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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2014 6:50 pm

(Are you sure? That'd make a lot of Para's posts interactions between two characters she controls. Might get kinda boring for him. o.o)
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2014 1:48 pm

(Hmm good point, I'll ask Nyaha! Probably PM later if I get a chance. Also note I'm in a rush so I'm just going to leave your "Post Tags" on which I use to indetify you combined posts when I'm editing my own posts.)

Azella lobserved Gildor's hand on his weapon even though her eyes didn't seem to shift. "There is no need to draw your primative blade, I am only a holographic projection of Hardened Light." At that Richard blinked. "Hard Light? Never heard of it." He said with as much politeness as he coudl muster under the the circumstances. She giggled, a crystaline sound to their ears. "Many worlds we have explored have not as well, Lord Grande and Lord Gildor. As for why we've contacted you...We noticed you have managed to damage one of our matience drones not to mention find our concealed D-Mirror." She said looking them with those unchanging eyes and polite smile.

Dargo was about to debate licking  Jenna a little more when he heard a thud behind him a mumbled 'good...boy' He turned around  and ingnored the terrified tomthumb as he stared at Taihaku's limp form he whined at her. She didn't respond that he could tell so he walked over and nuzzled her face licking her and pushing on her head hopping she wansn't...no! She couldn't be gone yet. She had to live if not for him then for his master. Richard was a brilliant man but he had too many enemies to lose even one of his party before their task was finished....Plus Dargo really liked the cat woman with the spotted ears. She was the kindest soul he'd ever met. He stopped nuzzling a moment and saw Jenna walking toward Taihaku. Perhaps she coudl help? He asked her as best he could in Snauwhat "Gruff! Bowwoofoaargh!" He barked at her.

--- Back with Kira ---

Goldasia gasped as the Kira nearly foolishly smashed open the jar of Myst Ember. "Gyaah! Are you insane?! Do you know how hard it is to get Myst Embers? It can't be harvested for another seventy years and the accursed source of them is multi-dimensional." She crossed her arms and looked at Kira evenly. "Not to mention it's the key ingredient in the potion you're trying to make." She sighed and leapt over the counter with ease and gathering a few supplies. "Mmghr...That may be enough." She said putting them on her carrying belt then looking at Kira with eyes blazing with sunfire. "Now lead me to your alchemic contraptions and we'll see IF I can help you." She awaited the neko's action, hopping she'd be rather swift. She didn't really want to venture outside the shop but she was pretty sure she'd left the parking break on this time so it should stay in t he same place...in theory.

Atlanta wanted to kill Persephone. Digestion was too good for her! Gyah didn't she realize how embarassing and untrue all that stuff she was saying was?? Turgan meanwhile smiled a bit toothy and did note seeing Persephone covered in pod maw nectar. He put a finger to his chin as many possibilities floated to his mind. Alas if only he had not spoken them aloud. "So you two are how do they say on Earth Land ....'Kiny'? Or are you a deviant like your friend two, Persephone, huh?" He said flashing his white teeth and looking both gals over many 'kinky' ideas the  three of them could participate in.

Last edited by jedi-explorer on Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2014 5:34 pm

(1. What are these? o.o It seems like a pretty compleye post. What am I, or are we, supposed to do with this?

2. You must have misread my last post. "Kira looked at the jar of dust (I guess? You never really told me what it was Goldasia gave Kira) in her hand, then grunted and slammed it against the counter. Not enough to break it, just to get Goldasia's attention." ^^;
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2014 8:19 pm

((Well... that's reply enough for me.))

Jenna froze as the huge dragon began… trying to wake Taihaku up. It was on their side? Or… at least, on the big folks’ side? She grew hopefully, carefully approaching Dargo… and froze again as it turned toward her, focusing on the teeny tiny Tomthumb. Jenna gulped as she stared back at the huge draconic puppy, whimpering a little bit. She full-on yelped, leaping several inches into the air as it began roaring at her, the raw volume of sound knocking her back. The tiny alchemist curled up into a protective ball, more than a little done with this monstrosity. Please just kill me already… She thought, pleadingly.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2014 9:20 pm

Nyaha wrote:
(1. What are these? o.o It seems like a pretty compleye post. What am I, or are we, supposed to do with this?

2. You must have misread my last post. "Kira looked at the jar of dust (I guess? You never really told me what it was Goldasia gave Kira) in her hand, then grunted and slammed it against the counter. Not enough to break it, just to get Goldasia's attention." ^^;

(Okay let me reiterate the rules of taking over for me: You can only take over for me if I don't post within two days. IE: If I do? We'll just post around the actions I post there. If I fail to post in two days then I have to work around your posts. Pretty simple to follow I think. Now as for what you're doing? Yeah I suppose I did type that up too hastily and didn't read over every detail. ^^; Let me just subject the breaking of the glass but pretty much the action will be the same: Goldasia will want Kira to take her to her home and show her her equipment...*He tried to say with a straight face but couldn't. @Balth: Wooot! First new post in forever! Thank you!! And it was oh so Jenna cute! X3 I love her. She makes me laugh everytime with her timidity.)
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2014 7:34 am

((>_<; I don't know if I can keep track of the length between posts and whether or not I should post for you AND everything else I'm involved in. I'm sorry, but that's just too much for my brain to handle. Either I substitute completely for you for a period of time, or we forget about it since you seem able to post well enough, even if it is sparse (since when hasn't it been?). As for Goldasia, you're saying her getting mad at the jar being broken doesn't happen, but she still wants Kira to show her to her house? I can work with that. Guess I might as well post now.))

"That's what I was asking for," Kira said, the irritation heavy in her voice. She quickly turned and headed out of the shop, leaving the jar of "Myst Ember" on the counter. She opened the door and headed out, not waiting up for Goldasia.

As Dargo attempted to communicate with the fearful tomthumb, the sleeping Taihaku suddenly stirred. She let out a sharp gasp in her sleep, followed by haggard, shivering breathing. If Dargo looked her over, he'd see that she was wearing only her tight muscle shirt, and had chunks of ice on her back and her shoulders, and it was taking its sweet time to melt.
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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2014 10:30 am

(@_@ So we're starting again? Yay =D I liked this rp...e-even though I kinda lost track of it. =< I'll be able to post my reply soon)
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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2014 11:52 am

oop, I made her angry ^^;

Persephone leaned over and pretended to kiss Atlanta's cheek, covertly whispering in her ear: "Just go with it for now, you almost blew our cover!"
And to Turgan she explained: "Well, uh, to be honest she's a little shy about that stuff" - with any luck Atlanta's blushing would support her argument - "and doesn't like talking about it in public." Attempting to change the subject, she pressed Turgan on what she found a much more interesting matter.
"'Earth Land' you say? Have you been there? Can you tell me anything about it?"
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Location : Someplace north Tonorian Hive, south of the Chordoni Waterfall, east of the Kuwuni bridge, and west of the Lataran Temple

A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2014 1:07 am

"Matience drone? You mean the thing that tried to kill us? That seemed more like a weapon then something that conducts matience." Gildor removed his hand from the hilt of his blade. "And what do you mean by D-Mirror? You mean the closet door I opened?" The Elf frowned. "Well, if we are intruding in a forbidden I do apologize."
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2014 5:20 pm

(Merry Late Christmas everyone! I managed to actually reply to ALL of your posts and I'm just going to submit instead of making you wait while I pick through for a third time looking for errors)

Atlanta flushed. She couldn't believe she had done something so stupid. Of course Persephone was looking out for her. She was like the big sister she never really had since most of her family pack had been competitive and her sister was always the worst. Taking prey, pulling better pranks and even attracting a mate sooner than Atlanta had...Okay well she hadn't actually attracted one but she was working on it, alright?! She hoped she'd get there anyway. She supposed this Turgan might make an okay mate...Though he did seem kinda of dumb, but pretty at least. She listened as he described "Earth Land"

Turgan grinned flashing his fangs to Persephone. "Ah but of course I can tell you about Earthland! It is a mundane little world with people dwelling in caves of stone! The world is ruled not by humanoids you see but giant lizards! Huge fire breathing, and sometimes ice, scaly things with two legs and skinny little arms." *He said making dramatic gestures left and right exposing himself to them more than a few times and now both could see he was...average.

The alien woman laughed at Gildor's comments. "Our Matience Drones have to be well armed just in case we connect to a world that is...hostile." She said with a frown on her face, but her eyes didn't change at all, reflective and unblinking. "A D-Mirror is a Dimension Portal only artificially created using advanced pseudo magic." She said matter of factly. "The "closet" you saw was a basic simulated glamor." She stated calmly. "As for why we're currently in this realm let us say we're....evaluating." Richard raised an eyebrow. "..It's Potential in a war stratagem?" The alien woman laughed in her fluttig way. "Conquer a impossible to chart dimension? Why? It'd be a waste of military resources. We're more interested in

-Balth/ Nyaha-
Dargo watched Jenna cower in puzzlement. What was wrong with the small human? Surely she didn't think he'd eat her. He winced with the thought and decided to cheer her up the only way a Snauwhat can...with a big slobbery lick! He opened his mouth gave her a little lick then winced and started to convulse comically before falling down with his eyes rolling. "Urrrrwooo...' He whined. She tasted horrible! Ugh! How could anyone want to eat people like her?? As he was trying to shake that feeling away he saw Taihaku...stir? His tail wagged and suddenly he noticed she was slowly rousing and did what any Snauwhat would do: He run up and licked her in the face over and over murmuring affections to her....Then suddenly he was murmuring yelp of surprise when his tongue stuck to her cold body! 'Ah! Ah! Cooold! Cooooooold' He thought adding a physical howl of pain as his tongue was stuck fast.

Goldasia shook her head. Kira could be so stuborn...but cute. She gathered up the the left jar of Myst Ember on the counter and put it between her breasts and gestured to Chu-Li. "Watch the store. I'll be back." She said departing and following Kira to her home hopping her alchemic tools were as a good as those in the shop,but knowing she had little choice. Digging out her set would take days likely since the shop was a variable construct, meaning each room was in fact a pocket dimension within another pocket dimension. It made storing thing easy! But locating them? Well that was another mater. Goldasia also couldn't help giving Kira's bum an appraising glance and grinning. "Sorry to have patronized you back at the shop, but I have to make sure I'm doing this right. See this 'cold' your giantess has? I supect it may in fact be a rare disease that only affects giants known Gnimortitus. It acts like a cold...but is in fact deadly if not treated quickly. Hence why I diverted my shop here instead of landing in Negav or some boondock part of Felarya where I could make Gunther eat his heart out." She said chucking averting her eyes from Kira's perky bottom reluctantly.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2014 8:32 pm

(It's a Christmas miracle! ^_^ But seriously, if proofreading your posts is what takes you so long, why not let me do it? I'm great at English and at remembering the events of the RP. You know the plot, though, which is why I don't feel comfortable posting in your place. You write out the rough posts, I'll check them for errors, send my results back to you and we can get things moving faster. ^_^)

Taihaku was surprised awake, very barely, by the feeling of wetness on her face. Her eyes opened barely, almost unnoticeably as her long lashes would conceal her eyes from view. She saw Dargo right next to her face. He appeared to be stuck. Using what power she had in her fatigued state, she shattered the ice bonding his tongue to her skin, freeing him.

"D-D-D-Darg...C-c-c-coat...M-my..." she stuttered out in a low whisper as she continued shivering. The temperature of her entire body was dropping rapidly from the ice on her body. If she wasn't warmed soon, she would begin to suffer hypothermia.


Kira didn't notice the sphinx ogling her rear. She was too focused on her task. She did, however, look over her shoulder at Goldasia, but only to glare furiously.

"If you knew about her condition, why were you dicking me around?!!" she roared, not stopping her hurried stride for a moment. "If she's really in as much danger as you say, there's no time to play games!"

The neko quickened her pace into a light jog, her boots colmping heavily each time they hit the ground. As they approached her house at the edge of the town, Goldasia would immediately see what looked like a fifteen feet-tall cauldron made of metal plating sitting out in front, as well as several carts full of specific alchemic and medicinal equipment. There were stairs leading up to the wide lip of the cauldron on one side, and a pulley lift on the other.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2014 11:19 pm

And then the huge dragon approached Jenna with it’s gigantic, slobbery tongue sticking out of it’s slackened maw. She curled up tighter, not even screaming as she screwed her eyes shut. This is the end. She decided, bracing for the entry into the monster’s… monstrous maw. She could feel it’s hot breath already, and she dared to open one eye just a peep. A humongous tongue swept down to greet her, and gathered her up-

Wait, it just… licked her. Oh no, not a slow death! Not like-

Jenna paused when she heard/felt the displaced air and vibrations in the ground as the dragon suddenly backed away, falling over and whining. She blinked at that, shivering a bit as a breeze chilled the saliva coating her body, now. It… didn’t like how she tasted? Or maybe it was just trying to say it wasn’t going to eat her. Either way, it made the tomthumb feel a little better, and she slowly began to uncurl. In fact, she began to get to her feet, even as the dragon turned his attention to the slumbering neko. On that note, Jenna had almost forgotten Taihaku in her fear. Then again, now that the dragon was uninterested in her, it was the neko’s turn to be the target of the tomthumb’s-

Wait, no. When Jenna had joined the neko’s group, she hadn’t been very interested, either. Probably because the others were watching… but she had gone to the neko’s help. And even being watched by others, nekos didn’t usually care whether they ate tinies or not - that was something Jenna had experienced first-hand, unfortunately… either way, the tiny alchemist cautiously followed the more-or-less not-hungry-for-tinies dragon as he got his tongue frozen to Taihaku’s body….

And she un-froze it.

The tomthumb practically squeaked in surprise at that, jumping back a few inches and looking up at the neko’s face. She… was asking for a coat. And she was freezing solid! Jenna’s eyes widened, and she looked around. Coat, coat, coat… where is it?! She thought, not bothering to think about how she was suddenly concerned for a neko, of all sentient beings. In the time she spent not thinking about that, she finally spotted a big, coat-like lump near where Taihaku had been attacked. Chewing her lip, she glanced at the huge dragon, then back at the lump. Finally urging herself forward, she gripped an anti-digestive potion as she began to climb up the dragon’s leg, quickly making her way onto it’s back.

“O-over there!” She offered, pointing in the direction of the coat. “Uh… g-good boy!” She added, just in case. And she hoped desperately it wouldn’t lick her, again.
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A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Grande Adventure   A Grande Adventure - Page 37 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2014 10:50 pm

I, uh, don't know what to do here. So he's average. I'll let him finish, but can we have some kind of event happening over here please? So I don't have to just get up and walk out?
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