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 Ilceren's Characters

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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 20, 2012 5:12 am

Copyneko's physical appearance partly with the chimera part, made me think about, Zelgadis from slayers, despite her being a out of ordinary neko.

kinda like this character for being something unexpected.
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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 7:46 am

New character. This one took quite a bit to make, having to redo him over two times. I'd appreciate some critique on him.

Name: Elçim Çadormoç
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 30 [appearance: early twenties]
Height: 6 feet, 4 inches (1.93m)
Weight: 143 pounds (65Kg)
Hair Colour: (S) Very dark brown, almost black
Eye Colour: Green, slightly dark, with some brown spots.
Clothing preference: Dressed.

Elçim is a human that found himself into Felarya at a young age and was lucky to be adopted by an adventurer party. He went through many adventures and hardships, and eventually grew to be a fine, clear-minded man that knew how to survive in this world.

He has utmost belief in himself and his abilities, though he isn't a warrior or a mage, and this confidence is what makes him carry on even before great dangers. This stems from the time he spent in the Academy of Sentinels, where he learned to know himself and his limits.

In fact, that wasn't the only thing he got from his stay at the Academy. Just as it was rumoured, the teaching method awakened a psychic ability in him a few months after his fourth year, and he spent three more years there learning to use and control it, while further developing his self-knowledge.

This psychic ability makes him able to see "intention" as some kind of coloured mist around a sentient being, normally shapeless. With the correct interpretation and quick thinking, he is able to see his way through a conversation or to better predict when and where an enemy will attack. The ability may be powerful, but it still has its weak points. As it uses vision, it's useless against surprise attacks and is blocked by solid objects, even if they are transparent. Which means that blindfolding him will also render him unable to use it. On the other hand, it enables him to see invisible or camouflaged beings as long as they are within his vision.

Aside from that, Elçim is just a confident and knowledgeable human whose only proficiency is in stealth. Once caught, his only way to salvation is trying to talk the other party out of it. He also has a fairly good resistance to mind-based magic, due to his absolute self-knowledge.

Regarding personality, Elçim is introverted and unlikely to start a conversation. However, if he likes the first impression of the other person, he is polite enough to follow with the conversation once started. When you get to know him, he's very kind-hearted and would try to help however he can when he hears that something bothers you. On the other hand, he also tells you right away that he's no knight and he won't save you if you get caught by a giant predator, nor he expects it from you either.

He always wears the same overcoat, made of impermeable-looking dark green fibre and ridden with pockets of all sizes, even on the sleeves. It also has some kind of hollow reinforcement (think of a broad sword sheath) in the back that he uses to carry tools such as a hammer, an axe or a spade. This overcoat serves him both as a way to carry all the things he needs to, tying extra bags to the outside, and as a help when camouflaging in the jungle, as long as the surrounding plants are also green, of course.

Elçim is an off-worlder. He came to Felarya through a portal by his own will, if you can call that to a teen's whim. His original planet was a science-based one, with machines raging from those steam or hydric powered to prototypes of anti-gravity based ones. Accustomed to such an environment where the most trees you see together are those in a park, when he appeared in the middle of a jungle he had quite a shock, and an even greater one when he couldn't go back where he came from. With the help of the holobooks he liked to read and knew almost by heart, he managed to survive his first night. Well, that and the help of certain albino twins who took a liking to that 13-year-old weirdo that tried to do what Felaryan common sense dictated that it wasn't to be done at all costs.

On his second day he learned the absolute first rule of this world for him: Don't be seen. He was chased by a nasty critter for a while, but fortunately his screams for help motioned an adventurer party that saved him and took him in. Over the course of time, he was taught how to survive in Felarya and eventually became a full-fledged part of the group in less than three years, acting as a scout.

Elçim fit into the group quite well. After having seen Negav and Nekomura, he was sure he wished to stay with them. However, Felarya wasn't a world fit for wishes. Around six years after his arrival, the group's luck couldn't keep up with their activities. On an uneventful day with a dim sky and slightly hot weather, their senses were dulled. A slight rain prompted them to enter a cave where a succubus was, without taking the usual precautions, and only he lived because of a coincidence.

After that, he spent some time in one of the group's hidden huts, cursing this world. But he eventually made up his mind and carried on, his morals changing fast. In the end, he settled in the Motamo Docks, in part because he disliked Negav and also because he wanted to force himself to accept this world as it was, by living door to door with human-sized versions of the predators. As time passed, he found himself being more at ease with them than with other humans, finding their logic simpler and their characters more easy-going.

Elçim accepted any job and did mostly anything he could to get some money earned without going too far from the Isolon Eye; recollection, hunting, delivering messages, working as a scout, even spying or gathering equipment left behind by deceased adventurers. He met all kinds of people, both good and bad, and rejected jobs that were imposed onto him, gaining a few enemies.

His situation got worse and worse, he didn't know what to do anymore, nor who he was. Then he heard about a place, and headed there without a second of doubt. Leaving word he was to venture into the jungle to his neigbours, and trusting them with a good part of his savings so they could keep his home, Elçim left for the Academy of Sentinels, promising to return one day.

He managed to get to the Academy after a several weeks wandering about the Mist Ocean. Barely alive, but ultimately in one piece, his heated meeting with the person in charge made him be admitted almost at once. He spent seven years and a few months in there, and came out being a new person.

When he got back to the Motamo Docks, he was surprised to find his home still there, and still in his property much after the money he left would have run out. Only one of his neighbours kept her faith and believed he would be back some day, spending her own hard-earned money into the taxes to keep his home. Elçim became deeply indebted to her, both monetarily and mentally, and would instantly set himself to do whatever she asked him for, generally ingredients for her characteristic cuisine and her experiments.

Last edited by Ilceren on Wed May 13, 2015 1:53 am; edited 6 times in total
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Eternal Optimist
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Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2012 11:06 am

Sounds like another well-thought-out character from Ilceren to me. ^_^ There is one small thing that confuses me, though; when you say "It also has some kind of hollow reinforcement in the back", how should I imagine that? Like a backback built right into the coat?
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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 30, 2012 5:34 am

That reinforcement is like a hollow wood plank, thick enough for him to insert some tools inside. It's about 3/4 the breadth of his back so it doesn't hinder his arm movement, and goes up to the height of his shoulders, leaving his neck free too. Look at it like the reinforcement those hiking backpacks have, but attached to the overcoat instead of the pack. It's thin enough for him to carry a backpack, in fact, but he has so many pockets that he normally doesn't need to.

So, to envision it, it's an overcoat with lots of pockets and a wood plank stuck to the back (or more like built into it). All of it is dark green and it usually has brown bags of varying sizes tied to different parts of it so they don't hinder movement.

Also, thanks for reading ^^

Edit: As I was inquired about it later, here's a better explanation. Think about it as a pretty broad sword sheath, with a hole wide enough to fit a spade or an axe.

Last edited by Ilceren on Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:50 am; edited 3 times in total
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Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2012 3:16 pm

What's a backback?
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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2012 3:20 pm

parameciumkid wrote:
What's a backback?
Uh, such a silly mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2012 3:58 pm

parameciumkid wrote:
What's a backback?

*Face Palms*
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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 03, 2012 10:02 am

Merku wrote:
parameciumkid wrote:
What's a backback?

*Face Palms*
Man, that was his way of making a joke.
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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 03, 2012 5:11 pm

This conversation is making me lol. Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Ilceren's Characters   Ilceren's Characters - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2015 5:37 pm

Been long since I last posted a character. Here's a new one. Might post some of my other well-known character's bios... sometime. Not today XD

Name: Sira
Species: Weaver Dridder
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Height: 93 feet
Hair colour: (M) Shades of black, grey and brown making a rock-like pattern
Eye colour: Hazelnut
Predation: Specialized for bigger sizes, opportunistic for smaller
Size category: From 3 feet up to 120. At 46 feet or bigger, they must be capable of flight for her to be interested
Clothing preference: Topless

Sira is a young Weaver Dridder who has recently installed herself in the Ascarlin Mountains a few years ago. Looking like the odd hermit, her interactions with other sapient beings are mostly restricted to hunting for food. If one happens to find her soon after she has had a meal, though, she may tolerate them if they're not too disturbing. But in the majority of cases she would just pass by unnoticed.

Her silent walks take her all around the mountain and into the tunnels, placing uncanny Dridder traps where she finds appropriate. In contrast to her normally calm demeanour, she would go out of her way to place traps on harpy nests or to trap any kind of flying creature, finding secret joy and pride in being able to take down a flying target.

Physically, she's somewhat skinny, except when she's just eaten, and her spider body looks thin and fragile, the legs even going to the extent of being partially translucent. This appearance is further enhanced by her innate deformity, her backmost pair of legs developing incorrectly, so now her first joint bends the wrong way and consequently, her legs go up and forward, like a scorpion tail.

This doesn't pose a disadvantage to her, however, as she has learned to live like that and even give a use to them in ways no other Dridders can imitate. She has enough control of them to use them as extra arms, enabling her to grab or handle things out of her natural reach, and she has even developed a unique fighting style taking them into account.

Being a Weaver, a trap expert and a hermit, her patience is understandably inhuman. Not only that, but she also practices the mind problems and games the Sphinx race uses to improve their patience, being influenced by her one and only friend Periam, who is able to compete with her in terms serenity.

Periam visits her from time to time, often to just chat with her or keep her updated, but it's not like she needs that last thing. He does it anyway. On certain occasions, though, the reason for his visit is different; he comes because of her divination skills.

Sira possesses an unusual skill she first discovered when she left the Dridder Forest. It's actually a common ability among her kind, but she has particularly honed her senses in order to not just feel the air using the hairs around her body, but to be able to "read" it as if it were a book telling her of faraway places and events. She uses carefully crafted threads to increase her sensing accuracy and attaches thread balloons and certain metallic objects to those threads before letting them flow in the wind. She likes to call her art "Wind reading", and she can use it extend her senses to the farthest lands of the world, no matter how unstable.

Sira was born in the heart of the Dridder Forest, along with many brothers and sisters, into a small warrior tribe of the woodlands, like many others after the disintegration of the Dridder Kingdom. Her malformation was evident from the first moment, her backmost pair of legs standing bent down and backwards, and she was considered ill and weak since then. Only her father, also considered a weakling, took interest on her, and his reassurement and kind words quickly lead to a strong bond between them. He taught her how to correct her stance and walk on her six good legs, how to take advantage of her deformity to walk on a web in a way no other Dridder could, and offered her a refuge from her brothers' and sisters' pranks.

She had a hard time in the tribe as well, and while she was being taught like any other Dridder, she was constantly looked down upon. In web spinning, she was constantly scolded even if she did things right, in combat training, she was always used to demonstrate lack of mobility and evasion. She got fed up and foolishly prepared a trap not even a Dridder could escape, catching one of her teachers inside until the Guard figured out how to cut the restraints, an incident that would result in a public beat-up and being refused to be taught any more. When she got back home, however, his father was full of praise and gently tended to her wounds.

From then on, Sira found out that spending the whole day alone with no friends and no things lo learn was utterly boring. She started trying to improve her skills at making traps and fighting, with little success in the latter part. She still had the handicap of her slower movement and delicate balance, and couldn't overcome it to emulate the aggressive attacks that were taught to her in class.

Her father soon took notice of this and started tutoring her on fighting skills, showing her the secrets of lance and shield. It was then that Sira understood why her father was considered weak; her tribe always placed the most value on attack and evasion, while defence was looked down upon. It was fairly common to be taught dual-wielding skills, and the use of shields was shunned since it took away a hand that could perfectly be used for attacking. She was still considered weak because of her malformation anyway, so she gladly embraced the fighting style her father taught her.

Little more than a year later, Sira left her tribe. She had nothing that tied her to it anymore, her father having been devoured by her mother after one mating instance, and the few who didn't look down upon her being quite neutral in her treatment as of late. She felt it was time to leave, and so did she, heading north. She was barely fifteen, but her skills were already developed to the point she could survive on her own, and she ended up installing herself in the Ascarlin mountains. She had a growing interest in the flying prey that lived in that same area, as well as... something else.

Ever since she left the forest and started climbing the mountainside, she felt something was different. The wind, mostly absent in her home area, blew past her, and the little hairs all over her spider body came alive with a tingling, but clear sensation. It was just nice at first, but then it turned into something more as she became used to the feeling. It was as if her limited vision widened, allowing her to see far beyond her usual range. She could sense the Harpies flying up against the sun, the vibration of an active city, populated by beings smaller than her hand, the slight tremble of footsteps in the caves underneath her legs, so many things she didn't or couldn't know just from sight or smell alone.

She spent the following years just perfecting her skills. Her life was solitary anyway, having taken with her nothing but a few tools and weapons from home, and led the life of a hermit in the mountain, all her efforts dedicated to improving. Her loneliness ended, however, as she found a certain bird caught in her net... Periam the Sphynx.

(Edit: Karbo has kindly sketched this important scene in Sira's life, you guys can see it over at his DA.)
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