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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Theorem's ideas   Theorem's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 8:29 am

Hello everybody !
It's my first real post here Smile
Well, I'm a huge fan of vore, and in particular the fact of being eaten. So I decided to post something about that.

First : I'm sorry but sometimes, my english is bad. If someone wants to correct me, you are welcom Smile

I got many ideas. I wanted to put them on the forum and get advices/critics about them.

- The Crocuta tribe -

Location : Sandfall Maze

Race : Haiena (Neko mean Cat, Haiena mean Hyena, then you know who they are now : humans with tails and ears of a hyena)

Population : Unknown, but near of 200 thousands.

Organisation : Matriarchal. The eldest and strongest woman lead the tribe.

Description :
Le Crocuta tribe live in the desolation land of the Sandfall Maze. They use a weblink of caves inhabited and made confortable. They live in small groups and each groups can join another by the galleries. In the middle of this complexe labyrinth underground live the Matriarch, the queen of the tribe. All chiefs of group must submit to her authority. She act as leader and leave the religious aspect at the oracle who always wait around.

The Crocuta Tribe believe in reborn as giantess. Every babies born after three weeks are observed by the Oracle. Judging by the size, the health and beauty of the baby, she decide of their destiny. Once the Oracle make her choice, she tattoo the Bite Mark on the thorax of the baby. This mark make you something special. You are then raised into luxury, making sport each days, receiving the best education and are usually treated as half gods. Why ? Because your destiny is to be eaten, man ! The bearer of the bite mark is trained in the only way of being the best meal a Felaryan predator will ever taste. Of course, bearer of the mark are rare, one every hundred babies. There is a long process around thoses persons... We will describe that later.

If you are not a bearer of the mark, you will only be lucky if you are a girl. Men are slaves, they have no rights. Women are stronger, smarter and taller. If men are disagree with that, they are simply ejected of the tribe and must survive without any equipement. If you make rebellion, you will be severly beaten and punished (usually by having your toes cut). Women have also the hability of being hermaphrodits, meaning they only need men for work, work that they can do themselves and quicker... But women of the Crocuta Tribe are lazy. Young girls are known for beating men only for pleasure. Young boys and girls can both be selected for the Bite Mark.

When the bearers are 17 years old, it's time for completing your duty. In fact, they believe that if a predator eat them, in the most unbearable end, they will reborn as giant haiena in the Sandfall Maze. Well, it's not half fake. There is, indeed, giant haiena, named Ghouls. Ghouls are rare and the size change in fonction of the person. The well known is Gula, the elder ghoul. Ghouls are indeed reborn haiena. But, it's extremly hard to become one. The predator that eats you must be a giant woman, and must eat you slowly after playing with you. It's said that the longest you survive in here stomach, the bigger you'll reborn. It's said that, sometimes, bearers that are eaten will reborn bigger than the actual predator who eat them... and eat her in vengeance !

Little is known about the magic occuring. Ghouls and protector of the Crocuta Tribe, but they usually go out for discovering the world more safetly. Ghouls are also specials. They do not have sexual genders at all. They also have small breast and are particularly sensible of the mouth (meaning : They only have pleasure there). Ghouls are then not woman nor man anymore. Ghoul's sex are the same as a Barbie Puppet. But, they are extremly voracious ! Ghouls can eat about half a dozen humans by meals. When starving, they can eat almost 20 people ! When preparing to eat, Ghouls are known for their laugh like if they was making fun of you.

There is a best description of the race :
Haiena of the Crocuta Tribe are very feminine in aspect. There skins are pale or tane, depending of the time they spend outside. There ears and tails are covered by brown furrs, wearing spots or stripes.
They usually wear skin of other animals as clothes, like leather. There main meal is flesh, and... they are fond of ariformids. When becoming Ghouls, they keep memories of what they was. Like many of there kind loose during the Bite Mark Quest for a good predator (and you must keep faith in your reborn if you want it to work), there is a little number of ghouls, making them rare and hard to find. But... when you find one, the Ghouls will most likely eat you ! You must suffer to become a Ghoul, and when you reborn after suffering this amount of pain... you simply want to eat life... and others Smile

(More will comes. Thank you for reading me and do not hesitate to correct me or add something interesting ^_^ )

Last edited by Theorem on Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:46 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Theorem's ideas   Theorem's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 10:18 am

On what terms are they with the Scorching Claws tribe that dominates that region?
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: Theorem's ideas   Theorem's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 11:10 am

It's a very interesting sort of idea, I suppose. The idea of being reborn as giants is intriguing. Also, I noticed that it was a female/hermaphrodite-dominated society; I think you read about This. ^_^ Though the fact that a haiena can remember their previous life after being reincarnated into a giant strikes me as somewhat odd.
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Theorem's ideas   Theorem's ideas Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 11:40 am

Thank you for posting comments ^^

Jasconius > I suppose they don't have familiarities with them. Haiena are pretty shy and do not go out far from the caves. I'm pretty sure the only Haiena you might found are the bearers of the Bite Mark. I guess the Scorching Claws tribe and the Crocuta tribe stay on their sides and when they meet, it's only for market and exchanges, but they do not meet often.

Nyaha > I'm fascinated by hyenas. They are so special Smile When becoming a ghul, they keep memorises but, it's a bit fuzzy and it's more about there last gender and death. That's why they enjoy life now as giants.
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