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 Toa's story

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Helpless prey

Posts : 17
Join date : 2012-10-28

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PostSubject: Toa's story   Toa's story Icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 11:15 pm

Toa’s Story

Chapter 1
The far north regions of Felarya of have been known to most as one of the most dangerous places to venture to. Almost entirely uncharted the desolate lands of the Imoreith Tundra are truly a hostile place. Aside from being extremely cold the acoustics are distorted making sounds that would be heard normally go almost no where or travel the desolate plains entirely. This makes anything anonymous to this fact easy prey.

“Toa, Toa” being nudged awake ever so gently by her mother’s prodding. Toa awoke with a small yawn slowly uncoiling herself.
“Mommy, I’m hungry” Toa said rubbing her belly.
“Alright sweetie but do stray too far from me ok?”

Toa nodded sheepishly, remembering the last time she wandered too far. She got into serious trouble and she was frightened greatly when a snow stalker appeared from behind a small hill and charged her. Being an Ice Wurm gave her an ability to dig underground and away from some larger danger. She was cornered in her small burrow trying to dig deeper away from the hungry stalker lurking above. She repeatedly tried desperately to pound through the rock and ice but her hatchling state wasn’t strong enough. Knowing her end was near listening to the hungry stalker trying to widen the burrow to snatch Toa.

“Mommy, I’m afraid please help” Toa spoke, tears in her eyes as she waited for her demise. She sat in quiet a sulk when suddenly she felt a pulse come from the rock behind her. Desperately she tried her best to match the pulse with the spines on her head, tears beginning to flow from her eyes. Her mother broke a hole big enough for Toa to crawl through. After letting Toa get to the protection of her armored shelled tail, she burst from the ground and ripped the Stalker to shreds.

Toa awoke from her sleep in a rush, realizing it was only a dream she laid back down in her burrow. Thinking of the times she spent with her mother before being sent into the lone wild by herself, wanting a friend she could speak to. Toa’s mother had always comforted her when she was afraid or not feeling well, but as Toa grew up the food could not sustain them both and Toa was pushed out on her own. Reaching a massive length of almost 300’ she was more than grown to handle herself.

Toa lived longer than most hatchlings of her family. All of the others had not hatched by the time Toa was out of her egg for 3 days. The eggs were left in the ice. Toa was told how big she would get if she was truly worthy of the ice plains. A fully grown Ice Wurm can grow to colossal sizes rivaling the Q1 tower in Australia on Earth. The very hills things travel over could be a fully grown Wurm. These would be even rarer to see than a leviathan mermaid.

Toa has always wondered if her mother could be that size. Emerging from her burrow long before the day light, she began to over puff her gas sacks on her neck. She stood in complete silence waiting for something to come to her. After almost an hour of remaining perfectly still she heard the small voices of humans in the distance. She started to move toward the human sounds, realizing that it was a large group Toa decided they would serve as food for the next week. Quietly she closed on the human encampment, scouting the area around the camp for tools they have and weapons they will try to use against her.
“Humans” Toa spoke almost silently. It was time to strike, Toa leap forward charging at a fast speed, diving towards the largest group of humans before they scatter.
Toa caused mass panic amongst the camp making it a free-for-all to escape. She spent no time in swallowing humans. Toa looked around the camp after eating as many humans as she could before the rest ran for the hills.
“These creatures are not native to this land… why do they migrate this way?”
Toa moved away from the camp knowing that other predators smaller than her were going to be lurking about looking for scraps leftover from her feast. Snuggling down in a small crater to rest and watch for anything that may pass by. Covering herself in as much snow as it took to blend in.

Toa awoke to the soft sounds of a small human crying; slowly moving towards her unknowing that she was there. Toa watched the child closely noticing the gender to be a boy. He was trying to wipe the tears from his eyes just falling to the ground. Toa had never felt the sadness of loss that this child had, knowing that she had caused it. If it had not been for her mother Toa wouldn’t had survived. Toa felt like she had to do the same for this child that had lost so much in a matter of minutes.
Suddenly a snow stalker had come over the clearing and spotted the child and started closing the distance. Toa waited for the moment it came close to her mouth and leapt at the stalker. The boy was crying in extreme fear watching Toa rip the stalker apart in front of him.
Toa turned to look at the boy who tried to run, but her tail rose to trap him within her tail. The boy turned around to face Toa’s face which was now hovering a distance away. The boy just fell on the ground crying waiting for his imminent doom, but it never came. Instead of being eaten, he was gently embraced in Toa’s arms.
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