & dialogue to the caverns - - - more than doubled the previous map size by adding new stuff - Made some adjustments to the script order in Evernight forest - - - Added a mayor encounter - Invented a system that can be used to reset puzzles. Turning it into an item is most likely the next step.
28.07: - added new battle backgrounds, some new sprites and 3 small new maps
27.07: - added lots of new sprites and music
26.07: - added lots of new dialogue of the first village mayor.
24.07: - Finished a Dungeon I started yesterday - added about 10 more Accessories to the game - Added a few new enemies & Minibosses - started to work on another sidequest - Playtesting of todays and yesterdays additions to see if everything works fine (+ bugfixes)
23.07: - Reworked most of the second half of the first chapter - - - 4 new (and huge!) snow biome maps - - - several new puzzles - added a climbing mechanic to climb up cliffs and trees.
22.07: - Made some changes to outdated Sprite graphics. - Small adjustments to Adrenaline gain - Wrote a shitton of new spells and rearranged old ones - - Wrote innovative Spell mechanics - - - - devouring enemies souls and adding them to your own for permanent stat gain - - - - Implemented usage of alignment: Evil attacks become more evil the more evil you are (duh!) - - - - Planned: train abilities by using them often to (very slowly) increase their effect (such as damage) - designated spells and abilities to their respective users - added a new building in Negav - Removed hats from Inventory and replaced them with "Second hand" to allow the use of shields, two handed weapons, Special items and similar things. Hats are now Accessories or have been remade into Shields and Boots - Some playtesting to see if everything works
Last edited by Amaroq on Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:49 am; edited 20 times in total
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Nyaha Eternal Optimist
Posts : 3845 Join date : 2007-12-09 Age : 31 Location : Canada. ^.^ Goooooo Snow!
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:39 am
I really love the sound of this, and I'm amazed at how much you already have done. It sounds like a great project and I, for one, want to help see it through to the end! To that end, I'd like to offer my services as a proofreader. I'm always grammar-harping people on the forum anyway so I might as well put it to good use. ;3 And people say I'm good with characters so hopefully I'll be able to help keep the dialogue interesting!
jedi-explorer Felarya cartographer
Posts : 1474 Join date : 2011-12-06 Age : 36 Location : Fantasy Land ^_^
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:57 am
I'd love to help but I'm not good at VX anything. Stupid thing won't instal on my PC so I can't give any experience at using it. However Kiki has a huge collection of Felarya based VX sprites from her own VX Felarya RPG attempt. You could ask her to use them or locate the maker for VX sprites.
parameciumkid Hero
Posts : 1201 Join date : 2011-11-21 Location : SPAAAAAACE
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:41 pm
I can do proofreading. Dunno about the other stuff.
Mr. I Marauder of the deep jungle
Posts : 328 Join date : 2013-08-07 Location : Chiilin' on Possios' web
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:04 pm
I can proofread too.
Nyaha Eternal Optimist
Posts : 3845 Join date : 2007-12-09 Age : 31 Location : Canada. ^.^ Goooooo Snow!
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:49 pm
Come to think of it, I also have plenty of ideas I can probably add. For starters, have you heard of the shakala yet? The forest tribe of these porcupine-like demi-humans migrate around, and a lot of the areas on your map are places they can potentially appear.
I also have my OC Caldswell Southsmith who might be a great NPC to be involved in a sidequest or two. :3 I might update his description soon, though, so if you decide you want to use him, I'll let you know when and if I make any changes. In fact, a lot of my characters could probably feature, and I'd be really honored to have them show up in this game. You can find most of them in the "My characters Bios" link in my signature - there's an easy-to-navigate index that'll take you right to any character you want to research. In particular, I'd like to recommend, in addition to Caldswell, his daughter Kira in Safe Harbor, the mute musician Exilon who likes to hang out in Negav, and Molly and Geno, the little girl and her puppet who wander Evernight Forest. ^_^
ravaging vixen Moderator
Posts : 504 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 33 Location : Rocky mountains
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:07 pm
I'll keep finding concepts for you, and insert a few ideas as well, meanwhile, I have a another acquaintance that has made movable ship galaga type game with ease, sprites and enemies too using flash. He might be interested and that it would be fun to add another game mechanic.
Darth_Nergal Hero
Posts : 1175 Join date : 2012-06-05 Age : 33 Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:53 pm
Well, if I manage to get the program, I can beta test for you and maybe even try to see if I can fix them, then tell you what I did. ^_^ I haven't worked in that version of RPG Maker though, but it's not hard top learn. ^_^
I also have an idea for a possible side quest with some kind of powerful spell at the end of it. I can send it to you over a PM if you like.
Sanion Roaming thug
Posts : 81 Join date : 2011-06-06 Age : 30 Location : Burning, Hell
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:06 pm
I can proofread and beta-test. I'm usually a bit of a grammar/spelling/punctuation hound myself. As well as a fluency bug.
Pendragon Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Posts : 3229 Join date : 2007-12-09
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:53 am
Sounds like a cool project. If I can help in any of the ways listed, I'll lend what I can.
Amaroq Great warrior
Posts : 470 Join date : 2008-07-19 Age : 36
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:49 am
Alrighty, thank you all very much so far for the positive feedback on this topic. :-) The storyline has been approved by karbo except for a few details I'm going to have to work around, but effectively I got green light for the project which took a huge burden off of my back. :3 as a little bit of self-motivation and information for you guys im going to post mayor milestones of progress into this thread later on. :3 Before I get to answering the previous posts I want to once again point at my search for talented artists or innovative people. Don't be shy! XD
@ everyone offering to proofread and betatest: As far as proofreading goes, due to the limitations of RPG maker and the fact that I want to avoid typing everything several times, I decided to include a "Betatester Toolkit" into the game, hidden with a password that I am going to send to the respective Proofreaders and Betatesters, which will unlock features such as Instant Lvl 99, deactivatable enemies and so on, so they can walk through the game and talk to people and get all the dialogues and cutscenes. I'm doing it that way instead of sending a mere text file because I usually tend to write directly into the game and not onto a script beforehand to keep the creative juices flowing and at the same time the textboxes ingame are easily bugged, displaying text not properly (cutting it off at the edge). So by using that solution I hit 2 birds with 1 stone. However, it will be at the disadvantage of having a harder time to actually correct mistakes. Also, you'll have to wait for me to complete a certain part of the game in order to test and read the dialogues.
So if anyyone who has experience in RPG maker knows a better way around this, I'll be happy about advice.
@ Jedi-explorer: Uhm, VX and VX ace use different art styles and sizes regarding sprites and tilesets so that would be of limited use, but thanks for the advice. I might ask her about that.
@ Nyaha: Thanks very much for the links, I'm going to read through them later today as I#m kinda in a rush right now and then edit my opinion about it into this post. :3
@ ravaging vixens: Let's talk about those things later as I didn't quite get what you were saying there, I'm afraid ^^' I'll contact you.
@ Nergal: You dont need any program to test as all the necessary files will be provided with the download.
Grave Marauder of the deep jungle
Posts : 387 Join date : 2009-11-01
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:53 pm
There better be equal representation of tinies and neeras or I'm calling the NAATP! *Shaky fist*
(But really......don't forget the tinies.....)
DarkOne Survivor
Posts : 967 Join date : 2012-04-27 Age : 40 Location : Smart predators don't reveal their positions
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:44 am
I could lend a hand on addictional sidequests if you like, I have enougth experience with RPG maker to understand it's scope. Really depends on what kind of side quests you'd like.
I think I'll also volunteer for beta testing as well, my familiarity with the program will help there as well. Had to really think about that one because as you said, it kinda ruins the experaice of the finished game. But I think the sense of having contributed to the game would be a decent trade off so I don't think I'll be too bothered.
Nyaha Eternal Optimist
Posts : 3845 Join date : 2007-12-09 Age : 31 Location : Canada. ^.^ Goooooo Snow!
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:24 am
Wait, you need to actually play the game in order to be a proofreader? D: Even if I had the time to do that I don't have the program. I won't be able to do that until I get me my own computer that I don't have to share with my mom...
DarkOne Survivor
Posts : 967 Join date : 2012-04-27 Age : 40 Location : Smart predators don't reveal their positions
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:47 am
Nyaha wrote:
Wait, you need to actually play the game in order to be a proofreader? D: Even if I had the time to do that I don't have the program. I won't be able to do that until I get me my own computer that I don't have to share with my mom...
Shoulen't need to have the creation program itself to test the game. Once you export a game from the creation program (regardless if it's finished or not) it will be treated like any other game file and will run independtly on any compatible windows operating system without the players needing to own the creation software itself, it will be like downloading any other game from the internet.
Hopefully that makes sense
Nyaha Eternal Optimist
Posts : 3845 Join date : 2007-12-09 Age : 31 Location : Canada. ^.^ Goooooo Snow!
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:04 pm
DarkOne wrote:
Nyaha wrote:
Wait, you need to actually play the game in order to be a proofreader? D: Even if I had the time to do that I don't have the program. I won't be able to do that until I get me my own computer that I don't have to share with my mom...
Shoulen't need to have the creation program itself to test the game. Once you export a game from the creation program (regardless if it's finished or not) it will be treated like any other game file and will run independtly on any compatible windows operating system without the players needing to own the creation software itself, it will be like downloading any other game from the internet.
Hopefully that makes sense
Like I said, it's not the software that's the main problem, it's the time that I don't have to play it because I share a computer and already devote all my time to friendships.
Amaroq Great warrior
Posts : 470 Join date : 2008-07-19 Age : 36
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:54 pm
Well Nyaha, if you dont have the time then please just wait for the finished game to come out and enjoy that instead. :3
There are quite some proofreaders willing to do the job now, so I guess it's alright ^^
And the others are right, RPG-maker allows me to create a game file that does not need any additional programs. You download it, unzip it and play it. at least, if everything works as intended.
Nyaha Eternal Optimist
Posts : 3845 Join date : 2007-12-09 Age : 31 Location : Canada. ^.^ Goooooo Snow!
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:59 pm
Can I at least help with the thinkwork that doesn't involve needing time to actually try the game? Like the sidequest things I suggested?
Ilceren Moderator
Posts : 677 Join date : 2012-05-10 Age : 34 Location : Spain
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:34 pm
Well, Amaroq, it seems to me like you now have a nice queue of proofreaders waiting for something to read =P I'm not a native speaker, but I think I could help with the proofreading process. I wouldn't mind reading directly from the code, but you are right in that we could check if the words are adjusted to the letter boxes and all that, killing two birds with a stone. So well, you can count me in.
Karbo Evil admin
Posts : 3812 Join date : 2007-12-08
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:51 am
It's a really interesting project and from what you showed me I can tell you have put lot of thought on it ^^ I'm going to follow it closely
master-of-the-G-way likes this post
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:00 pm
I'd love to be a part in making this game! not sure how good I'd be with RPG maker, have to get used to the setup, but I'd be happy to help, though since I haven't been able to look into how RPG maker does sprites, I might not be able to help you much with the sprites. I am willing to help out any way I can, though.
Amaroq Great warrior
Posts : 470 Join date : 2008-07-19 Age : 36
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:28 am
Well the easiest way would be to say WHAT you can help with. This is pretty much what a spriteset could look like: It's a normal .PNG file with the size of 384x256 pixels. Each sprite has a maximum size of 32 pixels. For larger creatures you need to double that size, for giant ones, triple or quadruple it.
Contact me, if you are interested in making those, so I can set up a list of creatures / characters that can be done. Mostly I stil require the giant beings, Like Crisis, Anna, Vivian, etc.
In general, you can participate with:
Artistic talent is always a bonus since graphics are by far the most required ressources.
Or you can be creative and describe a sidequest that could happen in Felarya
Or in case you're a good writer, you write a nice vore scene and send it to me via PM so I could include it into the game later on.
Of course you can try and come up with other ideas, but you really need to tell me what you can do. First of all I can't outsource just about everything since that would require you having acess to my computer.
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Nyaha Eternal Optimist
Posts : 3845 Join date : 2007-12-09 Age : 31 Location : Canada. ^.^ Goooooo Snow!
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:00 am
I probably have plenty of sidequests I could come up with. ^_^ One of them could possibly involve helping my OC Caldswell sell his latest novel in Negav, and as a reward you get a discount in all Nekomura shops, or maybe finding subjects for Beryl to paint portraits of, and as a reward you get artwork of things in the game or something, or maybe Taihaku could be some secret super-hard hidden boss with the premise of being her sparring partner!! As a reward she could join your party or something. XD Kira could maybe be another good sidequest NPC but her's would probably involve a chain fetch quest and I dunno if you're going to want to put that in your game or not.
But I don't want to just come up with ideas with my own OCs. If anyone else wants me to try coming up with a sidequest for their OC to possibly be in Ama's game, note me and I'll see what I can do. ^_^ No guarantees they'll all be included, though.
Amaroq Great warrior
Posts : 470 Join date : 2008-07-19 Age : 36
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Sat May 31, 2014 7:13 am
Progress on my game is going slowly. Ive made a pause from development for the last 2 weeks because I dont want to overload myself with work, as this is still a 1-man production. However, the first act is almost done. I decided against posting some kind of demo version, because several game developers came to the observation that a demo will in fact lower the people's interest in the finished game, which is something I want to avoid. Which is bad for you, since you dont get to play it until its done, but good for everyone incuding me since you dont loose interest before the game is even done. ^^'
Also, I would like to do some advertisement at this point, something which I usually never do, but this seems like something WORTH spreading the word. It's for those who are interested in creating games themselves but dont want to afford the usually expensive RPG maker, everyone else can simply stop reading here.
You can currently purchase RPG Maker VX ace, the program I am using, as well as the older Version RPG Maker VX, plus a ton of DLCs on this week's Humble Bundle for the ridiculous price of 1 dollar instead of the usual 100 or something dollars. Getting the older VX costs a minimum of 6 dollars, just to be warned. For those who are unfamiliar with humble bundle, it's basically a charity organisation that sells bundles of games for Steam, where you can determine how much money you want to pay to the developers (minimum is 1 dollar i think, i never tried to get the stuff for free). I'm not going to post a link to their shop, but you can just search for "humble weekly bundle" on Google or the search engine of your choice. This offer lasts for another 4 or 5 days or so.
Amaroq Great warrior
Posts : 470 Join date : 2008-07-19 Age : 36
Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate! Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:34 am
News Update The bad news: because I got fed up with some stuff that didn't work like I wanted, I deleted about 80% of my database yesterday, having to start from scratch regarding Stats, Equipment, Enemies, enemy placement within the map and so on.
The good news: I did that on purpose. I have now written an external Database in Excel that contains all values and information of the maingame in order to aid me in balancing the game. I really wonder why this is not some kind of default for the original RPG maker, because having such a database helps A LOT. Took me like 15 hours to set up though... But it sure will help in balancing the game. Because with each about 200 Weapons and 200 Pieces of Armor, a dozen characters and more than 100 enemies, things get tough.
For those who are interested in my database program, I will upload it at a later date when it's more polished. The idea is to build a tool that allows me to perfectly balance (or imbalance if so desired) every item and enemy for any given Equipment and/or stat combination and see how it'll fare before I begin to playtest. While this does not make playtesting redundant, it will help out with a lot of the "Trial and error" stuff that always goes with balancing as I at least get a somewhat reliable estimation of the output instead of having to set values randomly until I think they fit somehow.
So far it processes initiative order, attacks and spells with variable damage (I can set it to basic attacks or manually insert values for Skills / spells), expected damage results including approximate number of hits to defeat an enemy. It also tells me in dozends of tables which character has what kind of stats at wich point of the game, all necessary stats for equipment, gold efficiency of items, Stats of Character and Equipment combined and some more minor things, such as output in dynamic Diagrams and Numbers (Sometimes a diagram tells more than just a mere value)
As you can see, I put a lot of effort into balancing the game now. :3
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Subject: Re: Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate!
Creating a Felarya Videogame. YOU can participate!